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X to i THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IHA U DAUB, Publisher Terms: $1.23 In Advance. NEBRASKA vrtSJ 1 111 1 i i . ,NOR7H PLATTE FOOTBALL PERILS FOR UNFIT. Yule, Harvard, Prlncoton, Pennsyl vania, Michigan, Minnesota and Instltu tlons of llko rank are not represented In tho season's list of dead and the critically injured at football. Of tho big teams, in tho country that at West Poln. lost Cadet Dyrno, who died of hlfc hurts, and that at Annapolis saw Ccdet Wilson disabled by fractured vertebrae Cadet nyrno received his fatal Injury when ho returned to tho gamo In a weakened condition after having bcon retired for n slighter hurt, says Now York World. Frdra tho rolls of tho fcotball dead and of thoso critically hurt it can bo seon that tho majority of victims camo from high Bdiool teams and from amatour elevens of Irregular training. Wo read of one death from lung trouble due to exposure on tho field, of an other from overexertion and of a stu dent of Dickinson seminary In Penn sylvania who was prostrated by atvychntne taken to stimulate bis heart action during a contest All theso ffct- support tho contcnttcn of those unwavering advocates of tho garao vrho contend that the supremo perils of football ar- chiefly for tho unfit. Perhaps it Is truo that tho direct road u n saving reform in football lies (n a more rigid regard for physical fitness among players than in much tinkering with tho rules. fL Odd News From Big Cities Stories of Strange Happenings in the Metropolitan Towns It 2 NATURAL INFERENCE. At the National Capital (j Gossip of People arid Events Gathered in Washington Hobo Sleeps in a Miffing Store. How to Address Government" Officials The multiplicity of flying dovlces leads inevitably to discussion as to the advisability of establishing rules for regulating aerial navigation. One genius has suggested that, certain Btrata bo designated as routeWor cer tain classes of "airships, though just how these routes are to be marked or ."buoyed" Is not explained. But a com plication difficult of adjustment may arise if the contention of Bomo lawyers Is correct, This is that under the com mon law, which comes from England and in turn was based on the old Ro man codo, a property holder owns the air abovo his hoad, with no limit to height. This, In English-speaking countries, at least, would mako n. tres passer of any aviator who flics above another's land, and if' identified and caught tho flying man could bo pun ished accordingly. All thoso things -are conjectures, of course, Still, it Is evident that if travel by tho air routo shall ever become general thoro will be many novel points to bo considered. BUFFALO, N. Y. It Is not becoming to a millinery establishment to have a specimen of tho genus hobo uslecp In the dlsplny room. "Didn't Boincono como In?'1 asked Miss Oodfrey, milliner at Allen and Collcgo streets of one of her assistants one nfternoon recently. "Oh!" screnmcd. "tho assistant, who stepped Into tho dlsplny room. "A mouse 5 Is it n mouse?" cried Miss Godfrey. "So. It's n horrid man, sleeping in tho Morris chair," Bald tho assistant, rushing breathlessly Into tho rear of the cstnbllshmenL Sundry poops were taken nt tho stooping man by overyono in the house. Dut tho sleeper slept on and n few minutes developed his snoring powers. As his breath spread about. It becamo noticeable that he was not particular In tho 'brand of liquor which he had Imbibed. A kindly neighbor tried a hand nt arousing tho hobo, who snorted viciously. Tho telephono was resorted to and Tim Canty at po lice station No. 3 was notified. Tim consulted thotmap and discov ered that Allen and College, streets wore In tho tcntli precinct. He wired to Desk Sergeant Alt. Thoro Is no patrol wagon in tho Tenth precinct, bo Policeman Mahanoy took a stroll over to tho millinery Btoro. Customers had arrived at tho ptoro. Folk who were not customers were peeping through tho windows and en joying the sport. Whnt might bo tho consequence if tho sleeper wcro roughly aroused, was seriously dis cussed. Ho Bank deeper Into the chair ami deeper In sleep until ho wa& omit tlntr n snore only onco In 'every 45 seconds, when Mahanoy arrived. "Get up!" said Mahanoy, "Let me sleep," said tho man. "If there wns a delivery wagon or a wheelbarrow handy, I'd tako a chance on getting this follow to tho station," remarked Mahanoy. "As it In, thero ia nothing left for mo to do, but get a patrol wagon." He called tho wagon, which had to come from tho Fifth precinct. Whllo watting, tho Morris chair and its weary burden were Bwltchcd Into a sldo room. Three big policemen car ried tho man to the wagon, It wns a heavy Job. A rnp on the solo of his shoo with a nightstick nnd a good Blinking brought tho sleeper to hlB senses long enough at the station for him to say, "John Sweeney, 62, no homo. Now lay mo awny, where I can llnish Bleep ing, this off." How Much Is a Silk Kimono Worth? It sounds like older and not bettor times to hear of orders for the pursuit of pirates. The British ship Rowann moore reported that nho wan attacked by a piratical schooner in Hnhaman waters, and tho United States govern ment has directed thnt tho revenue tutter Wludom shall proceed from Gal - leston to tho Bahamas In search of the rover of tho seas. Other cuttora will join the Wlndom and, adds tho dis patch, "for tho first timo In many ycaru American armed vessels will search for pirates." This smacks more of the times of the buccaneers and tho black flng with skull and crossbonca Hung out by sailing vessels directed by nklllful though wicked navigators than of tho days of stoain, wirolcss toleg raphy and other modern Improve ments. But a fleet of modern rovenuo cutters would make short work of any pirate craft that offered resistance LOUISVILLE, lOV-It took-flvo mon and three women at tho custom house and (ho silk buyer of a Louisville department Btoro to fix tho valuo of a kimono which arrived at tho office of tho eurvoyor pf customa for- appraise ment. it was a dainty silken thing, laven der In color, which lay on tho tablo of Cashier Thomas for two hours. Tho garment wns sent to tho customhouse by tho postmaster nt Somerset, Ky., wno received it n row days ago through tho mnll from Japan. Ho did not Bond n tho address of tho owner. This was aggravating to tho young womon experts called In. "I know every woulnn in Somerset," one Bald, "and I'd just llko to know who is going to wenr thnt," For half an hour It puzzled Sur veyor Tnylor and two or three of his men assistants to discover what the garment was. "It looks to ma like the court, gown of tho Queen of Zanzibar," said Clay Miller, who measures ntenmboats nnd superintends tho .loading of merchan dise nt tho customhouse depot. "Don't you men know anything nt nil?" exclaimed one of the women clorks, pushing her way through tho puzzled group. "Why that's' a ki mono." "What In tho thunder Is a ltlmonq?" Inquired Deputy Snni Barbor. "They don't havo that kind of thing down In Bnth county whore I came from,." Finally, when the officials decided that thero -was' nothing dangerous, nbout tho garment, they started In fixing (ho vojuo. H was estimated lo bo worth all tho way from S1.50 to $150. The kimono was finally par ried to n department Btoro where tho silk buyer said It wn worth $l4i' Luter tho kimono was bundled Into a box and started back to the Somer set postmaster Avlth instructions to charge tho owner $8.20 duty. WASHINGTON Most peoplo on coming to Washington for tho arst thno and about to meet n public jfflclal nro greatly perplexed as to tho 'orm in which they shall address htm. Naturally uniformity fs desired In this "espect by nil government ofllclals ind for thnt reason there is aiv estab lished manner in which to greet pub '.ic ofllclals with whom ono may come 'n contact. The social codo which governs social intercourse in tho offl :lal sot in tho national capital sup plies n prescribed form whlchlt is necessary to follow if ono would bo correct in his dealings with officials, A-hcther of n social or n business na ture. Thero arc some titled ofllclals in tho rmy nnd navy who nro granted a higher rank socially by courtesy than thoy aronctually entitled to. For in Uance, lieutenant commanders in the aavy are, by courtesy, In, social life sailed commanders, whllo thoso below that rank lose thlcr ofllcial title nnd ire nddresscd as plain "Mister," Tho samo rule nppliea to the staff officers of the navy. Likewise the as ilstant secretaries of executive depart ments nro called "Mister," and the reason for this is obvious. It is not m easy matter to introduce n naval cfllcer by the long and harsh-sounding title or "lieutenant-commander, or to refer to tho first lieutenant of an sxecutlve department as "Mr. Assist ant Secretary," while It would be more Incorrect to address him as "Mr, Sec retary," which title Is reserved for his chief. Likewise it Is decidedly baa form to address or Bpeak of tho wlfo of any public .official including tho tltlo of her husband. The" who or tue. president Is always addressed ns Mrs. Taft, for instance, and not as "Mrs. President;" nor Is tuo wire or a sena tor "Mrs. Senator Blade;" nor tho wife of an army ofllcial "Mrs. Gen. Blank." Such women In Washington nro known and addressed as "Mrs. Blank." A list of titles which it Is proper to use In Washington In personal Inter course is as follows: '. The president "Mr. President." Tho vice-president "Mr. Vlco-Prcsl- dent." Members of the cabinet Secretaries of state, treasury, war, navv. Interior. OKrlculturei nnd commerce nnd labor "Mr. Secretary." . Tho attorney general "air. Attorney General." Tho postmaster general "Mr. Postmas ter General." An ambassador "Mr. Ambassador," or "Your Excellency." A minister "Mr. Minister." All other members of tho diplomatic corps, unless they have "titles "Mr. ." Tho chief Justice of the supreme court t'Mr. Chief Justice." Associate Justices "Mr. Justice." United States senator "Senator:" General, major general, brigadier gen eral '"General." Colonel nnd lieutenant colonel "Col onel,' Majors and captains are given their re spective titles. Alt ofllcers of tho rank below the lino of captain are addressed as "Mr. f- ." Omcers of tho mcdlcnl de partment below the rank of captain aro addressed us "Doctor." Admiral and rear admiral "Admiral." Commodores, captains nnd commanders nro addressed by tliolr respective tltlea. Recently the state department has promulgated an order that all corre spondence addressed to tho secretary of Btato shall read, "The Honorable, The Secretary of State;" "I don't llko that Jones girl. Sho'st always running peoplo down I" "Goodness! I didn't know she had! an automobile!" , temperamental Toilet Tablo. A very aged Englishman many yeartn ago gave this advice to his daughtor In n letter as to what a lady's dressing; table should contain; The beat bbailtlflor a young, lady cam ubo is good humor. Tho hes't renovator truth; the best rouge Is modesty; thei best 'eyewater Is thotoaraol-' sym pathy;3 jtie best garglo for th'e' ivolcei Is cheerfulness! tho boat., wash for smoothing wriuklca IS contentment:: tho best, 6ure for, "deafness '" 1st atten tlon; the besfmlrror Is reflection, andl the whitest powder is innocence. ' " Reason enough." "His feelings aro groatly hurt staca he lost his Job." "No wonder he'S(hurt.' He fell Irons a hiBhJ'posltlon." Wlrie apd women may ,bG "alike, In some respects, but age improves wine. Nebraska Directory NagePs Department Caused Commotion "Cop Has $1,000,000, Still Walks Beat N EW YORK. Though "Diamond ' Every timo, that wo tnnua up our mind thnt thnro's no such thing na pirate gold burled hither and yon, something occurs to chaugo our ballet and to get ub nil on edgo agatu, says Boston Herald. Tho recent severe Btorm along the coast of Yucatan Is said to have uncovered thousands of last century English and Spanish coins buried by tho old pirate Lafltto, and Again into our soul comes thnt old boy hood unrest and belief that if we started out with a proper digging out fit and a reliable map we could un earth treasure galore. When people: find a pot of gold why in the namo of Captain Kidd can't they keep still about It and let us tend to our blissful knitting? 1i!b uncle Iri Ireland had died and loft him heir to $1,000,000 or moro, Burka wU continue to llvo tho llfo of. a po liceman nnd remain with his married slstor at 400 Myrtlo avenuo, Brooklyn, In order that ho may recolvo his pen slon from tho city of Now York, For 21 yenrs' Burko has worn tho blue coat. Ho said to n reporter: "Tills does not come to me us a sur prise, for I, know that my sister nnd myseir were tho only relatives our undo possessed. I've been over to tho land of his birth thrco times and after n fashion I know lilni, Without exception he wns tho most miserly man I over heard of. Ho said to mo continually: " 'My boy, always save a part of what you earn. If you onrn $10, save nt loast one.' "That sounded tine, but at the time I couldn't afford to snvo a cent. I know my undo hud stocks in mnuy corporations, yet he coutlnually plead ed poverty and railed nt me for spend ing a farthing. "What, I get married on tho strength of this mojioy? No, sir; I've lived to tho ago of 42 single and I guess I'll got along soma more. Still, you nover enn toll I Biipposo I'll bo tho talk of Tlpporary and all tho fond mothers will glvo mo invitations ga lore to tliolr homes. I have four yonrn to go boforo I can receive my pension nnd I'll Btlck It out to tho end, for I reason that the money Is mine, even though I nm a millionaire. "I'll tako more enjoyment In receiv ing my annual pension monoy thnn In getting a big chock from my uncle's estate 1 feel aB If I'd earned tho city's monoy." Tho undo was Mnrtin Burke. Ho lived In Tnllnvnrn, Templemore, Tip-pernry. THERE wns a commotion, ,nlmo3t consternation, In the state depart ment n short time ago when the ener getic nnd active Assistant Secretary Mcllarg of tho department of com merce and labor went over and talked United Sfatos statutes against inter aatlonal law In tho department. Thero was Assistant Secretary Adeo, who Is so stooped In International law that it exudes from every poto, and Solicitor Hoyt, who has been, so long a legal adviser of tho government that ho knows everytlhng In the way of law that over pertains to the Unl ted States, nnd Commlslonor of Navi gation Chamberlain, who hns been studying navigation Interests ever since tho first part of Cleveland's last term. Into this gathering came Mcllarg In his forceful 'mannor, nnd remarked that his department had declddb to let tho ships plying between tho United States and Central and South Ameri can porta clear for their destinations. Tomes of international law were brought forth and diplomatic etiquette produced and quoted to show that it invited grave International (complica tions it American ships should sail from our ports during1 internecine con flicts and insurgent movements in tho Central American states. Then McHarg brought out the stat utes of tho United States and showed that tho collectors of customs would bo subject to damages if they held theso ships when there was no Stnto of war existing In any of the coun tries, but simply llttlo Insurrections. He told 'the ofllclals of tho stato de partment that ho didn't want to em barrass thier diplomacy, hilt the de partment of commerce and labor had decided to let tho ships have their cledranco papers. Thut was what hap pened. Up to tho present time no ono has heard of tho wreck or ruin of tho dip lomacy that exists botweon tho gov ernment of the United States and those of the Central American States. Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Co. Gentlemen: I have been using your food for several months and found it indispensable. After October ist I will be located in New York. Is your food sold there? If not I will try to get some grocer to order some I cannot measure in dollars and cents its value to me. R. L. Collet, ' Sioux City, Iowa. UNCLE SAM will cure you also of CONSTIPATION. MILLARD HOTEL OOBtlU St.. American-Kuropnn -92,00 per day and upward. -Sl.00 por day and upwards- Toko DodRo Strsot Oar' at Union. Dopot. OMAHA ROME MILLER RUPTURE Of all va rieties per manent ly cured In a few days without a surgical operation or detention iroin Dusincss. no par will Iks accepted until tho patient Is or detention iroin business. completely satlsfled. Write or call on. FRANTZ II. WRAY, M. D. Room 300 Bee Dido.. Omaha, Nth. lk yon want the nest Corn BheUermadsT IDB151 OH OmTIDKS Uttv Taft Baffles the Secret Service Men MARSEILLES CORN SMELLER Writ for rataloc or Me your local desist.' JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., OMAHA Dyes Tails of Hens Purple and Green There la no longer the slightest doubt that China U well on the road to clrilltatlon of the modern brand In fact, the mot civilized civilisation that eau possibly be Imagined. And as. usual the Impetus cornea (rem the UrJte4 States, The Chinese are deveU jrfBg a, special liking for tw6 first class Americas Institutionsphono graphs sad Ice cream. The popularity of the latter article I aald to be really. phenomenal. for N Tbirty-eignt nundretl dellarg for ft email copy or two of Poe'a poems j cornea rather late to relieve the mone tary stringency which 1'oe experi enced during hl life. A New York policeman hai Inherit e4 91,000,000. That is not the regula tion way for a New York policeman to get bo muck money. All football players except the dead oaee will how dayoto a brief eaaion to reeoyerlog. KW YORK. It did not pay Mrs. Frederick Albert! of 30 KIurb highway, Flutlandu, Brooklyn, to do tho tails of her whlto lions grcon and purplo to distinguish thorn from neigh bor Carey'B hone. Ono tragedy hns occurred already ns the direct result of the adornment nnd It i only a step now for thoae h6ns from tho fresco to tho .frlcaBsee. All simplicity of llfo in tho hen yard has been destroyed. Each bird thinks shu Is a peacock nnd prefers strutting to laying. Henrietta, the prlzo of the flock, Is dead. Sho wno an egg-a-day bird In the simpler times when hens went to roost early Instead of sitting up so late to sue tho rnys of the Klng'8 high way are lights reflected from their dnzzlliiK talis that they were too flleopy to lay In tho morning. Bho strutted Jtou Jar when slur strut ted across tho rod to Carey's place. She whs dlHtlnguishcd all right, just ns Mrs. Alburn had Intended, She was so unlike other cacklers thnt Caroy'n pinin, om-rnsliloncd lions would not stnnd for it. Thoy clucked uhout her nt first nnd clucked things that would havo caused most any other hen to run' tho Htralghtest zigzag she know how to her own roost. Rut pride had got such a strangle hold on Henrietta that the moro they clucked tho more she strut todr Finally thoy flow nt and slew Hcurlettn. Mrs. Albors Is planning to white- wash tho tnlW, possibly this week, PRESIDENT TAFT has thrown n bombshell Into tho ranks of that portion of tho secret sorvlco which Is assigned to the duty of protecting tho chief executive of the nation from ns iasslnatlon. It Is n soft Job for tho socret service men nnd often leads to something better, several of thoso who formerly guarded presidents now holding government positions that pay well nnd mako tho holder a man of some consequenca in his nomo territory. It Is feared among Chief Wllklo's men that somo of them will havo to be looking for other jobs if thq president continues to go out for long walks through the busiest streets of Wash Ingtpn unprotected. The presldont has "had. tho laugh" on sovornl of tho iloutha recently -when, without mak lug any announcement of his inten tions, ho, left the Whlto Hquso and, started out for a walk. Generally ho has been accompanied by some cabi net ofllcial, but nono of Wllkle's men was along. On his last walk the president was monts. ltcnted.notsppllen. WmM Anywhere for free sumlutloa. No to- wnnnrnf Mrrua li.l ftna uw . b.V.Siu.C..97HM4BiuBMf.,Oata. ALL MAKEC t!mpr WELDING SS3X&L& accompanied by his brother, Charles .SSti V. Taft, tho millionaire CInclnnatlan. Expert automobile repaltl Js. They walked up to tho capltol and strolled through its wide halls. So far as runs tho memory of Alon- zo Stewart, deputy sergeant at nrmo of tho senate, nnd that is a full gen oration, it was tho first tlmo that a prosidont has visited tho capltol on tho Sabbath day. On another occasion the president walked through Pennsylvania avenue, Washington's most prominent busi ness street. Ho was wearing a sack coat and a gray sweater. "That looks llko Presldont Taft," re marked ono man as President Taft passed tho five-cent theaters on the avenue. Rrlg. Gen. Clarence Edwards, who was with the president, giggled and the president smiled. Mr. Taft did not look much llko himself in his sack coat with sweator underneath. BERTSCHY MOTOR CO.. Council Bluffa. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Douglas St., OMAHA, NEB. 'tttllable Dentistry st Modtreti PrlftM. Birds & Animals KINDS Mounttd J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist and Furrier B020 Luko Straat OMAHA, NEB. Three Cornered Jar for Weather Man I Absent-Minded 'Electrician, Francis W'Uhou declares that an electrician who lives in Now Kocholla Is the most absent-minded man in thu world. Mr. Wilson's door bell gat out of order and refused to rlnir. Meeting rUNNY organization, this weather tho electrician. Who was also a friend. I bureau of ours!" oxclnlmed ho asked him to call and mako tho repairs, Sovcral days afterward ho reminded him that tho matter hail not been nttujided tq and. Inquired when he could find It convenient to look in after it, Tho electrician explained: "I called at your house tho same day you asked me and rang your front door beU again and again and nobody unld the slightest attention to me." a member of n group of four In tho im'iklng compartment of n Ppnnsyl vnn'u train bound east from Chicago, 'I Me It predicts general rains for to Juy,1' and ho held, tho paper sideways to do'tau tho glnro of a brilliant In Ran summer sun, Yes," said tho man on tho sofa.- "I ilwnys take my rain coat when they promlso fair weather and wear ft panama If they soy it a gfe to snow." "At my homo," Interjected tho VUIrd member of tho group, "my wife hun n ' standing order with our confectioner to send up ice cream whenover mo tees the cold wave flag flying." The mild-looking man with the twinkling brown eyes said nothlflg. Thoy were all strangers to ono an other. The three who had spoken i voro on thier way to Now York, At lVftrrlsburg tho mild man with tho brown oyes aroso, gathered up his bnggago and, bowing to tho group, produced three visiting cards. He dis tributed thorn and, smiling, took an abrupt departure. Then the others looked at tho cards, They road ; "Willis U Moore, Chief of the Weather Rureau, Washington, D. CJ." KOW-KURE Is not a "food" It Is a medicine, and tha only medicine in the worjd for cows only, Made for the cow nnd, as itsnamo indicates, a cow cure. Barrenness, retained after birth, abortion, scours, caked udder, and all similar affections positively and quickly cured. No one who keeps cows, whether many or few, can afford lobe without KOW KURE. R is made especially to keep cows bealtliy. Our book "Cow Money" sent FREE. Ask your local dealer (or UOW-KURK or send to the manufacturers. DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO. Ljnifonvllle, VI. Bxsonchiai. Troches Se tb voles In all kind, of westhrr. Singers and rublleiMk find them Invstuatle lot eltlt tb yolct. Thr It nothing to tlltctlvs for Sots Tbnxt. ,..n.n,iiwuiii, rtity -ycire' reputation. Price, 25 cents. 60 cents nd $1.00 pet box. " Simples nulled on requctt. OHN 1. BROWN SOTBorton. Mm.