Newspaper Page Text
B 14 GOODWIN'S WEEKLY H Tlio years have gone on and she has H added Russian to her languages, and H God alone knows how many other Ian- H guages she has a smattering of! She H has acquaintances with every dlplo- H matic circle, with all the floating H population, in a "way, of Paris, and is H thought to he now in secret service H work for some country anyway, she H is no longer worried about money. If H it is secret service work, let us hope H that it is for the Allies. Her inno- H cenco and childishness and helpless- fl ness would make her invaluable. The M Analyzer in Town Topics. H AM EYE TO BUSINESS. H Mrs. Smith hired a Chinese servant H and tried to teach him how to receive H calling cards. She let herself out the H front door, and when the new servant H answered the ring she gave him her H card. The next day two ladies came 1 to call. When they presented their M ' cards the alert Chinaman hastily com- 1 pared them with Mrs. Smith's card, M and remarked as he closed the door: H' "Tickets no good; you can't come in." M PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP M NOTICES. M Consult County Clerk or the Respect H ive Signers for Further Information. M NOTICE TO CREDITORS. H Estate of A. M. Goslin, deceased. M Creditors will present claims with H vouchers to the undersigned at Mc- H Cornicle & Company's bank on or be- H fore the 26th day of January, A. D. H R. L. CONELY, H Administrator with the Will An- H nexed of A. M. Goslen, Deceased. M KING AND BRAFFET, MARIA- M NEAUX, STRAUP, STOTT & BECK, H Attorneys for Administrator. H Date of first publication, September j 22nd, A. D. 1917. 9-22-10-20 H NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' M MEETING. H Notice is hereby given to the stock- H hplders of the Mt. Masonic Mining H Company, a corporation of the State H of Utah, that at 2 o'clock p. m. on H the 16th day of October, 1917, a meot- H ing of the stockholders of said Mt. H MasQnic Mining Company will be held Hj at room 106, Daly Hotel, Salt Lake H City, Utah, for the purpose of electing H a board of directors and to consider H and vote on a proposition to devise H means of raising money to settle the H outstanding obligations of said com- H pany. B Dated September 22, 1917. B L. R. PERRY, M JOHN CARSON, H A. M. SPOONER, j 9-29-10-13 Directors. m NOTICE TO CREDITORS. H Estate of Alice Cockerlll, deceased. H' Creditors will present claims with H vouchers to the undersigned at his B residence in Pleasant Green, Utah, or H to S. P. Armstrong, attorney for ad- H ministrator, at his office In Continental B. National bank building, on or before the 7th day of February, A. D. 1918. H Date of first publication, Oct. 6, 1917. H; JAMES T. COCKERILL, K Administrator of the estate of H ALICE COCKERILL, 1 Deceased. , S. P. ARMSTRONG, H Atty. for Administrator. 10-6-11-3 jj-rj-"it--jBaf -----II in i , iifiMrfrt NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Jasper N. Stillson, de ceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at No. 16 Exchange Place, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 24th day of Novem ber, A. D. 1917. THOS. W. MUIR, Administrator with the Will An nexed of Jasper N. Stillson, Deceased. ROBT. B. PORTER, Attorney for Administrator. Date of first publication, September 22, A. D. 1917. 9-2210-20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Mary E. Stillson, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at No. 16 Exchange Place, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 24th day of Novem ber, A. D. 1917. THOS. W. MUIR, Administrator, with Will Annexed, of Mary E. Stillson, Deceased. ROBT. B. PORTER, Attorney for Administrator. Date of first publication, September 22nd, A. D. 1917. 9-22-10-20 ASSESSMENT NO. 2. NEVADA DIVIDEND MINING COM PANY, principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meet ing of the Board of Directors of the Nevada Dividend Mining Company, held On the 6th day of October, 1917, an assessment of 1-3 cent per share was levied and absessed on the out standing capital stock of said corpora tion, payable forthwith to B. N. Leh man, Secretary, Room 522 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assess ment may remain unpaid on the 10th day of November, 1917, will be delin quent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, so much thereof as is neces sary will be sold at the office of the Company on the 1st day of December, 1917, at 11 o'clock a. m. to pay delin quent assessment thereon, together with costs of advertising and expense of sale. B. N. LEHMAN, 10-1311-10 Secretary. NOTICE OF SALE. ABRAHAM IRRIGATION COM PANY, 08-9-10 Atlas Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. NOTICE There are delinquent up on the following described stock, on account of assessment No. 14, levied on the 28th day of August, 1917, the amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders, as fel lows: Certif. No. Name. Shares. Amt. 11 Harry H. Allyn 40 $ 20.00 32 H. G. Stephens 40 20.00 33 W. F. Hammel 40 20.00 34 W. F. Hammel 40 20.00 35 W. F. Hammel 40 20.00 36 W. F. Hammel 40 20.00 37 W. F. Hammel 40 20.0Q 39 W. F. Hammel 40 20.00 40 W. F. Hammel 40 20.00 49 L. L. Taylor 80 40.00 52 Geo. J. Slining 40 20.00 57 Henry C. Henke 40 20,00 69 B. F. Wire 40 20.00 81 F. S. Guggenheim .... 40 20.00 84 Ida Jennings 40 20.00 93 H. B. & Peter Laing. . 40 20.00 119 Anthony Canavan 80 40.00 158 W. F. Hammel 30 15.00 159 W. F. Hammel 240 120.00 174 H. J. Fitzgerald 80 40.00 192 J. A. Melville 40 20.00 316 Hogan Brothers 100 50.00 334 E. O. White 40 20.00 336 H. B. Laing 20 10.00 363 W. J. Cary 40 20.00 371 L. J. Fairbanks 20 10.00 TilfigT . J ' JIMP1 --JS""'W-y' tmwiwmr fp m -. 410 Milton Co 80 40.00 412 W. J. Barrette 40 20.00 414 Chas. Tyng 38 19.00 416 Chas. Tyng 40 20.00 417 M. Blllsteln 160 80.00 424 E. O. Lee (Schwartz). 80 40.00 439 Wm. Kasling Wm. D. Livingston 40 20.00 443 J. W. Hoggan 314 157.00 450 A. A. Rowsell 50 25.00 467 P. T. Black 25 12.50 485 Otto J. Monson 92 46.00 489 W. J. Barrette 40 20.00 492 J. N. Hayes 120 60.00 505 Otto J. Monson 28 14.00 507 Chas. Burke 40 20.00 508 Richard Parker 120 60.00 513 Albert Schwartz 80 40.00 514 E. J. Biehler 40 20.00 517 C. E. Maw 16 8.00 528 Nat'l Nav. & Tr. Co... 380 190.00 531 W. T. Henderspn 70 35.00 Treas. O. jM. Fullmer 10 5.00 543 H. J. Fitzgerald 40 20.00 544 Calvin B. Beach 40 20.00 547 James H. Paterson 40 20.00 548 James H. Paterson 80 40.00 550 Katie A. P. Wright 20 10.00 551 Deseret Savings Bank. 40 20.00 557 Robert F. iMasbn 320 160.00 566 Nat'l. Sav. & Tr. Co... 200 100.00 567 Nat'l Sav. & Tr. Co... 60 30.00 569 Briant S. Hinckley 40 20.00 570 Briant S. Hinckley .... 20 10.00 571 Briant S. Hinckley 20 10.00 573 Rosabel H. Ashton ... 40 20.00 574 Rosabel H. Ashton ... 40 20.00 575 Otto J. Monson 16 8.00 578 W. S. Lamoreaux 75 37.50 588 Woodruff Ranch Co... 320 160.00 590 Peter C. Peterson 10 5.00 595 Salt Lake Hardware Co io 7.50 596 A. R. Hoefer and Nellie Hoefer 24 12.00 614 S.V.Trent . . ....... 50 25.00 615 S. V. Trent 50 25.00 617 Weston J. Cary 40 20.00 628 John xi. Hilton 40 20.00 632 Thomas E. Winrod ... 40 20.00 634 Livingston Land & Cattle Co 500 250.00 625 Livingston Land Ac Cattle Co 500 250.00 636 Livingston Land & Cattle oo 180 90.00 640 Nels L. Peterson 4 2.00 641 Nels L. Peterson 4 2.00 584 Rosabel Ashton 10 5.00 And in accordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors made on the 28th day of August, 1917, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at the office of the company, 409 Atlas Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 15th day of October, A. D. 1917, to pay tho delinquent assessment hereon, together with costs of adver ising and expenses of sale. WM. D. LIVINGSTON, Secretary. ABRAHAM IRRIGATION COMPANY. 409 Atlas Bldg., Salt Lake City, tah. 9-29-10-13 DELINQUENT NOTICE. NEVADA ZINC MINING COMPANY. Location and principal place of busi ness, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice. There are delinquent upon the following described stock on ac count of Assessment (No. 5, levied on August 24, 1917, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respec tive shareholders as follows: Cert. No. No. Name. Shares. Amt. 249 C. M. Alston 1 200 $12 00 72 Mrs. J. H. Balch 250 2.50 370 Mrs. W. J. Arnold. . . 1,497 14.97 104 C. D. Brown 2,150 21.P0 105 Mrs. C. D. Brown... 250 2.50 131 W, C. Behunin 300 3.00 139 Daisy M. Booth 500 5.00 153 John A. Burt 2,900 29.00 573 Burnside & Hergott 2,600 26.00 205 Mattie Butler 500 5.00 302 B. H. Brown 600 6,00 304 J. W. Bell 600 6.00 553 Martin Benson 703 7.03 459 Geo. J. Cannon 2,750 27.50 331 Sarah A. J. Cannon 250 2.50 373 Clover Mining Co... 824 8.24 544 James G. Cozakos.. 2,000 20.00 180 J. M. Dodds 4,700 47.00 193 John Dorius 2,500 25.00 216 John Dorius 500 5.00 396 John Dorius 5,000 50.00 397 John Dorius 2,500 25.00 450 John Dorius 5,000 50.00 201 Fred Dunn 1,800 18.00 214 Fred Dunn 1,000 10.00 449 W. P. Davis 5,000 50.00 141 Mrs. W. L Ellerbeck 250 2.50 453 B. F. Grant 7,000 70.00 472 B. F. Grant 3,150 31.50 493 B. F. Grant 5,000 60.00 502 B. F. Grant 21,315 213.15 550 B. F. Grant 1,250 12.50 I 346 Heber J. Grant 7,500 75.00 462 Heber J. Grant 25,000 250.00 497 Heber J. Grant 19 950 199.50 549 Heber J. Grant 30,000 300j00 496 A. L. Hanson 1,000 10.00 203 Clarence Hoagland.. 1,450 14.50 244 J. L. Hiatt 500 5.00 305 John W. Jex 9,400 94.00 307 W. A. Jones 9,250 92.50 ( 306 W. A. Jones 10,000 100.00 545 Mrs. H. R. H. Klein- schmidt 2,000 20.00 130 Brig Lewis 1,600 16.50 148 J. G. Lewis 500 5.00 384 L. N. Morrison 10,000 100.00 100 Robert Miller, Jr 500 . 5.00 333 Daniel Mannix 250 2.50 274 W. M. McCarty .... 1,000 " 10.00 275 W. M. McCarty 1,000 -10.00 144 H. J. McKean 4,000 40.00 145 H. J. McKean 4,950 49,50 181 H. J. McKean, 8,750 87.50 392 H. J. McKean 2,500 25.00 393 H. J. McKean 2,500 25.00 394 H. J. McKean 500 5.00 465 H. J. McKean 8,000 80.00 350 David Neff 3,742 37.42 551 Frederick J. Pack.. 10,000 100.00 179 Alma Rowley 4,700 47.00 213 Stayner Richards .. 8,700 87.00 474 Stayner Richards .. 700 7.00 251 S. L. Richards 4,000 40.00 92 L. W. Snow 2,500 25".00 96 E. A. Smith 1,000 10.00 454 E. A. Smith 2,000 20.00 494 E. A. Smith 5,000 50.00 218 C. A. Swan 3,000 30.00 379 C. A. Swan 600 6.00 295 P. B. Sullivan 500 5.00 296 P. B. Sullivan . 500 5.00 381 G. E. Snavely 5,00Q 50.00 308 Frank C. Taylor.... 950 9.50 339 A. E. Tourssen 11,750 117.50 351 Frank Y. Taylor. . . . 3,742 37.42 503 Theo. Tobiason 5,000 50.00 462 B. F. Woodward...- 3,026 30.26 267 C. S. Woodward 5,000 50.00 334 B. S. Woodward 14,000 140.00 461 Mrs. C. E.Woodward 2,500 25.00 115 H. G. Whitney 1,500 15.00 116 F. M. Whitney 50Q 5.00 242 D. R. Weightman... 600 5.00 245 D. R. Weightman... 2,300 23.00 235 E. R. Zalinski 28 200 282.00 4 Chas. L. Smith 100 1.00 570 E. D. Smith & Sons. 24,100 2,41.00 And in accordance with law and an order of the board of directors, made on the 24th day of August, 1917, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will bo . sold at the office of the company, 522 i Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 22d day of October, 1917, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay ' delinquent assessment thereon, togeth- , er with costs of advertising and ex pense of sale. B. N. LEHMAN, Secretary. 522 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 10 610-20 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Dugway Mines, Incorporated. Loca tion of principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the directors held on the 28th day of September, 1917, an as sessment of quarter of a cent per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable Immediate ly, to Cyrus G. Gatroll, treasurer, at the office of the company, 414 Atlas block, Salt Lake City, Utah.