Newspaper Page Text
YOL. XL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAf EVENTO, FEBRUARY 8, 1895. NO. 11. New Goods! New Goods! Just Arrived at the BOSTON -:- STORE This Spring- line of Goods was bought at hard times prices, and will be sold accordinglj. A CYCLONE IX BARGAINS WILL SWEEP THE TOWN. County Correspondence. Dry Goods Dept. American Shirting prints 3?4' cents per yard. American Indigo Blue print at Gets. German Blue print at 7J ctB. Simpson's prints in all colors, GJ cts. Anioskeag Gingham 4 Unbleached .Muslin 1 yd. wide, cts Lonsdale- Bleached, cents. Henrietta wool finish brocaded satines at '1 cents. Plain blade Satines, silk finish, IS cts. Figur.d Satines, all colore, silk finish, at 13 cents Figured Satines, in all colors, 121-.- ts. Sultana Suiting?, in all colors, 12'oCts. Feather Ticking 1( cents. , All wool HG-iuch wide Ladies' Cloth at 32K cents. Laces and Embroidery. Wo havo just received thousands of yards iu this line- the newest and the latest patterns. Hamburg?, in ah' colors swh as w hite, red, navy blue, peacock blue, pink and brown, goii:g from 2 cents per yard and up. Hosiery! Hosiery! One hundred dozen ladies' hoso at 7 cents per pair Fifty dozen ladies' fast black seamless hose at l." cents por pair. Fifty dozen ladies fast black hose, regular made, extra high sp iced heel and soles, at 25 cents per pair. Fifty dozen ci ildrcnV black ribbed h!-c, fast black soamles-, in all sizes, at 15 cents per piir. Tweutj -live dozen boy-.' bicycle hose extra heavy, sizes from 5 to UJ at 20 cents i or pair. Ono hundred dozen children's b'ack hose, nlibed or plain, in all Bizes, at S cents per pair. Fifty dozen gents' extra heavy British seamless h"su at 8 cent- per pair. Wo carry a full dno in ladies' misses' and children's tan and light balbriggan and lisle hose. Corsets. Dr. Warner's, iu all sizes, at 85 cents. Dr. Ball's, at 85 cents. Jackson's corset waists at 85cents. No. 501 extra long waists, all sizes at 15 cents. No. 45, at 35 cents. All "iir woolen goods at 50 cents on the dollar. Shoe Department. We are right in it. One hundred pairs of ladies fino Don gola shoes, patent tips, at S1.25 per pair One hund ed pair ladies' genuine calf .-kin, at Sl.oO. One hundred pair ladies' Gondola. Pndan Bros, matte, 81.75. Onehunered pair of mis-es' cloth top button shoes, heel or spring heel, sizes from 12 to 2 Padan Bros, make, $1.00. Fifty pair of children's oil grain, sizes from 9 to 12, 70 cents. Fifty pair of children's oil grain, sizes 13 to 2, 75 co its. Men's hoots. 1.10. Men'- genuine calf si-in boots, 82.35. Men's tine -hoes in lace or congress, at 31.25. Men's oil grain congress shoes. 95 cts. Boys' shoes from 12 to 2, in buttons, 90 cents. Ladies' rubbers, 28 cents ( hildren's rubbers, 22 cents. We carry a full lino of children's and infants' shoo- and moccasins. We will commence this salo at onco. We must reduce our stock before we go oast, in order to have more room for new goods. Partio- within a distance of fifty miles coming by rail will be paid the fare for return trip on buying Fifteen dollar.- worth or moro at our store. ITlxe BOStOn StOXe, Julius Pizer, Prop. The only cheap store with good -'oods in Liucoln County. 1STO. 3496. ftirst Rational Ban NORTH PLi.TTE5 NEB. Capital, -Surplus, $50,000.00. 822,500 CC E. M. F. LEFLANG, Pres't., SP ARTHUR McNAMARA, Cashier A General Banking Business Transacted. mi l l I 1 L 1 xv 1 H I 1 I A. I ! I' H Mli Dollar. o o o Don't pay other people's debts. DAVIS Is the ONLY Hardware Man in North Platte that NO ONE OWES. You will always fid my Prce right. Yours for Business, A. L. DAVIS. DEALER IX Hardware, Tinware, Sore, Sporting Goods, Etc. Still Selling Pr. N. McOABS, Prog. J- E. BUSH, Manager. NOBTH PLATTE PHAEMACY, ISrOBTirX PLATTE, - TsTICBKASKA. ttTE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, BELL THSM AT REASONABLE PPwIOES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the UnioD Pacific Railway Solicited. FINEST SAMPLE ROOM IN NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public ;3 invited to cal and see us, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables and ' competent attendants will supply all your wants. KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE THE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT Maxwell Melange A hard, cold storm of wind and enow visited us Tuesday night and lasted through the next day, making it almost impossible to go out. No school was held here Wednesday because of the storm. E. DeLaney went to North Platte Tuesday night. The Maxwell young people will cele brate Washington's birthday by having a danco on the evening preceeding it. Frank Nugent visited Maxwell last Tuesday. J. Nugent went to North Platte Tues day afternoon. r Mrs. McNamara grve a tea party to her girl friends last Tuesday evening. The invited guests were Misses Anna Snyder, Pearl Snyder,EUen McCullough, Leo Smith, May Dolan and Mary Han rnhan. Alter paituking of an excellent supper, the guests, nearly all of whom hud a long distance to go, rep'aired to their homes, having bad a pleasant time. A very largo number of people at tended the dance here last Friday night, and every one seemed to enjoy himself. The music was splendid. A delicious supper was served at midnight and the dancers went bme at five o'clock a. m. quite tired but well pleased with the night's enjoyment. Nhilo out skating one evening last week, Will Lantz fell down on the ice and his spectacles broke and cut his head quite badly, making him uncon scious for a time. We are glad to sa he is recovering froni the injury. Owing to the coldness of the evening, a smaller number of people than usual attended tho singing school last Monday uight. but ihose who were- thero "madi tho house ring with music." Beeau-o of the danco and the coldness of the weather, ttio last literary society was not so well attended as usual. How ever, G. Clark was present and read his original poem entitled ''The Trial," to the dozen or more who were present. He is fast becoming a "poet." Miss Dolan favored the audience with music, and Michael McCullough was editor of tho paper. No debate was held, and the entire program will bo carried out at the nest meeting, only G. Clark is to have two poejns. Clytie. 'PAT-' MAKES AIJ OBSERVATION: "Observer," the old moss back from tho vicinity of Ilershey, who had an article in last week's ''Independent Era" purporting to ba written by an honest and truthful person, stating that we had said things through The Tribune about the business affairs of that humble hamlet, and also about different parties in that "city" and vicinity that were not true, is a noted liar of tho vilest type We have never made a statement about that place, or any person in that com munity but what were solid facts, and can bo proven so by a large number ol the citizens in that village and surround ing country. The trouble with tho old bag pf wind is that same of tho fat ts have struck too near his door,and he has taken this way to clear his skirts of them; but all to no avail as his pedigree is too well known b tho people through out the country, the majority of whom havo no more respect for him than they havo for a common "prairie rooter." They don't take any stock in anything that ho says or doe, as his proboscis is always in somebody's business besides his own. He is the laughing stock of tho entire country, owing to his bigoted nature, as ho would like to mako the peop.e bplieve that he was tho only per son in that country that amounted to a "hill of beans," but h o has been sat down upon in this respect, which has given him whee.s in his head which are now turning the wrong way. Ho is con sidered by the people who know him as a chronic kicker in everything that be cannot lead in, and they have become thoroughly diegu:-ted with him, and have given him tho co:d shoulder. In regard to what he said about send ing a petition to Tjie Tribune to have our items in that paper disco.i tinued or else a number of the citizens of that, vicinity would quit taking it, is all bosh. The people of that village and vicinity are too w-U acquainted with the "cali ber" of this old "scab" and t would have a tendency to increase the subscription to The Tribune rattier than to diminish it. He would be as helpless as a babe in this respect, as a person who does not h:w friends enough to bury him can do nothing within themselves. "A bark ing dog neyer bites," and "ignorance is bliss." Pat. The demoralizing effect of the whole sale charity business upon the manhood and self-reliance of our citizens, is one of the most unfortunate effects of the system under which aid haB been dis tributed in this state. Not having the time to devis- any plan for giving war to ihe needy, to bp pad, fp.r iq the neces saries of life, our committees have been obliged to dispense charity as to beggars. No man able to work can accept alms and retain the slf respect necessary to make a good citizen of the United States. Callaway Courier. MILITARISM RAMPANT. Editor Tribune: "Schoolboy" im proves on acquaintance and Secundus is pleased to make due acknowledgement. But, if it bo eo important to be "well skilled in the j-cience of military dis cipline" before entering the university, io order to secure great credit and "high. honor," why is it not important to be well skilled in the higher 'branches of mathematics before entering 'that insti tution and thereby gain more credit and honor? Why waste time on that which teaches you how to kill your fellow men in the most economical and expeditious way when you can employ it with equal profit in one of the peaceful sciences? But it is absurd to call the knowledge how to shoulder, shift, or shoot a gun and to march and maneuvre according to the latest tautics a science. It is a science similar only to the neat and workmanltke'tnethod employed by Prof. James Corb tt in his sleight of hand per formance with Prof. John L. Sullivan, only more fatal, in its ultimate effects, to the pursuit of happiness, which the constitution affirms is the injnable right of every American citize. And this is the science eo earnestly' chara pioued by "Schoolboy." Pcssibly'in this era of semi-civilization it is proper to educate a number of our young men in the knowledge of modern- warfare. But it is only in the higher institutions of learning that students are fitted by pre vious study of higher mathematics to understand the real science of war. As ono of the necessary evjls this science may therefore be taught university students, but to sow the seeds of mili tarism in the high schools of the nation is the sowing of a wind that will event ually bo garnered as a whirlwind f national woe and desolation. The inevit able sequence of teaching war is war The unavoidable results of handliur guns and practicing military evolutions is an indifference to human life. This is a philosophic fact, strange as it may seem. Witness tho recent murder of innocent men and the wounding of inoffensivo women by New York's crack militia, the "Seventh" regioaent, because, forsooth, the street gamins jeered and hooted A lady reporter of tho New York Advertiser bayonetted by a bold militiaman be causo she approached to speak to him! It is an incontrovertible fact that a militiaman with a gun'becdhies, in times of public excitement, more' a- machine than a man, He becomes, to" a certain d gree, oblivious of the value of human life. It is better, far better to teach ichoolboys how not, rather than how, to shoot. But, says "Schoolboy," "law and order mu6t be maintained, and it is of an auarchistic nature to argao any thing else." This is only a half truth. L'he revolutionary war against unjust laws enied the afliimatibn as did the war of tho rebellion. But in the recent New York strike tho worVingtnen were Ftriking for the rights given them by the laws of the state, which laAs the corpor ations set at defiance. Yet tne working men were shot while the men figuring in the corporations havo not been mo lested. Is it anarchistic only for work ingmen to defy tho laws, 'or is it also anarchistic for monopolists to do so? Secundus does not criticise "School boy," but he does antagonize the peculiar trend towards militarism" that, in the midst of profound peace, is now Been in this nation. What does it mean? Secundus. District Court Proceedings. O J Mannon, vs J W Thomas; con tinued. ' B M Osborne fc Co, vs :Tnomas Scul lms, et al; continued by agreement. Henry C Hech', vs James M Jones, et al; continued and c-sts of term taxed to defendants. A H Davis, vs W D Page; verdict for plaintiff, finding ownership and right of possession in plaintiff and fixing value at 872.18. Charles J Erickson,vs Lincoln County, verdiot for plaintiff for 8212.10. James N Brown, vs Louts' D Thoelecke; plaintiff allowed sixty days to file secur ity for coses, J H tioaton, vs A H Williams; verdict for plaintiff in the sum oi'S10i.25 and 10 per cent interest from Dec. 27, 18$3. Joseph Little, vs D A' Baker, et al; dismiss d as to M. C. Keith at request of plaintiff. . if North Platte National Bank, vs Ezra N D Stethem, et al; amount found due from defendant Stethem principal and Wm Hubartt as security" 8200, value of property with 7 per cent - interest from March 3, 1893, and $183.73 costs in re plevin action. Judgment on finding for plaintiff $383.73 with interest on 8200 from March 3, 1893. Frank M Wolcott, vs Chas C Babcook, et al; defendants leave to answer in 30 days. Thomas M Clark, vs E H Sherman, et al; death of plaintiff suggested. Sarah J Bostwiyk, vs Ljncoln County; defendant confessed judgtnent for 825 andC'Bts, accepted and judgment ac cordingly. Samuel F. Dikeman. vs E D Murphy; defendant to answer in 30 days. State of Nebraska, vs Guy Boyer; nolle prosequied. Gronwey & Schoen'tgen, vs G' D i Mattheweon, et al: denfurrer. WE PAY CASH 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR AND SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY. KEMIFS SLAUGHTER. SALE---1895. THE NEW TARIFF On All Imported Wo cen Goods and Silks IS IN OPERATION JANUARY 1ST. "Wo must close out our stock of nice fine goods and make room for our new stock under the new tariff regulations. : : : $1.75 Silk Henrietta at S1.10; S1.50 Silk Henrietta at 85 cts.; 51.00 Henrietta at 65 cts.; $1.25 Bedford Cords at S5 cents; S1.25 French Serges at 85 cts.; $1.00 French Serges at 65 cts.; all wool 13 yd. wide $1.25 Broad Cloth at 75 cts.; 65 ct Flannels. 46 in. wide at 50 cts. : : : In our Shoe department we offer the choicest line in the west. C. D. and E. widths, in fine new goods. : : : Call and see for yourself the Wonderful Bargains at Rennies for January and February in 1895. : . ; Amoskeag Ginghams at 5 cts. per yard, Lawrence LL Muslin at 4 cts. per yard, Lonsdale Muslin at 6 cts. per yard, at " RENNIE'S. Richardson Drug Company, vs Omaha Barbed Fence and Nail Company; dis missed at plaintiff's costs. A Booth Packing Co. vs L Haynes; same. Agricol Abercrombio, vs Stewart &, Case; default of Deft Lew L E Stewart taken. Irvin A Fort, vb John T HamMeton; defendant allowed 30 days to answer. State of Nebraska, vs Cornelius Van- Tilboig; defendant acknowledges him self indebted plaintiff in the Mim of 8200 conditional upon his appearance on first day of next term of district court. Wm H Plummer, et al, vs liobert C Burke; plaintiffs allowed to verify and refile petition in 10 days; dofendant to plead in 30 days thereafter. Citizens State Bank, vs Charles F Id- dings; defendant adowed GO days to answer. E L M Thomas, vs May Davis, ot al; decree as prayed. Andrew McKeown, vs Fanny L Payne et al; judgment for plaintiff from defend ant Payne for 84C5.5G and 10 per cent interest from date of finding. Deereo .-is prayed. Annie Powers, vs Lucy Newton, nee Laubenbeimer; judgment for plaintiff in sum of 852.59 and 7 per cent interest from date of finding. Decree as prayed. Lizzie Tuttle, vs Benjamin W Jon s, et al; same decision with verdict for 8701 GG nd interost from date at 7 por cent. Decree as prayed; nine months stayby consent. ; In fche matter of tho estate of Richard Goddad, deceased; death of plaintiff suggested; 30 days given to revive case in naipe of administrator. Nebraska Loan fe Trust Co, vs John W Watt; amount found due plaintiff 8113.12 with 1ft per ceut interest from date of finding 2d lien. Due defend ant Crozier 848 68 with 10 per cent from date also 2d lien, subjed to 8500 mort gage. Decree aB pray d. Guardian ad litem allowed S5.00. Hugh C Rennie, vs William H Welty; decree for plaintiff in sum of 81G08.09 and 10 per cent interest from finding. Stay of nine months taken. II. A. Lozier, vs Albert Theel, et al; decree for plaintiff for 80113.97 and in terest. Isaac M Abercrombio, vs Tristram Roberts; defendant given 30 days to answer. Alonzo Decker, vs Lydia II Deoker; divorce, decree as prayed by defendant, alimony waived, plaintiff to pay costs. Wm Y Wadleigh, vs Loren Harring ton, t-t al; deereo as prayed by plaintiff for S925.20 and interest. Stay of nine months. George B French, vs Alex J Smith et al; dismissed as to American Loan & Trust Co and deereo for plaintiff in sum of 8897.10 and interest. Perhaps a Morbid Liver If all the alleged statesmen who theorize upon tho subject of money only had a comfortable supply of the same, their views would probably be largely different. The legislator who during tho cam paign piates the loudest a,hout his fealty to the people s often the most treacher ous of servants when in the committee room. Frequently the em.ooth.est looking feminiqeshpo only conceals an ug!y hole in the heel of a stocking. The lawyer who makes a practice of trying his cases before the public through the press, frequently has ill success at the hands of the jury. The individual who is continually at tending to his neighbor's business has but little time for the transaction of his own. Omaha is nothing if n,o.t progres sive. Some enterprising spirits there have determined upon a "Lexow" investigation of muni cipal affairs. Like its New York namesake it will end in smoke. Probably hi a, majorit- of the cities of the United States the same conditions exist, and the reason therefor is that all the officials are drawn from a limited area of terri tory, are more or less acquainted with each other, and through this friendship conspire to adavance their own interests, while those of the city are of secondary import-ance. THE FATHER OP ALFALFA. Major Jacob DownltiK in Field nud Farm. Prof. Flint, in his work on grasses, says alfalfa was introduced into Europe by Darius, from Media, in Asia, about 500 B. C. It was then upon tho dis covery of Americi brought hero by Spanish priets, and plauU-d near all their missions, so that it is now tound in all Spanish America. I introduced alfalfa into Colorado in 18G2, and have between 500 and 700 acres. It is on upland, c ay, sandy and lomu soil with somo adobe subsoil, but mostly sandy loam. It is generally dry to sand rock and it is necessary to drill 50 to 100 feet t" get water. The plnut will not thrive where there is hardpan, but will grow in any soil that is dry. It derives no nourishment from the soil, but from the air and water, though too much moist ure will kill it. After deep plowing and thoroughly pulverizing of tho soil, the land should be scraped thoroughly smooth, as this cannot be done after sowing, and is needed to make the mower work smoothly. I sow twenty five pounds to the acre, drilling in about two inches deep twelve and one-half pounds one way, and tho other twelve and one-half pounds across in, thus making a solid stand. I prefer to sow early in the spring. After the plant is eight inches high, it may be .cut and used for feed, but is not very good. Aftei this there will bo no weeds. It mat u ret in three years, and after that is good foi seed. I have seen near tho city of Mexico fields of alfalfa 300 years old that had beenconstantly cropped and never reseeded. It will last 1,000 years and possibly forever. I irrigate from streams when thero is a great deal ol heat and wiud, probably three times The water must not run too long, or th plant will bo killed, and the land shouh be kept as dry as possible during tin winter, particularly in cold climates, ti. on wet soil alfalfa winter kills. Wei water is better than the stream, providei it is pumped into a reservoir and allowed to get warm. Less water can be useo the first year than after the plant ii matured. With plenty of water. I eai. obtain three cuttings a year. I have raised as much as three and one-hall tons to the acre at one cutting, and mj highest yield or seed to tho acre has been niuo bushels. The first crop is preferable for seed, and should bo cut and stacked as the hay is. It can be left and threshed when most convenient, but the longer it remains in tho stack tho moro easily it threshes. Tho ordinary threshing ma chine does for the alfalfa, but the seed must bo fanned to bo marketable. Six busho s is a common yield. The straw has almost no value, as it if cut up very fine, and can be used only where it is threshed; if fed there, it is very fattening. For feeding horses for slow work, the hay is better than clover or timothy. For fattening purposes, it is the bt-st in tho world. Eoatner's Bill. Representative Boatner's plan for a reconstruction of tho Pacific government-aided roads is considered as a kind of compromise between tho Reilly ex tension bill and tho government owner ship. It proposes a Pacific railroad commission, which in default of pay ment of the roads' debts, is to control them, until a comprehensive plan can be adopted by congress for settlement of the companies' debts. This commission, consisting of three members shall have power of management and investi gation into all the old corruption prac tices. By this investigation it is to be ascertained whether the roads have un lawfully obtained money from the gov ernment or unlawfully disposed of any funds, and to recommend a plan for se curing restitution to the government of diverted funds. If they find that they have been diverted the secretary of trea sury is authorized to put the roads into the hands of tho commissioners. Two of the commissioners are tftreside west of the MiEsissippi river. Their investiga tion is to cover these points. How much, if any, of capital stock, of any company, was issued contrary to law and tho names of persons and corpora tions receiving it; hw much was issued for cash and how much for services; to what extent contracts for construction havo been awarded to companies or in dividuals ropresenting.ofilcers or direc tors of tlio road; to what extent land grants havo been diverted from their original purposes; to what 'extent prop erty has been convoyed to persons representing the officers; to what extent tho funds have been used to influence legislation with details of tho transac tions. Grand Island Independent. Irrigation is making so much headway along the south Salomon rivor, in Knn sus, that fifty plants will bo in operation next season in a district only about thirty miles long. Tho feasibility of wiudmill and steam pump irrigation has been so thoroughly tested thoro that tho local banks havo no hesitancy in loaning money to farmers who wish to make this form of improvement. Kansas seems to be making more progress in this lino at present than Nebraska, but her opportu nities aro no better, and thero is no rea son why wo should not havo a greater acreage under water in five years than our neighbor on the south. In less than five years we ought to havo 100 commu nities liko Garden City, where peace and plenty reign, and where a disastrous drouth is never known. Garden City has been created and sustained by wind mill irrigation, and thero is not a more contented and prosperous community on tho trans-Missouri plains Lincoln Journal. Ax able Boston enckoo organ says when President Cleveland and the business men of New England agree on a financial policy it means something. The people all over the country-had observed that. Thev .now it means go down in your jocket and shell out or a receiver will be appointed. The party which was so worried about tariff duties paid by Europe into Uncle Sam's treasury doesn't hesitate to pile a 5100, 000,000 debt on the people and ask for the privilge of $500,000,000 more rather than national dis grace. Republican statesmen will have to vote for it. Al the same time they will enter a protest against such financial wisdom. PRAISE, ONLY, FKQ9C at.t. WHO USB AYER'S Hair Vigor "Ayer'.s preparations are too well known to need anv commen dation from me ; but 1 feel com pelled to state, for the benefit of others, that six years ago, I lost nearlv half of my hair, and what was left turned gray. After using Ayes Hair v igor several months, my hair began to grow again, and with the natural color restored. I recommend it to all my friends." Mrs. E. Fn.vxic liAUSEE, box S05, Station (.', Lo3 Angeles, C'al. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARED BY SR. 1. C. AYER & CO.. LOWELL, MASS. 1 oooooeoooooooooooooooooc of oa of o 03 o oj o? Si i i