" HI mil. II .III L H
at the .large base hospitals, absolutely
no provision for a similar service to
the men had been made, and the dis
tressing conditions disclosed probably
would .have continued, but for the ac
tivity of the Republicans in exposing
jPthem to public denunciation.
"Is de left hind foot of a rabbit a
sign of luck?"
" 'Tis," remarked Mr. Erastus Pink
ley, "if you owns de rest of de rabbit."
Washington Star.
Beaver Lake Metals Company, prin
cipal place of business 609 Newhouse
Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.
ATNotice is hereby given that at a
'meeting of the board of directors of
the Beaver Lake Metals Company, held
on the 21st day of February, 1919, as
sessment No. 3, of one-eight () cent
per share was levied upon the capital
stock of the corporation, issued and
outstanding, payable immediately to
S. S. Poriu, secretary, at his office 609
Mewhouse building, Salt Lake City,
Any stock upon which this assess
ment may remain unpaid on Thursday,
the 27th day of March, 1919, will be
delinquent and advertised for sale at
public auction and unless payment is
made before will be sold on Saturday,
the 19th day of April, 1919, at 2 o'clock
p. m., at the office of the company to
prty the delinquent assessment there
on together with the costs of adver
tising and the expense of sale.
2-21-3-15 Secretary.
In the Third Judicial District Court of
Salt Lake County, State of Utah.
Norma Dlckert Sawyer, plaintiff, vs.
'Josiah G. Sawyer, defendant. Sum
mons. The State of Utah to the said defend
ant: You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty day aftefr service
of this summons upon ypu, if served
within the county in which this action
is brought; otherwise, wlthin thirty
days after service, and defend the
above entitled action; and in case of
your failure so to do, judgment will
be rendered against you according to
the demand of the complaint, which
has been filed with the clerk of said
This action is brought to recover a
judgment dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony heretofore existing between
you and the plaintiff and awarding the
Apen All Night Tel. Was. 5516
Modern Establishment
New Building
43 State St. Salt Lake City
custody of the two minor children of
you and the plaintiff to said plaintiff
and awarding alimony to plaintiff.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
P. O. Address: 1020 Boston Bldg.,
Salt Lake City, Utah. 2-1-3-1
In the Third Judicial District Court of
Salt Lake County, State of Utah.
Ida Libby, plaintiff, vs. Walter Libby,
defendant. Summons.
The State of Utah to the said defend
ant t
YoU are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty day after service
of this summons upon you, if served
within the county in which this action
is brought; otherwise, within thirty
days after service, and defend the
above entitled action; and in case of
your failure so to do, judgment will
be rendered against you according to
the demand of the complaint, which
has been filed with the clerk of said
court, and wherein the plaintiff is seek
ing a judgment against the defendant
herein for divorce on the grounds of
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. O. Address: 417 Kearns Bldg.,
Salt Lake City, Utah. 2-1-3-1
In the Third Judicial District Court
of Salt Lake County; State of Utah.
Mary Y. Parks, plaintiff, vs. Fred
eric Ellis Parks, defendant. Sum
mons. The State of Utah to the said De
fendant: YoU are hereby summoned to ap
pear, within twenty days after the ser
vice of this summons upon you, if
served within the county in which
this action is brought; otherwise,
within thirty days after service, and
defend the above entitled action; and
in case of your failure so to do, judg
ment will be rendered against you
according to the demand of the com
plaint, which has been filed with the
Clerk of said iCourt.
This action Ib brought to sever the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
P. O. Address 412 Vermont Bldg.,
Salt Lake City, Utah. 2-21-3-22
In the Third Judicial District Court
of Salt Lake County, State of Utah.
Adelbert Goltz, plaintiff, vs. Darwin
Richardson and Mrs. Darwin 'Richard
son, husband and wife, and their
heirs, administrators and assigns, D.
C. Richardson and Mrs. D. C. Rich
ardson, husband and wife, Abraham
Helm and Mrs. Abraham Helm, hus
band and wife, and their heirs, ad
ministrators and assigns, Andrew
Helm, Reuben Snedaker, John Doe,
Richard Rowe, and all other persons
who claim any interest or estate In
the subject matter of this action,
311-12-13 Ness Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah
. . "..u 1919,
' Please deliver GOODWIN'S WEEKLY to my address for one
year, for which J. agree to pay $2.00 in advance upon presentation of
' Address
whose names are unknown to plain
tiff, defendants. Summons.
The State of Utah to the said De
fendants: You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after the ser
vice of this summons upon you, if
served within the county in which
this action is brought; otherwise,
within thirty days after service, and
defend the above entitled action; and
in case of your failure so to do, judg
ment will be rendered agalnBt you ac
cording to tho demand of the com
plaint, which has been filed with the
Clerk of said 'Court This action 'is
brought to secure a judgment quiet
ing plaintiff title to the land de
scribed in said complaint.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. O. Address 504 Continental Nat'l
Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.
Richlands Irrigation Company, a
Utah corporation. Principal place of
business, 1114 Newhouse Bldg., Salt
Lake City, Utah.
at a meeting of the board of directors,
held on the 13th day of
January, A. D. 1919, an assess
ment, known as assessment No. 8, of
two cents per share was levied on
the capital stock of the corporation,
payable immediately to the secretary
of said company, W. C. Alexander, at
his office, room 1114 Newhouse build
ing, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock
upon which this assessment may re
main unpaid on the 24th day of Feb
ruary, A. D. 1919, will be delinquent
and advertised for sale at public auc
tion, and, unless payment is made
before, will be sold on the 17th day of
March, A. D. 1919, to pay the delin
quent assessment, together with the
cost of advertising and expense of
President. 1-25-2-22
Western Utah United Mines Com
pany, a corporation. Principal place
of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. No
tice There are delinquent upon the
following described stock on account
of assessment of cent per share,
levied on the 7th day of January,
1919, the several amounts set oppo
site the names of the respective
stockholders, as follows:
No. Name. Shares. Amt.
121 J. L. Crawford 2000 5.00
3 A. B. Rockhill 2000 5.00
107 Thomas Marloneau . 7500 18.75
115 Thomas Marloneau ..17500 43.75
136 Thomas Marloneau .15,000 37.50
.144 Thomas Marloneau .10,000 25.00
172 Thomas Marloneau .25.000 C2.50
134 Dorothy Marloneau . 5000 12.50
135 Nettie Marloneau .. 5000 12.50
23 Allen T. Sanford 4000 10.00
24 Allen T. Sanford 1000 2.50
30 Nick Condon 1000 2.50
53 W. Langenbacker . . . 1000 2.50
84 Bill PIghomanis 500 1.25
105 John Varros 200 .50
111 A. Gallacher 800 2.00
127 A. Gallacher 576 1.44
114 Nick Sallas 1000 2.50
143 M. O. Rockhill 8000 20.00
146 G. D. Starros 1000 2.50
149 G. D. Starros 1000 2.50
148 Andrew Loguplus . .. 2000 C.00
149 Andrew Loguplus . . . 1000 2.50
151 E. H. Fowler 1000 2.50
180 Ernest Glezos 500 1.25
187 Pete Bazakis 1000 2.50
188 Pete Bazakis 1000 2.50
215 Mike Fitzgerald ... 490 1 13
190 L. H. Gray 10000 25.00
88 L. H. Gray 10000 2&.00
And in accordance with the law and
an order of the board of directors
made on the 7th day of January. 1919,
so many shares of each parcel of such
stock as may bo necessary will bo
sold at the office of the company, at '' H
325 Felt Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah IH
on the 15th day of March, 1919, at fH
the hour of 12 o'clock m. of said day, j
to pay the delinquent assessment jH
thereon, together with the costs or ad- M
vertising and expenses of Bale. ,M
2-21-3-1 Secretary. - '
of Meeting of Members of First Church H
of Christ Scientist. 11
there will be a meeting or the mem- M
bers of First Church of Christ Sclen- H
tist, to be held at the church edifice, M
No. 336 East Third South street, Salt M
Lake City, Utah, on Wednesday, the H
12th day of March, A. D. 1919, at 15 M
minutes past 9 o'clock in the evening M
of said day. H
The object and purpose of said meet- M
ing is to consider the question of male- H
ing the following amendments to the M
articles of incorporation: H
(a) To amend the second para- H
graph of the articles of incorporation H
so that the same shall read as fol- H
That the objects of said corporation H
are religious and not for pecuniary pro- '
fit, but for exercising, enjoying and H
propagating religion of the Bible and M
to promulgate and uphold the doctrines M
and practices of Christian Science as H
taught in "Science and Health with M
Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Bak- H
er Eddy. M
(b) To amend the third paragraph M
of the articles of incorporation so that M
the duration of the same from the time H
of the organization shall bo fifty (50 M
years instead of ninety (90) years. M
(o) To amend the fourth paragraph M
of the articles of incorporation H
so as to provide that the board of di- M
rectors shall consist of seven (7) mem- M
bers, a majority of whom shall const!- H
tute a quorum, and providing further M
that the number of members of the H
board of directors may be increased or H
diminished by a by-law to be adopted M
by the members of the churcli, provid- fl
ed that the number shall never be less M
than five (5) nor more than ten (10). M
(d) To amend the fifth paragraph M
of the articles of incorporation so as M
to provide that the officers, other than M
directors, shall consist of a chairman M
of the board of directors, a treasurer M
and a clerk, all of whom shall be elect- M
ed by the board of directors, and the M
term and tenure of office shall be at M
the pleasure of tho board. M
(e) To amend the seventh .para- M
graph of the articles of Incorporation M
so as to provide that the term of of- M
flee of the members of the board of M
directors shall be for two (2) years, M
also to provide that a majority in num- M
ber of the members of the board shall M
be elected biennially, and that the H
minority, which with said majority H
shall constitute the full board, shall H
likewise be elected biennially, such fl
elections to be held in alternate years M
and under such provisions and regula- M
tions as shall be provided by the by-
laws of the church. M
(f) To amend the eighth para- M
graph of the articles of incorporation M
so as to provide that the annual meet- M
ing shall be held on the third Tuesday M
in January In each year; to strike out M
tho words "or by acclamation"; and M
to strike out the sentence "Each mem-
ber of this corporation shall be en- M
titled to one vote at said meeting." M
(g) To amend the tenth paragraph M
of the articles of incorporation so as H
to provide that a director or any offi- M
cer may resign by filing a written res- M
ignation with the clerk or chairman M
of the board. M
(h) To amend the twelfth para- M
graph of the articles of Incorporation M
so as to provide that the by-laws gov- 1
orning the church shall be adopted or M
amended by the membership of the H
church at meetings duly called, as pro- M
vided by the by-laws, for the considera- 1
tioii of the same. M
(i) To make any other amendment M