GOODWIN'S WEEKLY f H a timely subject ono that will inter- est mothers, fathers, sweethearts and wives whose boys were "over there." With two members o the cast just returned from months of service in x training camps, and a supporting com . pany headed by winsome Audra Alden, the group of select players enter into the spirit of the story with an under standing of the true facts upon which the play is founded. "When He 'Came Back" is a play that will appeal to every red-bloooded American citizen, yet it harbors no 'harrowing situations; not a gun is fired, but the story abounds in big dra . matic situations. in It is also promised that the new play Vf, ' opening Monday night is staged lav- uir ?Ishly' and If tne Prices were the regu v ' 'laf,ion road attraction ones, patrons 4vould have no occasion for regret ' V There are a lot of good lines in "The Saving Grace," the comedy by C. Haddon Chambers In which 'Cyril Maude is now touring. Here are just a few of them: "He didn't employ words he in-' vented 'em. And he didn't speak - 'em he kept 'em in his mouth till , they got red hot and then hurled 'em at you." "He's one of those strong, silent -V men , who never speak except to be rude to somebody." tJiL & ' "Women are born ten years older t than men." v ' "They can prevent me being a sol dier, but, by God! they can't prevent me fro mfeeling like one." . . ,"The sardine is the skylark of the ocean." 1 , 1 Ethel Barrymore, now playing on tour in "The Off Chance," tells an v amusing story of her first meeting with a species of the genus "ama teur playwright." "I even remember the date," says Miss Barrymore. "It was September 23, 1895. I know because it was at J ANTHONY SMYTHE, HANDSOME AND TALENTED LEADING MAN OF THE WILKES WHO WILL HAVE A POWERFUL ROLE IN "THE WOLF" ' ( i WHICH WILL BE PRESENTED ALL NEXT WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY NIGHT the first performance of "That Impu dent Young Couple" at the Empire Theater, New York. Uncle John Drew was the star and I was in the cast. The man sat in a front seat. He had a black moustache and sharp eyes, and he fascinated me. The next night he was there again. I began to get scared. Then on our first mati nee day I found him waiting at the stage door. He stopped me and very politely thrust into my hand what I know now is the deadliest of all weapons a bulky manuscript. "I rushed into the theater and slammed the door in his face. In the SCENE FROM "PITY'S SAKE," WHICH SCORED SUCH A PRONOUNCED LAUGHING HIT AT THE ORHHEUM LAST SEASON AND WHICH RETURNS BETTER THAN EVER BEGINNING NI XT WEDNESDAY EVENING SALT LAKE THEATRE I I 3 Mights Beginning IbH Thursday, Jan. 23 jH Matinee Saturday. Warn T-HE MOST FASCINATING H COMEDY OF-THE IW H JLOHG I El LEGS I f SB Ay Jean Webster H HENRY MILLER Manager WmaM With ImaW ALICE HAYNES H A New York Cast andi Production lafl SEAT SALE PRICES: M Nights 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. M Matinee 25c, 50c, 75c and' $1.00. H I I A BIG NEW 6-ACT BILL TODAY M PANTAGES I Unequalled Vaudeville H On Broadway H Here it is! Tho biggest bill of H pretty girls, tuneful tunes, clever H comedians, thrills, stunning H grown and clever comedies, fl we've ever offered. A big six- H act program that runs through jH the ensuing week, with three H shows daily. Make your reser- M vations early. M THE LOVE RACE B A big musical comedy satire, H with Jack Hallan, Lew Harris, H Addie Carlson and a bevy of New M York show girls. Daring cos- fl tumes and melodious melodies. M JOHN T. RAY & CO. H "Check Your Hat" H A Comedy Episode H THE THREE BULLOWA GIRLS B "Queens of the Silver Thread" H HELEN MORATTI H "The Italian Nightingale" H JACK LA VIER B "The Flying Monologist" H TAYLOR AND CORRELL H "Singing and Dancing" H Another episode of Vitagraph M Master Serial M "A FIGHT FOR MILLIONS" H THE PANTAGES ORCHESTRA H .3 Shows Daily 2:45, 7:30, 9:15. H Prices Matinees 10c, 15c, 25c, fl Prices Nights 15c, 25c, 35c. H