OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, October 14, 1916, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1916-10-14/ed-1/seq-15/

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a- 'T ' ijjt "Si."""1 r-i - " . ... JWW"SB . ...Ill I llini.nill l. . . . - Ttl
You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after the ser
vice of this summons upon you, if
served within the county in Avhich
this action is brought, otherwise, with
in thirty days after service, and de
fend the above entitled action; and in
case of your failure so to do, judgment
& will be rendered against you accord
' ing to the demand of the complaint,
which has 'been filed with the clerk of
said court. This action is brought to
recover a judgment dissolving the
bonds of matrimony heretofore exist
ing between you and the plaintiff.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
, Plaintiff.
P. O. address, Richfield, Utah.
corporation of the State of Utah. Lo
cation and principal place of business,
JySalt Lake City, Utah.
Notice There are delinquent upon
the following described stock on ac
count of assessment levied on the 21st
day of August, 1916, the several
amounts set opposite the names of the
respective shareholders as follows:
J. L. Johnson 8 500 $ 5.00
A. I. Wyatt 12 450 4.50
N. J. Sheckall 14 1,000 10.00
Harry Field 17 1,000 10.00
M. Hammer 18 1,000 10.00
M. Hammer 28 1,150 11.50
Bertha Johnson ...29 500 5.00
Svente Johnson ...30 2,520 25.20
H. W. Fuller 34 19,122 Vj 191.23
Elmer E. Merritt..35 100 1.00
Oscar Halsten 36 3,037V. 30.38
Harry W. Paulson. 37 3,1112-3 30.38
" Johanna Witzell ...38 1,875 18.75
Mangus Olsen 39 3,375 33.75
A. W. Carlson 40 4,075 40.75
Dan'l Turngren ...41 4,112 41.12
j Wm. Schade 42 4,050 40.50
And in accordance with tho law and
an order of the board of directors
made on the 21st day of August, 1916,
so many shares of each parcel of such
stock as may be necessary will be sold
at the office of tho corporation, No.
163 South State street, Salt Lake City,
Utah, on the 10th day of October,
1916, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day,
to pay delinquent assessments there
on, together with cost of advertising
and expense of sale.
163 South State Street, Salt Lake
City, Utah. 9-30-10-14
Notice is hereby given tht a special
meeting of the stockholders of the
Solar Springs Salt Company, a corpor
ation organized under the laws of the
state of Utah, will be held at the office
of the company, at 222 Judge building,
4 . Salt Lake City, on the 23rd day of Oc-
V tober, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m.
r Said meeting is called and will be
held for the purposes of considering
- and voting upon the question of
amending the articles of incorporation
of the company is the following par
ticulars, to-wit: To amend article 4
by reducing the capital stock of the
corporation from one hundred thou
sand dollars divided into one million
shares of the par value of ten cents
per share, so that the capital stock
of said corporation shall be fifteen
thousand dollars, divided into one mil
lion shares of the par value of one and
one-half cents per share. Also for the
purpose of transacting such other and
..further business as may properly come
fbefore said meeting.
Dated this 29th day of September,
J. E. RAY,
Of Stockholders of Santaquln King
Mining Company.
To the Stockholders of the Santaquin
King Mining Company:
Notice is hereby given that at a
meeting of the board of directors of
the Santaquin King Mining Company,
held at Salt Lake City, Utah, on the
14th day of September, 1916, it was
unanimously determined by said board
by resolution to consolidate tho said
Santaquin King Mining Company and
the Santaquin Chief Mining Company,
corporations organized and existing
under and by virtue of the laws of the
state of Utah, by forming a new cor
poration, to be known as SANTAQUIN
for the purpose of buying in and tak
ing over and operating the properties,
rights and franchises of the said cor
porations .subject to their respective
liabilities, said new corporation to be
capitalized for $150,000.00, divided into
1,500,000 shares of the par value of ten
cents each, of which the stockholders
of the said Santaquin King Mining
Company shall have one share of the
Santaquin Consolidated Mines Com
pany for each three shares of Santa
quiiL King Mining Company stock, and
the stockholders of the said Santaquin
Chief Mining Company shall have one
share of the Santaquin Consolidated
Mines Company for each three shares
of Santaquin Chief Mining Company
stock; the remaining shares to be des
ignated as treasury tsock and held by
said new company, subject to disposal
thereof by its board of directors in
such amounts, at such times and at
such prices as the said board of the
said new company may deem advis
able and for such purposes as the
said board may determine best to sub
serve the interests of said new cor
poration; and the said board of said
Santaquin King Mining Company like
wise unanimously determined to sub
mit for the consideration and vote of
the stockholders of said company the
question of tho formation of such new
company in accordance with the said
terms as determined and approved by
the said board of directors, and said
board ordered and directed that a spe
ciel meeting of the stockholders of
said Santaquin King Mining Company
be called to be held on the 17th day
of October, 1916, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m., at the principal office
of said company in room 402 of the
Newhouse building in Salt Lake City,
Salt Lake county, state of Utah, for
the purpose of considering and voting
upon the question as to whether the
said action of the said board of direc
tors of the said company shall or shall
not be ratified and confirmed in the
matter of the said consolidation of the
said companies by the formation of a
new corporation, as aforesaid, and to
consider and act upon any and all
other matters that may properly be
brought before said meeting.
Now, therefore, pursuant to said ac
tion and order, notice is hereby giv
en that a special meeting of the stock
holders of the Santaquin King Min
ing Company will be held at the time
and place aforesaid to consider and
vote upon the question of consolidat
ing the said Santaquin King Mining
Company and the said Sataquln Chief
Mining Company by the formation of
a new corporation, upon the terms
aforesaid, and for the purpose of con
sidering and acting upon any and all
matters which may properly come be
fore said meeting. The proposed Ar
ticles of Incorporation of said new cor
poration will be read and submitted at
said meeting.
9-23-10-14. Secretary.
In the District Court in and for Salt
Lake County, State of Utah.
Daisy Hughes, plaintiff vs. Ira F.
Hughes, defendant. Summons.
The State of Utah to said De
fendant: You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after serv
ice of this summons upon you, if
served within the county in which
this action is brought; otherwise
within thirty days after service, and
defend the above entitled action, and
in case of your failure so to do, judg
ment -will bo rendered against you
according to the demand of the com
plaint, which has been filed with tho
clerk of said court.
This action is brought by plaintiff
to obtain an absolute decree of di
vorce from defendant and for gen
eral equitable relief.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. O. Address, 420 Boston Bldg.,
Salt Lako City, Utah. 9-23-10-21
In the District Court of the Third
Judicial District of the State of Utah,
County of Salt Lake.
Charles A. Tack, plaintiff, vs. Mary
C. Tack, defendant. Summons.
The State of Utah to the said Defend
ant: You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after the
service of this summons, upon you,
if served within tho county In which
this action is brought, otherwise,
within thirty days after service, and
defend the above entitled action; and
in case of your failure so to do, judg
ment will be rendered against you ac
cording to the demand of the com
plaint, which has been 'filed with the
clerk of said court.
This action is brought to recover a
judgment dissolving the marriage con
tract (or bonds of matrimony) here
tofore existing between you and the
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. O. Address: 410 Ut. Sav. &
Trust Boldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.
In the District Court of the Third
Judicial District in and for Salt Lake
County, State of Utah.
Marie May, plaintiff, vs. George C.
May, defendant. Summons.
The State of Utah to the said Defend
ant: You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after tho
service of this summons, upon you,
if served within the county in which
this action is brought, otherwise,
within thirty days after sei'vice, and
defend the above entitled action; and
in case of your failure so to do, judg
ment will be rendeied against you ac
cording to the demand of the com
plaint, which has been 'filed with tho
clerk of said court. This action is
brought to dissolve the bonds of mat
rimony heretofore and now existing
between you and the plaintiff.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. O. Address: 1009 Boston Bldg.,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
In the District Court of tho Third
Judicial District of tho State of Utah,
in and for Salt Lake County.
Emma Ellen Downward, plaintiff,
vs. James Peter Downward, defend
ant. Summons.
The State of Utah to the said Defend
ant: You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after tho
service of this summons, upon you,
if served within the county in which
this action is brought, otherwise,
within thirty days after service, and
defend the above entitled action; and H
in case of your failure so to do, judg 'H
ment will be rendered against you ac- jH
cording to the demand of the com- H
plaint, which has been filed with the 1
clerk of said court. . H
This action is brought to recover a H
judgment dissolving the bonds of mat- M
rimony now, and heretofore existing H
between you and the plaintiff. M
Plaintiff's Attorney. 1
P. O. Address: 218 Mclntyre Bldg., H
Salt Lako City, Utah. I H
9-23-10-21. I H
In the District Court of Sevier H
County, State of Utah. H
Hazel Ericksen, plaintiff, vs. "Wll- H
Ham M. Ericksen, defendant. -Sum- H
mons. H
The State of Utah to the said Defend- H
You are hereby summoned to ap- H
,pear within twenty days after the H
service of this summons, upon you, H
if served within tho county in which H
this action is brought, otherwise, H
within thirty days after service, and H
defend the above entitled action; and H
in case of your failure so to do, judg- H
ment will be rendered against you ac- H
cording to the demand of the com- H
plaint, which haB been 'filed with the H
clerk of said court. This action is H
brought to recover a judgment dls- H
solving the bonds of matrimony here- jH
tofore existing between you and the H
.plaintiff. M
Plaintiff's Attorney. H
P. O. Address: Richfield, Utah. M
9-23-10-21. H
No. 21826. H
In the City Court of Salt Lake City,
County of Salt Lake, State of Utah. 1
Leopold Albergo, plaintiff, vs. Joe
Pantallini, alias Joo Pantale, CC. Ne- M
vada Consolidated Copper Company, M
McGill, Nevada, defendant. Summons. M
The State of Utah to said Defendant:
You are hereby summoned to appear M
within ten days after service of this H
summons upon you, if served within M
the county in which this action is fl
brought; otherwise within twenty days H
after service, and defend the above en- M
titled action; and in case of your H
failure so to do, judgment will be ren- H
dered against you according to the M
demand of the complaint, which has H
been filed with the clerk of said court. H
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. O. address, 510 Atlas Block, Salt .
Lake City, Utah. 9-16-10-14.
Richlands Irrigation company, pnn- i H
clpal office, 1112 Newhouse building, t
Salt Lake City, Utah. '
Notice is hereby given that, at a f H
meeting of the board of directors held H
on the 31st day of August, 1916, an I H
assessment of two (2) cents per i H
share, being Assessment No. 6, was ,i H
levied upon the capital stock of the I H
corporation, payable immediately to I H
tho secretary of tho company at his
office, 1112 Newhouse building, Salt
Lako City, Utah. t
Any stock upon which this assess- j
ment may remain unpaid on October i H
7, 1916, will be delinquent and adver- J
Used for sale at public auction, and J
unless payment is made before, so jS I
many shares of each parcel of such W I
stock as may be necessary will be 1
sold on the 14th day of November, . m
1916, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day m
to pay the delinquent assessment m
thereon, together with the cost of ad-
vertising and expens', f bale. ffi I
Secretary. S
President. 9-16-10-14

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