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GOODWIN'S WEEKLY. 3 H range by the weight of the missels thrown; lut then ho added that the real gun must be rifled, and that the Americans had been for years prac ticing just how much rifling was necessary to make the most effective guns in all the various sizes from the smallest to the utmost caliber. If this is true, when the first enemy assails the United 'States there will be cannons to meet that will equal, if not excel, the best that the enemy has. It is further stated that the United States has more effective powder than any used by any other foreign power. And so it would seem that wo will get along all right if the war comes. i Utter Desperation HE sorriest indictment against Germany to yJ date is her sinking of relief ships carrying food and clothing to starving, overwhelmed Bel gium. This will come nearer than anything to bringing on a rebellion in Germany herself. A woman reached New York from that dis tressed country recently, and is reported as say ing: "Wo should have starved if it had not been for the United States." Tliat the power which brought this fearful calamity upon Belgium should sink relief ships carrying to that starving people the absolute necessities of life, is something which all nations and peoples recoil before. It shows how desperate must bo the conditions in Germany and Austria, and makes one instinc tively think of a shipwrecked crew in an ppen boat, the remnant living upon the corpses of those who have died. A Treacherous Idiot yPtfANY indications point to the fact that Car L ranza of Mexico would, if he dared, openly declare his friendship for Germany. . That shows his innate treachery and, at tho same time, his want of horse sense. Suppose it possible in tho war's upheaval for Germany to land a great army in Mexico; how long would Carranza bo considered? And when does ho imagine ho would ever get that army out of Mexico; Has ho forgotten when a French army landed there to uprear and support a throne for Maxi milian, how that army re-established tho throne and restored all of the old oppressions of the peo ple; and how helpless Mexico was under that rule until the United States sent Sheridan with a por tion of the Grand Army of the Republic down to the Rio Grande, and a message was sent to Louis Napoleon that tho United States believed that tho health of the French soldiers Avould be improved by their taking a sea voyage? Military Training XN tho eve of probable war, how different would we all feel had all tho boys in our higher grade public schools and the boys in the high schools had regular military training as a part of the curriculum during tho past twenty years. Regrets are idle, but we should heed tho warnings that come to us and begin to prepare to make the future as secure as possible. Wars are decided, as a rule, by the men behind the guns; and surely it is due them that they be given every needed accomplishment in case the call comes to them to go out and make of their bodies of breastwork between their country and their country's foes. What are our schools for save to fit the youth of the land for life's duties? HINGS have a look as though Germany, in viz the event of a war with the United States, plans to make Mexico her base of operations on this side. But how is sho to got any forco there? H Wo might ask the samo question of such Amer- H icans as are predicting that an American army H will go to Franco. If wo had tho army to send, jH how could wo send it, when wo are not oven ablo H to send a shipload of food there for her starving H H JjHE peasantry of central Europe are adopting H i iron money. Tho little republic of Cuba is H contemplating issuing scrip as its measure of H values. Tho aristocracy of tho United States H shrink from having two quarters and a half dollar H of silver in their clothes, lest their backs bo H broken by the great weight of the coins. It was H old Billie, was it not, who made Fuck explain: H "What fools these mortals be?" H "JHE argument that Germany put out, plead- H y ing that Great Britain having blockaded H her own ports against enemies, she is justified H in sinking all ships approaching those porta, will H not long carry the approval of the German p'eo- H pie themselves. It ibegins to look as though H "whom the gods would destroy they first mako H mad." H (55(0 Mr. Gompers protests against the decision H KZS of tho supremo court of tho United States in H the Adamson case. H It is not necessary. Tho court was certain it Avas right, even before its opinion was confirmed H by the filing of the protest of Mr. Gompers. H XF Villa offers to agree not to make tho M United States trouble in case our country H becomes involved in real war with Germany, the H agreement, to be of any account, should 'be under- M written by Japan's allies, Great Britain and M Russia. M I j ''AMERICA FIRST" M TMs Bakery and the Public Special Announcement I WHAT IS BUSINESS? Trt Olir R(P-Plflfr5 I DR. FRANK CRANE expresses our sentiment exactly in an- -- V-r U.I. XVvlU.vl O swer to this Question when he says: H "Business WAS business. Nowadays It is more. H "Business is psychology. It Implies a study of human ways H and tastes. It means an understanding of crowds. It comprises Y U,, v J .-.,-.v,.i. -.irii-U fU 1 cultivating public opinion, it includes forecasting public de- We nave made arrangements with trie "IltiMlnvNM In honesty. It no longer connotes over- LKAWrOKD T UH.N1 1 L JRlli COJVl" H reaching, short-changing, eo.enlng and haggling. It does r- a x T-v r r 1 t t i 1 himsciV? " I,1,M,,,CMH 1,,IP ionK 4,,CMC ,lnyM to Htn,,,1,lc "ver PAN Y for the complimentary distribution "Business Is charity. To furnish a means of honest, self-re- , lirvfai-I ml,ai. , i-U- k,,,fif,,l PAD H spectlng livelihood to a hundred human beings is doing more real Ol a limited nUITlDer Ol Uieir DeailtllUl .AJA- H I charity than doling soup to two hundred beggars. Moro good and T . riifi T r A nrp 1 M more welfare come from providing employment than from re- lN 1 lOi N VAotlo tO OUT readers. "Business Is courtesy. It Is not obsequiousness. It Implies M tho art of handling people skilfully. It means self-control, self- . f i 1 i 1 discipline, good breeding, knowledge of character. Any one or our readers, desiring to take "Business Is progress. It does not consist In wheedling peo- J , IH pie to deal with you once, that you may overcharge them, but It ndvanhap nf Ihic r(rr mm; An en rw mil- S consists In treating customers so that they will come back. The , dUVdlliage Ql IfllS OUCI, may UO SO Dy Call" M pleased customer means cumulative progress. 11 1 DC A T THPIUT TI 1 "Business Is ethics. Tho best preaching Is by example. Tho Hig personally at the JJIIA.U 1 IT UJL H straight business man preaches six days in tho week honesty, In- xin(V. 1-,T Tri.T,i. Triri , H tegrlty, fidelity, and economy. Ho Is a moral stimulus to tho com- JNlL W F UH.NI 1 UKlli S 1 OK.lL On State H "Business is politics. The right kind of business man pays rrr nnrl nrAconhnrr rkic nrvr -f H his taxes, supports civic enterprises, stands for law and order, re- LHI CCl dllU prebCIlLing Llllb -Opy Ol M fuses to pay ton to grafters, and altogether represents tho back- - --rvvnT'P WrnI H bono of justice. GOODWIN S WhLKLY. "RunIiicnn Is telling the truth. There In crooked nig M Riislness, there Ih shifty Kittle HiihIiicns, there is Nasty M IliislneNN, mid Shady RiisIucnn. Rut there In enough Real M RiinIiicnn to furnish lifchlood for all tlicHe Niiekcrs. The H main body of RiinIucns in this country is sound as a dol- "" " " lar. It In Intelligent, fair and puhllL'-snlrlteri. H "Business Is National Prosperity. Wo could get along without H any other class of men hotter than without Business Men. "Business Is National Honor. Our reputation abroad Is mado i0'7B7,Tfcrl W4 iltHil1r,Tili'3k f,rf-fc--ft-i-rr-fr I or unmade by our Business Men. VrttWIOrCJl I? UllI 11111 XjiOJJipSiliy "Business never meant moro than It does today. It' never ., .- ., - H needed moro men of sterling character. There Is room in it for 1464o-5U State Street tho best brains, skill, and moral worth of tho country." ROYAL BAKING CO. Sail lake - .,, Th H v t Th r.. I mu m i . a 1 . M o , Everything For The House Except The Girl Member National Association of Master Bakers. II I