Newspaper Page Text
Ht SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA L. DARE, Publisher TERMS: $1.25 IN ADVANCE UHTH 1'IjATTID. NEBRASKA Secret Service Duties. It falls to the lot of the secret sorv- rv inn tn rnfirf Inn nornn fir fhn hln illvlstlnn nftor thn trittrndv nt. llllff.'L- :, and in addition to this tho snfoly rs from nhrond Is Intrusted to tho nrtrimi ifpinnn unnrv r r I'rnaain I'rinco Fushlmi of Japan, tho crown prlnco of Slam, tho crown prlnco of Sweden, tho duko of Abruzzl, nnd many others of lessor nolo havo boon carefully protected from annoyanco whllo guests of tho nation, nnd In no Instance has thero occurred tho slight est incident to mnr tho pleasure nnd tranquility of their visit. For moro than ten years tho morlt systom has prevailed in tho nervico, which Is n strictly nonpartisan, non-political op ganlzntlon. "Pulls" nro unknown and unrecognized; every man Is measured nnd rowarded according to his otllclon- IV 1111(1 KIIUWH 1 1 111 L 111H IIUU1IUUI1 111 UIU . i i 1 1. ..i i.i . . . i it.... i.. . i . Korvlco depends wholly upon thn char acter and quality of his work. Ho .... .... Ml. .It... 1.. W11BH.B 111) I1II1U lllllim 1111 lllllllUlllU III nolp lilm hold his Job, nnd being rrco from obligations nnd ontnnglomontH, in nblo to duvoto his whole time and energy to tho Impartial discharge nf hln duties. To UiIh unhampered atten tion to tho work of suppressing coun terfeiting says a wrltor in tho National Magazine, I nttributo tho fact that to day tho proportion of counterfoil' notes in circulation is nbouo one to 100,000; that is to say, Unit for ench hnlf-mllllon of gonulno currency in cir culation thero nro nbout live dollars in counterfeit notes; and for each f 100, 000 dollars in gold and silver in clrcu- Inflnn tlirirn lu n f t'tfln nn.liif- ittrnn itnl. uib iii ciiuiiiurii:ii cum. yin ui miiuu would suggest that tho htiRlncns of counterfeiting is not overwhelmingly uttrnctlvo as a ilnnnclal proposition. A man never knows when he Is cov ering up his tracks; ho novcr knows t. i ... . i . now lung uiuy win Biuy covered ur who will get on his trail, says tho Dal- tlmoro Sun. Up In Cannda, whoro thoy aro digging for tho now Toronto wntor works, tho digger,!) found in tho blue clay 70 foot bolow tho water lino tho footprints of a gentleman who had tramped around that wny somo yoara ago. Tho goologlHts dhtagrco as to tho exact tlnio, somo holding that tho freshness of tlio footprints indicates that it was only C0.000 years ngo, while others bollove that tho too-uall prints indlcato thut it tun been nbout 100,000 years since tho gontlemnn paBscd that way. Not that thin slight discrepancy mattora to tho gontlemnn or to us; for nobody had to nit on tho fence there nnd wait for him C0.000 years, oven if ho did happen to bo Into. Sir Robert Hnrt, for many years in spector general of Chlnoso customs, has mndo a striking suggestion as to ihn nnuulhlii fittiit-n rf P.lilnn Thn world haB long wondered what would happen if that groat country of 400, 000,000 people should nwnko to its full power and stand up like a giant among nations. Sir Hobort'a idea Is reassur ing. Tho Chlnnmau is n lover of peace. China would turn round to the rest of the world nnd any, "Gentlemen, thero miiBt bo no moro fighting." Tho strongest nation would becomo a bene ficent policeman, keeping us little fol lows in ordor. Sir Robort says that It is n curious stntomout, but not no un rennonnblo as It seems to those who do tint r r rir fMi I ti n What boy born during tho current year will bo tho Abraham Lincoln or tho CbarloB Darwin of tho century? Both Darwin and Lincoln woro born on Fobruary 12, 1809. Tho same year snw tho birth of Ollvor Wendell Holmes, Edgar Allan Poo, Alfred Ten nyson, Ellzaboth Barrett Drowning ami Folix Mondolssolm-llnrtholdy, to Bay nothing of scores of men famous lu othor branches of lenrnlng. A Pennsylvania banker who robbed depositors of more than $2,000,000 has boon sentenced to 15 years lu the penitentiary. Our dispatch does not Bay whether ho is to bo assigned to tho bookkeeping department or Ib to look nftor tho feeding of the wnrden's wife's canary. Tho gypaleB aro nearer to tho nnl mals than nny rnco known to us In Europe. They havo tho lawlessness, tho abandonment, tho natural physical graco in form and gosturo of animals; only a stealthy and wary something In their oyes makes them human. Whllo admiring tho fertility of re uourco dlsplayod by tho pollcoman who climbod aboard n stroet car and thus wus nblo to enpturo a thlof who was running nwny with u laundry wagon, very experienced crook will condemn tho thief for his stupidity lu not dur ing down a uido stroet. Castro finds Ufa so pleasant in Ber lin that ho apparently has no desire to rush back to Venezuela. Perhaps tho Berlin hotolkocper has not as yet pre .sited his bill. PJfpL. ay ROY NORTON SYNOPSIS. "Vanishing Fleets." a story of "what inIkIiI have happened," opeim In Wash Inglon with tin- United Mtatcn anil .Inpiin on tho vorjfp nf wnr. Cluy I Miller. sec retary of thu HrtllHlt einlmwwy, and Mis N'crinn IIoihtih, ehli-f aide or Inventor Hohci-t. are Introduced iim lovers. At the mom IniipiHirtuno iniiinutit Japan declare war. ,1m pun token thn Philippine. The entire country In In h Mate uf turmoil be rinmc of the Kovmtinienl'M IndlffcrHneu; (luy Miller start for KriKlnnd with erel inewtHRe Uud Ih compelled In leave Norinn Hobert. .who with mllltnry of lliem itl'io leaven WiiHhlnKton on mys ttrlou expedition for un Inolnted point on the I'lorMu count, flawnll In captured hy the Ja. All portM arc rloMNl. .lap lleet Ih funt HppronchlnK western coast of Amer lea. HieKo, Japanese spy. discovers sccrnt preparations lor war. I In follow unto eurryhiK presidential tahlnet. He un earths source of ureal mystery lunl flee. iiiuitnurlliK: "Tho gods xhvh Nippon. FIcclliK to 1'nelllc. ( oiihI, HIoko la allot down JilHt as Jonrnny to uet awful newH to Japan neiiiM aucucssfiil. Jaiian an nounces Intention to attack seaport. Toklo loarna of inlMMltiK Japanese lleet ntnl wholo world heroine convinced that United HtiiteM lian Home, powerful wnr agency. ICnKland decides to annd a tleet lo American watetM an a Canadian pro .tertlnn iiKiltmt what tho llrltlHh Hiippotie la u terrible Mihimirlnc lllllla. Illlller In nliio went to Canada to attempt to force IiIh way throtlKh American 1 1 new with a lliesmiKe to the pi'eHldent III order Hint protection for the lleel may he aaRurecl. .Inpnn appenlK to llrltaln for aid. llrltlHh Meet departa, amid tnlHKlvliiKH of I'iikIIhIi. fleet myMterloiiMly dlHatipttara, a Hallor jilclted up on a raft hcliiK tho only evi dence of the Iohh. Powum In-Kin to fear for their unffcty. CHAPTER IX. Darred by Bayonets. Hosted by hla acu voyngo, and glow Ing with a determination to win his wny ticross tho border, but with no definite Idea as to what method ho should pursue, Guy Hllllor lauded In Montreal. Ills first effort wns to gain what details ho could ns to tho nature of tho embargo which had been placed on travelers between tho two coun tries, nftor which ho lost no time In personally studying tho habits of the border camps. Long roHldonco In America hail lessened the broadness of his A's1, and with a llttlo practice his H'h wcro almost those of tho aver ago Now Yorkor. Tho monger Information ho suc ceeded in gathering wus not alto gether trustworthy, ns ho was soon to learn. Ho had been told that certain Americans, In Cannda at tho time tho lino of blue was drawn, woro per mitted to paasund thus regain their homes, and on this ho based his llrst sally. Thero was no trouble whntever In gnlnlng tho encampments nor In Interviewing tho olIlcorH In command of that section of tho defeuso. A Binnrt-nppearlng sontry passed him over to tho guardianship of n soldier off duty, who conducted him to one of tho regulation touts which dotted tho hlllsldo back of the Hue. On tho ordorly'ii presenting his card, a voice from within hnlled: "Como lu!" nnd ho entered tho llttlo limine of canvas to find three olllcors engaged lu somo game of cards which ho did not understand. "What can I do for you?" tho com mnndor Inquired, rising from his camp stool and still holding tho visitor's card In his hand. "I am anxious to croas tho lino," 1111 Her replied. Tho officer laughed and shook his head. "I'm Borry, sir, but wo havo had as high as 100 applications of this nature In ono day, and my onlors for bid my uccedlng to nny such re quest." "But you pass Americans, do you not?" Agnln tho ofllcer smiled tolerantly, replying with good nature: "Not un der conditions llko these. Wo havo no choice In tho matter. If you nro an American, I thoroughly appreciate your anxiety to go home; but I cannot help you." It began to look losn easy. "Is thoro no way at all?" iiBkod Hllllor. "My doar sir," the otneor answered "tho prophet Moses leading his band across the Bed sen had an easier till than you could make through our lines." For a moment tho courier lost pa tlence, and thon as a last resort ho do elded to make a clean breast of his errand. "Colonel," ho Buld, "1 am not an American; I am thu socrotary of tho British embassy In Washington or was up to tho timo of this war, I comn as u special messenger from my country, hearing Important ills pntchos, which I am to deliver only Into tho hands of his excellency, tho president of tho Unltod States. Tho accomplishment of my mission mny hnvo a grave hearing on this conlllct nnd It poBslbly may prevent blood shed." Tho colonel turned to ono sldo ami throw down tho playing cards which ho had been holding before making any reply, His companions looked highly Interested; but their faces gave no hope. "Mr. Hllllor, thoro havo beon at least 20 men before me with similar Important messages, muny of whom have como direct from othor foreign powers. Tho llrat of thoao I took from them and sunt forward by special couriers of my own. In ench case 1 was given a reprimand. Como here,' ho suld, und preceded Hllllor out Into tho open, whoro n bulletin board was nnllod ngnlust a tree. In tho very center of a collection of orders pasted thereon was one which rend: 'General Order No. 27,007: Order No. It.OOi, which was delivered to all J ofHcers, bulletined and read io all men, permltB of no modification what ever. It rend: 'No man shall pass through tho lines, cither In or out, and under no shall nny ommunlcnllon bo passed, either In or out, Have on tho written permit duly sealed and sinned' by tho president of the United States.'" "Is that emphatic onough?" he asked, turning to Illlller, who ro- luctantly admitted that It allowed of no misinterpretation. "But," said the lattor half Jokingly, 'suppose I muko a run for it?" . "In that easo. Mr. Hllllor," tho ofll cer answered gravely, "my men would unhosllatlnRly drill you full of boles, nnd I should bo sorry to sco a man whom I take to bo a gentloman makn such an attempt. This may look llko play; but undornonth gloved hands nlong this border lire tho claws of war. Don't, please, niako mo unshonth them!" Tho secretary, baffled, declined tho profier of a drink, and was promptly escorted back ncross tho Canadian lines; but on tho way ho mado now plnns. He was only rebuffed by his first failure, and with doggednoss ho set IiIb Jaws and sworo that by somo means or other ho would go to Wash ington. Time wus becoming moro and more valuable, so much of It had been He Swam to tho Point expended In his first Inquiries nnd overtures. Ho would now bo driven to stualth and dlsgulso. Ho rotutnod to tho city, bought a shabby stilt of clothes from n second hand dealer, checked his luggage In tho hotel, put tho precious dispatches In a pocket within his shirt, nnd called for an automobile Tho mnchlno car ried lilm rapidly down n woll-rollod road till night fell, when ho paid tho chauffeur, und nn an additional pro caution for tho sako of uccrccy walked ahead till satisfied that he bad put ninny miles between himself and any one who might havo obsorvod his com ing. Ho had seen enough during tho day to bo convinced that under ordinary clrcumstnncos It would bo Impossible to pnsa tho sentries, whose boats wore exceptionally short, and who formed almost a continuous lino ns far ns ho had been ublo to obsorvo. Ills In quiries had elicited tho information that somewhere lu tho vicinity n small river flowod between tho two coun tries, nnd he purposed using this tribu tary of tho St. Lawrence us a means to gain the othor country. Ills plan was rendered moro tonablo because tho moon, being lu tho full, favored him. Tho night Itself seemed most propitious, ns from tho wost a dark bank of clouds was slowly coming for ward, promising to lend obscurity at a time when it should be most nocded. Cnutlously ho prococded along tho river bank, gaining a position in as closo proximity to tho moving sentiios as ho dared, then slipped off his cloth ing, secured It into a bundlo, and awaited tfco momont of darkness. At tho very instant when the edge of the cloud began creeping across the ' - - - - - - i 1 1 i r iTnln 1 1 i i i - r ' rr" rl1, - moon ho lowered himself quietly Into tho water and began swimming to ward tho boundary line. In his days at Oxford ho had been an athlote of note, and In nil his later years had malntnlnod oxcellont physical condi tion, nnd wag thoroughly at homo in the water. Ho swam with a low stroke, catching broath from the cor net of his mouth as ho turned his face sldewlsc, and oxposlng us llttlo of himself to vlow ns possible. Tho bun dle of clothing lashed to his shoulders proved something of an impediment, but not sufficient to stay his progross. Tho current caught him now and then, throwing lilm out of his courso, and when ho discovered this lo bo tho case ho was almost against a bank. There after he lifted his head at intervals, In order that ho might romaln in the center of tho stream. Ho surmised that ho was nosrlug tho linn of son tries, and clovatctl his chin for an other glance, when a sudden blinding flash of light smote him In tho eyes, causing him Instinctively to duck his homl. When ho came up for air after swimming for somo distance under water, the light was still on him, and n drawling voice hailed lilm from the shore. "Strnnger, when you get tired of swimming you might come in. I guess you'd bettor, becnuse thcro'n four or live men up beyond mo might tako you for a duck, and thoy'ro all pot huntors." His chnnco was lost. Ho wondered why ho had not thought of search lights, and realized that nothing but the brilliance of tho night hud pre vented their employment nt an earlier hour. Fairly gritting his teeth in anger, ho swam to the point where tho soldier stood, and crawled out upon tho beach, seating himself until ho could fully recover from his effort nnd rogaln his breath. A tall, lean man, whose color emblems showed hlin to bo from Missouri, stood above Whero tho Soldier Stood. him, whllo farther back nnd nt a higher point tho buzzing of the cnl clums and tho long restless ray of light showed tho location of this senrchor of tho night. Beneath it bo cbuld dimly discern tho towor-llko structuro on which It wus mounted "You'd bettor got your clothos on,' suggested tho sentry; "or, if you want to, I'll call one of tho other boyB and get him to lend you n fow dry duds Sorry wo couldn't hnvo used tho lights a llttlo sooner and saved you the trouble of swimming up this far and gottln' nil wet; but tho boss is a llttlo shy on carbons now, 30 ho thought ho'd mako the moon work for nn hour or two this ovcnlng." Hllllor, discomfited, started to don his wet clothing: but tho guard In sistcd In homely phrnso that he'd bo a heap sight hotter oft and run no risk of catching his death of cold If ho would Just lot one of tho boys loan lilm somo clothes for u llttlo while and to this ho finally assented. This luflnlto politeness nud good humor, contlng Inflexibility, wns a little try ing. "You socni to koop a pretty good watch along this bordor," ho growled "Yes, fair to mlddlin'," tho sontry said, with a chuoklo. "Wo'vo beon oxpcctlng you all day long. Ia fact, 1 suppose you'ro being expected from hero cloar through to Vnncouvor You'ro tho Englishman that's hanker Ing to go to Washington." Hllllor turned toward him in nmazo mont. What perfection of espionage was this? "For Heaven's eako, man! ho asked his captor In surprlso, "how do you do it?" Watch that streak of light for a minute," tho sentry answered, and ns it leveled its ray along the lino he snw hero and there field booths with double lines of wire entering nnd omcrglng from them. "One's tele graph and telephone, nnd tho other a this frenk thing that shows men's pho tographs. Yes," ho concluded, "your picturo taken in live different posi tions has been In thoro slnco you first tried to cross the line today, and anyway if you'd got past us follows, you'd havo boon picked up boforo you got very far into tho Interior." Hllllor sat stupoflcd. "Has anybody over really got across this line?" "Yes, threo or four of thorn, hero and there, mostly out wost where tho hills Is rougher; but they all got gath ered in sooner or later. Ono of 'em who tried It was a Jap, and the boys accidentally shot lilm. Another fol low was an Engllshmnn, who mado It over from Canada Into Dotrolt, so I've heard." "What happened to him?" Hllllor nsked, suspecting that this was the first bonror of tho messago who had preceded him. "They didn't want to turn him loose, because ho know too much; so they decided ho was a vag, and run him In till tho war is over." Hllllor knew now what had been his predecessor's fate, but mado no roply. Ills informant after a pause con tinued: "There's boon only one ac cident besides that which happened to tho .lap, and that wns n poor devil that undortook to go over in ono of these nowfanglcd airships. Ho certainly got his tiro punctured all right, and camo down mighty BUddcn." Tho sol dler stopped for a moment and heaved a long sigh, and then concluded in a softer voice: "I was awfully sorry for that follow. Ho wa'n't no spy nor nothing llko that, but Just a young newspaper chap doing the best he knew how to get tho goods. Ho wn3 done for when the boys picked him up. Tho colonel felt about us sorry as any body else, and got npeclal permission from tho Canadian government to send a squad back with him as a guard of honor." By this timo Hilller had donned tho dry garments that had been provided, nnd stood nwaltlng tho further instruc tions of his captor. "Well, what am 1 to do?" ho Inquired, seeing that tho man stood motionless. "Oh, you can go back across tho lino, or If you want to ono of the boys will find a place for you to bunk till morning. You sec, you're kind of a distinguished gueat. We all had or ders to treat you nicely, and tho colo nel will havo a machine hero to tako you back wherever you want to go to morrow." Baflled by vigllnnco nnd overcome by courtesy tho secretary, after bid ding his captor good-by, retired for the night to a camp cot In the quarters of a lieutenant of infantry. It was long bo foro ho succumbed to a slcop of utter exhaustion. He was awakoncd by a buglo call In tho morning, and found his host shaving himself beforo a small mirror suspended from tho tent pole. "Good morning, Mr. Illlller," tho officer said. "Not quite as pleasant quarters as the secretary of tho Brit ish embassy Is entitled to, and not many conveniences; but you'ro wcl come to my razor If you'll wait a min ute." Hilller sat up, rubbing his eyes. Nealty stretched out on a camp r.tool beforo him wcro hl3 shabby clothes Improved by washing, not only dry but pressed. Ho stared at thorn in sur prise, whllo tho ofllcer laughingly con tinned: "Yes, tc did tho best wo could for thorn; but 1 don't think you mado a friend of my orderly, ns ho swoars ho ha3 worked on them all night long, nnd has roquestcd a day's lcavo on tho strength of It." Thanking tho ofllcer for his hospl tality, Hilller slowly garbe'd himself and stopped through tho tent fly. Be low him and stretching away as far as tho oyo could discern wcro gray brown ombankmcnts, one line within tho othor, nnd excavated with military precision. "Intrenchmonts," camo a volco be hind him, observing his curious In spection. "Wo have to keep tho boyB busy, and bosidos tho government didn't want to tako nny chances. Thoso pits stretch across this continent now, and thoro won't be any trouble for a good many years to como for people to toll Just whero tho border Is located. Llko 'em?" ho concluded, whimsically. "No. I can't say that I do," Hilller responded with equal good nature; "but thoy look business like." "Oh. thcy'ro tho goods suro enough," his Informant continued; "but that Isn't nil. Seo that little mound over there?" and ho pointed a bnro brown arm over his guest's shoulder. Hll llor nodded assent and looked Inquir ingly nt his companion. "Behind that thoro's a brace of Catling guns. Got them too every little ways. Novor had to fire 'em yet. and hope wo novci will. But you nover can tell. Same work's been dono along tho Mexican bordor lino; but It's easier to guard. This war certainly has educated a lot of fellows; so that when It's over thoro'll be plonty of mon can show callouses that woro novor decorated with 'cm beforo. This country's bot tled up now as tight as If the Lord Almighty had sot a can over it," and ho laughed at his own Joko. (TO nrs CONTIN'UKD.) Pollto Chinese Children. While very young tho llttlo Chinese Is taught "manners," how to como Into a room, to bow very low to par ents or thoso older than hlmsolf even till his head nearly touches tho floor and to "chin-chin." This Is their polite greeting, which takes th form of our hand-shaking. THEY KNEW HOW TO WORK BUT DON'T NEED TO WORK NOW SO HARD. . Tho experience of tho Bisser Bron. in Western Canada is similar to that reported to cvory agent of tho Cana dian Government, whoso advertise ment appears elsewhere: "Wheatwyn, Sask., Nov. Cth, 1908. "To tho Commissioner of Immigra tion, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Dear Sir: I, in company with my brother nnd other relations, arrived in this coun try in tho spring of 1803. At tho timo wo got off tho train at Wolscloy, Sask., wo had only a fow dollars, not enough to start farming on our own account, bo wo wcro compelled to work out for a considerable timo in order to mako sufficient money to ennblo us to es tablish oursolves. When wo thought we had enough money to start with, I nnd my brother took up ono quarter Bectlon (100 acres) land each in the Loon Creek district. In 1900 wo moved on our homesteads with ono tenm of horses and ono walking plow. Whllo I was engaged with tho work in the field, my brother built n shuck nnd barn of logs, which wo have hauled during tho timo wo woro not ablo to work In the field. Wo wcro certainly working very hard, but I am glad to Bay that wo mado our fortuno In this country. To-day wo do not need to work so hard ns wo used to, as wo havo thrco men hired steady for whom wo pay 30.00 to $10.00 a month, besides board and lodging during tho summer time! I am also glad to tell you that to-day wo aro owners of a. section and three-quarters of tho best land, with first class buildings thereon, besides having all the necessary ma chinery. Wo always do our own threshing, for wo havo a 22 horse power threshing outfit. "Our success In farming in this country also enabled us to get rid of a number of horses of less value, and instead wo bought 10 pure-bred mares, representing a valuo In tho neighbor hood of ?5,000. "Regarding raising grain, which is tho main factor in our district, I am proud to say that wo havo always had good success. Wo havo raised wheat as high as 35 bushels to tho aero; and this year, although wo ouf forcd from lack of sufficient rain, our wheat went 27 bushels to tho acre, and wo had 900 acres In crop. Wo havo broken this year about 100 acres now land, and by next year wo will havo about 1,110 acres In crop. For ono carload of wheat which wo havo shipped a fow weeks ago wo got a prlco of 97 cents per bushel, nnd it graded as No. 2 Northern, although wo havo a quantity of wheat which will surely go as No. 1 Northern. During tho bIx years wo havo been farming for ourselves wo havo never had ono frost around hero, so that wo always had a good crop. "I, for myself, feel compelled to say that our Great West la tho land whoro a person who is willing to work and trun his hands to anything, can mako a fortuno, and a comfortablo living. Our country Is a thoroughly freo conn-. try, and wo have a good Government: and, as long as wo havo good crops, and a good Government, wo nro satis fled, and I think that is all wo want. "Yours vory truly, "LORENS BISSER. "P. O. Wheatwyn, Sask.." Showing the Right Spirit. A llttlo boy had beon naughty ut dinner, and had boon sent away from tho tablo Just as his favorite dessert cabinet pudding with butter and sugar sauce was being served. About nine o'clock that evening, when tho other children had gono to bed and his parents wero alono In tho Bitting room, a tear-stained llttlo faco and a whlto-robcd flguro appeared at tho door. "Mamma," it said, bravely, between sobs, "you told mo novcr to go to sleep whon anything wrong hnd beon dono until it was all fixed by right, so I camo down to toll you that that that I forglvo you and papa for what you did to mo at tho dinner tablo." Trof. Munyon has generously placed his Cold Curo with druggists through out tho United States and has author ized them to sell it for tho Binall sum of 25 cts. a bottle. lie Bays these pollots contain 110 opium, morphine, cc cnlno or other harmful drugs, and ho guarantees that they will relievo tho head, throat and lungs almost imme diately. Ho gives U1I3 guarantco with each bottle of his medicine: "if y0H buy my Cold Curo nnd It docs not glvo perfect satisfaction, I will refund your money." Prof. Munyon has Just Issued a Magazine-Almanac, which will bo sent freo to any person who nddressos Tho Munyon Company, Philadelphia. Tho chronic borrower depends for spending toonoy on his friends, and snys: "Why If thoy didn't lend It. the chumps would only go nnd spend it." Tho Herb laxative, Garfield Tea, nidn Nature in maintaining tho guncral well-be-ins of the body: it corrects constipation, purifies tho blood, brings health. Occasionally a woman goes to church for tho purposo of ascertaining how many of her neighbors don't. . JJiM' OSC "imoMO QWNINl'" Than. LAXATIVE IIUOMO OuTviNK L f. oT.r 10 Cur. n CoU In ono lr. 5fco. orla The first time a girl Is engaged sho Imagines that she Is as Important aa tho herolno in a novel. Lewis-Single Binder Cigar has n rich Peoria, IlT dM,er r riS! The highwayman has a low way 0f doing thlnri. OI