We wash all woolen
articles in a separate
department, return
ing them to you as
soft, clean and sweet
as when new.
Send us yours and be convinced
Troy Laundry
Distinctive Work
Office 18 East Broadway
Phone Hyland 192
Open All Night Telephone Wm. 364
New Building Modern Establishment
National Bank of the Republic
U. S. Depository
E. A. CULBERTSON, President
DeWITT KNOX, Vice-President
W. F. EARLS, Cashier
GEO. G. KNOX. Assistant Cashier
Capital S300.000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits . 343.500.00
Deposits 4,475,598.00
E. A. Culbertson, DeWitt Knox, W. F. Earls, Geo. G.
Knox, Ezra Thompson, Thomas Kearns,
G. S. Holmes, David Smith
Banking In All Its Branches
Interest Paid On Time Deposits
Capital Is
i "Whoever hats a sixpence Is sovereign over
all men to the extent of that sixpence;
commands cooks to feed him, philosophers
to teach him, kings to guard over him to
the extent of that sixpence." Carlylcf.
A hank balance is store d-up power, strength,
resource; It gives confidence, security, pro
tection as nothing else does.
Power (begins when Baring begins.
M'SphskI CaJtaNKnui
putting molasses in her coffee, but it was her first I
experience in eating rhubarb pie made without
sugar and sweetened with sorghum. Neverthe
less she understood that the pie was the thing I
that made the difference between just a meal and
an occasion, and that the fact that there was no
sugar was not any reason that there should be
no pie. And she understood, too, that if the Dry
Creek school could not be a decided success, it
need not be a dismal failure. The schoolmarm
ate her pie, molasses and all, and there was six
months of school in Dry Creek that summer.
Indianaplols News.
By Gertrude M. Hort.
If I cry for fellowship,
' A comrade's voice, a comrade's grip,
A hand to hold me, when I slip,
An ear to heed my groan,
Renew that hour's dark ecstasy,
When all Thy waves went over me,
And Thou and I, with none to see,
Were joined in fight alone!
If I demand a sheltered space
Set for me in the battle place,
Where I at times could turn my face,
A screened and welcomed guest,
Decree my soul should henceforth cease
From its wild hankering after peace,
And rest in that which gives release
From the desire of rest.
If I for final goal should ask,
Some meaning for the long day's task,
Some ripened field that yet may bask,
Secure from hurricane,
Point to Thy locust-eaten sheaves,
The burnt-out stars, the still-born leaves!
And by the Toil no hope retrieves
Nerve me to toil again.
So to Thy hard propitious skies
Shall praise go up like sacrifice,
And all the will within me, rise,
Applauding at Thy word;
Thou, in the Glory jasper-walled
By no reproach of mine be galled;
And I, among my kind, be called
The man whose prayers are heard!
From "Tomorrow's Road"
The wooly-headed Uncle Rastus was accused
of disturbing the peace. Officer Mort Rudolph
explained it as follows:
"Your honoh, this man was running up and
down the Miller river road, waving his arms and
yelling at the top of his voice, and otherwise
raising the mischief, at 1:30 o'clock in the morn
ing. The people of the district complained, and
they had a perfect right to."
The judge frowned at Rastus, who didn't
seem to be particularly worried.
"What do you mean by such unbecoming con
duct?" his honor demanded.
"Religion, jedge," was the response.
"Religion! Are you a Holy Roller or some
thing like that? I have religion, Rastus, but I
don't get up at midnight and tell everybody about
"Dat's des de diffunce, jedge, I ain't ershamed
ob mine." Case and Comment.
A. Moralizer No man needs to go from bad
to worse.
D. Moralizer How about the autoist on a
road with a detour sign ahead of him?
Hamilton s I
Smart Shop I
In style, service and value, combined H
with the distinctive features, that have H
made the Smart Shop famous for wo- H
men's clothes, the suits we are show- H
ing are typical of the smartest crea- H
tions in the (Metropolitan centers. Most H
women who know what is correct have H
seen them, but there are others who jH
have not, and we suggest that they be ?H
curious. ',H
-" 216 SOUTH MAIN ST. ,M
Costs no more to get H
KEELEY'S "Best By Test" I
We make our Candies as M
well as our Ice Creams M
We give S. & H. Trading Stamps M
Keeley Ice Cream Co. H
65 South Main 260 8tate 8t. H
motherI I
Reasons Why She Appre- H
dates Beer in the Home H
When fatigued it proves a stimulant. H
When nursing the baby it is frequently pre- H
scribed. H
It gives zest to the dinner meal. M
Is the ideal refreshment when friends drop H
American I
Beauty Beer I
Always goes well with lunches.
It is fine when served with oysters after
the theater. M
A glass before retiring will induce restful H
slumber. M
Beer is food and drink combined. H
Ring Hyland 17 or Your Dealer