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NEBRASKA POINTERS y l - j . . - 'imj I T3 EMM STATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON DENSED FORM. tii- THEPRESS, PULPIT AND PUBLIC What Is Going on Here and There That Is of Interest to hte Read ers Throughout Nebraska. ' ,f rr.-.MWWvwtftiA j;'U mn "aw., Cm Li I ym 1.1 m i 4. Loto rnliiB havo put tho Ground In splendid condition for fnll plowing. Postal city delivery will begin In McCook November 15. . Tho Christian Sclontlsts nro build jlng a church nt Nebraska City. ' Thieve? entered tho resldenco of J. 'W. Tnylor, nt Dale, about four miles northeast of Arlington, and stole a gold watch, a good sum of money and other valuables. Tom Mnrtln of Hnnover, Has., was fuond lying In tho Hock Island yards i at Fairbury with his head badly ! beaten up. A car pin lying near told J tho weapon IiIb nssailant had used. , Proceedings In bankruptcy have 'been commenced by David Diamond of McCook. Mr. Diamond formerly lived In Illinois and creditors there havo been pushing him. Andrew Carneglo has been pre vailed upon to Increase his library do nation for Fairbury from $10,000 to $12,500, and tho contract for tho erec tion of tho building will be lot at once. Tho library will bo practically a dupli cate of tho ono nt Kearney. Tho Farmers' Institute toclety of Cuming county has received subscrip tions from the local business mon amounting to $200 to be distributed as premiums for the best exhibits of corn raised In tho county. Farmers should all havo telephones. Write to us and learn how to get tho best service for tho least money. Ne braska Telephono Company, 18th and Douglas streets, Omaha. "Use tho noil." Several of tho fnrmcrs of tho vi cinity of Sutherland, who have ex tremely low lands along tho bottoms nro having drain ditches constructed. A contractor from Colorado Is doing tho work, employing a yoke of 21 head of oxen to pull his machine. United Stntcs Mnrshal Sides arrest ed John Andrews of Herman, charged with engaging In tho business of re tail liquor dealing. Andrews wns brought before United States Com missioner SlnghaiiB and was bound over to tho federal grand Jury. A representativo cf tho supervising architect of the treasury department was In Fairbury Inspecting tho pro posed sites for tho now postofllco building for which $70,000 was approp riated at tho last session of congress. ,lt is expected tho slto will be decided upon in about two weeks. A. F. Halsto, a graduato of Chicago university, and a maroon star of '09 has been engaged to coach tho Has tings collego football team. Ho comes highly recommended from Coach Stagg, and under his direction tho col lego expects to Jiavo a sucaasful sea son. A most unusual and dramatic sceno took placo In district court at nroken Dow when tho jury In tho caso of Jnmes Carland, .charged with tho mur der cf John Sanderson, March 28, brought In a verdict of acquittal after being out about thirty-six hours. Tho trial Judgo was dumbfounded over tho outcomo of tho jury's decision. A drivo through tho country up and down tho Loup valley convinces any one thero Is ono of tho best corn crcps In that valloy It over raised. Tho ears aro long nnd woll filled and many esti mate thnt several fields will mako seventy bushels to tho acre and tho average will certainly bo over fifty bushels to tho acre. Two farms sold in the last week ,ln tho vnlloy, ono at $75 per aero, tho highest any quarter has over sold near that, and ono at $G0 per Rcre. The management, oxhlbitors nnd tho imbllc generally aro much plensed with tho success of tho Gage county fair. Tho attendnnco was linger than at any fair held In tho county for tho last fifteen years, and owing to tho In terest displayed tho management feels justified In making improvements and planning for larger premiums and ex hibits novt year. Hecomlng desperate after years of abuse, Mrs. A. L, Onior, living just north of Cairo, filed complaint ngalnst her husband for assault and battery. She wont to tho resldenco of Mnrshal Clark in Cairo, for protection, being badly bruised nnd marked In her body from tho mistreatment. Her hubby Is In duranco vjlo and ought to bo kept there. Mrs. W. P. Campbell and her daugh ter, havo returned to Fairbury from an extended trip with Campbell nros.' circus, which has winter headquarters In Fairbury, nnd thoy brought with them a couplo of cub lions which wero born slnco tho show openod Its season last spring. The show will bo nlong later and will again winter at Fair bury. Farmers along tho Nemaha valley adjaqont to Humboldt havo started a movement to straighten tho channel of tho Neninha betwoen Dawson and tho Pawneo county line, following tho ex ample of their neighbors toward tho east end of tho county, who bnvo suc cessfully passed through tho litigation period and aro now lotting tho con tract for tho actual work. Tho Southwestern dental nocloty, In session nt McCcok, olected theso offi cers: President, J. M. Prime of Ox ford; secretary, W. A. McHcnry of Nelson; treasurer, .1. A. Galnsforth of Holdrego. c m wmwim WillArdM GARiisom tLLlHSTXATSD By J. Malvil. HOP n nickel In tho slot and get insured. That Is the latost In tho ancient art of betting be tween corporation and in dividual. In many of tho country's largo railroad depots you will find tho Insurance ma chines, lly placing coins thoroln, the Insurance company gives you long odds that you will not bo killed before tho end of your Journey. You wnger thnt you will be killed and of course you hope tho company wins, but at tlfb Bamo tlmo you figure that your win nings In caso you succumb may help out your wlfo nnd babies to ,tlde oyer tho Btrugglo that all widows must face. mm s i Wi7 1 A I : m mm wit. .,,' o VMWW ' r, w 1 1 r v ryiy mm, w m I 1 III 1 11 HK 4 H X W T k V A WiT mm w dtOP ff BOB. mm m Of Mi CffMCf WAGSP MB B LLOYD'S oY bb fawsycy c?7 TOmmiLS kLfBTN?. You can Insuro n agulust destruction o any form whatsoever. Doforo you speak, tho company has accoi tho proposi tion to which you nro about to glvo volco und tho nccep tanco encom passes every thing, except, of course, tho rate to bo charged. That Is a rather broad statement. There Is just ono excoptlon In tho list of things Insurable. That Is tho dlrectolro gown. IJut there aro so many insurable things Hint tho French creation itf hardly missed. Hero's a few of tho things on whoso destruc tion or snfety you may wager, at long odds, with Insurance companies; Lives, homes, births, deaths, marrlnge, do mestic animals, livestock, barns, crops, circuses, tho success of business, vessels, any sort of conveyance, ngalnst Injuries, beauty, a suit of clothes, any wenrlng apparel, Jewelry, falso hair, teeth, health, athletic prowess, theatrical productions, Ideas of all kinds, airships, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, success in tho forma tion of social organizations, elections of all kinds, fluctuations of tho stock market, race courses, importnnt messages, exploring expe ditions, mining enterprises, rain, snow, heat, cold, eyesight, bodily strength, sanity, etc., etc., etc. I could keop up thnt string of things In surable all day long, for In Lloyds' great insur ance dlroctory In England thero are dozons of gigantic ledgers which list tho articles and human beings upon which thnt company nnd other concorns aro wont to bet In relation to tholr destruction or safety. And out of theso Insurnnco propositions grow n dozen sldo linos to each plnn. For Instance, taking crops as an example: You can Insuro your whont, corn, oats, barley, Ilax, boot sugar, butter, eggs or cheoso ngalnst destruction by firo, by cyclones, by oxcesslvo heat, excosslvo cold, by robbers or by accident. Tho snmo with your life. You may provide yoursolf with insuranco against Injury on trains; If you nro a sailor, against drowning; If you nro a rail road llroman, against wrecks; If a minor, against being entombed, and so forth, until tho entire list has boon cxhnuatcd. Hut tho shuath-dlrectolro gown won't lnsilro. Tho why and whoreforo of this Is bocauso Insurnnco cllquos bolievo that this artlclo of wear Is destined to become decidedly unpop ular In tho United States. In Paris this might bo given consideration but In America tho populnco Is givon credit for a Inrgo stock of femlnlno modesty. Only recently this tout was mado In Now York. Lloyds received an application for a $10,000 policy on u conslgnmant of shtnth xowiiB from Paris, which were bought by a big 1) 3E 7m Now York deimrtnient store, which, scolng a boom in this article, "scooped" Its contempor aries by securing nn early supply. Tho merchants who secured tho goods folt I rather skeptical themselves ns to whether tho r latest Parisian costume would hold tho Gotham womon's attention. As a consequent) a Now York 'broker was instructed to securo an In surnnco policy upon tho snlo of tho gowns In fact, to Insuro tho popularity of tho cos tume In America. To tho surprise of the broker, lnerchnntH and New Yorkers, the proposition wns turned down fiat. Applications to other companies who wero wont to bet upon almost anything which seemed a "good risk" also proved In vain ami tho New York merchant went to work by In serting ndvortlBoments In tho nowspnpors, through which method ho hoped to overcome tho refusal of insurance. This wns tho first Instance of its kind over recorded, exports declare, in which Lloyds havo turned down the proposition of Issuing a policy. It probably was caused- by tho airy pornlfiage hurled by tho male AmorlcniiH who gave tho sheath gown tho loud "hnw-hnw" when It nppeurod. No buslnoss in tho history of tho world has spread out iib tho Insurance ganio lins. It en compasses everything. Ono insuranco man, who rates himself quite a wag, asked another whether Lloyds would Insure nn Iceberg from melting. "Why, job," tho hitter unsworod, "if you'd tow It down to Plcndllly lane, where It could bo washed by Lloyds." Howovor, the sort of Insuranco about which the avorngo American knows most Is lifo In surnnco and this Industry alone hag reached such a stago of development that, thero Is lit tlo unexplored territory for It to enter. Thero aro llfo Insurnnco agents everywhere. Statistics say that for every hundred men of tho big cities thero Is ono and sometimes two llfo In surance attonts. So the reader can easily ills corn thut thoro Is plenty of opportunity to pro vide his or hur family with financial protection after death. Sluc3 tho companies woru brought to lints ilk ilia. .vu II' ' k iff 9 ' yJI :. bb irrw B tmr(wr by tho ro- cently en acted Insurnnco laws, which fol lowed tho fa mous Now York investigation, nearly all of tho concorns which lived through thnt scathing In quiry nro up to scratch re garding legal requirements. Nearly overy up tn dato American possesses Insuranco upon his life. If It is not $1,000 It may bo $500 or $100, but among the richest clti.enu of the country thoro aro seven mon who' carry $1,000,000 or more upon tholr lives. Hodman Wnuninakor of Philadelphia, a merchant prlnco, Is Insured to tho amount of $1,000,000. Ho Is the most heavily insured man In the world, for thoro Is not a person, even among tho mouurrliH of the old hemisphere, who can lay claim to In suranco equivalent to ono-hnlf that amount. Two men In tho United Stales carry $1,500, 000 upon tholr lives nnd thero aro four whoso death would net tholr families $1,000,000, enough to support several gonoratlons of fam ilies. Among Now Yorkers Finnnclor James 11. Colgate carries more insurance thnn any of his neighbors In Gotham, his policies which number nearly a score, aggregating $1,500,000. However, that sleepy old Quaker 'city Philadelphia shows tho world a thing or two In providing for Us kin after the death of the wage earner. The millionaires and multl-mll; llonalros of that city in proportion to tholr number have acquired far more life Insurnnco than thosb of any other city in America and probably In tho world. Tho Insurance Press, an organ which has devoted Itself this your to tho gathering of a great volume of statistics on the subject, has presented a mass of Information on. tho subject. They nil toem with the dollar sign and show JiiBt how much money thoro Is In tho coffers of tho country's rich. The statis tics touch only tho high spoiH in a general re sume, but they show tho relations between America's grout cities and glvo a lino on tho general rainy-day provision whloh are. taken by men of nation wide fame. A synopsis of tho repot t follows: "Ono hundred and eighty-four residents of Philadelphia nro insured for $H,000.0p0, while New York, with four times ss many million aires, has -101 residents Insured for $57,000,000. Chicago has 185 millionaires Insured for $21, 000,000. "Thoro aio 5,100 men in the nulled Htute insured for $GO,000 or more, tho total of their policies aggregating $R 10,007,000. Thoro nro sovon lnsurud for tm.ovon million each; four insured for $800,000 to $900,000; ton for $700,001), nnd 20 for $500,000 to $000,000. Thero nro l,l;lti men who carry from $100,000 to $150, 000 each nnd 271 who aro Insured for $200,000 to $300,000 each. ."Of tho seven mon who nro Insured for $1, 000,000, ono llvos In Georgia, ono In Illinois, ono in Louisiana, two In Now York, ono n Poiiiisylvniila and ono In Wisconsin. "Now York city ban 15 men who aro insured Tor from $400,000 to $1,500,000; Phllndolphin haa 11 Insured for from $100,000 to $1,000,000. Chicago hns five Insured for from $100,000 to $1,000,000. Pittsburg hnR flvo Insured for from $100,000 to $1,055,000. Haltlmoro has ton In sured for from $300,000 to $C00,000. Unffalo haa six Insured for from $200,000 to $S00,000. St. Louis has 11 insured for from $200,000 to $C00,- 000. Detroit lias eight insured for from $200,000 to $50?),000. ' Snn Francisco linn five in that class, Cincinnati has 17, Cleveland nix, nnd Hoston 10, with two more whoso policies run up to $000,000 each. "Mllwaukeo has 10 who aro Insured for from $200,000 to $1,000,000. Minneapolis flvo with policies ranging from $200,000 to $800,000, and Hnchester ;dx who aro Insured for from $200, 000 to $500,000." 4, Thero nro lots of solfish porsdns who say: "Woll, what's tho use of mo gottlng insured? After I'm dead tho monoy derived cannot bo of any more uso to mo. Therefore, plenso toll mo why I should oxpond nny of theso hard earned dollars for the sake of leaving a bono of contention to bo fought over by my rela tives." Partly for tho man who Is likely to mnko that statement nnd partly for tho Individual who would provide himsoir-nKUlnst tho Infirmi ties of old ago,! great insurance companloa havo devised policies whereby the party In sured mny come Into his endowment when it Is most needed. The endowment policy Is tho ono which In perhaps more populnr among young men of tho age Hum nny which has yet boon put upon tho market. This allows tho pay incut of a yearly premium Into the company's coffers nnd at tho end of 10, 20, 30, 10 or 50 years tho cntlro amount for which tho policy holder was In sured Is turned over to him or her. Tho rato of Insurance vnilos with tho longth of tlmo. The longer the period betwoen the pnymont of tho first premium and tho final endowment tho less tho rate, othor things bolng bqunl. Just recently Insurance companies Intro duced another nort of projiotltlon which is Just the roorso of that of .lnsm-fug one'n llfo.