xtt 36 , GOODWIN S WEEKLY. -.,,
! I With the First Nighters
fl j, The DiaghllefE Ballet Russo which captivatea
I 3jl. the European capitals before the war is making
,f N a cross-continent trip visiting the principal cent
ers of art and culture in America. It3 itinerary
,i , calls for three performances In Salt Lake, start
j , n Ing December 22nd. Warslav Nijinsky, the great
.j Ijl'l Russian premier who was held a prisoner in Aus-
1 iji tria at the time of the tour last year, will ac-
Ijljj v company tho dancers in the dual capacity of
I 'j artistic director and premier, and will appear in
' 'J I several ballets, one of which, "Till Eulenspiegel,"
from tho German folk-story, he has just produced
I in New York.
It Is said that the magnitude of this enterprise,
one of the largest and costliest aggregations ever
sent on tour, prevents any possibility of profit.
None is expected; the only serious question is to
limit tho loss within what the directors of the
Metropolitan Opera company, who are sponsors
for the trip, consider reasonable, which amount
is variously estimated from $75,000 to ?100,000.
The ballet brings a message from the old world
to the now, and the Metropolitan Opera company
feels that the only way to present that message,
the birth of a new art in dance, or popularly
speaking, a correlation of arts, is to subsidize
the company, thereby insuring perfect presenta
tions irrespective of financial returns. It -was this
spirit which first made grand opera possible in
this country.
In round numbers, two hundred people are di
rectly or indirectly identified with the assembly
of dancers, musicians, and operating toices, and
two special trains are requisitioned to transport
the participants and the decorations, scenery and
costumes, the designs and paintings of Leon
Bakst, whose mastery of color and line lately
earned for him the Nobel prize.
A dozen or more ballets will comprise the
repertoire. They are the musical works, choreo
graphy and dramatic works of Rimsky-Korsakov,
Tschaikowsky, Debussy, Liszt, Strauss, Schumann,
Nijinsky, Bolm and other master workers in the
diversified fields of art. Among the selections
for presentation are "Narcisse," a mythological
poem; "Scherherazade," from "Arabian Nights;"
"Les Sylphides," a romantic revery; "Thamar," a
choreographic drama; "La Princess Enchante;"
"Dances Polovtsiennes," from "Prince Igor;" "Car
naval;" "Le Dieu Bleu," a Hindoo legend; "Pet
rouchka," "Papillons," "Sadko," "L'Apress-Midi
d'un Faun," and "Le Spectre de la Rose."
Oo la la!
Which is to say that the headline act on the
Orpheum bill this week is very much on the French
order and a mighty refreshing number It is. It
has been a long while since anything as good as
"The Bride Shop" has come this way and It would
bo hoping too much to expect another such act
soon again. The bright particular star of the
production is Andrew Tombes, comedian extra
ordinary and a chap who is funny enough for
tho most persistent grouch. He is aided and
abetted by some other fellow disguised with an
English accent and tho pair of them manage to
keep the house in an uproar uproar until the
girls appear in various creations of pre retiring
attire or evening gowns and then the house
gasps. It was some show of fashions and
other things which we have been known to call
Besides "The Bride Shop" there is a composer
on the bill. One would not know he is a com
poser to look at him. Ernie Ball is shy the long
hair, the hang-dog look or the mincing attitude
thich usually characterizes the chap who har
monizes for a living. Ball is a regular fellow,
ho walks like one and talks like one and above
all he knows how to play and sing and when
to stop.
Then there is Maud Lambert, hale and hearty
and evidently possessed of a good appetite. She
One should not forget Johnny Cantwell and
Re.ta Walker. They are unfortunately placed too
early on the bill to get the full value out of their
act. "Get the Fly Stuff" is what Cantwell calls
it for want of something more descriptive. You
must listen every minute if you would catch the
drift which was undoubtedly too fast for a sancti
monious chap on Grandmother News, which rants
at so called immodesty in all theatres excepting
the Salt Lake, where anything can play any time
so long as the rental and advertising is forthcom
ing. Olivotti, Moffett aid Clare, whirlwind dancers,
are a great trio of entertainers; the three Kitaro
brothers are fast Japanese athletes, and Beeman
and Anderson skate on the rollers. It is a good
bill from the overture to the exit march and
worth seeing.
Sparkling and effervescent in music and com
edy is this week's bill at Pantages and there is
an abundance of both. As a whole it is a well-
balanced bill slightly above the usual standard
Herbert Lloyd and company in a corned
sketch "Peache3 in Pawn" are billed as th
headliners, but the Four Renees in a sketc!
"Through Five Countries in Fifteen Minutes
make a strong bid for the prominent mentio:
column. '
Minnie Kaufman, the woman cyclist, an
Chinko, a juggler, provided one of the most no
acts of the kind seen on a local stage in som
weeks. Their act was far above the ordinary c
their class and was received with avowed aj
proval by the audience.
As a curtain raiser to Lloyd's act takeofl
were presented on local scenes. This was to
best part of tho act and put the audience in
mood to receive appreciatively what followed
The act was billed as a "Nonsensical Conglon
eration" which indeed is an appropriate appelh
tion. Lloyd gave some impersonations on Thee
dore Roosevelt, Emperor William, Charles Evan
Hughes. Five little devotees of the art of terp
chore set off the act and it a musics
Neal Abel, "The Man Witi. a Mobile Face
should have worked in blackface. As it is hi
songs in negro dialect were good and his joke
got across the footlights.
Al Ward and Mike Faye as English Chappie
in "Sense and Nonsense," had a clever reperto,
of songs and jokes.
The honors in song and dance were carrle
away by the Renees In native costumes the