OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, October 14, 1916, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1916-10-14/ed-1/seq-12/

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I 'v
Hfi Mrsv, Nowcom Before wq were
fj married you said that my slightest
jf' wlsli wuold be your law.
'j Mr. Newcom Exactly, my love;
m, I but you have so many vigorous and
l' well-developed wishes that I am as
Hli yet unable to decide as to which is
M j the slightest. Puck.
M Tom When you proposed to her I
H suppose she said, "This is so sud-
H den!"
m y Dick No; she was honest and said,
M I "This suspense has been terrible."
M Boston Transcript.
H Little Boy That lady that talked to
M me in the park gave me some candy.
B Mother I hope you were polite.
H Little Boy Yes, ma, I was.
H Mother What did you say?
H Little Boy I said I wished pa had
M ' met her before he got acqua.nted with
M you. San Francisco Chronicle.
M The principal grocer of a 3mall
H country town was chatting with sev-
M eral customers when a discussion
M t arose as to the wonderful sense of
H ,' touch that the blind have.
H I "Here comes old blind Henry Par-
H , kins now," said the grocer. "We'll
H test him."
M He took a scoopful of sugar and ex-
H tended it to the old man. "Feel this,
H Henry," he said, "and tell us what It
H The blind man put his hand In the
H scoop, passed its contents through
m his Angers, and said, in a firm, confl-
H dent tone1: "Sand." New York Tele-
H graph.
H A Long Island teacher was recount-
H ing the story of "Red Riding Hood."
M After describing the woods and the
H wild animals that flourished therein,
H i she added:
H ' "Suddenly Red Riding Hood heard a
Hj great noise. She turned abotft, and
m what do you suppose she saw stand-
H ing there, gazing at her and showing
H all its sharp, white teeth?"
m "Teddy Roosevelt!" volunteered one
M of the boys. San Francisco Chronicle.
H In the Third Judicial District Court
M of Salt Lake County, State of Utah.
M Lawrence B. Potter, plaintiff, vs.
Hj i Mable Potter, defendant. Summons.
M 1 The State of Utah, to the said (lefend-
H You are hereby summoned to ap-
M pear within twenvy days after the
Hj service of this summons upon you, if
B I served within the county in which
M ' this action is brought, otherwise, with-
!! in thirty days after service, and de
fend the above entitled action; and in
, case of your failure so to do, judgment
will be rendered against you according
to the demand of the complaint, which
M ' has been filed with the clerk of said
1 Court together with a copy thereof,
B i praying for a decree of divorce, more
B particularly set forth In said corn
el plaint.
M Attorney for Plaintiff.
1 , P. O. Address, 323 Kearns Building,
SaltLake Cit'y,'vUtah. 10-14-11-11
Cunapah Mining company, principal
place of business, Salt Lake City,
Notice is hereby given that at a
meeting of the directors held October
3, 1910, an Assessment No. 1 of one
cent per share was levied on all out
standing stock of said corporation,
payable immediately to G. W. Lynch,
secretary and treasurer at his office,
Room 407 Dooly block, Salt Lake City,
Utah, any stock upon which this as
sessment may remain unpaid on No
vember 8, 191G, will be delinquent and
advertised for sale at public auction
and unless payment is made before,
will be sold on November 25, 191G, to
pay the delinquent assessment to
gether with the cost of advertising
and expense of sale.
. G. W. LYNCH,
407 Dooly block, Salt Lake City,
Utah. 10-14-11-11
In the Third .'Judicial District Court
of Salt Lake County, State of Utah.
Susie Johnson, plaintiff, vs. Harry
H. Johnson, defendant. Summons.
The State of Utah, to the said De
fendant: You are hereby summoned to ap
pear -within twenty days after the
service of this summons upon you, If
served within the county in which this
action is brought, otherwise, within
thirty days after service, and defend
the above entitled action; and in case
of your failure so to do, judgment will
be rendered against you according to
the demand of the complaint, which
has been filed with the clerk of said
Court." ,
This acton is brought to dissolve
the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between you and
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. O. Address: 212 So. Main St.,
Salt Lake City, Utah. 10-14-11-11
In the Third Judicial District Court
of Salt Lake County, State of Utah.
Beulah Naylor, plaintiff, vs. James
B. Virtue, defendant. Summons.
The State of Utah, to the said De
fendant: i A
You are hereby summoned to ap- x
pear within twenty days after the
service of this summons upon you, if
served within the county in -which this
action is brought, otherwise, within
thirty days after service, and defend
the above entitled action; and in case
of your failure so to do, judgment will
be rendered against you according to
the demand of the complaint, which
has been filed with the clerk of said
This action is brought to recover a
judgment quieting plaintiff's title to
the land described in plaintiff's com
plaint. D. H. THOMAS, l
Attorney for Plaintiff. T
P. O. Address: 502 Mclntyro Bldg.,
Salt Lake City, Utah. 10-14-11-11
FwP te I JP WW 4Bk A WTPwWl
iy $&& Iw m W A WWJF I
if -W IJr IJAIJ-kC I
ImPqr' I This addition should appeal to those looking tor ex-
BaBlBpflsffi&. -I Protected by the highest and most rigid building re-
WiraiKffl'ir striction of any subdivision in the city.
JIKE" I The many new homes now under consideration and
SWRIJIII M the private homes being planned by the Gilmer Estate,
BSBfflRtal ,Jij& jfl and George E. Merrill, with the elaborate landscape
!roSBx Jn? J.jjM scneme worked out as contemplated, will undoubtedly
ljjfflV "iStt further justify its descriptive name "de luxe."
i'IIh $ tr&JB This addition is unique in that while it is the closest-
III1l Jr itu&ffl m subdivision in the city, it also possesses all the natural
jjwWfflSL. Jc!fl beauty and advantages of the Country Place.
s" $yl$lB While a considerable number of lots' have been sold,
IrSSPtilt iSB we st nave fr sae a number of very desirable sites, at
miaW "SBS prices considerably under the market.
tmWr -iffijBB Liberal discounts allowed for cash and building
lift 31 ED. D. SMITH & SONS, ' ,,
MSpyi ,SS 17Exchange Place. Wasatch 4000.

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