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GOODWIN'S WEEKLY li H Revue De La Ville B TjIRECTORS of the war work de pot will give a "tea" on Saturday afternoon, March 1, from 4 to 6 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. M. Callow, 505 East First South street, in honor of Mrs. D. Moore Lindsay, who is shortly to leave on a trip to England. The war work depot was organized by Mrs. Lindsay two years ago, for the purpose of making hospital dress ings and supplies for war relief in Europe. During that time 38,000 ar ticles have been sent to the devastat ed areas of Prance and Belgium though the work of this organization. It is intended to keep up the present 'activities .for the next six or eight months, since so many calls have Deen f received for the work. MR. AND MRS. ADAM BENNION entertained at their new home on Herbert avenue at dinner Tuesday night in honor of General Richard W. Young. The table was decorated in military colors and devices. Covers were laid for General and Mrs. Young, Miss Mary Young, Truman Young, Ralph Young, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Thurman, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Young, I Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lucian A. Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Ddrton. ' CONVALESCENT soldiers compos ing the basketball team at the hos pital at Fort Douglas were entertained at a dancing party Tuesday night by Mrs. A. E. Graham at her home on East Second South street. The rooms were decorated in carnations and ferns. A late supper was served. The hostess was assisted by her; daughter, Miss Catherine Graham. The guests included Miss Katherine Dougall, Miss Gene Covey, Miss RuthWard, Miss Leila Warner, Miss Gladys Reilley, Miss Lillian Reilley, MIsb Carol Dou gall, Miss Fuchia Robertson, Miss Dorothy Wilson, Miss Lucile Booth, Miss June Booth, Miss Thelina Arm strong, Sergeant Maxwell, Fred Schuy ler, William H. Hook, Ralph Harvey, Everett Walker, H. I., Richards, Paul t Furman, William Walker, L. C. Lewis, I. Elmer C. Humphreys, William Hakalo, W. Mitchell and B. Barnes. Tkyffes BARBARA BABCOCK enter LVX tained at a small tea at her home in the Hillcrest apartments Tuesday afternoon. Pink sweet peas and stock were combined in a dainty centerpiece for the tea table. The hostess was assistedby her mother, Mrs. Stephen H. Babcock, and Miss Gertrude Mc I Grath. I A PRETTILY appointed bridge par-- ty was given Tuesday afternoon I 'by Mrs. Clayton C. Smith at her home on Jjforth Main street, in honor of Mrs. Harry Fisher Brown, who will leave soon for a trip to California. Bridge was followed by tea. A basket of jon quils was a centerpiece for the tea table, The guests besides Mrs. Brown were Mrs, Curtin F. Parry, Mrs. J. K. Waters, Mrs. Norman G. Atkinson, Mrs. Bernard Rohlfing, Mrs. A. A. Hall, Mrs. Arthur Lewis, Mrs. Serge Camp bell, Mrs. Wilbert Williams, Mrs. Fred Davidson, Mrs. W. B. Robinson, Mrs. Earl Coombs, Mrs. Fred Ballin and Miss Edna Dwyer. MMR. AND MRS. W. H. LEPPER announce the marriage of their daughter, Florence, to A. J. Benson of Ch'cago. The marriage took place Monday at the home of the bride's brother, M. P. Lepper, recently of Salt Lake, but who moved to Chicago the first of the year. Miss Lepper left here about two weeks ago to be married, but no definite arrangements were made at that time, as the bridegroom has just recently been released from the navy. The couple will make their home in Chicago. MISS DOROTHY WHITE enter tained a few friends at an infor mal tea at her home on North State street, in honor of Mrs. Joseph Tyler, who will leave next Tuesday for the Philippines with her husband, Major Tyler, assigned to that station. Mrs. Charles U. Heuser will entertain at luncheon and an Orpheum party Saturday afternoon in compliment to Mrs. Tyler. r THE following were members of the floor committee at a dance held at the Newhouse hotel Friday evening for the Catholic young people of the city, under the auspices ofthe Catholic Woman's league: Raymond Raddon, A. A. Burke, W. W. Cassidy, Joseph Mc Kay, Thomas Kearns, J. Leo Meehan, Fred Breining, Robert Driscoll, Theo dore Killeen, Dennis McPhee, Donald Nelson, Decker Little, Charles Qulgleyf Jack O'Brien, James Lynch, Herbert Breining, Henry Lawson, Charles Mooney, Roy (IHlis, Ralph Bruneau, Vernon Stephens, Edward Callahan, John Geoghegan, John O'Connor, Rich ard Moloney, Joseph Ritzier, Leonard Brennan. THE Busy Twelve club members -were entertained at luncheon Wed nesday afternoon by Mrs. E. Sorenson at her home on Sixth avenue. Lunch eon was followed by sewing. A tall vase of pink carnations was the cen terpiece for the table, on a cluny lace cover over pink. The place cards were pink. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. C. A. Howell. ' " THE active members of the F. F. F. club of the University of Utah were entertained by the pledges at a thea tre party Tuesday afternoon. Those piesent were Miss Emily Owens, Miss Louise James, Miss Grace Settle, Miss Marie Caulfield, Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Irita Taylor, Miss Ruth McElhern, Miss Rose Jones, Miss Beth Baxter and Miss Edith Forsberg. JflSS FRANCES Glenn entertained LVl at the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. C. A. Visslng, on East Second South street, at dinner Wednesday night in honor of Mrs. Taylor Chamberlain, who has recently returned from Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., wheie her hus band has been in army service. A crystal basket of pink and white sweet peas, with pink maline on the handle, was the centerpiece for the table. The evening was spent at danc ing and cards. SUPERVISORS of Red Cross auxili aries of Immanuel Baptist church were guests of honor at a luncheon giv en by the women of the church at the Y. W. C. A. rooms in the Continental Bank building Tuesday. They are Mrs. W. H. R. Bennett, Mrs. M. M. Selby, Mrs. E. C. Mitchell and Miss Ada Ashby. Luncheon was served from two tables decorated with pink butterfly sweet peas. Mrs. J. S. Wallace was toastmistress. Toasts wejre respond ed to by the guests of honor and Mrs. Johnson of Red Cross headquarters. Musical selections were furnished by Mrs. A. H. Peabody, Mrs. C. L. Chap man and Mrs. C. A. Stilphen. The entertainment was in celebra tion of the closing of the Red Cross activities of the auxiliaries of the church and was given in appreciation of the services of the supervisors of the work. MRS. T. E. Coffman entertained the Entre Nous club at her home on North West Temple street Tuesday af ternoon. Five hundred was followed by tea. Spring flowers decorated the tea table. The guests in addition to the club members were Mrs. C. J. Geary of McGill, Nev., and Mrs. E. M. Marshall of Salida, Colo. A lVfRS. MAX WEIL entertained at LV- tea at her home in the Eagle Gate apartments Monday afternoon in hon or of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Meyer of Chicago, who arrived last week to spend some time with her parents. The tea table and rooms wore dec orated in spring flowers. A number of Mrs. Meyer's friends called to welcome her on her visit home. A NNOUNCEMENT is made by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walkingshaw of the marriage of their daughter, Jayne, to Lieutenant Chailes E. Pickett, son of the late Horatio Pickett of St. George, a well known pioneer of south ern Utah. The wedding took place at the Walkingshaw home. The cere mony was performed by Bishop Austin P. Miller. Lieutenant Pickett recently returned from France, where he saw eighteen months' military service. Lieutenant and Mrs. Pickett will make their home at Byron, Wyo. A Kensington tea was given by Mrs. Ernest Urien Wednesday afternoon at her home on Carson street, in honor of her sister, Mrs. G. A. Snell of St. Anthony, Idaho. Presiding at the table was Mrs. J. H. Blau. Mr. E. A. Roland and Miss Henrietta TJlau as sisted in seiving. Twenty guests were present. Captain and Mrs. Roy Mclntyre have IHB arrived fiom Camp Lewis. Captain IH Mclntyre has recently received his dis- H charge from militaiy service. Captain and Mrs. Mclntyre are at home for the H present with the father of Captain Mc- Intyre, Samuel Mclntyre, on Fifth East fl Mr. and Mrs. George Mitton an- nounce the marriage of their niece, H Miss Anna B. Cox, to Monroe Van Wagenen of Midway, Utah. The wed- 1 ding took place in this city February H 14. A luncheon was served at the home of Mrs. Mitton, following the cere- H mony. Mr. and Mrs. Wagenen are at H home In Midway. H Mrs. E. M. Allison, Jr., of 732 East M First South street has returned from H a visit to southern California. H Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lovenger and.chil- H dren have returned from an extended t H visit to Pennsylvania, Ohio and Mis- M H A message has been received from H Mrs. Samuel Newhouse by relatives H in Salt Lake saying that she is sailing M from England March 8 and expects to M come direct to Salt Lake when she M arrives in this country. H 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Dern have gone M to southern California to spend sev- M eral months. The Dern home will be M occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cun- H ningham and son, Paul, of San Fran- H cisco, during Mr. and Mrs. Dern's ab- H M Miss Lucy Van Cott, dean of women H of the University of Utah, entertained H at a series of luncheons this week in H the woman's rest room in the admin- H istration building in honor of the girls H of the four classes of the university. H M Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Owen have gone jH to Denver, where Mrs. Owen will visit H her brother, John Gallagher, and Mr. H Owen will continue his trip to Chicago. H They will be absent about ten days. H M The Cleofan met Wednesday after- H noon with Mrs. Clarence Neslen, 313 Thiid avenue. "John Davidson, Mod- M em Dramatist," was discussed by Mrs. H W. D. Riter. H H Lieutenant and Mrs. Albert Fisher H will leave next week for Palo Alto, M Cal., where Lieutenant Fisher will com- M plete a course in law. M H The entertainment committee of the i M Ladies' Literary club will entertain f M in the fourth of a series of dances at M the clubhouse Saturday afternoon. M H Mrs. E. E. Grimes of Provo is visit- H ing at the homo of her parents, Mr. H and Mrs. F. P. Gallagher, 372 First H avenue. H H Mrs. Frederick Steigmeyer and her H guest, MIbs Margaret Allen of New H