Newspaper Page Text
V. 4M( !( 1 WATCHES. 5 a Our stock of watches If DRS. BROCK & CROOK, g DENTISTS. J ; ... ... Vj uver first Hnuonat. mono us uitin'4VWviunifintkiiWtju sneaks elomtentlv of crood t , j j 0 . ' things, and there are many people whose hap- . py experiences confirm k the reliability and worth of them 1 Our success as watch i sellers has not been $ merely fortuitous, but is f jj the result of the unwav- I ering integrity and knowl- $ jt edge gained by long I years of study. Every watch we sell is a guar- jjj anteed time keeper. Thus you have more reason to consider this jjj i store as an object wor- k thy your seeking. DIXON, The Jeweler I I I X UnionPacific Walch Inspector. 4 !J X . . SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of First National Hank A lnrcre uttondance of members of tho W. R. C. arc requested to meet nt tho hall tomorrow nftornoon for prac tico work. Your furniture needs varnishing and repairing before house cleaning. See f . m. borenson, snop U7 iii. bin bt. Prof. Garlisch is now selecting talent for a light opera which he will produce under the auspices of tho ladies' guild Tho music is said to bo very catchy. Fred Garlow will uccoinpany Colonel Cody on a hunting trip in tho Big Horn basin, an event that Fred is looking forward to with a great deal of pleasure. Got your window glass put in. Duke & Dents. Phone 534. The remains of John Dwyer, who died at tho 121k lodging house Tuesday niijht are being held at Ginn & White's awaiting advice from the east s to the disposition of the body. I have eight per cent money for farm loans. Uomo anu see mo wnen wanting a loan. 0. E. Elder. A blind vagrant who was jailed a week ago in order to sober up, was lot out last evening and this morning pro ceeded to got drunk again. Ho will, be sobered up and shipped out of town. Lost A weasel skin purso containing money. Finder will please return to this olhco and receive suitable reward How Many Dutchess Trousers Buttons in the Jar? A pair of Dutchess Trousers FREE to the Best. Guesser. TEMPLE OF FASHION HOME or QUALITY yiim h B7 w wt SATIS FACTION SQUARE DEAL RAILROAD NOTES. Charley Bogue left last night for Los Angeles and other California points on business connected with the Urothcr- iood of Railroad Trainmen. Two freight trains on the Burlington collided at Dalton, eighteen miles north of Sidney, last evening and several cars wero reduced to kindling. No one was hurt. Genl. Supt. Park passed through on No. 9 yo3torday afternoon enroute to Ogden whero he will begin u tour of inspection of the Union Pacific in com pany with division oillcials. The road bed, track, shops, stations and all property of the company will bo in spected. Tho party is expected to reach hero tho latter part of next weok. Earnings of the Union Pacific for tho month of August wero made public in Now York yesterdny. The gross earn ings were $7,948,G14, an increaso of ?97U,142 over the Bamo month last year; net earnings, after payment; of oporat- ng expenses and taxes, $1,182,055, an increase of $711,551. Supt. Ware, of tho Nebraska division, spent a few hours in town last evening, coming up on No. 9 and returning on No. 12. He informed us that beginning noxt Monday, steel will bo laid on the double track grade cast of tho bridge for a distance of two or three miles i.i order to relieve congested conditions in the local yards. At Gothenburg, Lexington ond Cozad the sidetracks will be considerably lengthened, and these will later form part of tho second track. Reports from tho big railroad systems of the west show that the linns nro overburdened with traffic and that an approach is being mado in ull so tions to the great volume of business handled by these roads in the month boforo the panic in 1907. In some sections tho '07 mark has been passed and 'n every sec tion a demand for more care, and an inability on tho part of tho railroads to movn business so rapidly as is desired because of power shortage is reported. A few months ago long strings of idle cars wero standing on storago tracks and at shop centers long lines of en gines were stored because the roads hut no use for them, State Journal. Rev. Hnrman Accepts. Rev. C. B. Harman, of Oregon, III., to whom h call was extended by the Lutheran church of this city, has ac- cepted and will assume his pastoral duties November 1st. Rov. Harman flllwd the pulpit at the Lutheran church for two Sundays and gavo excellent satisfaction. Civil Service Examination An examination of applicants for the position of substitute carrior for tho North Platte post odico service, will be conducted by Mrs. Lillian Gleason nt the po9tofllco on October 9th. Tho pay for substitute carrier is thirty cents an hour for time employed. Applications must be filed in St. Paul, Minn., on or before October 5th. Applicants can secure further information from Mrs. Gleason. Notice. The co-partnership herotoforo exist ing between A. A. Schatz and J. F. Clabaugh, known.under the firm name of Schatz & Clabaugh, is hereby dis solved by mutual consent, Mr. Schatz retiring. All bills due the firm mu3t be settled at once. Persons knowing themselves indebted will call at store. A. A. Schatz, J. F. CliABAUUH. For Rent Eitrht room house 1110 west Fourth Btreot, furnace heat and bath. Inquire at premises. Mns. Bertha Votaw. Sunday Menu at Enterprise Cafe. Oyster Soup Roast Turkey Cramberry Sauco Roast Veal with Dressing Creamed Potatoes Glazed Sweet Potatoes Shrimp Salud Celery, Pickles, Olives Lemon Pie, Apple Pie, Peach Pio Ice Cream Corfco, Tea, Ici Tea, Milk. Prico 35 cents, Schatz & Clabaugh Dissolve. Schatz & Clubnugh, clothiers, "'na dissolved by mutual consent tojlay, A. A. Schatz retiring and disposing of his interest to A. F. Drobert, who travels for tho Miller-Made clothes, and to whom Mr. Schatz also sold his interest in tho clothing storo at McCook which had been conducted thcro by Messrs. Schatz and Drebcrt. This was made necessary by the ill-health of Mrs. Schatz, which has been of rather long standing. A change of climate has be ctma necessary, and Colorado has been advised by the physicians. Mr. Schatz will therefore locato in that state and hopes to secure n suitable lo cation by tho first of the year. He will, howevor, take Mrs. Schatz to that state in tho near future. That this chango of residence h?a becomo necessary is regretted by a host of friends of Mr. and Mrp. Schatz. The traveling moving picture show opens at The Keith this ovening for a four night stand and a matinco tomor row afternoon. The company is suld to carry on exceptionally fino lino of films, and satisfaction is guarantcccf specta tors. Alfalfa Seed, Press Drills, One Horso Disc Drills, Hay Presses', Detroit Vapor Stoves AT HERSHEY'S Locust and 51 h Streets. Sutherland News. I'rom tho l'rco I.anco. A farmer whoso land two yoars ago cost him thirteen dollars an aero was last week offered forty dollnrn an aero, or twenty seven dollars mora than ho paid. How's that? Will Hayes' house burned Friday, blio blazo starting from a defectivo flue. Tho family managed to removo nbout all the household effects to safe ty, however. The Sutherland Telephone- Company last night awarded n contract for con struction of n two-Btory brick building to bo located north of the bank. Tho up-stairs portion will be used for ex change and telephone purposes. P. R. Siborts, a physician of Sedg wick, camo to town thu first of tho week and made arrangements with Dr. Elms to succeed him in his practice here. Ho expects to rcsido hero per manently and will bo joined by his fam lly in a few days. For Sale. Largo posts suitable for hanging lieu vy gates and for corners. Also smaller posts. J. K. Ottenstein. Will Continue Early Closing A largely attended mooting of mer chants was held at tho Common hi Club rooms yesterday afternoon to dis cuss and tnko further action on early closing. Tho early closing has now been in force for nearly two months, a time sufficiently long to determine whether tho plan is satisfactory. Practically all present were of the opinion that early closing had not resulted in loss of trade, .and that it has proven a good mbve, in that it shortened tho hodrs of labor of tho merchant and clerk nlike. The early closing will therefore bo mado permanent, oxcept during tho en tire month of December, when each marchant will have the right to cloao when he pleases. On the 19th of each monthpayday on tho Wyoming divi sionan exception will also bo made. Whilo in session tho merchants dis cussed road conditions, and they will probably take some unit-d nction look ing to a bettormont of the road lead ing into North Platte, Boys! GirUl Columbia Bicyclo Free! Greatest offer out. Got your friends to subscribe to our magazine and wo will mako you a present of a $40.00 Columbia Bicyclo tho best mado. Ask for particulars, free outfit, ond circular telling "How to Start" Address, "Tho Bicyclo Man." 29-31 East 22d street Now York City. Now York. 'ho Honeymoon. The honeymoon has no dcflnlto du ration, but Ih longer or shorter accord lug as the temper of the high contract ing pnrtloH determines, or their rela tives, or the weather, or tho mode or the comparative cost of traveling and staying at home. Briefly, It Is that Interval during which tho man, going out In I ho morning, remembers his kin anil forgets his overshoes as (list In gulaliod from tin Interval during which lie roiiieinlorn his overshoes and for gets his klHU.-.N'ew York Life, Pluck. , "Pluck." said the financier. "Is the K'eret of Huecess." "Well," Interrupted tho shabby man, I'll giro you 10 If you'll teach mo your method of plucking." London Telegraph. Slow. to Laugh. The Briton As tho old proverb says, y' know, "IIo htvfn best who lawfs lahst." The Yankce-If that's bo, what good lnu;;I)cis you English must bo! Cleveland Loader. To deal honestly with others Is not o dllllcult. To compel others to deal honestly with you that Is powor. Smart Rot Get Ready for Cold Weather. I MENTOR Comfort Underwear UNIONS It's time to be thinking' about heavier underwearr and in this regard we might say that wc were fortunate in securing a new shipment Pf the celebrated MENTOR COMFORT UNDERWEAR. There is such a great demand for this brand of Underwear that we can't always get the supply we want hence we are glad to-announce that we have received a good stock in all sizes and various weights. You probably know about its excellent qualities, but if by chance you" do not, it's. your duty to become acquainted with it, when you are ready tor a change. MENTOR COMFORT UNDERWEAR costs us more than some others, but we don't raise the price to you. THE LEADER, J. PIZER, Proprietor. Walk-Over Shoes Never Mind the Size-Get Fitted. When WALK-OVER Shoes arc fitted in the "WALK-OVER WAY", that is to exact foot meas urements, the "bend" in the shoe come just where it was intended to come, thus insuring perfect comfort and the full limit of service. No fallen arches, corns, bunions, etc., trouble the wearer of a perfectly fitted pair of WALK-OVER Shoes, so Never Mind the Size Get Fitted. This cut shows a Patent Vamp Glove Kid Top Fancy Blucher Boot Fan Model Price $4.00. Others at $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. Wilcox Department Store. fall specialties. Furniture, Hardware, Stoves, Paints, We have just received a car of up-to-date Furn- K uure. We have many nice articles at a bargain. We carry a full line of Moulding and make a specialty of framing pictures. We arc headquarters for Rugs, Linoleum and Mattings. We have the largest, most complete and up-to-date Hardware Stock in the city and can fill all orders on short notice. Our Fall stock of stoves are here ready for your inspection. We carry the Jewel and Cole's Hot Blast Steel and Cast Ranges also Cook Stoves. We handle the JEWEL and ROUND OAK hard Coal Base Burners. For appearance and effic iency of work they are second to none. For soft coal stoves we carry the Retort Oak Magazine Burner, the Original Cole's Hot Blast, the Round Oak and Marion Oak. These Stoves have a world wide reputation and are the best stoves on the market for the money. We carry a complete line of LINCOLN PAINT consisting of outside and inside paints, porch and floor paints, linseed oil, varnishes, oilstain, tintolac, japalac, glasses and brushes. We ask you to visit our stores and see if we can't supply your wants. Workman & Derryberry. To California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho VIA PACIFIC UNION '' 'The Safe Road to Travel." This low one-way rate is in effect daily from September 15th October 15th, 1909 To points in these states. Tickets good in comfortable through tourist sleepers, on payment of berth rate. Electric block signal protection. Dining car meals and service "Best service in the World." For tickets and information call on or address F. E. BULLARD, North Platte, Nebraska. E-RU.SA CURES PILES OR $50.00 PAID. Tho ONLY non-nnrcolio und lnwful Pile Cure, becauso tho U. S. DlBpon eutory siivh every ingredient of I3-RU-SA is -"Suitable for tho purpose for which it iti sold'' (IMIoh) nnl the mime authority' condemns thu injurious narcotip (doi)H) iiiln nirilicinev. Only reliable, un-to-duto drucefpta aoll I3-RUBA m North I'fatVcj SchilUr & Cv, Strw UxMs Co,, mill MtlAMfoIl & CfrWAl.