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KEITB THEATRE, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17 First Transcontinental Tour After four Sensational Record Breaking Seasons in the East 5fl - Witnessed and cheered by more than 5,000,000 Theatre - Going People with unparalleled enthusi asm. THE FORTY WEEKS IN NEW YORK CITY. TWENTY-SIX WEEKS . IN CHICAGO. CLAN SMAN Messengers of the Klu Klux Klan ORIGINAL NEW YORK CAST AND PRODUCTION COMPLETE. 4i PEOPLE LA 1 ON THE y STAGE. CARLOADS OF STAGE EFFECTS A nd Troop of spirited Horses. By THOMAS DIXON, Jr. From his two Famous Novels, 'The Clansman" and 'The Leopard's Spots." DIRECTION OF GEORGE H. BRENNAN. Highly Important On account of the enormous demand for seats, patrons are earn estly advised to order tickets well in advance and thus avoid paying extortionate prices to speculators. Free Hat suspended. Prices: 50c, 75c, $1 , $1 .50. Tickets on Sale Monday, Feb. 14 Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. i SUBSCRIPTION KATES I Ono Your, cash In advance tl.SS Months, cash In advance 05 cU Entorod at North Platto, Nebraska, Postofllco MnecoHil clans matter. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1910, A special election will be called in 4Cheyenno county nt mi curly date to vote on ti proposition to issue $70,000 li'ohtls for a now court houuo. Similar action will be taken in Dawson county, tlio sum in tho latter county to bo $100,000. Lincoln county can bettor afford to erect a new court houso than cither Dawson or Cheyenne county, and tho need for Bitch n now building is perhaps us grout, yet an apparently largo majority of tliu Lincoln county tax payors are opposed to a now build ing. Democratic papers say thut owing to tho wise management of statu affairs under a democratic administration the state is out oftlcljt and has $100,000 in tho treasury. These democratic pupors should bo honest and givo tho credit whoro It bolongs, Tho special levy suggested by Governor Sheldon, a re publican, and pussed by a republican legislature, wiped out tho state debt, und tho increased assessment of prop erty in tho state created tho surplus. The' democrats havo not cut down ex panses; the peopiohavo paid more taxes, that's all. w. J. Bryan has come out Uatfooled for county option in Nebraska. He takes a step in ndvunco of this, and declares democracy must divorce itself from tho liquor interests, becnuse un alliance with tho boIooii can generally bo regarded as an alliance with vice. Tlio saloon, ho says, is constuntly used f to debauch politics and to prevent tho Intelligent v consideration of public quoalions. The HquorJInterests mado J themselves odious at the last session ' of tho Nebraska legislature by pro ' venting tho submission of the initiative and referendum. Mr, Bryan declares tho right of tho government to regulate the said of liquor cannot bo denied, and tho right to make tho county tho unit of regulation is just us plain, Tho people havo a voico In determining tho 8y3tcm to be employed vfor regulating the aalo of Uqifor. Yesterday was, Valentino day and tho youngsters were, busy selecting mlB elves for their friends, an occupation that stumud to give, considerably plcaB We. ' t . ie The Dominating White Race. If there is anybody who bolioves that whlto people should bo dominated by a colored race u visit to "The Clansman" will convince him of tho utter absur dity of )the Idea. This famous play which will bo Been in this city nt tho Keith theatre next Thursday evening, presents a picture of South Carolina after tho civil war when tho stnto was under negro rule. In a moat intense and vivid manner it describes tho shak ing off of this tcrriblo yoke by tho dashing, chivalrous members of tho noted Ku Klux Klan, who rodo at night in dofenso of their homes and tho homes and tho stute. Tho Japaneso menace in Canada anil the west Is re garded by many ns threatening in its tihnractoristics as the negro peril in the south in 18G0. "Tho Clansman" Is re ported to havo conclusively proved tho white rnco Bhould bo tho only domina ting element in tho civilized western hemisphere and that ita provogative3 must not bo usurped by any othor raco, black or yellow, G. W. ApplegaleDics Suddenly. George V. Applogate, a well known resident of Sutherland, was found in an unconscious condition in bed early Sat urday morning and died shortly there after. Death was due to an npoplextic titroke. Tho deceased cumo to Lincoln county from Marlon county, Iowa, in 1887, and had sinco resided hero contin uously. Ho was well known In this city to which ho mado frequent visits, and by reason of hia active participation in politics in tho reign of populism, had also many acquaintances in all parts of the county. Mr. Applegato was born In Mont gomery county, Ind in 1835, and was murried to the wife who survives him in 1857, tho couple having celebrated their fifty-third wedding anniversary January 29th last. When tho cull for volunteers for tho civil war was made, Mr. Applegato enlisted n an Iowa regi ment and served for four yonra. Ho leaves a wifo and seven children, the latter being J, H. Applogate, living in Old Mexico, U. G. Applogate, of Cheyenne, L. a 'and B. S. Applegate nnd Mrs. Cora 'Sbpup of Sutherland, and Mrs, M, C. Lindsay and Mrs. Christ Paulson of this city. Tho funeral was held at Sutherland yesterday. Sale at E. W. Ranch. Tho Lincoln Development Co. will havo a salo of personal pnperty at tho J3, V. ranch Wednesday, February 23. Among tho property to be sold aro 1 1f teen head of horses of, various ages, iind u large amount of fnrm mnchio.ery. Tho salo will communed nt-ono Ullack. Bnafp. . Manager Howe Expresses Satisfaction The Grand Island Independent says: E C Howo, general manager, and W. K. Winterhaltor, consulting agri culturist, of the American Beet Sugar Company, were In town a day or two ago looking over agricultural matters with tho local staff of the sugar fac tory. Mr. Howo expressed himself as greatly pleased with tho prospects for a bigger and bettor season this year than any hud for several years. Tho now contract offered this year, under which tho factory is to pay $5 per ton straight, regardless of sugar test, is proving much more popular than tho old contract with scale prices, and there is now contracted more than four times as largo nn acreage as was contracted at this date last year. Changes were made in a number of minor points in connection with the company's dealings with tho farmers, 4iU of which will go a long way toward ll removing every possible chance ofdis- natisfnction. Tho most Important of these were the decision to raise the price from 20c to COc per ton to be paid for siloing beets; tho mnnnor In which the tare is to be taken; and "tho method of ordoring in nnd receiv ing beets. Arrangements have also been mado early in tho senson, ahead if tho usual demand for laborers, for u much larger and more efficient sup ply of field laborers, who will contract with tho farmers for tho hand work. Tho prospects are such as to war rant the management in going ahead and making the necessary repairs and improvements to put the factory In jjood flhnpo to make a long nnd heavy -run next fall. Saved from Awful Peril. "1 novor felt bo near my grave," writes Lewis Chamblin, of Manchester, Oh;io, R. R. No. 3, "ns when a fright ful cough nnd lung trouble pulled' mo down to 115 pounds in spite of many remedies and tho best doctors. 'And that V am alive toduv is duo solelv to Dr. King's Now Discovory, which com pletely cured me. Now I weigh 160 pounds and can work hard. It also cured my four children of croup." In lalliblo for coughs and colds, its the most certain remedy for la grippe, asthma, dnspernto lung troublo nnd all bronchial uffoctions, 50c nnd $1.00'. trinl bottle1 free. Guaranteed by the Stono Drug Co. AGENT WANTED: In North Platte. exclusive county territory, commission basis. Excohont opportunity to right Ely, uuieruucu renuireu. . wrmv'ip. Mr. Lute. "A Ro: al American." Farmers' Institute at Maxwell. A farmers' institute will bo held at Maxwell, Monday and Tuesday, Febru ary 21st and 22d, with the following program: MONDAY. 10:00 a. m. Horse and Mulo Exhibit. Premium for best horse colt under year old, $5.00. Premium for best mule colt under 1 year old, $5.00. 12:00 noon. Dinner. (Meals will be served by tho ladies' aid society of tho Baptist church at the church.) 1:00 p. m. Business. 1:30 p. m. Paper by 2:30 p. m. "The Draft horso for the Farm, und Market" B. F. Kingflloy, Hastings, Neb. Music. 3:30 p. m. "Improving the Cattle of Western Nebraska." II. D. Lute, Paxton, Neb. Supper. (Meals served at the Bap tist church by tho Ladies' Aid society.) 7:30 p. m. "Growing and Care of Forage Crops. ' Mtotric. 8:30 p. m. MV Tvlnirelntf 10:00 a. m. Hog and cattioexhibit. Premium for best calf under year old, $5.00. Premium for best Poland China Gilt, $2.50. Premium for best Duroc Jersey Gilt, $2.50. 11:00 a. in. "Growing Potatoes" W. H. Hunt, Syracuso, Neb. 12:00 noon. Dinner. (Meals served at Baptist Church by Ladies Aid Soci ety.) 1:00 p. m. Election of officers und business. 1:30 p. m. Paper by 2:30 p. m. "What Women's Insti tutes ure Doing in Ontario." Mrs. Thos. Shaw, Hespeler, Ontario, Music 3:30 p. m. "Growing Small Grain in Wostern Nebraska". Mr. Hunt. Supper. (Meals served at Baptist Church by Ladies' Aid Society.) 7:30 p. m. "Something Worth While" Mrs. Shaw Music 8:30 p. m. "Economy in the Care of Farm Animals" Mr. Hunt. Positions in Census Bureau. Because of the small number of applications for positions on the additional temporary office force of the Census Bureau at Washington, D. C, it has been found necessary to hold an other examination on March 5th. 1910. Applicants who failed to pass the first examination mny bo examined again in this examination. The state of Ne braska, it is estimated, should have about forty-two appointments, while only twenty-three took the examination given on Oct. 23, 1909. This examina tion relates exclusively o tho office force at Washington, D. C, and has nothing to do with the appointment of supervisors, special agents or enume rators, there being no further examina tions for positions of that character in contemplation. Application blanks may be obtained by addressing the civil service commission, Washington, D. C, or tho Secretary of tho Board of Examiners nt Saint Paul, Minn. For other information apply at local post-office. DECIDE YOURSELF. Won't Need A Crutch. When Editor J,P. Sossman, of Cor nolius, N. C, bruised his leg badly, it Btarted nn ugly Bore. Many snlves and ointments proved worthless. Then Bucklen's Arnica salvo healed it thor oughly. Nothing is so prompt nnd suro inr ulcer, doiis, Durns bruises, cuts, By The Opportunity Is Here Backed North Platte Testimony. Don't take our word for it. Don't depend on a stranger's state ment. Read North Platte endorsement. Read tho statement of North Platto citizens. And decide for yourself. Horc is one cuse of it: Mrs. G Smith, North Platte, Neb., says: "After recovering from an at tack of typhoid fever, our littlo boy suffered for about a year from pains through hisVck and a badly disordered condition of his kidneys. Ho had a constant feeling of weakness und ut times was so languid that ho could hardly drag himself around. The kid ney secretions woro too frequent and part of tho time lie had no control ov er them. Therp was a dull, heavy ache through his buck and sides that annoyed him torlibly and though we consulted doctors about his case, tho medicine they prescribed did not bring any permanent benefit. A few months ago wo learned ofDoan's Kidney Pills and procured n box at A. F, Stroitz's drug storo. Tho prompt relief our son received f rom tho juso of this remedy wns vory gratifying and I am glad to say ho was finally restored to good health." For salo by all dealers." Price 50 cents Fostor-Milburn CP., Buffnlo, New York, colo agenVa for the United States. ltemombor tho name Doan'aand Kike rtb bUibf. ' ) l Took All His Money. Often all a man earns goes to doctors or for medicines, to euro a stomach, liver or kidney trouble that Dr. King's Now Life Pills would quickly cure at slight cost. Best for dyspepsia, indi gestion, billiousness, constipation, jaun dice, malaria and debility. 25c. at the Stone drug store. DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. DlrttloBi with mh Tltl la Tit. LnfiM. English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French. FOR PriM Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. 33 Wornn. Worm l'uvrr, or Worm DUeaM..a Colic, Crying and Wakefulness of Infants. 25 Diarrhea, of Children nnd Adults.. '2S Dysentery, Orlplngs, Bilious Oollo 35 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 35 Toothache, I'nceacue, Neuralgia 35 Headache. Sick Headache, Vertigo 35 Dy.pupiia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach 35 Croup, Hoarso Cough, Laryngitis... 35 Bait llhcuin. Eruptions, Erysipelas 35 Khrumiitlsni.or Ithcumatlo rains.... 'J 5 l'ever nnd Aeuo, Jlalarla 35 lMlcs, Blind or Weeding, External, Intemal.35 Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes 35 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In Ilead 35 Whooping Cough, Bposmodlo Cough US Aalhma.Opprcsscd, DIfllcult Breathing ,t5 Kidney Disease, a ravel. Calculi..., 25 Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness. ..... 1.00 Koru Mouth, Fever Bores or Canker,,. ...... .35 Urinary Incontinence, Wetting lied, f..., .25 Hare. Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria US Lhr uilc Conaotlons, Ucadaches 25 , Grippe. Hay Tct cr an J Summer Colds... .25 Herlal No. UliOfiO. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob, ....... . Fob- t!. 1U10- Notlco Is hereby given that Mary Outlier less, widow ut .lohn U,Gutherless, deceased, of North Platto, Nob., who on .lunp 20th, IBM, mado Homestead Entry No 20204,- Serial No. IWJWl, forsouthwest Quarter northeast quarter, northwest quarter southeast quarter, north half southwest uunrtor. south half northwest quarter, and lots 3 and 4, section 4, township, 14, north, range a. west of tho sixth principal meridian, has tiled notlco of Intention to tnnko II rial Ave year proof, toostabllsh claim to tho lam! above described, before the Hi'Blstur and Hecelvor at North Platto, Ne braska, on the 13th day of April. 1910. Claimant names as wituessost Ooorgo Long, Jotis Long-, William Plttman and Julia Ma lono. all of North PlattolNob. f 15-0 1. K, EvANK. ItnilUtnr. CONTEST NOTICE. Herlal No. 0340R Department ot the Interior. United States Land Ofllco North Platte, Nebraska, February 13, 1M0. A ntlldavlt havlne boon filed In this olllro by Clarence E. Groves, contestant, against homestead Entry, No. , made Nov. 14, 1W. for all of Pec 10. Township 15. N. Oam 92 W. of the tftb P. Meridian, by Elmer K. Infffrrn Contptitoe in which It Is alluded that Haiti Elmer l Urown has never established his residence on said tracts that ho has failed to cultivate or improve said tract from dato of entry to tho present time, and has wholly abandoned said tract for more than six months last past. Said parties aro hereby notified to appear, respond and oll'er evidence touching said al legation at 10 o'clock a. m. on April ll. IVio, before the Iteglster and Hecelvor nt the I'nlted States Land olllco In North Platte, Nebraska. The said contestant having, In a proper aril davit tiled set forth facts which show that after duo diligence personal servlco of tlds notlco cannot bo mado. It Is horeby ordorctl aud directed,! hat such mjttco be given by duo and proper xtomlVatlUu. . , MG-0 J. E. EvAlrtk . Kcgwter,