OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, January 13, 1917, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1917-01-13/ed-1/seq-9/

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r ll
to us to be done Rough
Dry or Rough Dry
I Distinctive Work
Office 18 East Broadway
Phone Hyland 192
B. A. CUX.BERTSON, President.
Do WITT KNOX, Vice-President.
"W. F. EARLS. Cashier.
GEO. G. KNOX, Assistant iCashier
Cnpltnl $UO,000.00
SurpltiM mid Undivided
VrotltH 343,500.00
DepoNltM 4,475,508.00
E. A. Culbortson, DeWltt Knox,
W. F. Earls. Geo. G. Knox, Ezra
Thompson, Thomas Kearns, G. 'S.
Holmes, David Smith.
niiiikliipr In All ItM BrnnchcH.
I liter e.s t Paid On Time DcnoxltH.
By Sam Davis.
WHEN Jake Lanning fitted up his
new saloon in Tonopah with a
wealth of interior decorations that
seemed better fitted to San Francisco
than to a new Nevada mining camp,
there were many of the patrons who
were unkind enough to make insinuat
ing queries regarding the manner in
which Jake had secured the money
which paid for it all Discussions on
this subject never reached any defln
ite goal, and it was finally dismissed
as a conversational topic.
Jake had announced that he was
going to "put all the other joints on
the blink" when it came to celebrat
ing Christmas, and he began his dec
orations several days ahead of the
rest. ,
One afternoon two strangers ent
ered the resort, and when Jake saw
some glasses, a flush of crimson
suffused his face and spread ipidly
to the back of his neck.
"Well, Jake, we are here."
"Yes. Have something."
They declined his proffer of hospi
tality, and asked him outside.
"We don't want to talk our business
affairs in the -presence of your cus
tomers, Jake, but we have come up
here to take a look at that mining
"Take ye right to it."
They soon had a raw-boned horse
hitched to a buckboard, and started
"Better take a pick and shovel, if
we need some more ore samples."
"Certainly. I almost forgot about
the ore Bamples."
They drove out into the hills, and
it soon became apparent that Jake
did not exactly know where he was
Three days starting Monday, January 15. Matinee Wednesday.
.Excursions on all railroads and trolley lines for the Liebler Co.'s
Stupendous Spectacle
1 00 --'-PEOPLE 100
Arabs Camels Horses Donkeys.
The Eighth Wonder of the World. Mightiest Play on the Planet.
Traveling in its own Special Tra'n of eight cars. The Biggest At
traction ever in Salt Lake City.
Mail Orders Now Received and will be filled in the order of re
ceipt. PRICES: Nights, Lower FJIoor, $2.00; First Balcony, $1.50; Sec
ond Balcony, $1.00; Gallery, Oc. Wednesday Matinee, First Floor,
$1.50; First Balcony, $1.00; Second Balcony, 75c; Gallery, 50c.
"See anything of the mine?"
,"It must be along hero somewhere."
Presently the horse stopped on tho
brow of a bleak hill, and Jake dropped
the reins to wipe the heavy beads of
sweat off his face.
"Well, what about it?" queried the
two men in the back seat
"I guess, boys, I may as well make
a clean breast of it. There ain't no
mine. Only a location, and I've blowed
the wad."
Jake had been stringing his part
ners along to put up money on his
lying representations for nearly two
years, and he had reached tho end
of the trail. He had put all the money
into his saloon, and in palliation of
his offense ho explained that all min
ing was a gamble, while a saloon in a
Nevada mining camp possessed no
elements of financial uncertainty. He
argued that his course had been sole
ly dictated by inherent honesty and
sound business judgment.
"Your talk is interesting, Jake, but
it cuts no ice with us. What we want
you to do now is to pick out some
nice dry place for a grave, somewhere
off the main line of travel, and not
too much exposed to the wind. We
are going to have you dig your grave
right away, and then fill your worth
less carcass with lead and bury you
with your boots on."
Jake knew his partners too well to
open any parley on a question like
that. He drove his horse into a hol
low, and getting out remarked that
the spot where they had stopped was
as good as any.
"Get busy!" They handed him the
pick and shovel, and when he seemed
a little slow covered him with six
shooters. There was a silence of half an hour
as his captors watched him work.
The ground was getting harder, and
the poor fellow was weakening at his
"Say, fellers, ain't this deep enough?
I ain't so blamed particular about the
"We want the grave right. Say about
another foot."
"Say, pards, did you ever read in
the Bible about the 'Peace on earth,
good will to me, that they teach about
this time of year. Would you spoil
an orphan's Christmas by treatin' him
this way?"
"Cut that stuff, Jake. It won't get
ye anywhere with us. You'll have to
come across with something better n
"How does this strike ye."
As lie landed the query he threw
up a chunk of rock that glistened with
free gold.
"Good boy," shouted his partners,
after they had examined the speci
men. "I locate this claim," he yelled.
They pulled him out of the hole and
shook his hand warmly. ,
The way those three men celebrated
Christmas was something scandalous,
even for Tonopah.
The mine is now one of the regular
dMdend payers of the district, and
tht partners have never had the
slightest friction since the location of
the property. The Town Crier.
Protection Against Hi
T 1
"When you keep your valuables M
or Important papers in an old- M
fashioned safe, you aro afforded ' M
but llttlo actual protection. ' M
On tho other hand, by renting j M
ono of our Safo Doposlt boxes, I M
you secure immunity from fire, S3 M
theft and every other chance of y M
loss. M
The cost Is nominal $1.50 per 1 M
year. :; M
Salt Lake Security & i I
Trust Company I
32 Main St. Salt Lake City. I
Centurp printing II
Company I I
Phone )j H
Wasatch 1801 I
Printers. Binders, Designers, Linotypers M
. I
Reasons Why She Ap- I
predated Beer in
the Home
When fatigued it proves a stim- u H
ulent. ' M
When uurslng the 'baby it is H
frequently prescribed. M
It gives zest to the dinner meal. H
Is the ideal refreshment when , H
friends drop in. H
American , I
Beauty Beer I
Always goes well with lunches. jH
It is fine when served with oys- H
ters after the theater. jH
A glass before retiring will in- H
duce restful slumber. H
Beer is food and drink com- H
bined. H
Ring Hyland 17 Your Dealer. H
' fl
1 I

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