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Vol. 27 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, DECEMBER 9, 1916 No. -22 .1 The Shake-Up In England T LOYD-GEORGB has finally gained his point. ! ' We have long suspected that he was ohsessed with the idea of undermining the Asquith rainis- !try to the end that he himself might assume con trol of the government. Our suspicions have confirmed. ' England's new prime minister is the most pic- ! turesque personage in all the empire. He is gifted with many of the qualities of true greatness, and . he possesses on the other hand certain traits of character that would severely handicap a less am- bitious and self assuming man. He has been a jf . storm-center in politics ever since his entrance into the arena. His rise has been remarkable, not only for its rapidity, but from the fact that he deliberately set out to trample down British tradi tions and he seems to have succeeded all along the line. -His success is due, partly to the tre mendous driving force of the man himself, and partly to the fact that he is not overly scrupu lous in his dealings with men and measures. In our opinion, he would pay any price for power. At the outset of his career, Lloyd-George was the fearless champion of the common people the X self-styled commoner of the day. In the old days he challenged the crown and dared the nobility; today he consorts with the crown and is accepted 7 in the highest court circles. He has long since lost the support of the labor element, due to his driving tactics in marshalling the industrial forces of the empire to the support of the armies, and for one cause or .another has alienated almost all of his former friends. And since his accession to the cabinet he has been a thorn in the side of the ministry and a constant source of discord. The break in the cabinet was inevitable. It was made so through the machinations of the new prime minister, ably assisted by his formidable ally, Lord Northcliffe, and the latter's powerful papers. At no time was Lloyd-George playing a lone hand. Never ,did he abandon a friend or a faction until he had secured a new one more use ful to him than the old. The exigencies of the situation which England has been facing for the past two years has afforded him a rare opportu nity to test his matchless talents and to exploit (his enterprise and ambition to the fullest extent. The man is a marvelous organizer and England is desperately in need of such a man. Hence his elevation to the premiership. In our opinion, he . t could have been equally as useful in the position ji which he previously occupied, had he chosen to jj ) work in harmony with his associates. We be- lieve that the real big men of England thought so, too, but they were helpless when he forced the issue. It remains to be seen how he will fare. Lloyd-George has been a pitiless critic in his time and he may expect to be assailed on every side by- those who disagree with his policies and who personally dislike him. Asquith is still im mensely popular throughout the kngdom and the ex-premier's friends will naturally resent his fall in fortune, becauso of the manner in which it happened. The real test of the man has come. It strikes us that his only salvation lies in prose cuting the war on all sides in prompt and vigorous f fashion and in gaining, if possible, some substan tial successes along the battle line. Otherwise, he cannot long hope to hold together the discord ant elements of the home government.. The crisis in England has not yet been reached. The Eleemosynary Sugar Trust FOR the past fortnight the pages of our local dailies, the papers of the state and surround ing states where the sugar industry Is an impor tant factor in the industrial life of the various communities have contained numerous articles announcing that the farmers who raise sugar beets are to be greatly benefited a year hence through a voluntary advance made by these com panies in the price to be paid for beets when the next crop comes along. This was naturally to have been expected, fol lowing the deal made by the sugar companies with the Democracy to turn over several western states in the recent election, providing that the party of free trade would leave the duty as it stands on sugar from other countries. But dur ing the course of the publication of the series of articles telling of the generosity of the sugar companies, a long editorial appeared in the Dese ret News, the chief organ of the sugar interests, which in its time dishonored, Macchiavelian way asked the railroads to reimburse the sugar com panies for the raise they have promised the farmers, containing in the request a demand for another dollar in addition, and ending with a covert threat that unless they complied with the sugar companies' request they might expect a state commission that would make them do bo. something that is unnecessary, has proven a fail ure in several states, and does little ibut provide soft berths for politicians who are looking for reward. The News editorial is a remarkable literary product, along its usual lines when dealing with such matters, beginning with a profuse apology to the railroads, telling how friendly it has al ways been to them, then going into a discus sion of rate discrimination, though failing to say why Utah sugar can be bought cheaper in Chi cago than it can in Salt Lake, and all the time keeping in mind the object in view in response to the will of its masters; a reduction in the rates on sugar more than sufficient to cover the increase in price, which through the goodness of their hearts, the companies are going to pay the deserving farmers. The News calls upon the railroads to rid their records of the blot of discrimination which is so seriously affecting the sugar companies, of which leaders in the official family of the News are also important officials. Speaking of blots, we wonder how the sugar companies would look if the story of their records from their inception were published. It would take more water than the sugar companies contain to wash those rec ords clean. Coming from such a source the article in the News is readily discounted by a public fully. cog nizant of the fact that whenever the News ex presses concern for the public, especially when sugar enters into the discussion, it does so only with the object in view of serving ita masters The Control Of State Institutions B THHE proposition to place all of the state institu- H tions under the control of a single board or M commission is not at all novel. The Democrats M have no patent on the idea. Neither did it origin- ,H ate with Dr. Calder or Dr. Gowans, notwithstand- ing their eagerness to submit the scheme to the incoming- administration and their insistence upon its adoption. A certain school of Republicans M have been advocating bucIi a move for years in H one form or another. M Governor-elect Bamberger should put on his H spectacles and scrutinize the scheme from every H possible angle before he undertakes to put it into M practical operation. At first thought, the proposal ft to centralize the control of the state institutions is M strongly appealing. These institutions, seven in M number, are now governed by separate and Inde- H pendent boards and the only centralized control H exercised over them is the somewhat perfunctory H power to pass upon their expenditures, which H rests with the state board of examiners. Each 'M institution is managed separately and apart from ,,H the others. Their policies are determined by their H respective boards of control and, with the excep- jH tion of the "University and the Agricultural Col- H lege botli of which now have a fixed tax income, H they are absolutely dependent upon the generbs- H ity of the legislature for financial support. Hence H it follows that during the sessions of the legisla- H ture these institutions become intense rivals in H the scramble for appropriations, and it sometimes H happens that certain institutions profit at the ex- H pense of the others. This is the one bad fea- JM ture of the present system. 'H A central board of control would undoubtedly JH put a stop to this form of rivalry and should JH insure a fair share of the appropriations to each IH institution. That is, provided the central board II is strictly Impartial and avoids indulging in fa- iH voritism. Therein lies the- real danger, and fully JH sensng this possibility there has been a general ffl disposition in the past to reserve all such prefer- JH ential powers to the legislature. H In all probability a central board of control, if H given full purchasing powers for all of the institu- ijlH tions, could effect certain ecenomies in the mat- 111 ter of supplies. Still, as a rule, most of the pur- ll chasing for the state institutions is now done by ll contract or wholesale, and the question has been II reasonably raised in the past as to whether the II actual saving effected would bo sufficient to even jl cover the salaries of the members of the board of ? I control. If economizing in the matter of pur- frl chases is the real object in view, then why not IF I create the office of state purchasing agent with ft I full authority to purchase all necessary supplies, Kl not only for the institutions, but for all other state ft I offices and enterprises? kI The more we consider the scheme, the II less we like it. It will never do to abandon the HI system of separate control altogether. The busi- HI ness of determining tho policies of the respective HI institutions and of supervising their conduct in- HI volves details too numerous and varied in char- HI 131