. 325 A. J. Kovarick ...... 1,000 7.50
m 331 Rudolph Olscn 450 3.38
M 343 P. J; Donohuo 300 2.25
H 501 E. W. Hulso 5,000 37.50
m 502 E. W. Hulso 5,000 37.50
H 503 E. W. Hulso 6,000 37.50
B 504 B. W. Hulse 5,000 37.60
1 514 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H 515 T. L. 'Mitchell 500 3.75
H 51G T. L. Mitchell 500 3.76
H 517 T. L. Mitchell 600 3.75
1 518 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
1 519 T. L. Mitchell 600 3.75
1 520 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H 521 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H 522 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.76
H 523 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H 624 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H 525 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H 52G T. L. Mitchell 600 3.75
H 527 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.76
H 528 T. L.vMitchell 500 3.75
M 529 T. L. (Mitchell 500 3.75
H 530 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H 531 T. L. Mitchell, 500 3.75
H' 532 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H1 539 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H' 540 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H 541 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.76
H 542 T. L. Mitchell 600 3.75
H 543 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.76
H 544 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
M 545 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.76
H 54G T. L. Mitchell 600 3.75
H 547 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H 548 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.76
H 549 T. L. Mitchell 600 3.75
H 550 T. L. iMitchell 500 3.76
H 551 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H 552 T. L. IMitchell 500 3.75
H 553 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
554 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
B 555 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
M 55G T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
H 557 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
M 558 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
M 558 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
M 559 T. L Mitchell 500 3.75
M 560 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
j 5G1 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
J 5G2 T. L.. Mitchell 500 3.75
' 5G3 T. L. IMitchell 500 3.75
M 5G4 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
m 5G5 T. L. Mitchell 500 3.75
M 579 H. W. Cram 100 .75
M 583 E. W, Hulse & Go. . 50 .38
ji 585 L. G. Schavalenherg. 500 3.75
1 58G L. G. Schavalenherg. 550 4.13
j 594 Clayton Vooihis .... 500 3.75
m 598 Cyrus G. Gatrell ... 500 3.75
H 599 Cyrus G. Gatrell ... 500 3.75
; G00 Cyrus G. Gatrell ... 1,000 7.50
M 601 Cyrus G. Gatrell ... 1,000 7.50
M I GOG B. W. Hulse & Co. . . 200 1.50
l G07 Fred Knudsen 3,000 22.50
l G08 Fred Knudsen 4,2G5 31.99
H Gil Arthur B. Gatrell ... 1,000 7.50
H G12 Arthur B. Gatrell . . . 1,000 7.60
B 613 Arthur B. Gatrell . . . 1,000 7.50
M 614 Arthur B. Gatrell . . . 1,000 7.50
H 650 A. B. Gatrell 1,104 S.28
M ; G59 J. B. Funk 2,843 21.33
M G6S B. R. Phelps 5,000 37.50
M 6G9 B. R. Phelps 5,000 37.50
G70 E. R. Phelps 5,000 37.50
B 671 E. R. Phelps 1,718 12.89
H 676 A. Kendall 5,000 37.50
H 677 J. M. Burkart 1,000 7.50
H 678 Win. Minor 2,000 15.00
H G79 Wm- Minor 2m 15-00
H G82 H. S. Harper 160 1.20
H 091 E. M. Garrett 2,422 18.17
H 692 H. W. Sherwood ... 500 3.75
H 719 W. J. Hall 500 3.75
H 720 Wi J. Hall 500 3.75
, 728 W. J. Hall 500 3.75
Ml 729 W. J. Hall 500 3.75
H 752 Mrs. G. A. Lansbeiry 581 4.36
1 753 G. A. Lansberry ... 97 .73
754 J. O. Minor 823 6.17
1755 Rosa Minor 73 .55
757 Mrs. J. Gilbert Potts 581 4.36
758 Mrs. Annie M. Teeters 969 7.27
759 Geo. A. Clough 12,351 92.63
760 H. T. Clough 6,055 45.41
. 761 W. II. Clough 6,055 45.41
764 J. H. RohertBhaw .. 97 .73
765. Geo. D. Pyper 2,422 18.17
J 766 Homer W. Sherwood. 27,447 205.85
H ' 767 Geo. E. Minor 3,390 25.43
H t 768 W. J. Drake 484 3.63
, 7G9 Minnie Minor 29,399 220.49
I 770 John W. Swickard . . 969 7.27
R 771 Helena Larimer 24 .18
772 Madaleno Moore ... 24 .18
773 Frances Cundick ... 484 3.63
774 Wm. M. Minor 44,261 331.96
776 Ida May Swickard ... 48 .36
777 Emma B. Swickard . . 48 .36
778 James L. Swickard . 2,277 17.08
779 Harrison H. Leyda . . 969 7.27
780 Esther A. Leyda ... 484 3.G3
781 Samuel G. Paul .... 969 7.27
782 John W. Hughes ... 484 3.6o
783 John R. Hughes . . . 969 7.27
785 Harriet L. Ewing . . 97 .73
786 Thomas Hughes 484 3.63
787 Lindsay A. Brady ... 484 3.63
788 Louis Anderson . . . 1,453 10.90
789 Joseph Anderson . . . 1,453 10.90
790 Wm. Ewing, Jr 484 3.63
791 Chas. H. Schmidt .. 969 7.27
793 Arthur Hurtt 24 .18
794 Dessie Wertz 1,463 10.90
796 F. D. Gaston 1,938 14.53
798 F. A. Gage 145 l.Op
800 J. O. Brockenshlre. 266 2.00
801 Percy M. Spencer .. 969 7.27
802 J. C. Swickard 6,296 47.22
803 Mrs. Percy M. Spencer 484 3.63
804 Harry Minor, Jr. 484 3.63
805 Ida E. Miller 969 7.27
806 Max Welmann 969 7.27
807 (Mary L. Stephenson. 484 3.63
808 Catherine M. Coney. . 1,066 8.00
809 Mrs. Mattie Stuart.. 969 7.27
810 Dan H. Stuart 2,577 19.33
811 Chas. P. Minor 2,244 16.83
812 Sam iManos 250 1.88
813 Sam Manos 250 1.88
814 Harry Joseph 3,000 22.50
815 Nick Stathis 3,000 22.50
816 R. W. Clough 38,595 289.46
And in accordance with the law and
an order of the Board of Directors
made on the '22nd day of November,
1916, so many shares of each parcel
of such stock as may be necessary will
be sold at the office of the company,
room 618 Newhouse building, Salt
Lake City, Utah, on the 10th day of
January, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
the said day to pay delinquent assess
ment thereon, together -with cost of
advertising and expense of sale.
618 NeSwhouse Bldg., Salt Lake City,
In accordance with an order of the
Board of Directors made on January
8, 1917, the sale date of the above de
linquent stock is postponed from Jan
uary 10, 1917, to February 17, 1917, at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M said sale
to take place at the office of the cor
poration Room 312 Judge Building,
Salt Lake City, Utah
312 Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.
A special meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Utah-Bellevue Mines Com
pany is hereby called to meet at 769
Harrison avenue, Salt Lake City,
Utah, which is the place of the gen
eral office of said corporation, at 3
o'clock P. M. on Saturday, the 3rd day
of February, 1917. This meeting is
called for the purpose of voting upon
the question of amending Aiticle seven
of the Articles of Incorporation of the
said Utah-Bellevue Mines Company to
read as follows:
Article 7.
The amount of the capital stock
which has been subscribed is 300,000
shares, which has been subscribed by
the following persons:
A. W. Kelly, Blaine County
Idaho 150,000
Joe Saxman, Salt Lake City,
Utah 5,000
E. C. McGarry, Salt Lake City,
Utah 70,000
L. H. Goulet, Salt Lake City
Utah 70,000
J. H. Waters, Salt Lake Citj,
Utah 5,000
The (balance of said stock, to-wit,
200,000 shares, shall be held In the
treasury of said corporation. The board
of directors shall have the power to
dispose of all or any of said treasury
stock "at any such times, in such
amounts and at such prices, either by
sale or exchange for other property,
real or personal, as the board of di
rectors may determine to be condusivo
to the best interests of this corpora
tion; and the said 'board shall have
the further power to assess the is
sued stock of this corporation for any
and all purposes whatsoever as in its
judgment shall be deemed advisable.
Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan
uary 11, 1917. 1-13-1-27.
In the District Court of the Third
Judicial District of the State of Utah,
County of Salt Lake.
defendant Summons :
The State of Utah to Charles Lewis
Duncan, defendant:
You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after ser
vice of this summons upon you, if
served in Salt Lake County, State of
Utah, in which this action is
brought; otherwise within thirty days
after service; and defend the above
entitled action, which is brought to
recover a judgment dissolving the
marriage contract or bonds of mat
rimony heretofore existing between
you and the plaintiff, and for custody
of the minor child adopted by you
and the plaintiff herein, and for the
restoration of paintiff's maiden
name; and In case of your failure so
to do judgment will l)e rendered
against you according to the demand
of the complaint which has been filed
with the clerk of said court.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Postoffice address: 401 Atlas Block,
Salt Lake City, Utah. 1-13-2-10
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the Stockholders of
the Teton Valley Land Company, is
hereby called to be held at the Mer
chants' Bank, in Salt Lake City, Salt
Lake County, Utah, on the 15th day
of February, 1917, at 3:30 o'clock
P. M., for the purpose of electing of
ficers, and for the transaction of such
other general business of the Corpo
ration which may properly come be
fore such meeting.
Dated this 12th day of January, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual stockholders' meeting of the
Southern Oregon Land Company, Is
hereby called to be held at the office
of said corporation, 519 Newhouse
Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, on the
1511 day. of February, 1917, at 2
o'clock P. M., for the purpose of elect
ing officers, and for the transaction
of such other general business of the
corporation which may properly come
before such meeting.
Dated this 12th day of January, 1917.
In the Third Judicial District Court
of Salt Lake County, State of Utah.
tiff, vs. SUSIE B. TROWBRIDGE, de
fendant Summons.
The State of Utah to the said defendant:
You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after the service
of this summons Tipon you, if served
within the county in which this action
is bi ought, otherwise withn thirty days
after service, and defend the above en
titled action; and in case of your fail
ure so to do, judgment will be rend
ered against you according to the de
mand of the complaint, which has been
filed with the clerk of said court. This
action is 'brought to recover a
judgment dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony heretofore existing between
you and the plaintiff.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. O. address 1020 Boston Building,
Salt Lake City, Utah. 1-13-2-10
Utah Bellcvue Mines Company.
Office and place of its general busl-
ness located at 739 Harrison avenue,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Notice is hereby given that at a
meeting of the board of directors of
the Utah Bellevue Mines company,
held at its office, above designated, on
Tuesday, November 20, 1916, an assess- ,
ment of one cent (lc) per share was
levied on the capital stock of the cor
poration, payable to Edw. Collinson,
secretary of the company, at its said ,.
office above designated, in ten (10)
equal payments, as follows: The third
installment of one-tenth of a cent per
share payable Thursday, February 15,
1917. Any stock upon which the third
installment of this assessment may re
main unpaid on Thursday, February
15, 1917, will be delinquent and adver
tised for sale at public auction, and
unless payment of said installment is
made before, will be sold on Tuesday,
March 6, 1917, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m., at the company's office, above
designated, to pay the delinquent in
stallment, together with cost of adver
tising and expense of sale.
EDW. COLLINSON, Secretary.
739 Harrison ave., Salt Lake City,
Utah. 1-13-2-10
Notice is hereby given that a spe
cial stockholders' meeting of the Co
rona Mining & Milling Co. wil be held
at the office of the company, Century
Printing Co. building, 231-235 Edison
St., Salt Lake City, Utah, on Friday,
January 26, 1917, at the hour of 3
p. m., for the purpose of wind
ing up the affairs of said company, en
dorsing the action of the board of di
lpctors in disposing of the assets of
the company (if any) and for the
transaction of any other business that
may come before the meeting.
The West Century Mining and Mill
ing Co. Principal place of business,
Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is here
by given that at a meeting of the J
board of directors of the above named
company, held on the 26th day of De
cember, 1916, assessment No. 13 of 2
cents per sharo, was levied on the capi
tal stock of the corporation outstand
ing, payable Immediately to H. W.
Cram, acting secretary, at 320McCor
nick bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Any
stock upon which this assesmentmay
remain unpaid on Saturday, January
27, 1917, will be delinquent and ad
vertised .for sale at public auction, and
unless payment is made, v;ill be sold
on Saturday, February 17, 1917, at 11
a. m., at the office of the secretary,
320 McCornick building, Salt Lake
City, Utah, to pay the delinquent as
sessment, together with cost of ad
vertising and expenses of sale.
Acting Secretary.
320 McCornick Building, Salt Lake
City, Uah. 12-30-1-27