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,. jwiglifc mjihii urn ir i ' " " " inH11 - - w H 2 GOODWIN'S WEEKLY I tagf' i McCa11 Patterns Davis Air and I W Ml You-bepf,ic Moisture Valve H "Sk j L&. in use ma" I l Hhk. Ajflli terial and still dress in I jfMmP il Jfflr p"fectt;stea?dbe8tof Saves 20 to B wSI'T&F mlMF style. Ir, when you ' 1 Pf lK,liH ke anew garment, you 50 GaSOlmC I'1 Jj Wm0Mj 11m yu can be absolutely Eliminates Carbon Trouble on All Makes of Cars Hi IJfj fBffi lllftl'I certain that the stye ABSOLUTE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ' H IlkmMJl mlS wiU be CrreCt' the fit A TITO -RnTTTPlVfTriVT Ar $ It H wmJMm iff perfect, and that it can- A U 1 U iLJ U 1FM JtLJM 1 mi Mmwm till not be properly made engineering go. Hj 'RPSqISf with less material. A. E. BEVERIDGE, Sec'y- Treas. I U,m9 McCal1 Patterns ' 220"221-222 Continental Nat'l Bank Bldg. 811L now on sale SOLE u-s- distributors H . Desirable State and County Rights Still Open R jy yjHh yV Demonstration at 148 S. Main I JSGIuil J JLJiiGfT ifOm EQUIPPING STATION, 730 S. MAIN H . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'J: I Automatic I Cullen Garage I I ' Auto Headlight ! - - - - - I H Theatre. . , v A NEW INVENTION . u- . . I A Public Safety Device 1 B The Automatic Auto Headlight Company owns an invention, a mo- E ' B chanical construction which connects the steering rod or spindle with - v T. t the headlight on automobiles and vehicles in such a way that when the M 1-.k. I v---t- -& M LL- H front wheels turn to- the right or left, the lights make the same move- 1 flfGil I J'fl V lllil 1 1 5? il I ment and by doing so the rays of the lamps are oxactly where the wheels Jr M-Mm -" J - l. -. i u-f B will travel, this Is the path the car will take and the movement of the E lights with the wheels is the right and proper way, which everybody f h will adopt as soon as he sees the value of It. Ej af Hj The old way, the tied stationary lamps are absolutely wrong and S 5 dangerous for every driver. Thd new headlights do away with all danger ) especially on curved roads giving light where it is needed, at the point s I H whore the wheels make the first turn for the now path of the car. E ' ' Hj The company Is organized to manufacture the headlight and put it E ' III 5 , on the cars already in use or give it to different car manufacturing com- ST I" V panics on a royalty basis. It will sell state rights to responsible parties s I and establish garages and repairing shops all over the United States. s ., i The money taken In, on account of such business, goes Into the treasury S While shopping' 01" at the theatre VOU can store your car V and d'vidends will bo paid to every stockholder in a short time, because wo H; we already mado agreemenots with parties for manufacturing same de- with us for 25c. We have 44000 sciuare feet of floor snace E M vice and put it on cars where wo have the orders already in advance and wiui us lor tat. vvc iuivt- tt.uuu biiuuit ilcl oi iiuur ipdu. H these are numerous. jS E BUY STOCK NOW! Ladies' waiting room in connection. M A limited amount 50c per share, don't wait until it's to late E 1 Cal1 and we wIn show you what we have. We will give you a free For monthlv storage rates ohone Wasatch 9083 E , ' H demonstration and a ride in the car and you will be convinced that It is x ur 10"UIV luio atut) piiurn. vvciidu.u woo. t v H the best single Improvement ever mado on automobiles, and a device S ' which Is badly needed to prevent accidents on roads In the darkness. , ' For Information call or write to the, Automatic Headlight. Agency 1 We SPecialize Washing, Polishing, Oiling and Greasing. E j 100 Jinan Dlilg., Salt Lnkc City, Utah. E H Charles F. W. Thomas, inventor, 1143 East 13th Scruth. Phone Hy- E 37-39 West Second South. E t land 2714. . , E m ' J iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii