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TAYLOR ADDITION Large, Level, High Lots. Where the Best Residences will be Built in the Future. It is the most desirable Addition in the City and the closest to business Easy Terms. GET Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. BUHBOUII'TION HATES t Ono Year, cull In advance tl.!S Months, caiib In advanco e& cu filtered at North Platte. Nebraika.Fostofflci- as second class matter. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1009. The Vote in the County. The canvnBS of tho vote enst Nov. 2d shows tho following result: Total votoenst 2,333. Supremo Judges Dean 820, Good 808, SulIiVnn 838, Barnes 1,143. Fnw cott 1.132; Sedgwick 1,1-11; average re publican majority 314. Regents of University Knapp C51, AMcn 1,222, Whltmoro 1,190, Colo 213, Linen 89, Von Stein 81, Hunt 120, Wdmmcr 115; to fill vacancy: Now branch 765, Holler 1200, Schnrmoyer 130. County Clork Elliott 1,373, Ladil 635, Mass 11. TreasurerLangford 1,717, Duko 10, Buchanan 1. SherilT-Trldlo 1.00S, Miltonborger 1,211, Donaldson 10, Salisbury 1. County Judge Bceltjrl, W. C. Elder l,9a, Sullivun 1, McMlchael 1, Cort wrlght 9, Leister C. County Supt.-Wm. Ebright 1,631, Biioicr 1, Shumun X. County . Surveyor Meyer 1.01P, Welch 2, Nickerson 2. County Commissioner Stroitz 1.1GS. Douglas 1,027. COUNTY ASSESSORS. North Pluttu No. 1-A.'S. Coates. North Platto No. 2-F. J. Dicncr. North Platto No. 8-Fred Wcndoborrr Antelope Ch;yi. Oman. Birdwpod M. A. Carrier. Bro'dy-H, C. Burko. Buchunun A. M. Gates. ' Cottonwood-T. L. O'ltqurfc?, CoxA. M; -Wilson. Dqor Creek-W, H, Stinnottf, DIckenV-H, C. iltcht. RoEcdalt Wm.,Grovtja'. Fox Creek--S; O. Hutching. Garfield C. C. Slyer, Gaslin OInf JohnBon.. Hall Perry Campbell.. HarriHonA. O. Alexander. Hinman A. W. Arnott. Hooker Geo. Carman. Kern Watson Kuhklo. JelTrey A'thur Poterson. A. Lemon Jacob Weber. MaxwelW. W. Nugent. Only Six Blocks South of the Court House on the Main Street of The City . . . . Prices $150 to ONE QUICK, THEY ARE GOING- FAST. R. .B RE1D, Mcdicino-C. F. Hicks. Miller T. E. Rowley. Myrtlo-E. W. Wright. NicholH-J. W. Priekctt. Nowell A. K. Mclntyro. Tablo-A. E. Main. Osgood Tie vote between Discoo and Owen Jones. Peckhnm-W. W. Middleton. Plnnt-A. E. Dicncr. Sutherland Henry Fulk. Sellers-W. W. Hunter. Somerset R. E. Geisbergor. Sunshino A. II. Meyer. Vroman J. P. Nystrom. Walker-W. G. Wrin. Wallace L. Connolly. ' Well-E. B. Votnw. Whittier W. L. Lane. Willow-H. C. Hobblns. John Hershey News. Mrs. W. D. Eshclmin and children of North Platt3 sp3nt Wednesday with Mrs, J. K. Eiholmun. The Methodist ladlo3 nid mat with Mrs. Jj3. Itjbjut U3t Wjlmlay ovon ing and had a good time and a delight ful lunch was served. Carl Wickstrom is building an addi tion to his residence in town. Wm. Montgomery came down from Koytiio Wedneiday and tpsntafow days with his son Ray. A largo numbor of Horshoy people attended tho funeral of Hurry Boat wick In North Platto Wednesday. Clair Funkhousur ia sulTering from a severe attack of inflammatory rheuma tism. Mrs. Dora Thorpe arrived Thursdny from Ridgville, Itul., to visit with Mrs. O. II. Eyerly. Thu Presbyterian ladies will meet all day Wedncoduy, Nov. 10th, with Mrs. D. E. Martin. Tho attendance of all earnestly solicited as tho ladies will sow for Mrs. W. K. Boauchamp whose homo was recently destroyed by fire. Leypoldt and Wickstrom aio con templating tho oroction of another largo hay barn in town. Airs. L. P. Krong, Mrs. Clarence Priddy and, son arrived. Tnursday morn ing from Marlon; Iowa. Mrs,1 LTzzIo Bblon and children of Oborlin, Knns, aro visiting with Mr. ond Mrs. O. II. Eyorly. A very young gontlemnn mado his appearance at thu homo of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brownfield last Friday, Mother and babe are doing nicely. The usual crowd attended tho danca in the hall Friday evening and it was most pleasantly spent, G. L. Mudd and Ed Ewel transacted buBinasB in North Platto Friday. Big Cash FOR SALE BY Office in cene in Boyle Woolfolk's Sunny Side of Broadway, to be seen at The Keith on Wednesday Evening of this week. Mrs. Geo. Cisncy arrived from Hast ings, Nob., Tnursday to visit hor daughter Mrs. J. F. Ganson. Mr. Warmer was up from Lexington to tho dun:o Friday evening. Misses Lillie Wiilto and Mabello Ehehnun wero shopping in North Plutte Saturday, MAY PROVE FATAL When Will North ' Platte People Learn the Importance of It? Backache is only a simple thing at Unit; But when you know 'tis from the kidneys,; That Bjdoua kidney troubles follow; That diiibetj3, Blight's diuease may be the fatal end, You will gladly profit by thu follow ing expedience. 'Tis the statement of a Nort'.i Platto citizen. J. P. Ssearce, 'Ninth St., North Platte, Nob., Bays: "I do not hesituto to tell of tho wonderful benefit that Doan's Kidaoy Pills havo brought mu. Abaut six nnnthi ngo I was sulfering night and day from the most severe pains through my back and kidnoys, always more in uvidenco whon I at tempted to stoop or arise from a Bitting position. Tho kidney secretions were also irregular in passage- and annoyed mo greatly. Tho doctor's medicine nnd other remedies I tried guvu mu no $300 Discount. Odd Fellow's Block. relief and n friend, hearing of my suf fering, advised mo to take Doan's Kidney Pills, as he had been cured of the same complaint by their use. I immediately procured u box at A. F. Streitz's drug store and prompt relief followed their use. In a few weck3 my back was strong and free from pain and my kidneys were restored to their normal cordition. I cm glad to re commend Donn'B Kidney Pills." For sole by nil dealers. Prico 50 cent. Fos'.o-Milburn Co., BuiTalo, Now York, solo agent3 for tho United Stntca Remember tho name Doan's and take no other. County News. A. B. Davidson has purchased the lot south of tho Odd Fellows building nt Maxwell and has begun work for n business building the same size on tho ground as the Odd Fellow hall. Ho has not fully decidod what sort of busi ness ho will put into it. Probably a confectionery. J. W, Hiles unloaded n 20-horee Inter national gasoline traction engine nt Brady Tuesday costing $1,700, which ho will uec on his South Side ranch for cutting nnd grinding feed, plowing, etc. This engine will consume twenty gallons of gasolino n day and pull four 14-inch plows, six inches deep in the hurdout kind of ground. Per Lot Perfect Title. PROBATE NOTICE. In tho mattei oi thd estato of Herman Ottun. deceased. In Hit) county uourt or Lincoln county, Ne braska. October 18th, Notice N hereby ulven. that thu creditors of said deouatiud wilt meet tho Executrix of Haiti estate, bo fore, tho County Judiru of Lincoln county. Nebraska, at the county court room In said county, on tho 13lh day of Novemler. ilDU.and on thoiaih day of May, lido, at 0 o'clock a- in. eaeh day, for the tiur pose of presenting thelrclalm . for exomlna tlon, BdjtiKtnient and allowance Six months aro allowed for end Mors to present thulr claims and ono year for the Executrix to Hettle said estate from thu 7 1 1 1 day of Scl'lem lier, ltt. This nollco to Ihj tiubllshod ror elKht successive Issues In the North l'lalto Tribune prior to NovomlHirt 13th. I noil. W. O. ELDEH, olfl-R ftnnnty .luilpp. Notick To NoN-llrstnrNT Dffendanth. To Adam 11. Klsher and lots one and two In block ultihty-four of thu original City of North IMatte. Nebraska. defendants: You lire hureliy noilllid that on thu 8th day of OctolMT. IWJ S. Y. tJlllan. plalnlSir In said caue, tiled his petition In the District Court, or Lincoln County. Nohraka. airalnst you nnd each of you, I lie object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certa'n lax lien uixin thu property described as follows, situated In thu County of Lincoln and Statu of Nebraska, lo-wlt: lots ore and two In block uttrlit v-four of thoorlitlnnl City of North IMatte, Nebras ka, said ih.x lien Is based ux n tax salecertlll rate No. Issued by the County Treasurer of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on Novcnibcr7, 1104 to I he plitlntlir herein for taxes levied and asessed nualnst said premises fo the year Mil to I0U3 Inclusive wl'h Interest and penul l les h(I(I d. I one I her with the Mil'M quein taxes pnlil I her-on ror thu yearn IWH to IWW In clusive, nKirrccallnc thu sum of illil UU to gether with Interest thereon at thu rule of 10 per cent tier annum from thedatcof lillncsald petition. Plaintiff prays for dectec of (on closure of snl'1 lux Hun and an attorney feu of tun per cent of the amount rcemcrcd nnd costs of hull, and Hint defenduuiH lie reiured to pay said sum, and In default, of snob imtuieut sulil iireinlhcs h soil to pay the amount found one v I ' 1 1 Inteirsi and pi naltles and at toiuey fees unil costs, anil i lint each and all of said delenduniN he Ion closed o all eiptlly of ledciiipiloti in nnd to said preml-es utid for such other n lief as may hu eijultulilu and Just. You are required to amwrr said petition on hcfnrelhe'J.'nd dhyof November, ilWi Dnieil this Hili day of Uctolter, at North I'tu' te Nebraska S. V. Gh.i-an. I'lalntliT. Ily llonirlntul ft llontflanil, Ills Atiornejs. Notice of the Hearing of the Probate of Foreign Will In the Onuniy Court of Lincoln Countr, NetirHska, To all persons Interested In thu ustato of Clisrlis (Viuicelnum. deceased, Wl eri ns, .lentile E. CouiiHi Imnn nnd Hey uioiir M rln. of Cook founiy, Illinois have I bed In tut otllco a petition prdyltnr lohavu h duly Hiiiln nilcaii (I copy of wlmt purpoilti t" In the lust will and testament of ouu Chiii'le.sCotinselmau, who died In 0kiI coun ty ll., on or, about the Sub day of March. IIHII, uilmllted to probulu as a forelKti will, winch ulll purports to Inivu l'en admitted to pmlmie by the piobniu court of Cook county. Illinois, on or about I hu i'd day of .May, IHOI. which will n luti s to lioth real and IH't-Mii nl estateand especially tn thu koiiiIi east mm r l er of section -'7 township It north, ramru 81, wcat or thu Sixth l M In Lincoln county, Ni biaska, I hiivn llicrefotunptiolnled Monday, thelilb dny of Novemlier. llo.. r.t "o'clock In tliu fore noon, at thu county court room In said county, as the lime and Placu for tin hearlutr of said peiltlon, ai which lltnu nnd placu iou and all conoerni'd may appear and conical I he ai.tnlttlnirof aald will to probat j aa a for dsn will, It la further ordered that said petitioners clre notice to all persons Interi stcd In said estate, of thu pendency of this iHitltlon and Ihu lime and place of tlu lienrlne of thu Hme, bj causliuv a copy of this order to lie published In thu ."vorih Plallu Ceml-Wefklj Irltiuue. a newspaper printed and published tn sable limy, for llireu weeks successively, mid thu date set for hearlnir. , In witness whereof. 1 have hereunto net my hand and ulltclal suul, tbUMtli day of Octob er, 1WW. W, o, Bumih Countr Judira NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE FENDANTS. To Samtiol Hnull. Kutu J. 6ncll, Sarah Ilrauvh Ouaidlnn. and lots one, two, three, four. live, six, suven and uleht In block alx teeu.oflhu original city of North IMatte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, non-resident do fetulunts. You utid each of you aro hereby notified that on thu Mth day of October. 1009, 8. Y. Glllan. plalntlir In said cause filed his petition In thu District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, niralnst jou and each of you, tho ob ject and prayer of which Ix to foreclose a certain tax lien upon tho property described as follows, situated In tho County of Lincoln and Statu of Nebralka, to-wll; Lots ono, two, three, lour, five, six, seven and elcht In block sixteen, or tho orlulnal city of North IMatto, In Lincoln County. Nebraska. Said tax Hen Is based upon a tax salu cerllflcatu numiier tu Issued by tho County Treasurer of Lin coln Count . Nebraska, on November 7, 1901. to thu plalntlir heieln for taxes levied and assessed against, said premises for tho years 18)14 to llfctflucliislvu. w!ih Interest and penal ties added, tozether with subsequent taxes puld thereon for the yours 1001 to UUS Inclu sive nKirreuallm: thu sum of il6,U) together with Interest therern at the rata of 10 per cent ler annum from October I. 10(0- lMalntltr prays for decruu of foreclosure of said tax llun and attorney fees of 10 percent of trie umount recovered, and costs of suit, nnd thai, defendants bo required to pay said sums, nnd In default of such pajtnent said premises Ihi sold lopuyMiu amount found duo wllli Interest an I penalties and atlormy fees and costs, and that each and all of said de fendant" Im foreclosed of all equity of re demption In and to said premises and for such other tulluf as may bu just and equit able. You are required to answer said petition on orli-roru Ihetiih day of Dceemlier. 10W, Dated this 2Mb day of October. IWX). at North IMatte, Nebraska. n iiiiH S. Y GILLAN, Plaintiff ny IIOAOt.ANn Hrunr.ANn. Ills Attys. NOTICE Borirnnd Kellier. Meivlllo Felbcr. Arthur 1'i'llier, Ishc Pi-1 bur. Tilllo Kelbor. Corrlno lidlmr Shaffer. E. Cui(.ieit. Schaetrer, all In Irs of August Kullwr. do ceused. Oliver CrKsey, Martrant Crls sMy. Oklahoma lllbhi & Itook Uoncern, a coriKjrailon. Thottnis It Ward and Bernard ll er. defendants, will take notlco that on ibeylst dayorociolwr. ItO'i. Union Kualty & Trust Co.. a cot ioiatlon, iilulnilir herein, tiled Its lift It foil In the District Court ofLlncoln County, Nebriska, acalnst Said defendants, lliuohjcct mid pruyer or which aru to quiet thu tllluot tho plalntlir In and to thu north east quarter of secilou -'J. township 13 N,, taiiKeSI West of thu Dili p. 111 , In Lincoln Oiu ity. Nebraska. In tliu said pit In Iff as HKitnsi eseli anil all of the defcmlitti ereln, and to uxt'ludu each and all of thu .dd do repliants from any Interest, title, claim or dcmiipd In mid to said lands. You ate n iiuln d to answer said petition on or hi'fnretliHtiiii dm- o' December. I0W. Di. ted tci Vilst iu jr. UNION HEALTY &. TUU8T COMPANY. u2H-4 ny Wilcox II Ai moan. Its Attjs. CONTEST NOTICE. Serial No. OJU77 II. E.i!l6ttl Depart nientof thu Interior. United Slates Land Ulllco North IMatte. Nebraska, . , , October I, IV09. Asttfllclent contest allldavlt having U'cn Hied In this olllcu by Ulddltnrs II- J. Ileer bower contestant, airalust homestead Entry, No. MIMO. madu Novetnln-r 15. iWtt. for all of Section 1, Totrnslup Is, HaniroTO W. of tltoUtu P. Meridian, by Allonso Slalur Contuatuu, in which It Is nlleirud that said Alfonso Slater has never established his residence on said land) that bus he. abatuloind the sarnu fur tnoru lhansix mouths last past. That hu has failed lo Improve said tract In any manner and lots failed to cultivate any pan thurvof. Said turtles aru hereby iioillled lo appear, jestxjtid and offer evidence touching said al Ictfuilon at 10 o'clock a. tn. on Novimtivr lfi. llKW, beforu tho Itetrlslcr and Receiver at II o United Status Land olllcu lu North Platte, .M'braaka. , Thu aid conlostant havlnir, In a proper afll davit, "Hied October 2. W. set fortli facts which show that after duudlllip ticu pcrnonal service of this notlcu cannot I si mado, It Is hereby ordered and directed I bat such not lcu bu ulveu by duo and proper publication, J, O, Eva sa, (J 64 mavit,