OCR Interpretation

The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 01, 1897, Image 4

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IRAIj BARB, Editob and Pbopbietob
TUESDAY, JUNE 1,- 1897.
l Tomn and County Jiems. j
i .
Trainmen report a very heavy
rain last night extending from
Ogalalla to Cheyenne.
Frank Jj. Mooney returned last
night from Lexington, where he
spent Sunday and yesterday with
his parents.
Up to date about twenty dog
owners have paid license upon their
animals. Owners have until Aug
ust 1st to pay the license.
John A. Davis, of Wellfieet, is
visiting relatives in town, having
came in yesterday to attend Mem
orial Day exercises.
Buy your Straw Hats of the "Wil
cox Dept. Store.
The "Wilcox Dept. Store un
loaded a car of barb wire to-day.
This is the second car the establish
ment has received within the past
thirty days.
Manager Lloyd has nothing
booked at the opera house for the
immediate future. The next com
pany to appear will be the "White
Crook" on November 20th.
We are requested to announce
that a business meeting of the Ep
worth League will be held this
(Friday) evening. Members are re
quested not to forget it
Hammocks at C. M. Newton's;
all prices from 50 cents up.
T. C. Patterson went to Lex
ington yesterday and delivered an
address at the Memorial Day exer
cises. There was a large crowd in
attendance estimated at 1.400.
Judge Grimes, W. T. Wilcox,
Attorney Learned, of Kearney, Mr,
McPherson, cashier of a South
Omaha bank, Judge Hoagland and
Reporter Scharman left this morn
ing tor McPherson county to at
tend district court.
Nails, 6 d to 20 d, 2 1-2 cents a
pound at The Wilcox Dept. Store.
Nearly every available rig in
town was used yesterday to convey
parties to the national cemetery at
McPherson. All with whom we
have talked say that their visit to
the reservation was one replete
with pleasure.
The Cody Guards will this
week hold their first target practice
under the new orders issued by
Adjutant General Barry. It is be
lieved that the scores made by the
members of this company will aver
age well with those made by other
companies of the state guard.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Clark, of
Gilmore, are the guests of North
Platte friends, having arrived Sat
urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Davis, with whom they have been
living for several months, are meet
ing with splendid success on the
farm at Gilmore.
Little red wagons at C. M.
A would-be burglar attempted
to enter Davis' hardware store Fri
day night through the rear window.
He removed a window light with
apparent care, but was confronted
by the the iron bars on the inside
which he did not attempt to saw, or
remove, and through which he could
not squeeze his body. The sup
position is that he was frightened
away before he had an opportunity
to saw the bars.
Window Shades, all qualities, at
the Wilcox Dept. Store.
Lillian, the ten year old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. McNamara,
died this forenoon of some affection
of the heart with which she had
been troubled tor several months
The trouble was submitted to a
number of physicians both here and
elsewhere for diagnosis, but treat
ment prescribed seemed to be of no
avail, and Lillian herself gave up
hope of recovering and anticipated
death. The family has the svm-
pathy of a large circle of friends in
the death of this loved child. The
funeral will be held from the Pres
byterian church Thursday after
noon at 2:30.
Buy your Hubber Hose of the Wil
cox Dept. Store. They handle nothing'
hut guaranteed quality.
The Decoration Day services at
the McPherson National Cemetery
yesterday were attended by an
audience conservatively estimated
at 700 persons. The speakers for
the occasion were A. F. Parsons
and Rev. Costlet of this city and
a gentleman whose name we failed
to learn. Music was furnished by
a choir of singers of that neighbor
hood and it has been pronounced ex
cellent. The large crowd was very
orderly and respectful and, the day
was f ulL of enjoyment to all. The
graves of the regular soldiers 823
in number were decorated with
flags and flowers. Supt. Baege
made every possible endeavor to
entertain the crowd in a nice man
ner, and in this he was verv suc-cesful.
Wld J " Chamber Suit of
I presume you would. We cannot sell you one for that money
but you can purchase a good one for a little more money. We
have the finest line of FURNITURE ever shown in the city. Call
and see our new Couches and Lounges. We have something cheap
in an extension table, and our dining room Chairs are the best
made for the money.
! Great Slaughter
j- 4t at the ietmie Dept. Store.
Beginning to-day, we are going to give you the greatest Shoe
Sale of the age. "We have determined to close out our entire shoe
stock, regardless of cost to make room for other goods. These
goods must be sold at once, and you can get the benefit.
LOOK AT OUR PRICES. Our immense line of $5 French Kid
Shoe&at $3.25, pointed and coin toe. Our $4 French Kid Shoe for 52.75.
Our 83.50 Shoe at $2.50. Our $3.00 Shoe at S2.C0. Our $2 50 Shoe at 81.30.
An immense line o Shoes that sold at $2 and $2.25, to close at 1.15. In
children's shoes we will sell you the best school shoe, from 8 to 12, at $1.00
per pair. These shoes were formerly $1.50. We will sell you 12 to 2 for
8L15, goods we sold at $1.75. We give you the same reduction in men's
shoes also. Remember the shoes must he closed out at once, and regard-
less of cost.
We will also give you 25 cents worth of tinware free of charge
with every dollar's worth you purchase m the store, including &
Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets, curtains, or with anything pur-
chased from us. &
I The Rennie Department Store.
tit y r Jr jr r Jrjr J
S our Front street show window
for bargains in
Arthur McNamara returned
last night from a brief visit in
Rev. Geo. A. Beecher held
Episcopal services in Sidney Sun
day, returning home this morning.
R. L. Graves, who was called
to Couucil Bluffs by the sickness
and death of his mother, returned
Sunday night.
Buy your "best girl that $40.50
Eagle Bicycle at the Wilcox Dept.
The M. E. church of the North
Platte district will hold a camp
meeting at Curtis about the middle
of next month.
Mrs. Geo. A. Beecher, who was
called to Racine, Wis., by the
death of her brother, will remain
in that city until about July 1st.
C. A. See arrived from Chicago
Saturday and will superintend for
a time the iceing of refrigerator
cars operated by the C. F. X. Co.
Best grade Harness Oil, in hulk,
60 cents a gallon, at the Wilcox Dept.
Jas. Babbitt, Frank Brazelton,
Joe Baskins, Frank Crick, John
Dugan and several other North
Platte bicyclists attended the races
at Grand Island yesterday.
The "new woman" social given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Wilcox Friday evening under the
auspices of the Epworth League
was largely attended and proved a
most enjoyable affair.
If you -want a good stock saddle go
to The Wilcox Dcpt Store.
Every one is invited to call in
and see the display of Hammocks
C. M. Newton has, whether you
want to buy or uot.
Mrs. J. A. Goodman leaves for
Emporia, Kansas, the latter part of
the week for the purpose of being
present at the graduation ot her
daughter Miss Josie, which occurs
June 12th.
W. J. Crusen and A. M. Masoii
held religious services in Miller
precinct Sunday afternoon. The
meeting was well attended. Mr.
Crusen will liold services there
again in three weeks.
The Wilcox Dept. Store handles
three grades of Ice Cream Freezers.
Price them.
The Tribune was issued just
a little too early last week to chron
icle the advent of a girl baby at the
home -of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Stewart. The fond parents' cup of
happiness is now overflowing and
all concerned are
nvf finer
Shoes for 1.65.
Better ones for $2.65
ivirs. w. x. Jdamilton and
little daughter are visiting friends
in Lexington.
Mrs. A. B. Phillips, who had
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Laing, left for the east yesterday
The Wilcox Dept. Store sells
Leather in any width strip you -want.
Twenty or more old soldiers
from the country were in town yes
terday attending Memorial Day
'The Maxwell and Cottonwood
ball teams crossed bats at McPher
son yesterday, the latter winning
by a score of 25 to 14. Only seven
innings were played.
Chas. Lawrence, of Hershey,
who had a trial Friday on the
charge of assaulting J. C. Ahlborn,
was bound over to the district
For Rent Good house: seven
rooms, nice shade trees, city water
One block from brick school.
T. C. Patterson.
"We acknowledge an invitation
to be present at the commencement
exercises of the senior law class of
the State Uniyersity. There are
thirty-four in the class, of which
Hilhard Samuel Ridgelv of this
city is a member. The exercises
will be held next week.
Screen Doors, all kinds, at the
Wilcox Dept. Store.
received from
urana lsiana last eveuinsr an
nounced that in the sixteen mile
road race held in that city, Frank-
Crick of North Platte had won both
first and time prizes. This will
give Crick a slate reputation as a
long distance rider.
Any size sisal rope from
one-sixteenth to one inch at
8 cts. per pound, hard twist
mSnilla cow-boy rope at 1 1
cts. per pound, at The Hub
Grocery Oo.
Since January 1st the county
treasurer has issued 1056 tax re
ceipts, which is 120 in excess of
the number issued for the same
period last year. The Union Pacific
has failed to make its usual pay
ment of taxes on realty owned in
the county. The company is de
linquent in the sum of ten thousand
dollars on its 1895 taxes and upon
all of last year's taxes. The excuse
given by the company for the non
payment of the taxes due is that
there is no money in the land fund,
from which the money for this pur
pose is usually taken.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanlon
went to Omaha yesterday morning.
Mrs. H. M. Grimes went to
Fremont yesterday to visit her
Father McCarthy was the
guest of friends in Lexington yes
terday. Sweat Fads, both white and brown
and white, at the Wilcox Dept Store
at 20 cents each.
Roy Vernon returned Sunday
night from a visit with friends at
Boone, Iowa.
Miss Edith Newhall, who has
been at Cozad for several weeks, re
turned home Sunday.
Mrs. Sarah Jhvyer left yester
day morning, for a visit with friends
in Youngstown, Ohio.
Genuine Glidden barb wire $2.25
per hundred at The Wilcox Dept. Store.
C. P. Ross goes to Maxwell in
the morning to do some engineering
work on the "ditches of that section.
W. B. Bock returned yesterday
from Hershey where he filled the
position of operator for a day or
Western Washers $3 at the Wilcox
Dept. Store.
A detachment of the fire depart
ment decorated the graves of seven
deceased members at the cemetery
Smoke Wright's Havana Rose
5-cent cigar.
S. G. Diehl, who was down
from Myrtle Saturday, said that
cut worms were destroying whole
fields of corn in that section.
Sam Smith, who had been in
the west in the -interests of an
accident insurance company, re
turned home yesterday morning.
Boston jubbet Hose 2 1-2
eents a foot at the Wileosd
Dept. Store.
Wm. Neville returned Sunday
night from Omaha accompanied by
Mrs. Seville who had been visiting
in that city for a couple of weeks.
The Tribune's working force
observed Memorial Day yesterday
and that to some extent interfered
with getting into type considerable
local news.
The Ladies of the G. A. R. at
tended services at the Methodist
church Sunday morning and
listened to an excellent sermon by
Rev. Suavely
See the 1897 style Shirt Waists at
the Wilcox Dept. Store.
Messrs. Preitauer, Lindberg
and Leaf, of Antelope precinct,
were in town? "on business Saturday
and incidentally called at these
headquarters." Wheat in that sec
tion is not iria very promising con
dition. The commencement exercises
of the Nativity School will be held
at Keith's hall on the evening of
June 16th. : There are but two
graduates of the school this year,
Miss Annie O'Hara and Thos.
Best Grade Castor Machine Oil 35c
per gallon at the Wilcox Dept. Store,
The Alfalfa irrigation ditch
Keith county was completed last
week, and Contractor Ellsworth
has moved his grading outfit north
of Sutherland where he will finish
up a contract on the South Side
The Boy's Club of the Episco
pal Church will be entertained to
morrow evening by A. F," Parsons,
who is teacher of the club in the
Sunday-school. The club has
membership of sixteen or eighteen,
all of whom are bright, lively boys.
Best Boiled Linseed Oil at 50 cts,
a gallon at the Wilcox Dept. Store.
It generally rains in North
Platte on Decoration Day. but yes
terdaywas an exception and as :
result many were disappointed. It
nas oeen neany sixty aays since
we nave oeen visuea oy a ram
which wet the ground to any depth.
We are head quarters for
flour, call and get our prices
before buying. The Hub
Grocery Co.
The Memorial services at the
opera house Sunday evening were
very largely attended, and the
audience" was treated with a strong
and eloquent sermon by Rev. Ver
ner of the Presbyterian church.
The ahoir of that church rendered
some excellent music.
Poultry Netting 1-2 Gent a
square loot at tne wiicox
Dept. Store.
Fifteen of the eighteen members
of the Senior class of the high school
passed creditable examinations last
week and will be awarded diplomas.
Miss Anna . Sorenson and W. A,
(Jetty graduate with first honors
and Misses Ifate Gilman and Edith
Wendt with second honors.
Buy your Pruit Jars of tne Wilcox
.Dept. Store and save money.
A measurement taken Saturday
of the water in the North Platte
river showed a discharge of l(j.OOO
cubic feet per second. This volume
of water through the season would
rriffate 1,280,000 acres of land.
The discharge as shown by Satur
day's measurement is 3,000 cubic
eet greater than two weeks ago.
Our competitors acknowledge that we sell goods close. You all
pay the same whether you are a responsible party- or not,
and all pay cash. Cash
Notions and Fur
nishing Goods Dept.
3 spools of thread for 10c
Embroidery Silk 10c a dozen
Hu mp hooks and eyes,2 cards for 5c
Buttermilk soap 5c a bar
Vaseline 5c a bottle
Twin dress stays 5c a set
Ladies' mitts 8c a pair
Ladies vests 3 for 10c
Men's underwear, good quality,
25 cents.
No goods allowed to leave the house on trial without having been paid
for. One price and that for cash only. If you are not satisfied with our goods
after taking them home, bring them back and get your money.
Ray Douglas has accepted a
clerkship in the Model Clothing
House, beginning work this, morn
ing. Buy your Hammocks of the WIL
Papers received from Boston
give glowing accounts ot the success
of the Wild West Show, which ex
hibited in that city last week.
Morris Fowler resumed his
position in the Star Clothing House
this morning after an enjoyable
vacation of thirty days.
Geo. H. Hirst is expected up
from Omaha to-night to attend the
funeral of Lillie G. McNamara.
Mrs. Hirst has been visiting her
parents for a couple of weeks past.
When you want to buy garden
hose buy the best Boston Belting
Co's. goods sold by Harrington &
Tobin at 12 cent a . foot and if you
are a good responsible man we do
not exact spot cash, although this
price is as low as that quoted by
the cash stores.
Hope 7 cento a pound at the Wil
cos Dept. Store
Shipment of California fruit is
rapidly increasing and yesterday
several additional men were given
emplojMiient in the iceing of refrig
erator cars. Last season the Union
Pacific paid out about $12,000 to
the laborers employed in the ice
gangs, and this year the disburse
ment will probably be greater.
The Wilcox Dept. Store
Sells You:
20 inch $croon Wiro -
7 cents per ysird
t) ( " "
2-1 "
2G "
28 "
30 "
3G "
- 10
" - 11
. 12
" - 12K
" - 13J4 "
" " - 15" u
Either Green or Black.
It is said on the street that
some definite action will be taken
in the marshalship matter at the
council meeting ou Monday evening
next. Just what this action will
be is not divulged by those who
profess to know. There may be
nothiny in the report, but it is
given for what it is worth.
Buy our Queen qity sat every
hat fniarantesil. Price $2,00, THE
Nearly all the assessors have
brought in their books, and this
morning Wm. Grady began making
up the tax list for the present year.
Clerk Burritt says the assessors
books are made up in much better
shape this year than usual, and
that this condition will save him
considerable extra work.
Buggies for. sale at very low
prices by Joseph Hershey,
The weather forecasts: Local
m t-tt 1 .1
rams to-nigm ana weanesaay.
Warmer to-night. The maximum
temperature yesterday at .North
Platte was 79; minimum in the past
24 hours 48. Precipitation .00.
For the same period and time one
year ago the maximum temperature
. - : ?o . r . Aft
was OU, IU1I11UIUIII oo. di a. in.
Precipication .78.
have the exclusive sale
of H. W. SpurrJs famous line
of Boston coffees including
high grade coffees. The Hub
Grocery Co,
PENCE, 2 in. to 63 inT high. STEEL WEB
high. STEEL WIRE FENCE. BQARD and ORNAMENTAL &TRIP. Steel posts, Stpel
Rail, Steel Gates and teel Tree, Flower and Tgmsjto guards. "Wo manufac
ture a full line of Wire Fenelng, Cotes and Fost, apd solicit your patronage.
Calogue )e JJJ, fjg lQQ Hgh TQ K.llb, lr
For Sale by The Wilcox
is what makes prices.
Crockery Dept.
Dinner plates 3oc a set
1-gallon crocks 10c
1-gallon jugs He
Tumblers 20c a set
Hardware Dept.
Army axle crease, 2 boxes for 15c
Genuine Glidden barb wire S2.25
per hundred.
Western washers $3.00
12-quart galvanized pails 20c
The coroner's jury empanelled
ten days ago to inquire into the
death of Calvin Rose, and which
took an adjournment until June
1st, reconvened this morning, and
at 10:30 found and returned the
following verdict:
That we find from careful inves
tigation that the immediate cause
of the death of the deceased was
blood poisoning caused by punctur
ing the euretha with an instrument
in his own hands, carelesslv used
by himself. We further find that
the careless use of said instrument
was caused by his intoxicated and
debilitated condition caused by
drinking to excess and exposure.
We further find that the liquor
which caused his intoxication was
furnished to or obtained by him in
the saloon of Guy A. Laing, where
he remained for the period of twelve
hours, and where he received mal
treatmeut and abuse at the hands
of parties unknown.
Observer Piercv furnishes The
Tribune with the following data
concerning June weather as com
piled from the records of his office
for twenty-two years past: The
normal temperature for June is 68
degrees, the warmest Jnne was in
1881 with an average of 71 degrees
and the coldest in 1891 with an aver
age ot 64. On June 3, 1876, the
mercury dropped down to 33 degrees.
The average rainfall for the month
is 3.39 inches. The greatest rain
fall in any June was in 1883, when
it aggregated 7.49 inches, and the
least in 1876 when less than half an
inch fell.
Eldorado Castor machine
oil 35 cts. per gallon. Eu
reka harness oil 60 cts. per
gallon, at The Hub' Grocery
Local officers received word
Sunday to be on the look-out for
certain tramps who were supposed
to have robbed the Union Pacific
depot at Osceola. Officers Davis
and McNamara rounded up twenty-
one hoboes Sunday night and
searched them, but found nothinjr
that w:ould indicate that they were
implicated in tjig robbery. The
hoboes were subsequentlg drilled
out of town,
Bolt Hame Team Harness $21,50
"Curly" Johnson was arrested
last night by Policeman McNamara
upon a warrant sworn out by A. D.
Wright on the charge of being
drunk and disorderly on May 25th.
He was taken before Justice Penis
ton, plead guilt' and was fined one
dollar and costs, payment of which
was suspended for thirty days.
Policeman McNamara tripped
on a plank in the railroad yards
Sunday night and in falling struck
his chin on a rail, inflicting quite a
Buggy narness from $4.50 per set
Tip at The Wilcox Dept. Store.
Wood White is home from his
trip to Appleton, Wis. He leaves
in a few days for the west in search
of employment.
Baby carriages cheaoer than
ever at Newton's Book and Novelty
in. to 58 in. high; CABLED POULTRY
P3CKT LAWN' FENCE, IS in.'fo BO in.
Department Store.
Alligator wrench .15c
Best spring hinges for screen
doors 10c a pair, with screws.
Screen door springs 10c
Harness Dept.
Line snaps 2c
Breast snaps 5c
Roller snaps 10c
Hame staples 2 for 5c
Hame clips 2 for 5c
Bridles 50c
Leather collars SL0O
Single harness SI 50
After the services of the day which is
set apart in commemoration of our na
tion's dead was past, the Owl Whist
Club, whoso regular meetings have from
time to time bean deferred owing to the
warm weather, convened at their roomB
to take into consideration the continu
ance or disbanding of the club, and also
to have a pleasant ovening together. It
i3 deeply to be regretted that all the
members were not present, but those
who did assemble will long remember
the enjoyable time of tho meeting of last
After the Owls played whist with
varied results till it became monotonous
the exercises wore changed to "a feast of
reason and a flow of wit" such as has
never before been experienced by the
oldest of the Owls. Sparkling repartee,
witty stories and merry songs wer the
order of the evening, some of which de
servo special mention. "Tho Somnam
bulist" sang tho latest song entitled uNo
one could siDg like Kelly could" with
such Iudicious effect that every Qwl fell
off his perch, and it was some timo be
fore any of them could assume that wiso
and sedate expression of countenance for
which they are noted. This was followed
by a character song, "He jumped upon
the table to watch tho scorer count"
which was rendered by "By Gish" with
striking effect. "Doc" then gave his
most laughable exibition of -'When I
played in the band" followed by an im
itatiou of a skirt dance which caused tho
Owls hoot with glee. Old Cavendish
gave the Owls his laughable sketch,
ontitled, "The Sober man," which was
quickly followed with tho song, "We
can't do that in Omaha," so pleisantly
rendered by "Wolly," Tho "Captain"
gavo an imitation of a Caliope so patur
ally tnat every Uwl asked nis neighbor
to loan him fifty cents, thinking that
Barnum's show had struck tho town.
He also sang a song of his own composi
tion, called "Fill 'em up again." which
was vociferously encored.
Before the wee sma 'ours had come.
Each Owl departed for his home,
Contented that the day had ended
In fun and profit nicely blended.
So may tho future dawning years
Give crowding joys, but naught of
For though but owls, a life'well spent,
Brings at life's closo a calm content.
We have them; Mason Jars,
Glass, one-half gallons, $1,00
per doz, quarts 75 cts. per
doz, pints 60 cts. per doz; at
The Hub Grocery Oo.
At the last meeting of the Knights
of Pythias the following resolutions
were unanimously passed.
Whereas, It has pleased God to
remove from life, Mrs. Geo. Graves,
of Council Bluffs, mother of brother
Knight R. h. Graves, therefore be
Resolved, That we, members of
Mazeppa Lodge, No. 115, Knights
of Pythias hereby tender to Knigh
Graves our deepest heartfelt sympathy-
in this his hour of trial and
bereavement, and that we can onlv
commend him to the Father of u's
all who doeth all things well; and
oe it mrtuer
Resolved, . That a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon the book
of our keeper of records and seals
and be published in The -Tribune
of this citv.
John Sarenson,
H. J. Roth, C Com.
Leo Hart. )
Plynete, all kinds and prices, at
The Wilcox Dept. Store.
a poorly made refrigerator and
pay the ice man the price of a
good one we haven't what you
want. It you want the best
there is made and that runs
with the least ice,
Ask your neighbors about $hem. -Por
iue tviicoAuept

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