Newspaper Page Text
iLtttiTffATMJ &Y J?AY WALTERJ SYNOPSIS. The story opens with tho shipwreck of tlio steamer on which Miss Gonovlnvo Leslie, nn American heiress, Lord Win thrppe, an KnRllslnnun, nnd Tom IJIake, n brusquo Amorlcan, wcro passenKcrs, Tho three wcro tossed upon an uninhab ited Island nnd wero the only ones not drowned, Ulalto recovered from a drunk en stupor, make, shunned on tho boat, because of hlo roughness, becatna a hero ns preserver of the helpless pair. The Knclishtnan wns suing for tho hand of MIks Italic. Ulako started to swim back to tho ship to rocovcr what was left, Blako returned safoly. Wlnthropo wasted his last match on a clEarctte, for which no was scored by Blake. Their llrst meal was a dead fish. Tho trio started a ton mile hlko for hlsrher land. Thirst at tacked them. Ulako was compelled to carry Miss Lesllo on account of weari ness. Ho taunted WJnthrope. Thoy en tered the jungle. That nteht was passed roontlnsr hlph In a tree. Tho next morn lnc they descended to tho open again. All three constructed hats to shield them selves from the sun. They then feasted on cocoanuts, tho only procurablo food. Miss Leslie showed a liking for Dlake, but detested his roughness, lod by Wake thoy established a homo In soma cliffs. Blako found a fresh water spring.. Miss Leslie faced an unpleasant situation. They planned their campaign. Ulako re covered his surveyor's magnifying glass, thus Insuring fire. He started a Junglo fire, killing a large leopard nnd smoth ering several cubB. In tho leopard's cav ern thoy built a small homo. They gained the cliffs by burning tho bottom of a trco until it foil ngalnst tho heights. The trio secured eggs from tho cliffs. Miss Leslie's whlto skirt wan derided upon ns a signal. Miss Jcsllo mado a dress from the leopard skin. Ulako's ef forts to kill antelopes failed. Overhear ing a conversation between Ulako and 'wlnthrope, Miss Lesllo beenmo fright ened. Wlnthropo became 111 with fever. , CHAPTER XIV Continued. : At noon, Laving learned that Wln thropo's condition showed llttlo change, iDlako ato a hearty meal, and at onco net oft down the cleft. Ho did not re appear until nightfall; though at In tervals Miss Losllo had heard .his stop as ho camo up tho ravlno with his doads of thorn-brush. This course of notion becamo tho routlno for tho following ten days. It waB broken only by thrco Incidents, nil relating to tho Important matter of food supply. Wlnthropo had soon tired of broth, and showed such an In- satlablo craving for cocoanut milk that tho stock on hand had become exhausted within tho week. Tho day after, Blnko took tho rope ladder, as he called tho tanglo of knotted creepers, and went off, to wards tho north end of tho cleft. When ho roturnod, a llttlo before dark, tho lowor part of his trousers was torn to shreds, nnd tho palms of his hands wero blistered and raw; but ho carried a heavy load of cocoanuts. After a vain attempt to climb tho giant palms on tho far sldo of tho river, ho had found another grovo near nt hand, In tho llttlo plain, and had succeeded in reaching tho tops of two of tho (smaller palms. i Under his directions, Miss Lesllo clarified a bowl of bird fat gooso- .grease, Blake called It and dressed his hands. Yet even with tho band ages which sho mado of soft Inner bark and tho handkerchiefs, ho was unable to fcandlo tho thorn-brush tho following day. Unfortunately for him, ho was not content to sit idle. During tho night lo had cut n bamboo fishing polo and lengthened Miss Leslie's lino of plaited cocoanut-fibor with a long catgut Ieador. In tho afternoon ho comploted his outfit with a hairpin hook and a pleco of half-dried meat Ho war, back nn hour earlier than usual, and ho brought with him n dozen or moro fair-sized fish. Ills mouth W08 wntorlng over tho prospers tlvo feast, and Miss Leslie showed her coif hardly less eager for a change from their monotonous diet. As tho fish wcro nlready dressed, sho raked up tho coals nnd quickly conrtrlved grill of green bamboos. When tho odor of tho broiling fish spread about In tho still air, oven Win thropo sniffed and turned over, while Bioko watched tho crisping delicacies with a ravenous look. Unablo to re Htrnin himself, ho caught up the smallest fish, half cooked, and bolted It down with such hasto that ho burnt his mouth. Ho ran over to tho spring for a drink, nnd Wlnthropo cackled derisively. Miss Lesllo was too absorbed in her cooking to obsorvo the result of Blako'a greediness. Sho had turned tho flBh for tho last time, and was about to lift them off tho fire, when Blnko camo running back, and sent grill and nil flying with a violent kick "Salt!" ho gasped "whore's tho salt? I'm poisoned!" "Poisonod?" "Poison fish! Don't eat! God! Whore's tho Bait?" Tho girl stared at him. His agony wns so great that beads of sweat wore rolling down his face. Ho writhed, and stretched out a quivering hand "Salt, quick! warm water salt!" "But thero'o nono loft! You rcmcm ber, yesterday " "God!" groaned Blnko, and for i moment ho sank down, ovorcomo by a racking convulsion. Then his jaw closed llko a bulldog's, and gritting his tooth with tho effort, ho staggered up and rushed off down tho cleft. "Stop! stop, Mr. Blako! Where are you going?" screamed tho girl. Sho started to run after him, but was halted by an outburst of delirious laughter. Wlnthropo was sitting up right nnd waving his fovor-blotched hands "HI, hi! look at 'lm run! 'E's The Girl Was got w'at'll do for 'hn! Itun, you swlno; you " There followed a torrent of cockney abuse so foul that Miss Lesllo blushed scarlet with shamo ns sho sought to quiet him. But Uio excitement had so heightened his fovcr that ho was in a raving delirium. It was closo upon midnight beforo his tomporaturo fell, and ho sank into n death-liko torpor. In hor ignornnco, sho supposed that ho had fallen asleep. Her relief was Bhort-llvcd, for soon sho romembcrcd Blake. Sho could sco him lying besldo tho pool or out on tho bnro plain, his rcsoluto eyes cold and glassy, his powerful body contorted In tho death agony. Tho vision filled her With dismay. With all his coarseness, tho man had showed himself so re sourceful, so Indomltablo, that when Bho sought to dwell upon hor reasons to fenr him, sho found herself admir ing his virile manliness. Ho might bo n bruto, but ho did not belong among tho jackals and hyenas. Indeed, as sho called to mind his strong faco and frank, blunt speech sho nil but disbe lieved What her own cars had heard. And anyway, without his aid, whai should sho do? Wlnthropo had already become ns voak as n child. Tho emaciation of his jaundiced fonturcs was a mockery of their former plump ness. Blako had said that the fever might run on for nnothor week, and that even If Wlnthropo rccovored, ho would probably bo helpless for soveral days besides. What was no less serious, though sho hnd concealed tho fact from Blake, sho herself had been troubled tho past week with tho depression and lassitude which hnd preceded Wlnthropo's at tack. If Blako was dead, and sho should fall ill beforo Wlnthropo recov ered, thoy would both dlo from lack of caro. And If thoy did not dlo of tho fever, what of their future, hero on this desolato savago coast? But tho very keenness of her montal nngulsh bo exhausted and numbed tho girl's brain that sho at last fell Into n heavy sleep. Tho fire burnd low, and shadowy forms began to creep from behind tho bamboos nnd tho trees and rocks down tho gorge. Thoro was no sound; but greedy, wolfish oyes gleamed In tho starlight. Only tho day before Blako had told Miss Leslie to store tho last rack of jjurcd meat InBldo tho baobab. Tho two sleoperB lay betweon tho flro nnd tho entranco to tho hollow. Slowly tho embers of tho flro died away Into grny ashes, nnd slowly tho night prowlers drew nearer. Tho. boldest of tho pack cropt closo to Miss Losllo, and, with teoth bared and back bristling, sniffed nt tho edgo of hor skirt. Whether becauso of her hoavy breathing or tho odor of tho leopard skin, tho beast drew away, with nn tweasy whine. Thcro wan n pnuso; then, backed by throe others, tho leador approached Wlnthropo, Ho was still lying In tho denth-llka. torpor, and ho lncked tho protection which, In all llkollhood, tho leopard skin had given Miss Lesllo. Tho cowardly brutes took him for dead or dying. Thoy sniffed at him from head to foot, and then, with a Now Frantic. ferocious outburst of snarls and yells, flung themselves upon him. Had It not chanced that Wlnthropo was lying upon his side, with ono arm thrown up, ho would havo boon fntally wounded by tho first slashing bites of his assailants. Tho two which Gought to tear him wero baffled by the thick folds of Ulako's coat, whilo their lead er's slash at tho victim's throat was barred by tho upraised arnj. With a savago snap, tho beast's jaws closed on tho arm, biting through to tho bono. At tho same Instant tho fourth jackal tore ravenously at one of tho out stretched logs. With a shriek of agony, Wlnthropo Btartcd up from his torp'or, nnd struck out frantically In n fury of pain and terror. Startled by tho vlolenco of this unexpected resistance, tho Jack als leaped back only to spring In again as tho remainder of tho pack mado a rush to forestall them. Wlnthropo wns staggering to his feet, when tho foremost bruto lenped upon him. Ho fell heavily against ono of tho main supports of his bnm boo ennopy, nnd the cntlro structure camo down with a crash. Two pf tho Jackals, caught beneath tho roof, howled with fear as they sought to frco themselves. Tho others, with bruto dread of an unknown danger, drew nwny, snarling and guashlng their teeth. Wakened by tho first ferocious yelps of Wlnthropo's assailants, Miss Lesllo had started up and stnrell about In the durkness. On all sides alio could soo pairs of llery eyes and dim forms llko tho phantom creatures of a nightmare. Wlnthropo's shriek, Instead of spur ring her to nctlon, only confused her tho moro nnd benumbed hor faculties. Sho thought it was his death cry, nnd stood trembling, transfixed with horror. Then camo tho fall of tho canopy. Ills cries ns ho sought to throw It off showed .that ho was still allvo. In a flash her buwlldormont vanished. Tho stagnant blood surged again through hor nrterlen In a flory, stimulating tor rent. With a cry, to which primeval instinct lent a menacing note, sho groped her wny to tho fallen canopy, and stooped to lift up ono sldo.' "Quick! Into tho trco!" sho called. Still frantic with terror, Wlnthropo struggled to his feet. Sho thrust him towards tho baobab, and followed, dragging tho mass of Interwoven bam boos. Emboldened by tho retreat of their quarry, tho snarling pack In stantly began to closo In. Fortunately they woro too cowardly to rush at onco, nnd fear spurred their intended victims to tho utmost hnsto. Groping and stumbling, tho two felt their way to tho baobab, and Miss Lenllo pushed Wlnthropo headlong through tho on trai.o. As ho foil, sho turned to faco tho pack. The foremost boasts wcro at tho rear edgo of tho bamboo framework, their oyes closo to tho ground. In stinct told her that thoy woro crouch ing to leap. With desperato strength sho caught up tho canopy boforo her llko !i great shield, and drew it In after her until tho ends of tho cross bars wero wedged fast against tho sides of tho opening. Though It scomod so firm, sho clung to it with a con- vulslvo grnsp as sho felt tho pack lendora fling themselves ngalnst tho outer sldo. But Blnko hnd lashed tho bamboos securely together, nnd nono of tho beaato wns heavy enough to annp tho supplo bars. Finding that thoy could not break down tho barrier, thoy be gan to scratch nnd tear nt tho thatch which covered tho frame. Soon n pair of lean Jaws thrust In nnd snapped at tho girl's skirt Sho sprang back, with a cry: "Help! Quick, Mr. Win thropo! They're breaking through!" Wlnthropo mado no response Sho stooped, and found him lying Inert where ho had fallon. Sho had only herself to depend upon. A screen of shnrp sticks which sho had mado for tho entranco wns leaning against tho Inner wall, within easy reach. To grasp It and thrust It against tho other framework was tho work of an Instant. Still sho trembled, for tho ongotv beastB had ripped tho thatch from tho ennopy, and their Inthrust Jaws mado short work' of tho fow leaves on her screen. Unaware that oven n lion or a tiger Is quickly dlscourngcd by tho knlfo-llko splinters of broken bamboo, sho expected every momont that tho Jackals would blto their way through her frail barrier, Sho remembered tho sharpened stnkos of hor scrcon, hidden tinder tho loaves and grans of her bod. Sho groped her way across tho hollow, and uncovered ono of tho stakes. In hor hnsto sho cut her hand on Its razor-llko odgo. All unheeding, sho sprang back towards tho entranco. Sho was nono too soon. Ono of tho smnllor jncknls had forced Its head and ono leg between tho bars, and was strug gling to enlargo tho opening. Fearful that the wholo pack was about to burst In upon her, tho girl grunped tho bamboo stako In both hands, and began stabbing and lung ing nt tho beast with all her strength. Tho jackal squirmed and snarled nnd snapped viciously. But tho girl wns now frantic. Sho pressed nearer, and though tho whlto tooth grnzed her wrist, sho drovo homo a thrust that changed tho benst's snarls Into a howl of pain. Beforo sho could strlko ngaln, It had struggled back out of tho hole, boyond reach. Tcnso and panting with excitement, sho leanod forward, ready to stab at tho noxt bcaBt. Nono nppoarcd, and presently sho boenmo awnro that tho pack had been daunted by tho ox perlenco of their unlucky follow. Tholr snarls and yells hnd subsided to whines, which seemed to bo coming from 'a grcator distance Still sho waited, with tho bamboo stako up raised ready to strlko, ovory norvo and musclo of her body tcnso with tho strain. So great was tho stress of her fear and excitement that sho had not heed od tho first gray lessening of tho night. But now tho glorious tropical dawn camo streaming out of tho cast In all lta red offulgonco. Abovo nnd through tho bamboo barrier glowed a light such as might hnvo como from a great fire on tho cliff top. Still tenso and lmmovablo, tho girl stared out up tho cleft Thoro was not a Jackal In sight. Sho lenned forward and peered nround, unablo to bollovo such good fortune. But tho night prowlers had slunk oft In tho first grny dawn. Tho girl drew In a deep, shuddor Ing sigh, nnd sank back. Hor hand struck against Wlnthropo's foot. Sho turned nbout quickly nnd looked at him. Ho was lying upon his faco. Sho hastened to turn him upon his sldo, nnd to feel his forehead. It was cool and moist. Ho was fast nsloop and drenched with sweat Tho great shock of his pain nnd fear and ex citement had broken his fever. With tho relief and Joy of this dls envory. tho girl completely relaxed. Not observing Wlnthropo's wounds, which had bled llttlo, sho sought to forco n way out through tho entrance It waa by no means an easy tnsk to freo tho wedged framework, and when, after much pulling nnd pushing, sho at last tore tho mass loose, she found herself perspiring no less freely than Wlnthropo. (TO nis CONTINUED.) INSISTED ON HOLE IN COFFIN. Through It Col. Butler's Triumphant Pigtail Should Protrude. Thomas Butler, n colonol In tho army of tho United States early In tho nineteenth century, died In Now Or loans In 1805 in tho midst of his cele brated controversy with Gen. Wilkin Bon regarding tho wearing of his queuo. Col. Butler Inslstod on wearing his hair in tho old-fashioned stylo In dls obcdlcnco to Wilkinson's orders. Ac cording to Plerco Butlor In his blog raphy of Judah P. Benjamin, whilo tho dispute was still raging Butlor died and loft directions that a nolo should bo bored In tho head of his coffin and that ho should bo borno to tho grav with his triumphant pigtail protruding In dofiuueo. Tho family tradition U that thoso directions wero carried out PAINT FAULTC. It la n common occurronco nowa days to hear n man remark with dis gust: "It la impossible to have good pnlnllng dono thoso days; either tho paint Is not good or thoro nro no good painters." This, however, Ib not true. Thcro la good pnlnt, nnd thcro nro good painters. But tho question la, bringing them togothor. Ono cannot expect a satisfactory painting job without pure whlto lead. Thcro Is a way to mako Buro you nro getting pure whlto lond without test ing It. Sco Hint tho keg bonra Na tional Lead Company's famous Dutch Boy Palntor trndemnrk, which Is n positive guarantee of purity. Howovcr, nnyono can test whlto lend. National Lead Company, 1002 Trinity Bldg., New York City, will send you n load tcstor nnd pnlntor's outfit, consisting of book of color schomes, specifica tions, etc., upon request. Puzzle for the Glrb. Every Instructor nt Chtiutnunua Is required to hll out n paper nnawer Ing n number of necessary nnd un necessary questions. Ono year thoro wns a romnrkably hnndsomo mnle mombor of tho faculty In whom all tho girl students woro much Interest ed. "Is ho married or unmarried?" became nn nll-nbKorblng question. Finally sonio of thorn had tho cournge to npproach tho collogo secretary and ask If tho files might bo looked over. And thoro tho hnndsomo professor, nn tlclpatlng uomo such Investigation hnd recorded his matrimonial pretensions nn follows: "Married or slnglo? Yes." Laundry worlc nt homo would bo much moro satisfactory if tho right Starch wore used. In ordor to got tho desired stiffness, It is usually neces sary to uso so much starch that tho beauty nnd fineness of tho fnbrlo I? hidden behind n pnsto of varying thickness, which not only destroys tho nppoarnnco, but nlso nffecta tho wenr- ing quality of tho goods. This trou bio can bo entirely ovcrcomo by using Dcflnnco Starch, nn It can bo npplled much moro thinly becauso of Its great er strength than other makes. Snake Story, "Beforo he went llBhlug," snld tho town Htory-tcllcr, ho swallowed 'bout a pint nn' half of snakeblto rem edy, nn' of courso you know what that Is? Well, aftor tho snako bit him, tho reptile cut nil sorts o' capers, kuzo tho remedy went straight to Us head. Last thing It tried to do wuz to swnl lcr Its tall, an' It got itsolf In tho' form of n hoop, nn' I'm a liar cf tho chil dren didn't roll It around nil day!" tlnnta Constitution. Btitz of Onto Crrr or Toloo. 1 LUCAS COUNTY. f Fiukx J. CniNtr makes oath that 'he ti icnlor partner ot tho firm ot F. J. Ciir.Nr.r t CO., doing butlnra la tho City ot Toledo. County and Htata aiorcaaui. anu mm aaui arm win iuy ins mm 01 OUU HUNimni) DOI.LA118 for rach nnd every earn ot CATAimit that cautot be cured by tho uso of HALL'S UATAKItll CUBE. FllANK J. CIII..NI.Y. Strom to before mo nnd ulnrrlbttl In or Drmnoo. this Ctli day ot DccvinUcr. A. U., 1SS0. i a. w. ar.nABO.v, f Notary I'uduc. Hall's Catarrh Curs 1 taken internally and net! directly upon tlio blood nnd inucoui gurlacoa ot tfca ryutem. Bend tor testimonial, free. 1 . J. ( a iu ioiouo, u. Bold by nil Druggists. 75e. Take Hall's 1'amlly l'UU for comtlpitlcn. Two Kinds of Service. Soldierly Looking Mnn l'vo spent 1G years of my Ufa In tho sorvlco of my country. Low-Browed Individual So havo I. What wero you In for?" If Your Eyeo Bother You get n. box of PliTTlT'S KYU HALVE, old rclmlile, most eiicccsxnii cyo romcily made. All druggists or Howard Bros., Jtuiralo.N.Y. It may get so some time that n mnn who nttonds to his own business will bo cnllcd cecontrlc. Dnllas Nows. TTnwilina TV'tlffl flit ta tn fifjt. .a old nnd, llko nn old friend, it cnu ho de pended upon just fiB surely ns the family doctor who may bo miles myay. Do God's will as he makos It known today, nnd to-morrow will tnl:o care of Itself. why Kirri'Hit l'runr a r(i.n rrlicnn funr ilropNiit Terry Iiiivik' I'alnUllor tnl-rn iiiiiiiitly In NMtui hut. wiilor or milk will iiruvunlll; In Hie, Kkj unci 6Uu bottlua. A t all deulori. Pnlm trco prosperity does not de pend upon weather or cllmato. Sim. WIiikIow'm Hoottdnu; Syrup. Kor rhlMrcn tcoinlnir, toftens tho nnra, rmlurc In UmniuuUuu, allaya pain, ni res wind collu. lio u buttle. Tho shadow ot n trouble Is often blacker than the trouble Itself. Thcro arc imitations, don't ba fcoled. Thcro i no Rubstitulc! Tell tho dealer you want Lewis' Singlo Hinder cigar. No man can pray right whilo ho lives wrong. Fortune Telling Docs not tuko into consideration tho an's happiness woniunly health. The woman who ncj'lccts her health is neglecting the very foundation of all good fortune. For without health lovo loses its lustre and gold is but dross. Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally bo regained by the uso of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This Prescription haa, tor over HO years, been curing delicate, weak, pain-wracked women, by tlio Iiundrcda ot thousands and this too In tlio privacy ot tlielr liontea without tltclr havlnti to oubinlt to IndelU cato questioning and offensively repui riant examinations. Sick women are Invited to consult Dr. All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World'o Dispensary Medical , Association, It. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Lin. Piciicb's Great Famii.v rWrrnn llnnr Tim vr.i..'o rv, c Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers in I lam hngltib hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married, ought to know about. Sent free, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps. For On re mrc tml ikmUIto "0iroMl" Lliulil,Klvcn l'oil I try. Laryt'xtlMlllnKllToiitock mnoily. Cures Ivi lirlpno amour liumar and Ij line Kleiner roniuljr. rxwand tl a nottlo, sun(l IWadotcn. CnttliUou it. I'how tToiirrniirult, wlionllluoUt foryou. i'no Dooklet, ".Dmtuipor INiin'iaoujReniia from mu 'oil I try. Laiyi'iit veiling I and Cures." KiwUI uuenta MSSED 0PE1ATI0N CuredbyLydiaE.Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound Paw Paw, Mich. "J suffered tcrrl. biyironuomnioui9, liiciiKinifr miiam matiou and conges tion, for several N&T y,n,rs:. doctor vi J wld thcro wns no . 1 1 1 A M 4 1 ... I .... operation. I began takinpr Lydia J3. Plnkham'o Vegota ltlo Compound, and lean now say I Tim n -well woman." EiiHA DiUl'Eit. Another Operation Avoided. Chicago, III. "I want women to know what that wonderful medicine, Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Com pound, han dono for mc. Two of tho beat doctors In Cblcano nald I would dlo if I did not havo an operation, and I novcr thought of fjeclng woll day again. I Inula, small tumor and femalo troubles no that I Buffered day and night. A frlond recommended Lydla JJ. Plnkham'o Vegetable Compound, nnd It mado mo ti woll woman." Mrs. Alvena Si'KiiLtNd, 11 Langdon St, Chicago, 111. Lydla E. PlnlthanVo Vcgotablo Com pound, mado from roots and liorbs. lias proved to bo tlio most successful remedy for enring tho worst forma of femalo Ills, including displacements, inllaminatlon, fibroid ttimoro. irregu larities, periodic pains, backacho, bcar-ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, andnorvous prostration. Itcosta but a triilo to try it, nnd tho result lias been worth millions to many Buffoons women. 30 ft Bowels Dicfrest orcan of tho body tho bowelsi- and tho moat important It '3 got to bo looked after neclcct means suffering and ycrtra ot misery. CASCARETS .help naturo keep every part of your bowels cloan aritl stronc then they act rijiht means health 'to your whole body. wi CABCARrtTS locn box foroweek'n treat ment. All tlnicgUU. nlRRest seller la the world Mllllou boxes a month. PUBLIG LAND DRAWING 23,oco acres of irrigated Government Land In Arkansas Valley, Colorado, will bo thrown open forsettlcmcnt October 21. 1909, under tho Carey Act Opportunity to get an Irrigated farm nt low cost on easy pay ments. Only short residenco required. Send for book giving full information. Two Outlos Irrigation and Roscrvolr Compiny Lamar, Colorado This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty In the purchase of paint materials. It is an absoluto guarantee of pur ity and quality. For your own protection, sco that it ii on tho side of every kfg of white lead you buy. NATicmi. mocoimirf 1902 Trinity Building, Niw York Just Lather nnd Shave NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWN TIII2 WOULD OVER Cit Kolnsi Bali Tit Co., Bid tnJ Vlei SI:.. Oca Holms, Ion SWntnonT!.Clrinnn,Wiub. Inrton.lM'VlkiokKlrM). lllgli cut reteteuuui. Uan nuults. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 40-1909. ono essential to wom Pierce by lcttcrr. I .... K.zai BPS lY&TTO1MriVRtn rink Eyq. Eplzootfo prtrnntlTV. no m&tter how hoiwa nt nr atrO aralnfectal or 11 h tlio toutcuoi act oil tlio lllooil ami (llm!. eipeli lli uoujr. uure uiiicrmwr in ikwc ana puiwp ana 1 itoiar la Wo Mock mnixly. Cures 1-n ilrlpixi amour liuman Ixlnn UUI. L. U t ITO. pimini MCUI. Wllf. SPOIili MEDICAL GO,. tFu'cSX'!. GOSIIEK, IND U. S. L wantnd. 0