OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, January 13, 1917, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1917-01-13/ed-1/seq-16/

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( 16 I
I Of the Real Cause of ' UJ
I ' Is Responsible for Your Condition! ttMfl I
I Remember the .j--W
H Slight subluxations at this point will cause iscfapal led headaches, eye! diseases,
H fWSHk. A deafness, epilepsy, vertigo, insomnia, wrynelctofacialiparalysis, locomotor ls.
H wt&m 0 ataxla etc' SJw8& '
H tIpM! A slight subluxation of a vertebra in this part of the-sfmSe is the cause of so hII(
m W&& A called throat trouble, neuralgia, pain in rthe shoulderS and arms, goitre, 2. " -IK
iH ,.a. 1 jg nervous prostratic(n, la grippe, dizziness, bleeding from'nose, disorder from ?r$kk
kH HwfSSLs The arrow head marked No. 3 locates the part of the spine wherein subluxa-. 3'" r SBS
kH MffflWEHSSjKisa J tions will cause so called bronchitis, pain between ttie shoulder blades, s fv I
kH KrilMf'wSWfir rheumatism of the arms and shoulders, hay fever, writers' cramp, etc. JjiX
kH mSmif Krwiv SBk.VI vertebral subluxation at this point causes so called nervousness, heart dis- 4" Jr & I
M jMmm iffAAnVw V ease, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, difficult breathijnjg, other lung trou- f S && r
h jjr 1EmttgiaxbSte BXp Stomach and liver troubles, enlargement of the spleen, pleurisy and a, score of Cr y' 7&
kB MB iHvflnJlMmVX. aS 5 other troubles, so called, are caused by subluxationsfjn this part of the Tjl
kH jflHi JSoHUhmIS Jk&. spine, sometimes so light as to remain unnoticed by others except the if I
i "" By.IJ ffifyjjn L. h Here we find the cause of so called gall stones, dyspepsia of upper bowels, v) f I
Hi UllsM kWf W X fevers, shingles, hiccough, worms, etc. If
Hj flfrflr WlJm Br'9nt's disease, diabetes, floating kidney, skin disease, boils, eruptions and I
K KO EfIV 7 other diseases, so called, are caused by nerves being.pinched in the spinal v if
B Wfllm Hfld openings at this point. $ iff
kB ukTw Wul Ufc Regulations of such troubles as so called appendicitis, peritonitis, lumbago, etc.,
H IRSSI MMI O follow Chiropractic adjustments at this point. W. 0
kfffV IKe Iw O Why have so called constipation, rectal troubles, sciatica$tc, when Chiroprac-
1 Hr flr tic adJustments at tnls Part f the spine will remoyejihe cause? tS
H B -A slight slippage of one or both innominate bones will 'likewise produce so Af.J
IffWil Vir Iff called sciatica, together with many "diseases" of pelvfand lower extremi- 10
K lw tes- i-
I Do not tell me anything. I will point out the part of your ; .
Bi spine responsible for the entire trouble. 325 BOSTON BUILDING
K - ; W

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