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World's Smallest Railroad. East Krlsla CAM cort.tlnlv hnnnr nf tho smallest railroad, In tho world. Ita entlro length Is but five miles and the breadth only two and one-half icoi. ii ompioya tho hugo staff of one guard, ono ongltio driver, one fireman and only ono platelayer; $23 In wages Is paid every week. It has iwo engines, three carriages, four trucks and a counlo of vnns. Tim englno and tender together only woigu soven tons. Tho fares nro In proportion to tho slzo of tho company ana avorago soven cents, Goblets Ma do of Ice. Goblets made of Ico for uso In hot woathor originated In Holland, whero they aro widely used. This novelty has been Introduced In tho United States and is used at a number of soda fountains in tho largor cities in the eastern states. YourEyes CA-rfJ should be Flttsd by aspsclallst Don't trust your eyes to pedlars and travollnpr graftors. Call on us and wo will examine your Eyes Pro, we are tlie manufacturer In tlie mlitdln went, Factory on th 1'remltM Nebraska Directory TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Douglas St., OMAHA, NEB. Reliable Dentlttry at Moderate Price. MARSEILLES GRAIN ELEVATORS nre the best; IntiUt on liavlue them. Afck your local dealer, or JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. OMAHA TYPEWRITERS X to Xlirr'a price. Oaii or time liar, nitnu. Kcntt.l.rcntappllra. Watliip injrw litre (or f res eiauilnallon. No da- 'nn.ll. rrllr.ti hlK...., I,.. . l'o.,(3 llwlair llld...Omik. The Roof with the Lap All Natl Head, Protected CAREY'S ROOFING Hall and Fire RetUtlng Aik your dealer or SUNDERLAND ROOFING & SUPPLY CO. Omaha, Nebraiktu IteelWoolSole RUBBERS Boots and Arctics ;omah) Tusk Uaux Aik your Dealer for Qoodi with thli brand American Hand-Sewed Shoe Go. OMAHA lArifn fr full Informii lllllB tl. nonVICTOR M C1IINES AND RECORDS, Indestru cablf Cylinder Krcords, J'laiio Plityora Clclllan lano I'laiara. Player and Whelraale and HeUII A-iano uuaic uay rayiname. HI AN II HI AYFR nn 20 80. ismst. on iniiu i uniLii UUiBGllon!lo n Jiora Omaha RUPTURE of nil varieties pormanon tly cured In a fow days without n surgical operation or detention from business. No pay will bo accepted until tho natlent Is com plctely satisfied. Wrlto or call on FRflNTZ H. WRfiY, M. D. Room 306 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. HT II Km any thou--1 sand of poo plo cured by us. mabo U8 the mot ex-icrl-nc--d siHClallata In tlie west In nil 11b cakes and ailments of men and women no matter liow acquired, HD PAT FtF WHEN CUFD. A letter to nt, or a visit at our office will prove It. Crnn Examination flHK andConaiilta 1 ,uw Hon, Write for Symptlon blank. MEN AND WOMEN Established In Omaha 25 Tears 4th&DouglasSts,,Dept.A,0MAHA PURS G. E. SHUSCERT 401-3 S. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. Estab.1083. Mall orders flllod. IF YOU want yonr nnnaa lighted liy plootrlcltv. Vuinu Wat-', run Cream hp.trator. w In'it is. alilnr. Bewlnc Machine, Krrd Urlndar, Ktv, wltu aarae power, etiraply , -rile the ALAMO ENG. St SUPPLY CO. 1113 Fnrnom St. - - Omaha, Nab. $20,000.00 IN PIANOSSt ORGANS Ar you colnc t" uny Piano or Organ t If to, buy from 1 be llraii' It Company, Omaba. (Tba lntm t Dealer- of l'lanoa and Orvaiu la tlie eat) and lielpyour SCHOOL, CHURCH, LODGE or SOCIETY !S8 FREE $20,000 WORTH of PIANOS, ORGANS and Pleno-l'layera siren away aheolutely free by TBeliennrttOim any. Write now for partlcultra and It Interested recur one uf Uielr great 1' ana boukaebowlnfneorly loo different llauoe and Or- Jane to select from. 1'langa lUtpped eierywber. eld en euj paementa, Tlie Bennett Company, Omaha WELDING IfiSjSSSSffaittliS isria ot macmnrry roaae poou at new, Welds ait Iron, cait eteef.alnmlnum, copper, braor iht other metal. Expert automobile reo-ilrlnir. aBRTSOHY MOTOR CO., Oounoll Bluffs. Best mm piies lrdV?X cm r7J THE Made Same DOCTORS Searles & Searles Specialists for FREE HEAVIER-TKAN-AIR MACHINE'S LONGEST FLIGHT. - . " ' " ' As Henry Farman In winning the Grand Prix do la Champagne for length of flight at Rhelms, France, was In tho air three and one-fourth hours and trav eled a distance of 118 miles. It was dark when he landed and for some tlmo the machine was Invisible to spectators, who cheered the aviator for his suc cessful voyago when he landed. He won $10,000 by the achievement. Yearly Output Is Twenty Billion Cubic Feet at Present. We Are Cutting Our Timber Stipply Three Times as Fast as It Grows Exploitation Already Had Serious Effect. Washington. "Tho totnl yearly drain upon our forests, not counting losses from fires, storms, and Insects, la somo 20,000,000,000 cubic feet," says R. S. Kellogg, assistant forestor In charge of tho ofllco of forest sta tistics, in a publication just Issued by tho forest servico on "The Timber Supply of tho United States." "Our nresent foreRt area of GGO.- 060,000 acres may bo roughly estimat ed to consist of 200,000,000 acres of maturo forests, In which tho annual growth is balanced by death and de cay, of 2G0.000.00Q acres partially cut or burned over, on which, with rea sonable care, there Is sufficient young growth to produco In tho course of tlmo a merchantable, but not a full crop of timber, and 100,000,000 ncres of moro severely-cut and burned-over forests, on which there Is not suffi cient young growth to produco an other crop of much value. "Taken as a whole, tho annual growth of our forests under these conditions does not exceed 12 cubic feet per ncre, a total of less than 7,000,000,000 cubic feet. Thnt Is, wo aro cutting our forests threo times as fast as they aro growing. Thero Is menace in the continuance of such conditions. While wo might never reach nbsoluto timber exhaustion, the unrestricted exploitation of our for ests In the past has already had seri ous effects, and It will hnvo much worso if it is allowed to contlnuo un checked. "White pine, for Instance, which was once considered inexhaustible has fallen off 70 per cent. In cut since 1890, and moro than 45 per cent. since 1900. Tho cut of oak, our most valuable hardwood lumber, has de creased 1C per cent, since 1900, nnd that of yellow poplar 22 per cent. Tho samo story will bo told of other woods if thoy nre not conserved. "Tho fact that tlmbor has been cheap nnd abundant has mado us careless of its production nnd reck less In Ita use. Wo take 250 cubic feet of wood per capita annually from j our forests, while Germany uses only 37 cubic feet, and Franco but 2G. On tho other hand, Germany, who has earned her leeson, makes her state fOMSts produco an averagoof 48 cubic foist of wood per aero. Wo have as fast-growing species as Germany, or fuster, and as good or better forest noil If wo protect ii. 'Tho necessity for more farm land may eventually reduco or total for est area to 100,000,000 acres less thnn It is at pvesent. It Is entirely possible, however, to produco on 450.- 000,000 ncrea as much wood as n population much greater than wo have now will really need If all the -forest land Is brought to Its highest producing capacity, and If the prod uct is economically and completely utilized. Hut to reach tho necessary condition of equilibrium between tim ber production and consumption will tako many years of vigorous effort by Individual forest owners, by the states, and by tho national govern ment None of them can solve tho problem alone; all must work to gether." MASONIC LODGE IN THE AIR Meeting Held at an Elevation of 7,000 Feet Being the First of Its Kind in History. Greenfield, Mass. Aerial lodgo No. 1, A. F. & A. M., was formed tho other dny In tho balloon "Massachusetts" nt nn clcvntlon of moro than 7,000 feet, this being tho llrst meeting of tho kind ever hold. Tho lodgo wns conducted with all tho Mansonlc ob servances possible under tho condi tions. At tho highest point recorded by tho barograph, 7,200 feet, in tho midst of dense clouds, tho Masonic ceremony took place. Tho details wero recount ed by tho party when It reached Greenfield, nftor consldorablo difficulty in getting tho lingo gas hag und Us numerous trappings out of a forest whero a landing waB mado with con siderable dangor to tho ballonlsts. PUT LIMBURGER IN HER SHOE Rejected Suitor Adopts Novel Method of Getting Even with Fair Cal ifornia Waitress. San Frnnclsco. Placing limburgor cheeso in tho shoo of tho young lady who refused to accept his affections, was tho manner In which Wllllnm Linz, stewnrd nt tho Sunset cafe, is alleged to havo vented his anger on Miss Emma Schultz, a fair waitress working nt the samo restaurant. Llnz appeared beforo Justlco Weller to faco tho chargo ot battery preferred against him by tho young woman. When Miss Schultz took the witness stnnd, she was asked what tho ac cused man hnd dono to her. "Ho tried to make mo lovo him," she said, "and when I refused ho put Hmhurger cheeso in my shoo. Then when 1 beenmo angry nt this nasty thing, he struck me over tho faco and hurt me." Llnz took tho stnnd nnd testified that ho had dono nothing to annoy the beautiful waitress and declared emphatically that ho did not strike her. Bed Lincoln Slept In. Chicago. Tho wnlnut bed described by those In charge as having been slept in by Abraham Lincoln, when ho wns a guest at the Sherninn houso, wnR sold at tho auction of furniture of the Sherman houso for $2G. It wns bought by a woman, who gave as her name Mrs. Kolly, but provided no closer identification of herself. Biggest Snake North Carolina Farmer Tells of Bat tle Between Klngsnake and Rat tler Former Is Victor. Wadcsboro, N. C While In Wades boro a few days ago J. Frank Han dall of Ansonvitle township gave a graphic description of a light ho saw a day beforo botweon a klngsnnko and a big rattler. Tho rattlesnake was considerably larger than the klng snnko, and to look at them ono would not think It possible for tho smaller reptile to swallow tho largor one, but this. Mr. Randall Btates, Is Just what occurred. Tho fight, which took place In tho road near Mr. Itandnirs home, was witnessed by all tho members ot his family as well ns himself. After tho battlo had been In progress somo tlmo tho klngsnnko managed to tlo himself around tho body of tho rattler about ton Inches from tho latter's head. The rattler, aftor this feat had been accomplished, made sovoral attempts to strike his antagonist, but without success. Tho klngsnnko slowly worked Its wny up tho body of tho nit tier until suddenly it opened wldo Its mouth and swallowed the. head of tho rattler. Just as tho swallowing feat was nccompllshod tho klngsnnko squeezed its prey until, Mr. Randall said, Its bones could bo heard to crack for somo distance. Tho klng snnko then untied Itself from tho rat ESCAPEJH 1st Convicts on Siamese Border Gain Temporary Freedom. Prisoners, After Many Perils and Dangers on Sea and Land, Securo Food by Pretending to Do Seeking Elephants. London. Tho three survivors of tho flvo convicts who escaped recently from the Andaniana told tho following remarkable story of tholr cscapo nnd tho adventures which followed It: Six convicts Hlssan Singh, under sentence of IB years; a llcngalin (term of uoven years), nnd four Hur mans, Nga Nalng, Nga Tun, Nga Pyn and Nga I'o Lu. all "llforn," under the chnrgo of two military policemen with two rifles and 100 rotindB of am munition wero sent In a forest boat lo a small Island In tho Middle Anda mnns with bovoh days' rations for each convict nnd tho pollcemon. On rcnchlng tho Island Hlssnn Singh, Nga' Nnlng, Ngn Pyn and Nga Tun wero sot to work, while the two policemen with Nga Po Lu and tho lienRnll wont up hill In search of a "golden" bird that Is highly prized In Port Ulalr and has a ready sale. Tho policemen, beforo leaving, took ofT (tho recaptured convicts stato) tholr bandoliers of cartridges and laid thorn with tho rlflos In tho bottom ot tho boat, which had been limited up on the beach and made fast. Po Lu, who was tho convict overseer, pro fessed to know whero birds wero to be found In plenty, and led tho police men nnd tho Hcngall Into donso tin derbrush, then gnvo them tho slip, nnd mnde his way quickly back to tho other men. Tho mon got the boat Into tho wa ter nnd raising .tho nail started in the direction of the Uurma const A strong wind, nlraost a gale, was blow lug whon they left the Island, but the boat, which had both nail and oars, proved seaworthy, and nfter seven tlnys' henvy weather thoy reached tho Tonasserlm const only to hnvo the boat dashed to pieces on tho rocks. They mnnaged to savo what rations wero loft, howovor, beforo tho mis hap occurred which prevented their continuing further along tho coast as was intended. Ngn Nalng, Nga Tun and Illssnn Singh wero very 111 dur ing tho voyage to tho Durum coaBt. Po Lu and Nga Pya, who wero well throughout, assumed command of tho party and took charge of tho guns nnd ammunition. Tho men went northwnrd until tho food Btipply gavo out and ono of tho party returned to Vo to huy rice, whero ho explained tho possession of government nrmtt by saying that they wero government elephant hunters. Tho pnrty received every assist ance, then struck out for tho Slamcso border, which thoy ronchod nftor Bomo wceltB hard travel, privation and delays through three of tho party being ill. Thoy crossed tho Slamcso border, their food gavo out and on tho verge ot staatIon they ro crossed the frontier to tho little ham let of Kyunchnung. Amherst district, to try nnd got food. They went to tho Iioubo of a cultivator on tho out skirts of tho town to whom thoy said they wero government elephant hunters. After they had been fed nt tho teahouse Goung was sent for, to whom thoy repeated tholr statomenL Ho brought them Into town and gavo them sholter for tho night. Tho headman nrrr.ngcd n deer shoot with tho two convicts who had guns and next morning shortly after thoy nnd gone shots wero hoard, but believing their companions nnd tho Goung wero firing, at deer tho three convicts left behind thought nothing of It until somo llttlo tlmo afterward four Ilurman policemen entered tho hut. Tho threo convlctn then lenrned that Po Lu and Nga Pya had been shot and were thonisolves ar rested. Tho headman appears to havo been In communication with tho pollco from the beginning. is Whipped tler and commenced slowly Hwnllow Ing the rattler, the latter all tho tlmo making frantic struggles to oscape. After sovoral Inches of tho rnttler'H anatomy had disappeared into tho klngsnnko tho former managed to tlo Its tall around a small bush, and then there wns n mighty pull on tho part ot both reptiles, which continued until Mr. Randall untied tho tall of the rat tler. From this time on tho process of swallowing continued until nt last ovory vestlgo of tho big rattler disap peared into the stomnch of tho king snake. Tramps Given Bath. Fostorla, O. Tho jail horo con tained the cleanest and angriest quar tet of tramps n tho United Suites tho other night, after Capt. Harry Smith had carried out tho llrst part of tho sentence oT Acting Mayor T. P. John ston. Tho men wero locked up for loiter ing and tho mayor sentenced them to be stripped and washed with tho hose. In addition they woro given flvo days on bread and water. Sultan's Gems to Be Sold. Paris. Tho jowols of Abd-oI-AzIz, tho former sultan of Morocco, which woro pledgod In a government pawn ship In 1907 and havo not boon re deemed, probably will bo sold at pub lie auction In a fortnight. iritLiK RECEIVED (HIGHEST AWARDS) At the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition AGAINST ALL COMPETITORS ON riCKLCS (HIVES-CONDIMENTS -CALIFORNIA ASPARAOUS-PRCSEnVCS-ICLUCS-SALAD DNESSINQ-CONOENSEO MILK EVAPORATED MILK CALIFORNIA FRUITS CANNED MEATS CORNED BEEF SLICED DRIED BEEF-OX TONGUE VEAL LOAF HAM LOAF -VIENNA SAUSAGE WHERE QUALITY c COUNTS WE LEAD Your Grocer Has Them Insist on Getting Liuby's LIBBY, McNEILL Be LIBBY Insure Your Future Money invested in the profit-paying farm, land of the west is safer than in a savings bank. It earns big dividends on steady rising value alone. In Butte Valley . Lciiiforoici prices are moderate. And the soil is the richest climate the finest railroad facilities the best that can be found in the United States. Round-Trip Homeseekers9 Fares are on sale the first and third Tuesdays of every month to October 31, via Union Pacific Southern Pacific "The Safe Road to Travel" Electric block signals dustless roadbed. For liter ature nnd information call on or address E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A. Union Pacific R. R., Omaha, Neb. (u) Will Seek tho South Pole. A. Henry Snvngo Lnndor, tho Eng lish explorer, who will soon mako nn attempt to ronch tho south polo, Is of tho opinion thnt Llout. Shnckloton failed through Imvliu; a cumbcrBOino and unnecessarily largo expedition. Mr. Lnndor'fl theory is that n small enravnn of trusted and hardy men, lightly equipped ns In his expeditions through Asln nnd Africa, la best. Mr. Lnndor's ncllvlty in aeronautic Inves tigations gives color to tho rumor thnt an airship will bo used by hint in his expedition. Death from Stlno of Poisonous Files. Threo persons died recently at Mnrsellles nftor having been stung by poisonous flies. Sovcrnl streets aro Infested by tho Insects, which nro said to havo been brought to Mar seilles in n cargo of South American wool. Echo do l'nrls. Conclusive. Mother Tommy, why don't you piny with Frtxnk nny moro? I thought you wero such good chums. Tommy Wq was, but he's n molly coddle! Ho pnld to get Inter thor ball grounds. Instant Relief for All Eves. thnt nro Irritated from dust, licnt. nun or wind. IMJTTIT'H KYK HAI.VW nk Ait drusiutH or Howard Bros., lluHnlo,' N. Y. Thero Ih no better wnv nf lilillnp your light under n bushel than by keeping your church letter in your trunk. Mr. Wlllllntr'a Hoiithlnr- Rrni... For children tcethlnir. auftrni tlia unrna. rmlnrn in. flamuiaUou, allay pula, euro wind tullu. 25a a Iwtlle, Young man, bownro of tho peach who Is tho applo of your oyo. Sho may prove to bo u lemon. hr.ii!t nnil krrp niilllf Hhnll)lii. Ulirrk Hint rough with tho liuruili-H unit I'lllclcnt rmmylr, Alli-ii l,unu Ualuin. All(lnia'k'lata,2ic,Ci0ouiiafl4UtMiltli'a. Somo people ussumo that henrlni? in just ns good us sbolng, LcwIh Hiiicle Hinder, the fnmntm straight Cc cigar annual salo 0,000,000. Tho door of success is marked: "Push." When You Think OI the pain which many women experience with every month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ ated with womanhood seem to bo almost a miracle. "While in general no woman rebels against what the re gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would not gladly be free from this recurring period of pain. nr. Plcrco'a Favorite Prescription makes wceak women atroni and elck women veil, and Uvea them freedom from pain. It establishes regularity, subdues Intlauf motion, heals ulceration and cures fo tnalo weakness. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Plcrco by letter, frit. All corresnondenca afrtrilv nrluix an.l .n...n.. confidential. Write without fear and leal Attnniarinn. II. V. Plor. Vf r 1 - a-.. a ivviucui UUUU1U, l( , , II you want book that tells nil about woman's diseases, and how to cunt them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierco to pay cost of mailLal cnl,, and he will send you a r copy of his great thotmnd.pago illustrated pmmoa Sense Med.csl Adviser-revised, up-to-date edition, & paper covenu In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. "" Food Products THE ONLY Quaker Oats ' is the perfectly balanced human food China (or your table In the Family site l'uckngea You Can Shave Yourself With 77.r .Tti Em no Rai-nm5 NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWN T1I15 WORLD OVER "' PARKER'S , HAIR BALSAM Olcaiuti and txautlflti lb hate 1'roiiiom a lniurlaiit growth. Novor Fall! to II otto re Or Italr to it Youthful OolorT Cuici icalp dlKuat ft hair falllsA UK, and UJ at DnjliU MK2ft!i5! Thompson's Eye Wafer AKNTH-1P T KNF.W YOUK NAME, 1 wiiulil aenil youuum.lUMiiupIouutllt trro tUlaTery inliiuto. .cl inn Kurt you In a protttabln bualnpsa. Yuu do not nml ono rent nf capital, lirpeilnno iinnncptnurr. M'h protlt. C'rvillt KlTun. I'reniluuia. Frolnht paid. OlianrutonlnlWIiiKold oxtra. Krcry nmi nnd woman should write mo (or (roo outflu Jit I1UCK, I'naMaal, HID UtMrl; Hlrwl, Baatva. lUaa. WEAR THE BEST WAISTS MADE l!ioluWr Now York Htylea a trillion ahad. Sold ol roc t from maker to you. Oou half what yon uauallr pay furtliu Interior, out-or-duto kind. Bond today for f rrn catalogue nnd nmplos. SOCIETY QUEEN CO., Dept. 0, St. Louli, Mo. Bale Ties For Hay and Straw Oil Nolan Eat Tit Co., 611) ud Vine Stt, Du Kolaii. lm without fee ta World's Diipcniiry MedV Ii M . ii..rt ti r " ilHZE