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ttlilerlciil Bccicty ' State Wat Jtorilt TWENTY-FIFTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 23, 1909. NO- 0 TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS Tho Tribune's effort to coax some gentleman to announce his candidacy for mayor haR not been successful up to date. The probability is that sonic will need to be drafted. Mrs. Kate Cnntril, of Vancouvor, and Mrs. Mary Colby, of Trinidad, who wero called here by tho death of their mothor, MrB. Isabella Nixon, returned to their respective homes Friday. Conductor Charley Breternitz wont out to his ranch the latter part of last week to welcome the advent of a new son. Charley now has a family of three girls and two boys. K. Tachikana, a dappor little Jap omployod as a section hand in tho local yards, loft Saturday night for Japan where ho will be married. Ho will re turn to North Platto with his bride. Dr. D. T. Quigley, who had been in Denver for a few dayB, returned Fri day. When ho left the condition of Mrs. C. T. Whelan was considerably improved, and sho will remain in that city for the present. Tho local lodga of tho B. It. T. en tertained their ladies and a numbor of invited guests at an indoor picnic at tho K. P. hall Friday ovening. Thore was a large attendance and a pleasant evening waB spent in playing game3, and at tho close refreshments served. Drink Mogul Coffee. The sheet and pillow case dancing party given by tho Temple Craft at tho Masonic hall Friday evening waB at tended by forty or more dancers and a number of spectators, all those partic ipating in tho dance tho early part of the ovening wearing tho bed furnish ings. Lent begins tomorrow and a majority of local society people will for forty days refrain in Bome degreo at least from social activities. At the gait some of the ladies have been going for a month or more past wo should think they would enjoy this enforcod rest. For Sale Residence Property. Nino room house, good lawn, sidewalks, fences, good barn and other out build ings. All new. Splendid homo. In quire of L. C. Swan or call at 7:10 W. 2nd St. Tho dispatching of trains between North Platte and Sidney exclusively by telephone is proving very successful, and is found to bo an improve'ment over the wire system. The syBtcm in ubg is known as the Gill, and it is pronounced the most modern and up to dato that has yet been tried. Mrs. Charles Ell is the guest of friends in Omaha, leaving for that city Sunday night. Mr. Tenk, who had been a guest of his upclo John Ottcnstoin, left for tho east Sunday. Miss Eunice Babbitt, who had been spending a couplo of days in town, re turned to Lincoln Sunday night. Miss Mary Strahorn returned the latter part of last week from n visit of several weeks duration with friends in Lincoln. Mrs. H. M. Grimes entertained about thirty ladies at a card party Thursday afternoon, a function that proved a de lightful one to every guest. Mrs. John Drake and children, who had been visiting relatives in town for a month, returned to Kimball Sunday accompanied by Mrs. Arthur Warnock. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rhoados left Sunday night for Southorn California. Should the climate prove beneficial to Mr. Rhoadcs, they may conclude to per manently locato there. Will Waltemath, of this city, a stud ent ot tho University of Pennsylvania, has been appointed a member of the committee on public comfort at the in auguration of William Howard Taft. He will also attend tho inaugural ball. Foreman Murphy, of tho bridge and building department, has been notified that an addition will be built to the dis patchers' office with an entrance on Front street. This additionnl room will be used as an office for the commercial business of tho Western Union. For Sale Thoroughbred English Set- tor pups. Inquire at Bailey's barber shop. The gasoline engine which furnishes powor for tho elevators at the icing plant will be removed from its present location to a point farther west, thuB avoiding bo much friction on the 400- foot shaft, the greater power being needed at the new houses whore tho lift is higher. Seo our Bpring display of genuine Alligator Hand Bags; direct from Florida. Dixon, The Jeweler. Tho entertainment given by tho pupils of tho Third and Fourth grades of tho city schopls at . tljq auditorium Friday evening was attended by an au dience that nearly filled the seating capacity of the room. There wore about twenty numbers on tho program, and they were all well rendered. Tho vocal numbers gave evidence of the good work Prof. Garlisch is doing as super visor of music in the schools, and tho other numbers reflected creditable upon tho care and preparation givon tho pu pils by tho teachers of those grades. Arthur Fonda left Sunday for Raw lins where he will accept a position with tho Union Pacific. William B. Perslng, of Iliff, Col., and Mary J. McDonald, of this city, wero unitd in marriage by Rev. C. F. Chap man Friday. The young peoplo of tho Baptist church to tho numbor of fifty or sixty held a poverty Bocial at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Casoy Friday eve ning. Gothenburg is having a siege of scar let fever, and tho schools have been closed, and public meotings of all kinds placed under a ban by a proclamation, of the mayor. Estrayed A Great Dane pup about two months old, weight about 20 Dounds, dirty white in color with bluish specks. Return to W. H. Turpio and receive reward. Custodian Wilson decorated the en trnnco to tho court houso yesterday with Old Glory, a portrait of tho im mortal George and a representation of the liberty bell. Frank Emil Falk and Miss Ida Amel ia Krong will be united in marriage nt Hershoy Wednesday ovening in the Presbyterian church. A reception at the Hershey hotol will follow the cere mony. The supreme court has just decided that Justus Beer, Non-Tox and Malt Mead come within the inhibition of the Slocumb law and cannot be sold with out a license. Small sales of these al leged intoxicants have been in North Platte. Mrs. John Murphy, Mrs. Josoph Mur phy and Miss Marv Tigho attended tho funeral of the late Mrs. Hugh Brogan at Paxton yesterday morning. The services wore condncted by Father Carroll of this city and Father Sullivan of Elm Creek. Tho appropriations committee at Washington has authorized the expen diture of sixty thousand dollars on tho North Platte federal building during tho year 1910. Thin means that no work will bo done on the building this year, and that at least two years will elapse before its completion after con struction work begins. C. A. Howo returned from North Platte Monday to make his residence on his Kinkaid northwest of town. He will have a barn erected and a well put down as soon as possible. He brought ten bushels of "Kherson" oats with him from the North Platto Experiment Station which yieldod ninety-two bush el to tho aero and which ho expects to plant on his placo tho coming spring. Oshkosh Herald. 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT Advance Spring Sale at The Leader. Commencing Thursday, Feb. 18, Ending Saturday, March 6. Our Spring" Stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Corsets, Hosiery, Belts, Muslin Underwear, Silk, Lawn and Taylor-made Shirt Waists, Petticoats in Silk, Mercerized and Eider Bloom, Dress Skirts in Voils, Panamas, in all sizes and all shades, Laces and Embroideries, Swisses for Curtains, Lace Curtains, Ribbons, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Ribbed Underwear and many other lines to numerous to mention are all in, in the newest of designs for Spring of 1909. We place all lines mentioned above on sale at 20 Per Cent Discount on Every Dollar. Ladies wishing- to select their Easier Gowns will make no mistake by selecting them now while the assortment is complete and save the big- discount. SHOE DEPARTMENT Twenty per cent discount on Ladies', Men's and Children's, excepting- Queen Quality Shoes. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT We will give you twenty per cent discount on our Men's Boys and Children s Clothing. Don t fail to see our Spring Line of Children s Suits in all styles. They are certainly nice and cheap. Carpets, Art Squares, Linoleum, Mattings, Trunks, Suit Cases, etc., go at Twenty per cent discount on every dollar. All Winter Goods will be sold regardless of cost. Remember this Discount Sale is for Cash only. Come in and see all the new creations, whether you, buy or not. Yours for Great Values, The Leader. - - J. Pizer. Proo. M ' Jk I The Largest in Quantity, Best of Quality, Lowest in Prices in Western Nebraska. Thomas Hughes Dies. Thomas Hughes, whoso illness was noted in our last issue, died nt his homo in Hastings Friday. For many years the deceased was in the service of tho Union Pacific ns an cn. ginocr out of this terminal, nnd wbb in timately known by all of our older clti zons. After terminating his scrvlco with tho Union Pacific ho moved to a farm near Junita and lator took up a residence in Hastings. His death was received with regrot by IiIb many North Platte friends. Extend Call to Rev. Williams. At tho congregntionrl meeting held at tho Prcsbytorian church Sunday eve ning, a call was extended to Hov. Geo. Williams, of Lexington, at n salary of $1,350 per year. This is $150 per year more than he at present receives. Rev. Williams has been pastor at Lexington for several years and is regarded bb one of tho strongest pulpit orators in the west part of the stato, a success ful pastor and is a very afTablo man. Whether Rov. Williams will accept the call, is not known. New Business Building. As soon as the weather will permit, John Lo Masters will begin the erec tion of a building 22x100 feet on tho lot occupied by his present Bhop. It will bo two stories, tho front to bo of pressed brick and the sides nnd rear walls of cement block. The ground floor will be used as a garuge and on the second floor Mr. LeMastcrs will have his repair shop. During tho construc tion of the building part of tho present framo building will be moved into tho street and continue to bo used ns a shop. Lutheran Church. Special services will bo held Ash Wed nesday nt eight o'clock. Tho ladies aid society will meet Thursday at tho parish houso undor the auspices of Mrs. W. W. Whito and Mrs. John Boycrlo. Tho socioty will bo called to order at 3:30 o'clock for a half hours' devotional scrvico including a brief meditation by tho paBtor. Tho church council will meet in month ly session this Tuesday ovening. COUNTY NEWS. Tho stork visited tho home of Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Hnist of Horshoy last week and left a fino boy baby. Gcorgo Tatum, who has been living on tho Connor farm in the valley for threo years, leaves today for Madrid, near which placo ho haa rcntod a tract of land. Mrs. S. E. Cox, of Hershoy, has been visiting friondB in Omaha for a week paBt. Miss Graco Ball, who is a sister of Mrs. Jas. R. White, of Sutherland, was married in Colorado Springs Feb ruary ICth to Smith 13. Russell, of Ala mosa, Mex. Ed Owens, of Sutherland, mado a narov escape from being blown into kingdom como last week by tho explo sion of tho water back in tho range which went to pieces on account of tho water pipes being frozen. Miss Florenco Flynn is dockotcd for the position of postmistress nt Forks, an ofllco located in tho Birdwood country. W. C. Blackmoro, who recently went to Southern California, has purchasod a small fruit farm in that state. He may decide to remain permanently in that land of sunshine and flowers. Miss Greenfield, who teaches in the Brady schools, has gone to South Da kota for a short visit, and while thore will file on a homestead. Tho chairman of tho village board of Brady offers a reward of $25 for tho arrest and conviction of anyono who is "bootlegging" or Belling or giving away liquor. Carl Nelson, of Spannuth, sold four hogs tho othor day that brought him one hundred and one dollars. Tho villago of Maxwell has passed an ordinance instituting n board of health, with Dr. Kcnnon, Henry Applegata and J. A. Moore as members. APPEARING. OLD Acta Bar to Profitable Employe ment. Tou cannot afford to grow old. In those days of stronuous competition It Is necessary to maintain, as lone as poaslblo ones youthful appearance. It is Impossible to do this without re taining a. luxurious growth of hair, Tho prosonco of Dandruff lndlcatoa tho prosonco of a burrowing gorm which lives and thrives on tho roots of tho hair until It causes total 'baldness. Nowbro's Ilcrplcldo Is tho only known doatroyor of this pest, and It Is as offoe tlvo as It Is delightful to uso ITorplctdo makes an elegant ha'r dross Ing as well as Dandruff euro. Accept no substitute thoro Is nono. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for samplo to The Ilorplclde Co.. Dotrolt, Mich. Two stzos E0 cents and 11.00. McDonoll & Graves, Special Agents. Chautauqua Officers Elected. At the meeting of tho newly elected board of directors of the Chautauqun Association held Saturday evening, T. C. Patterson wnB elected president, Wm. Ebright vice-president, Wilson Tout secretary and F. L. Mooney treas urer. A resolution wa8 passed declar ing that all officers of tho association should sorve without pay. Committees wire appointed on grounds, solicitation of further subscriptions to block, nnd .on program. . While the dates of tho first sessions of the association hnvo not been definitely decided upon, July 2d to 11th will bo the time is n satisfactory pro- . i gram covering those dates can bo secured. Stockholders will be asked for a fivo per cent paymont on their stock, and in return for this will be credited with $1.00 on a ticket for each share of stock hold. Rebhausen-V ernert. In tho presence of nearly ono hundred invited guests Mr. Lawrence L. Wer nert, of Kearney, and Miss Anna Rob hausen. of this city, wero married nt St, Bonaventura church yesterday morning at a o cIock. lho unuo waB attended by her ncicc, Miss Gcrtrudo Herrod, and tho groom by Henry Reb hausen, of North Platte, n brother of tho bride. Misa Rebhnusen was gowned in hand-embroidered whito satin crepe, nnd carried a Bhowor bouquet of white swansonin. which was later distributed among tho guests as souvenirs of tho wedding. Miss Herrod wore whito swiss, nnd carped whito carnations. After tho ceremony a wedding break fast was served the bridal party at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Herrod, and in tho afternoon Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Snwyer received from ono to two o'clock at their homo on North Olivo street. Between thirty and forty guests at tended tho reception. Tho floral decor ations nt tho Sawyer home wero par ticularly beautiful, most of tho flowers, consisting of lilies, orange blossoms, marguerites nnd narcissus, coming from California. Tho rooms wero darkened and lighted with candles. Tho out-of- town guoBts in addition to those already mentioned were Mrs. Wood Whito and Mrs. Mathow Rebhausen. of North Platto. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wornert left on an afternoon train for Kenrney, where Mr. Werncrt is engaged in the mercan tile business. Ho was formerly env ployed in tho Friedhof store in Colum bus. Miss Rebhausen is a daughter of Mrs. Gortrudo Rebhausen, who moved nere irom XNortn natto a low years ago. She is talented in artistic lines, and of a delightful personality which has won many friends for her during her comparatively Bhort residence in this city. Columbus Tolegrnm. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital ... - $100,000.00 Surplus Fund - - - 20,000.00 Stockholders' Liability - 100,000.00 Guarantee Fund for Depositors $220,000.00 (Not considering quick assets nnd cash resources) DIRECTORS E. F. Sceberger, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara. THE SO E-Z DUST. PAN FREE OLD WAY NEW WAV Wo will present you abso lutely freo with your next or dor for ono ton of coal ono of thoso So E-Z Dust Pans. Something entirely new. No moro bnckachoB. Lot ub havo your order now, as our supply of Dust Pans is limited. Wo handlo tho best coal mined. W. W. BIRGE. AT THE RINK Prof. Durnott, director of tho Lincoln stato experimental farm, spent yester- terday at tho sub-station southwest of town. for aalo At n reasonab'o price, good now fivo room houso and bath. All rooms largo. Lawn, shado trees started; two lota and house on tho cornor Int. 802 So. Ohesnut nnd C. I All This Week. DARI MVIL DANIEL Mr. Daniel is a very sensational skater, as he performs some of the most daring feats ever tried on rollers Music by Local Bani Don t Miss It BEST OF ORDER MAINTAINED. I St8.