OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, August 19, 1916, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1916-08-19/ed-1/seq-7/

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50 cents per ton in your fuel
NO. 5,' Rock Springs or Utah
nut coal.
$5.25 Per Ton
The perfect range and stove size
Federal Goal Co.
Phone Main 171 Office 160 Mai
the actuating motive for the ex
istence of this company for by
"service rendered" is our success
measured. We are doing every
thing in our power to make this
"SERVICE" as complete and
satisfactory as possible.
"Effioieat Public Serrioa"
Protection Against
, When you keep your valuables or
Important papers In an old fashioned
Bafe, yo uare afforded but little ac
tual protection.
On the other hand, iby renting one
of our Safe Deposit boxes, you secure
Immunity from fire, theft and every
other chance of loss.
The cost is nominal ?1.60 per
. 32 Main Street Sali Lake City
The Sinn Fein programme had for its .main
features the assertion of the existence of an Irish
Constitution, the denial of the legality of the
Union incorporating the Parliaments of Ireland
and England, the denial of the light of the Eng
lish Parliament to legislate for Ireland, the with
drawal of voluntary Irish support from the armed
forces of England, the advocacy of the establish
ment of a voluntary Legislature comprising rep
lesentatives of the existent Irish Councils and
Boards, agricultural, commercial and industrial in
terests, and the Irish members elected to the
English Parliament. The National Council laid
down, in addition to these sweeping establishment
and maintenance of an Irish consular system,
there ostablishment of an Irish mercantile ma
rine, the development of Irish Sea Fisheries and
Irish mineral resources, the control and manage
ment by an authority responsible to the Irish
people of the transit systems in Ireland, and the
creation of a National Civil Service comprising
the employes of all bodies responsible to the Irish
If there was any failure in the drafting of the
Sinn Fein proposals, that failure was not due to
want of scope, Colonel Lynch, M. P., points out
that while many of their schemes were excellent,
including propositions for reafforestation, arterial
drainage and reclamation of waste lands, to carry
them into effect would require the expenditure
of many millions of pounds. In addition to this,
the Congested Districts Board and other similar
bodies are now devoting considerable energy to
the promotion of such schemes in a sensible way,
For the carrying out of "their programme of com
plete legislative independence, the National Coun
cil only asked for the pathetic sum of 800 a
year; and so little confidence had their country
men in them or their projects that they did not
get if.
A salient feature of the Sinn Fein policy
against the neighboring country of England was a
boycott of all English imports and all English in
stitutions. No Irish Member was to go to West
minister, but Sinn Fein was to have a self-constituted
National Council in Dublin under the con
trol of which a National Stock Exchange was to be
established and National Arbitration Courts for
med. The Irish Consuls at Foreign Ports, who
were, of course, to be quite independent of the
resident British Consuls, were to attend to the
interests and the development of Irish trade. The
fact that Ireland had not a single boat" for a mer
chant marine was a detail beneath the lofty and
godlike notice of the National Council.
Sinn Fein, therefore, began as a Passive Re
sistence movement, and, failing to effect any
thing, gradually developed into a physically miliat
ant movement. The Sinn Fein Council started by
urging that Irishmen should pay no Income tax,
but Sinn Feiners" continued to pay it. The Sinn
Fein Council urged that all British institutions
should be banned, but the Sinn Feiners still in
flexibly continued to draw their salaries as mem
bers of the Civil Service. Their idea was to es
tablish native courts of law; but they themselves
appeared in at least one case as plaintiff and
defendant in a case in the Sassenach Four Courts;
and they generaly yielded on this point of trial by
what they termed a foreign judiciary. The Sinn
Fein Passive Resistence movement was a move
ment pour rire, and the exponents of Sinn Fein
were promptly condemned at the national court
of ridicule an unofficial but formidable judgment
bench by their own manifest Inconsistencies.
If however, the Sinn Feiners did not live logi
cally, they died superbly. One cannot fail to
have a generous measure of sympathy for real
Conscientious Objectors-'-whatever they object to
when they fall, rifio in hand, for a principle, or
suffer the last rigor of the law for a doctrine.
All an irreconcilable Moose can see in har
mony is the harm. Boston Transcript.
Saturday Afternoon H
Tea Dansant
at the H
Newhouse 1
Hotel 1
Sunday Evening gl
Dinner Concert II
A select musical programme is H
rendered during the dinner hour H
making the Sunday evening Din- H
ner De Luxe a feast of music as
well as of food. H
. - 1
u H
You will always be well served " H
at the Newhouse Hotel . H
1 i H
i H
Open All Night Telephone Warn. 304 H
New Building Modern Establishment h JM
48 State St. SALT LAKE CITY ' M
. M
BuJuio C. C. Goodwin 1 H
Cloth . . . $2.00 Half Leather . . . $5.00 H
The Rotisserie Inn fl
Something Dijjerent j H
323 South Main Street j H
and H
We make a special effort during hot H
weather to provide the most dainty M
and tempting dishes for those who v
breakfast, lunch or dine at M
The Rotisserie Inn x I
Shipments of sea. foods and other M
dainties from eastern and western M
markets every other day, and the best fl
to be had here. H
i i

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