OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, May 24, 1919, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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Revue De La Ville I
J. TN a bowor of white spring flowers
V. an(l ferns, Miss Dora Hall became
- the bride of Walter Tracy at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs". L. E.
j, Hall, 78 Bast First North street, Wed
nesday night at 8 o'clock. Dr. Elmer
I. Goshen performed the ceremony in
the presence of relatives and close
) "friends.
f Shasta daisies and white iris were
combined with palms, ferns, smilax
r and gold and white tulle in the house
'decorations. The wedding bower was
arranged in the living room. The sup-
to per table had a basket of daisies and
white iris, tied with a fluffy bow of
gold and white tulle.
The bride wore a gown of white
Georgette over white satin, with a veil
caught with orange blossoms. The
bridal bouquet was of bride roses and
a shower of lilies of the valley.
Preceding the ceremony Miss Ruth
Williams sang "Love's Old Sweet
Song" and "At Dawning." Miss Helen
Williams played wedding marches of
Sousa and De Koven.
The guests were received by Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Hall, assisted by Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Tracy, parents of the
bridegroom, and by the bride's sisters,
Mrs. J. H. Roe of Great Falls, Mont.,
Miss Matie Hall and Miss Florence
Presiding at the supper table were
Mrs. J. D. Hurd, Mrs. George B.
Swaner, Mrs. Ross Hartwell and Mrs.
Lloyd Garrison. Assisting in serving
were Miss Helen Bourgard, Miss Mau
rine Bourgard, Miss Nanon Croxall,
Miss Eleanor Hubbard, Miss Erma
Fenton and Miss Margaret Comrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy will spend their
honeymoon in the northwest and will
make a tour of Yellowstone park. They
' will make their home in this city.
it nr HE Seeker's Literary club enter
ic J- tained at a card' party and konsing-
6 ton at Civic Center Tuesday afternoon.
The rooms wore decorated in red pe
onies and and snowballs. Tea was
served at small tables. The guests
were received by the officers of the
club, Mrs. O. W. Daily, Mrs. A. J.
Dailey, Mrs. J. W. Guthrie, Mrs. E. W.
' Senior, Mrs. A. J. Eaton and Mrs. O.
' W. Kotter. Assisting in serving were
-m Miss Melba Nelson, Miss Gladys Reil
lpy, Miss Catherine Graham, Miss
Helen Smith, Miss Eleanor Richards,
Mrs. Frank Hainey, Miss Erma Groves
and Miss La Rue Cahoon. Music was
furnished by Miss Melba Nelson and
Miss Erma Groves. The card commit
tee included Mrs. S. B. King, Mrs.
E. C. McCCullow and Mrs. B. B.
Owens. -The kensington was arranged
by Mrs. E. Marcil. One hundred
guests were in attendance. The pro
ceeds of the entertainment will be de
r voted toward the support of a French
AN attractively ararnged lawn
party was given Wednesday
night at the Y. W. C. A. residence
by the Conference club to raise funds
to send representatives to summer Y.
' W. C. A. conferences at Hollister,
Mo. ,and Provo Upper Falls, Utah.
Fortune-telling booths, a minstrel
show and music were features of en
tertainment. Tables were arranged
on the lawn for refreshments. Garden
flowers decorated the tables and the
lawn was strung with Japanese lan
terns. Music was furnished by the
Skelton trio and Miss Beth Gibson.
The committee on arrangements in
cluded Miss Vera Adams, Miss Helen
Anderson, Miss Mary Glenn, Miss
Gracia Rogers, Miss Laura Silvers,
Miss La Bedie Sawaya and Miss Mil
dred Dressier.
MEMBERS of the Short Story
club were entertained Monday
afternoon by Miss Edith Mudgett at
her home on Third avenue. Tea was
served at the conclusion of the pro
gram. Miss Linda Jessup read two
short stories. A modern short story,
"Moonlight," was read by Miss Ethel
Bixby. In contrast, a story of an ol
der literary school, "The Birthmark,"
was presented by Mrs. Raymond Ask
erman. The hostess was assisted by
her mother, Mrs. D. B. Mudgett, and
by Mrs. J. Warren Beless, Mrs. A. M.
Goode, Miss Katherine Paul, Miss
Edith Beless and Miss Ruth Beless .
THE midweek luncheon at the
Country club Wednesday proved
popular. Mrs. J. F. Dunn entertained
the members of the Crystal Bridge
club at luncheon there, followed by
bridge. Covers were laid for the club
members, including Mrs. Ezra Thomp
son, Mrs. W. I. Snyder, Mrs. J. C.
Lynch, Mrs. Bismarck Snyder, Miss
Kate Halloran, Mrs. a. K. Tiernan,
Mrs. F. J. Westcott, Mrs. C. A. Quig
ley, Mrs. Robert Peale, Mrs. Henry
Welsh and Mrs. J. C. Hanchett. Oth
ers entertaining luncheon parties at
the club were Mrs. Charles Lavens
Smith, seven; Mrs. T. W. Boyer, five,
and Mrs. Edward Rosenbaum, six.
gracious hostess at a tea Wednes
day afternoon at her home on Third
avenue in compliment to the members
of the Rowland Hall faculty, from 4
until 6 o'clock. A basket of deep red
peonies, combined with dainty bridal
wreath, centered the tea table, where
Mrs. George M. Bacon, Mrs. Sam Neal,
Mrs. F. E. Marcy and Miss Isabel
Brooks presided, assisted by Miss
Helen Marcy, Miss Ruth Williams,
Miss Estelle Bennett, Miss Katherine
Browne, Miss Dorothy Gayford and
Miss Muriel Gayford. A profusion of
summer flowers decorated the living
A DELIGHTFUL party was given
by the Art Guild of the Univer
sity of Utah last Saturday at "Hills
den," the beautiful summer home of
Mrs. L. S. Hills, in Cottonwood. The
evening was spent in outdoor games
and dancing. The supper table was
prettily decorated in pink spring flow
ers, and the place cards were in the
form of a miniature artist's plaque.
Covers were were laid for twenty-four.
The committee on arrangements in
cluded Miss Ruth Senior, Miss Mary
Sherwood and Miss Judith Hills.
THE activities of the Cleofan were
concluded for this season at a
meeting held Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Miss Nadino Vette,
ISOFirst avenue. New officers elect
ed are: Mrs. Ashby D. Boyle, presi
dent; Mrs. Heber K. Burton, vice
president; Mrs. C. Clarence Neslen,
treasurer; Mrs. A. 0. Treganza, sec
retary; Mrs. I. B, Evans, critic; Mrs.
CharlesH .Wells, historian.
entertained at a family dinner
Tuesday night at their home on East
South Temple street, in honor of Mrs.
Lyle of Lexington, Ky., who is visiting
her son, John Vimont Lyle and Mrs.
Lyle; and also of Harold McMillan,
who has recently returned from Rus
sia, where he has been in the United
States marine service. Bridal wreath
decorated the table. Covers Were laid
for ten.
THE George J. Gibson home on Sec
ond avenue was the scene of a
charming informal tea Wednesday af
ternoon when Mrs. Gibson entertained
a few of her friends from 4 until 6
o'clock. Summer flowers were used,
a delicate pink color scheme prevail
ing in the dining room. Mrs. L. B. Mc- H
Cornick, Mrs. U. V. Worthington and H
Mrs. O. J. Salisbury presided 'at the ,H
tea table, assisted by Miss Marjorie 'H
Howard and Miss Claudia Greene. jH
Sororities of the University of H
Utah, including the Gamma Phi, Al- il
pha Chi, Chi Omega and Delta Epsi- 11
Ion, entertained at a card party and '1
tea Wednesday afternoon at the Hotel H
Utah. Twenty-four tables wore ar- ilH
ranged for cards and tea was served 11
at the conclusion of the games. The iH
tea table had a basket of bridal wreath M
and pink roses as a centerpiece, and M
various spring flowers were used M
about the rooms reserved for the en- M
tertainment. Young girls in summer M
frocks added to an attractive scene. M
The committee on arrangements in- M
eluded Miss Flora Raddatz, Miss Mary H
Snedden, Miss Fulvia Ivlns and Miss H
Estelle Dunyon. H
Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Knox enter- H
tained at a dancing party at the Tennis M
club Tuesday night in honor of Cap- M
tain George Knox, who has recently M
returned from overseas. The guests M
numbered forty. M
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wheelon enter- H
tained Wednesday evening in honor H
of Mr. Arthur L. Duncan, United H
States navy, who has returned from H
active service in the Adriatic. H
"The Lincoln Hlglmny Mnu.'' "Tlie UucNtlon" M
In JS SonwIOBue NETA JoilwiON
: IIICKEY MtOTIIEHS Lester- -Ileln i
FREDDIE RICH A Little oC Tills mill a Little H
; ALTITUDE Harry LARNE1) Emmie H
Evenings 10c, 25c, ROe, 7Sc, $1. Matinees 10c, 2Sc, COc. Phone Was. 4210. j WM
" J
Partial repeal of the Dry Law is recom-
mended by President Wilson. That jH
sounds quite reasonable to us and we I
are with you Woodrow. I
Western Fuel Company I
C. H. FISCHER, Manager I
Phones: Was. 2667-2668 135 South Main St. H
1 ' '- m" ''rr tl T.ismi'Zwi. (?""5,B MC'MflHfl0flB9Mp( J 3"" " ''"BES? " "s a. ,,,..

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