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; We do not give worthy 2 descriptions of our new ij I Fall Jewelry. Many new t and novel pieces in art goods have just arrived. Monogram Collar Pins, Monogram Cuff Pins, Monogram Scarf Pins, Monogram Bracelets, Monogram Sash Pins. are a few of the many new and catchy pieces we are now offering for your inspection. Let us show you some of our choice leather hand bags, new up-to-date shapes. The best of quality. DIXON, The Jeweler I I I I We Close our Store at 6:30 Ex- j! cept Saturdays and Paydays. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of Klrat Notional Hank Thre will bo a special meeting of the W. R. C. tomorrow afternoon for practice. A. F. Beelcr, the well known Her shey merchant, transacted business in town yesterday. If you need dishes you can save money by attending the special sale nt Buchanan & Co's store Friday and Sat urday. Mrs. John Bratt returned this morn ing from a visit with her daughter in Omaha and at Lincoln. Arthur Yates and Harry Worrell were down from Sutherland yesterday, making the trip in the former's car. The ladies' home missionary society, mU!mU .uni-iiDiiiitii rtn onniilnl nnllr.K mill hold n exchange at Howe &Malonoy's S ntnrrtnv. - - j LoBt A black and white English setter. Any information leading to its recovery will be liberally rewarded. H. J. Rebhausen. W. A. Whitney, superintendent of the Utah division, has resigned and will go to Oakland, Cal , to accept a similar po ition with the Southern Pa cific. About sixty ladies were guests of Mrs. Ray C. Langford yesterday at a kensington and passeJ a delightful afternoon. Mrs. Langfoid is hostess atanotherfu ction this afternor n, with almost as many guests present. Bt5 SSES v' DR. 0. II. CRCSSLER, Graduate Dcnlisf. Offico over the McDonald Stato Bank. Miss Banks, of Lexington, has been a guest at the Redmond residence this week. See those new Glove Silk Jersey Waists. The latest craze. At Wilcox Depa-tment Store. A. F. Streitz went to Sutherland this morning to corrall, he said, a few nure votes for county commissioner. Twenty-five or thirty laborers were shipped down from Denver this morn ing and taken to Oshkosh on the branch. Ray La"gford and L. E Roach 'cnt to Paxton this morning on business connected with the Boardman bank ruptcy case. Weather forecast: Probably rain to night or Saturday. Maximum tempera turo yesterday 72; one year go 01. Minimum temporaturc this morning HQ', one year ago 25. 400 bushel all metal Corn Cribs $4.00 at Wilcox Department store. Texas Jack, a long-hnired individual, accompanied by several riders, horses and nteera. arrived Wednesday and will give exhibitions of riding, lariat throwing and steer tying at tne base ball park. May Brothers, of Fremont, wholesale grocers, are the latest to talk branch house at North Platte. With this firm, Paxton & Gallagher and Allen Bros., talking branch house at North Platte, it is possible one of tho three will conclude to do something. Tho sale of property for delinquent taxes will be held at the county treas urer's office next Monday. There promises to bo several bidders. The total sum of delinquent taxes on the property to be sold is about four thousand dollars. A representative of tho Swift Pack ing Co. was hero a few days ago look ing over the city with the possible view of putting in a cold storage plant. He stated that tho plant, wherever located, would bo a one hundred thous and dollar proposition. Whether North Platte will bu selected ns the place fur the plant is not known. Miss A'ma Waltemath, of this city, was one of the six bridesmaids at the wedding of Miss Aurora Kortlang, which occured Wednesday in the Kountz Memorial church at Omaha. Each of the six maids were gowned alike and each carried baskets of ferns tied with white tu le. Following the ceremony 300 guests attended the reception given in the church parlors. Fine breakfust sets of china in Cobalt blue for a mere sontr at Buchanan & Co's. special sale Friday and Saturday. A North Platte man who spent last week in the east part of tho state, says he found that North Platte was the most tidked-of town in the state, and radically all conceded that it would timo bpcomo the third city ot tne state. This resident says he was told things about the town which he did not know before, some of which were im portant. Tilghman G Edmiston, of Meridan, Wyo., and Mrs. Rhoda Foster were united in marriage Wednesday evening at the Pizer residence, by Judge Elder. Following the ceremony the couple left on train No 7 for their futuro homo at Meridan. Mrs. Foster had been a resi dent of North Platte for a long term of years and is known to many, who will wish her a happy futuro. The groom is a wealthy Wyoming resident, and formerlv lived at Central City, Neb. CI KEITH THEATRE Tuesday, November 2. tmHmammmBaaBmmmmmmmsBBsssaamwmmmmmmmmMmmSm W. T. GASKELL offers George Middleton's Dramatization of Meredith Nicholson's Novel 'The House of a Thousand Candles" With HUGO KOCH. As Produced for one year at Daly's and Hackett Theatres New York, and the Garrack Theatre, Chicago. "The audience at the Garrick liked the plav, and many, many, many, audiences will go wild over it." Amy Leslie in Chicago Daily News. PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Seats on Sale at Box Office Saturday, October 30th. I. E. S. kensington will bo held in tho Masonic hall Friday afternoon of next week. Eugene Wcstcrvolt, Burlington right-of-way agent, Is spending today in town. He is hero looking after the company'a property interests. W. A. Howard, tho expert piano tuner and builder, is now residing at 602 west Fifth street. Phone C27 Leavo orders at Newton's Book store Thorough work guaranteed with a guarantee that is good tho year around. J. W. Paynn, accompanied by his daughter Miss Grace, MInb Alice Lang ford and his brother-in-law Wm. Ger tenbach, of Iowa, nrrived from Omaha in his car last evening. They made the run from Omaha to North Platte in seventoen hours. It frequently occurs that trains No. G or No. 11 meet No. 10 at this terminal and the passengers coming in or going out on the west bound train are com pelled to climb over tho east bound train. Tho same thing occurs in the evening when trains No. 12 and No. 7 meet here. It seems to us that this Is inconvenience to passengers that an outrht to be remedied, and should bo .taken up with oilicials. tho the matter proper Sun Jay Dinner at Enterprise Bakery. Oyster Soup Roast Turkey Cranberry Jelly Roast Veal Dressing Mashed Potatoes Bird Nest Smon Glazed Sweet Potatoes Celery Olives Pickles Pies Lomon Apple Peach Sherbcrt Coffee Tea Milk Price 35 cents. Buys Telephone System. The Ognlalia News of yesterday con tained this item: Eben D. Warner, manairer of a Btring of telephone lines at North Platte, Kearney, Lexington, and along tra line of tho U. P. railroad was in town Tuesday nnd Wednohday negotiating for the Oualalla-Keystone Telephone system, and we hear has purchased the same. If this is true his company will replace the old with an entire new system and put in a metallic circuit, thus giving us the benefit of the best system known While the deal has not been closed we nre sure that ft will be. More about this deal will be said in tho issue to follow, next week. Strictly Pure Bottled Milk. We can supply milk to n few more renular customers. Also have a limited amount of fancy dairy butter. Phone D 7fi. Dooi.itti.r PtionuriB Co. The Hoover Electric Suction Sweeper. Cudahy's Diamond "C" Hams and Bacon. I The Finest that Money Can Buy. The Mildest Cured Ham. The Closest Trimmed Ham, and the Best all around piece of j$ ft. Sugar Cured Meat on the Market. YEARS OF CAREFUL EXPERT STUDY AND AMERICA'S FINEST HOGS GO TO MAKE THIS POSSIBLE. TELE TASTE TEIiliS. This, is Diamond "C" Week in North Platte. Your dealer is supplied. No matter what you have been using1, no matter what you thought the best, there is a pleasant surprise in store for you if you try them now. Try them on our recommendation. YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED IF THEY ARE NOT ALL WE CLAIM. FRED MARTI, RUSH MERC. Sold, recommended and gurantecd by H. L GREESON, BUCHANAN CO., CO., E. T. TRAMP, WILCOX DEPT. STORE II. W. Beam, Hershey. E. A. Wohlford, Sutherland, D. Stafford, Paxton. 11TE are experts at fitting " Misses' Feet as they should be fitted. We have Shoes correctly proportioned, and with our experience at fitting, every young miss is fitted with Just the Shoe She Ought to Wear . . Misses Shoes for Dress and Street. The best of leathers and the most ekillful Shoe Making. Button, Lace or Dlucher Models. Tho new slant top is a great favorito this season. Some now creation, also in Craven bttti Cloth TopB. $2.50, $3, $3.50 to $4. It will be a singular Shoe re quirement, we cannot fill sat isfactory. THE SHOERY, SOL HODES. ft t ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft m ft Arrested for Forgery. Tho sheriff of Montpelier, Idaho, ar rived in town laBt night and picked up a man who is wanted at that place for forgery. Tho forger was making hU way ctut on a stock train. Tho sheriff and his prisoner left for the west on No. 5 this morning. Mrs. England Dies. Mrs. Alexander England, a pioneer resident of North Platte, died yesterday at the homo of her son Alex in Ft. Collins, Col. Tho remains, accompani ed by Alex England and wifo and b rank England, were brouirht to town this I morning but the date of the funeral has ' not been decided. The deceased came here in an early day with her husband, wh i was emoloyed in the Union Pacific shops. Following the death of her husband a number of yearB ucn, she mndo her homo alternately with her son Alex in Colorado and her son Frank on tho ranch soul h west of town. Sweeping by Electricity. The Hoover Electric Suction Sweeper, as the name implies is a combined sweeper and vacuum cleaner, and is designed to supercede both the old fashine.d broom and the. new compressed air or vacuum cleaners, in that it combines the good pointa of both, without their deficiencies. The best of credentials furnished by people using them in North Plane, and I will give a free trial to prospective buyers by calling phone 9. C. G. ABRAHAMSON. Program for Social. Tho following program will bo Riven at tho Hallow E'en social nt the Y. M, C. A rooms this evening beginning at eight o'clock: Song "America'' Invocation Rov. Porter, Remarks ToastmaBter Mann, Solo Mlxs Sirahorn, AddrvH Wil on Tmt, Solo Chaa. CM 'ion, Address Dr. Quigley, h'Ho iienn Mann, Addre-w M. E Crosby, S ilo Arthur U vd, ('mjilv Stunt H. L. Adama and J. E R'lberson. Followinir this urogram refreehments will on served from a corn hoitBe erected in the rear room Mrs. Ora DeFord will render pun" selections dur ing tho sorvint' of refreshment!. Hot Drinks. Hot bouillon 10i hot malted milk 10c. tint beef ten 10c, hot chocolate with whipped cream 10c, hot tomato bouillon UK'. Wafers served with all hot drinks. RTONR DllUO Co. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital ... Surplus Fund Stockholders' Liability $100,000.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 Guarantee Fund for Depositors $225,000.00 (Not considering quick assets and cash resources) DIRECTORS! E. F. Seeberger, C. F, McGrew, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara. Watch for the owning of tho Kelster druBumaking eckwol. Few plays have hud the "nancial hb well a artistic aucctHH in "Th Kouhh of a Thousand Candles" It i said that both the dramatiht, Mr. Genrire Midd eton. and Mr. Meredith Nieholson the author of th n'tvel, hvo beromu independently wealthy from tho royal ties iney nave, received in the tmn two year. "Tho House of a ThoUHiind Candlea" is the offering at the Keith next Tueuduy evmilnir Tho entire production as sumi at The H ickett imd Htly's Theatre; in New York Cltv and Tho Oafrlck Thoatro in Chicago will bo presented. I make a specialty of looking up non resident owners and buying land for Lincoln County people, If there is any thing joining you or in your vicinity that you want, write mo. O. E EI.DEK, North Platto. Smoke "U. P. Bpedala" mado in Nurth Pluttv. For Sale GOO Loada of good dirt and a wind mill. E. A. CARY. GO TO P. M. SORENSON FOR Furniture Repairing AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS .... A Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth,