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Film DAY TO D A I GENERAL NEWS AND NOTES FRESH FROM THE WIRE. A WIDE AREA IS COVERED Embracing a Condensation or fcvenu j In Whloh Reader Generally Are Interested. Benor Nllo Pocanha, president ot Brazil, gave a banquet to William Jen nings Bryan, at which tho American ambassador, Irving D. Dudley and Mrs. Dudloy and tho members ot tho em bassy wero presont. Canada has read between tho lines of Washington dispatches that a tarlfl war with the United States 1b Inevita ble and has accepted the situation. The expectation Is that on April 1, Ca nadian goods will bo assessed a 25 per cent, surtax, and that soon attonvardr Canada will lovy a 33 1-3 per cont tax on American goods coming Into Canada. A year and a halt havo elapsed since an ofllclal stato net was publish, ed announcing tho annexation of Bos nia and Herzcgovnla and tho grant of a constitution to thoso provinces. Now the emperor has given his sanation to this constitution, which, after long ne gotiations botwoeh tho Austrian and Hungarian governments, Is at length agreed upon. Crown Prlnco William opened tho American art exhibition at Berlin. He camo with n largo staff to tho gallcrlos of tho Royal academy, whero sovcral liundrod persons distinguished In tho ofllclal, artistic and social llfo of Ber lin awaited tho prior view by royalty boforo having their own enjoymont of tho pictures. American Ambassador Hill and all tho other mombers ot tho American omabssy, oxcept Scqrtary Ir win M. Laughlln, who has obon called homo by tho death of a brother, were present with their wives. General. President Tatt was given an enthu siastic reception at Rochester, New .York. Indiana is preparing to give ex-Vice-, President Palrabnks a hearty welcome home. Senator Cummins spoko against tho administration railroad bill in tho senate. Socrotary Balllnger In his St Paul spoech, sold tho people are conserva tion mad. Hogs established a new top record in South Omaha .Saturday, reaching 110.65. President Lewis ot tho United Mine Workers, believes a strlko can bo averted. An ofllclal call and program for tho Nebraska conservation and stato de velopment congress has been Issued. H. W. Barkor, a stato senator, has announced his candlda"cy for tho re publican nomination for govornor of Wisconsin. Roosevelt's arrival at Khartoum was tho occasion for much enthus iasm. The dobato on tho administration bill In tho senato was ono ot tho sharpest over heard on tho subject. Convicts In tho penitentiary at Pittsburg, Pa., maintained composure whllo a flro raged fifty feet away. The railroads aro much concorned over tho amount paid by tho govern ment for the transportation ot tho malls. Tho health of banker Walsh, now in the federal prison at Leavenworth, has not Improved since his Incarceration; A general strlko ot leather workers on borso goods, involving 103 cities and about 4,000 men, was ordered in Chicago. A petition praying for tho independ ence of the Philippine Islanders was presented to tho sonate by Senator Crane. v Tho leglslatlvo, oxccutlvo and Judl clal bill, carrying appropriations of nearly 134,000,000 has been passed by tho house. Presldont Taft'a congressional pro gram Is by no means cortaln ot being carried out. Fourteen hundred laymen sat down to a banquot In Omaha in tho Interest' ot foreign missions. Louis Paulhan, angered at tho pat ent Infringement suits against him, has packed up and prepared to return to Franco. Thoro Is big demand for babies in New Orleans, and anothor carload will be shipped there from Now York. Weston, tho pedestrian, Is now hik ing through Kansas. Tho Manitoba government Satur day issued 2,000,000 In bonds tor tho purpose ot making a start at buying out tho presont oiovator systems In tho province President Tuft's cabinet ato cookies made out of cottonsoed flour. Socro tary Dickinson provided tho toast. It c&mo to him from his nephew In En- ale, Tex. William A. Bonsack, ot St. Louis, millionaire president ot -tho Bonsack Lumber company, was drowned whllo yachting In Lako Ponachartraln at Now Orleans. Town eloctlons In New York Bhow many democratic gains. Glen Falls, Dolgeville and Waterloo olected demo cratic mayors. Pressure la strong for tho passage of the McCall bill providing for the publicity ot campaign contributions, Rev. Carr Wallace Prltchott, retired nilnlBter, astronomer and former dl- Wlicre crampa's In why. It's way out whero nln t no Iioubch, 'ccntln lilt) ; An' lltllo boys can run about Just whero they plcnso wlicro crampa's is. An atn't no Btrcrst, but just a road Mthout no sidewalks whero you walk An' one ttmo I most catched a toad, An, ono time, why, I sqo a hawk. An' hawks, they fly nround real Blow Tin uicy see whero tit' chickens is. An' nch they Just como down, you know, X.ika rockets docs, nil In a wIiiezi An' Iio'h cot pics an' pigs just lay Around In mud, an' grunt an squeal When Ri-niupa feeds 'cm twlcct a day, To let him know how good they feel. Can you call pigs? I tell you how. You Just tro to tho fence, you see An' that biff pip, why, sho's a sow! An' nen you say "i'oo-coi" roo-cei" An' cows won't hurt you they Just look An' chew their gum when you walk past, An they won't never even hook If you hold crampa's hand real fast. An' he's got horses' too, at wears Suspenders when they go to work An' crampa's hl-ored man ho scares Em when ho gives tlr lines n Jerk. An' slipep why, lliey'ro afraid of you I jjuuenuso iney inmic wncn you como th'crb 'At they know what you're go' to do 'At mebuo you're go cut their hair, v. Whero grampa's Is why, you- can run Acrost th grass, or climb tlr trees . I guess that Is tha mostcst fun An' do Just anything you please Duhcauso where grampa's Is It's farm, An' farm ain't llko 'most anywhere, An wnlkln' on th' grass ain't harm Bulicuuso thcro'd no puhllccmcn there! Spring Fever. Spring fever Is not a complaint. When n man has it he is so well sat isfied that ho never' makes a com plaint. Spring fever Is ono of tho greatest Institutions ever' known. At other soasons of tho year a man Is apt to think that ho Is lazy, but just now ho knows it is spring fevor, and he ynwns and stretches and is glad he Is nllvo and doesn't enro whether school koeps or not. With duo enro n man may make oven an ordinary at tack of spring fever servti him until Ihe mlddlo of July, and after that ho can rely upon his natural Ingenuity. Tho fine thing about It Is that every body olso has It and so nobody can criticise him. Every now and then sonvo misguided person Invents n euro for spring fevor, but by n wise dispensation of Provl denco ho is too lazy to push It. Peary'a claim to honors- rccolvcd still another setback before tho houso committee. Ex-Prcsldont Roosovclt positively declines to discuss European or Am erican politics, Congressman O. M. Hitchcock has formally announced his candidacy for tho United States senate W. L. Parks of tho Union Pacific has boon elected vlco president ot tho' Illinois Centra, Manuel Taylor, a negro, confessed that ho killed MTa. Mary Albert, tho proprlotor of a grocery atoro. In Knnsas City, Kas. Tho Transvaal govornmont ha3 do- cldod to glvo a first contribution of 100,000 for tho establishment of a Transvaal agricultural' university. Giovanni Lamport!, tho famous Bulg ing teacher, died in Berlin. Howaa 70 years old ami had trained many fa mous singers, including Mmo. Scm- brlch. Tho house committee on navnl af fairs hns favorably reported a bill ap propriating $500,000 to rnlso tho wrock of the battleship Maino In Ha- vanna hnrbor. An agreement has been reached by tho conferees on what la known as tho "White Slave" bill and tho mens uro will becomo a law ns soon as It la signed by tho president. Ono hundred dollars por head was paid at Fort Worth, Texas, tor a herd of 450 Oklahoma fed boot cattle. This Is said to bo tho highest prlco for this class ot cattlo over paid In tho United States. The condition of United Stntos Sen ator Daniel of Virginia, who hns been llngrlng between llfo and death for soma days as tho result of n stroke ot parnlyls, Is somewhat Improved. United States Commissioner Mark A. Footo ordered tho deportation of Bob Lcong of El Paso, Tox., convicted last summer beforo Judga Landls ot smuggling Chtncso Into this country. By an equally divided court tho sii promo court of tho United States af firmed tho decision of tho federal court of California which hold tho grazing ot sheep without permission on forest reserves was not u violation of tho law. Following closely on tho falluro of tho Kentucky legislature at Its re cent, session to nccedo to his rcquost that tho Lincoln memorial farm bo ex empted from taxation camo Governor Wlllson's veto of a bill appropriating $1G,000 for Improvements to bo mado In tho blrthplaco of Joffcrson Davis In Todd county, Kentucky. The oldest woman in tho world cclo brated tho 125th anniversary of her blrtli recentlv nt Poson. Sho is Frau Dutklewlez, and hlthpugh sho Is bent and feeble, almost blind and deaf, sho Is not bedridden. Frau Dutklewlez ro mombers tho Napoloonlo wnrs and fall ot the Llttlo Corporal. A Meat Appetlto. "What aro you looking for?" wo ask of tho smull boy who Is eagerly scan ning tho treos and , sky. "I'm watchln' fer tho first robin," ho explains. "Ah! And will you recclvo a re ward If you aro tho first to dlscovor tho primary harbinger of spring tho feathered songstor whoso blltho roundelay sounds to us a messngo of choor and " "Nawl" ho Interrupts. "Pa said for mo to watch for It an' plug it with my sling-shot, an' then we'd havo robin pie for dinner." Why? Men tako a hundred dogs, 'tis said, When for tho north polo they explore- But nowhere havo wo over read That they bring back a half a score, Passing It Along. "Who Is it?" askB tho gruff poot, as tho butlor brings a enrd. "Is it tho barber I sont for?" "Yes, sir," is tho reply, "and ho has brought with him tho buying agent of a halr-plllow manufacturer, who requests to bo permitted to bid on your surplus hair for tho noxt year." Worth 8eelng. ' "Thero's Just ono thing I'd llko to see boforo I dlo," says tho sad-eyed man with tho long hair and short sleeves. "And what Is that?" asks tljo man who Is buying tho dinner. "A play that is a dramatlo critic's version of a novel written by a liter ary critic," Her Preference. "I endeavor not to mnka nnv din. Unctions as to my servants," says tho new mistress. "My rulo is to treat each ot them as ono ot tho family," "Yes, mum," replies tho now girl, "but It It's nil tho namo to you, I'd rather bo trentea witn rospoct." IHE RAILROAD BILL CHAIRMAN MANN WILL MANAGE IN THE HOUSE, TOWNSEND'S AMBITION FAILS Savings Bank Measure Expected In the Lower House Within a Few Weeks. k wnutitnaton. Satisfied that tho present methods ot operating lta, smelters by tho Ana conda Coppor Mining company nro not only destructive In a -widespread do- greo to tho surrounding natural for ests, but unnecessary, Attornoy-Gen eral Wlckorsham caused n bill in equity to bo filed at Helena, Mont., against tho company. Tho bill asks for a permanent Injunction to compel tho company to operate lt plant at Anaconda In such a manner as to end tho destruction complained of. Continued denials that tho American meat packors' association discussed or attempted to l)x prices -In any way woro mado by Georgo L. McCarthy, publisher of tho National Provlsloncr and secretary of tho association, In concluding his testimony beforo tho senate high cost ot living coinniltteo today. Tho prlnco regent of China, accord ing to ofllclal advices from Pokln, has Issued nn edict reiterating In tho strongest terms ot tho formor, de claration that a constitutional govern ment and a parliament shall bo opened in China at tho end of tho nlno yoar porlod of preparation fixed by tho lato empress dowager. Postmaster General Hitchcock, au thorized tho oxhlbltlon ot a largo sec tion ot tho postal museum nt tho Ohio valloy exposition to bo held in Cincinnati, next autumn. Tho last chapter In tho postofllco scandals of 1903 was written wlion United States Attornoy Baker nollo pressed tho remaining undisposed in Indlctmonts. Baker told tho court that Georgo W. Beavers, former super intendent of salaries and allowances, and August W. Machon, superintend ent of rural frco delivery, had sorved sentences for similar offenses and that tho government had no doslro to further prosecuto thorn. Dofondlng cold storage inothods, Jnmes F. Oystor, a Washington mer chant, testified beforo tho senato high cost ot living commltteo that they kept tho prico moro uniform tho year round. He declared that If It had not boon for cold storage, eggs might havo sold as high as 75 cduts and ?1 a dozen 'last fall. Washington. Tho nnibltlon of Rop- resentatlvo Townsond of Michigan to nssumo charge of tho administration railroad bill on tho lloor ot tho houso will not be gratified, the honor going to Chairman Mann of the commltteo on Interstate nnd foreign commerce This fact developed Sunday and sup porters of the bill, In the form In which It wns orlglnnlly Introduced by Representative Townsond, nnd as It is now ponding In the senate, are greatly disappointed. It had been thought tho Intense op position ot Mr. Mnnn to certain fea tures of tho bill ns drafted by Attor ney General Wlckorsham would mako him disinclined to champion it. His success in incorporating many ot his own Ideafl Into tho munsure, however, mnde Mr. Maun willing to nssumo tho sponsorship. Ab amended by tho commltteo all republican members voted for It nnd thoro wns no way In which tho chairman could bo denied tho mnungemcnt of tho measure on tho floor. Mr. Mann wns-particularly opposed to tho provision for tho creation of a court 'of commorco and this was re tained only by tUq personal efforts of tho president." Whether Mr. Mann will seek to ollmlnnto this provision on tho lloor Is not known, llo Is snld to be ns strongly opposed to It as ovor, but his objections are contlnod to his belief that tho establishment of the now court involves unnecessary exponso. Taft Favors Commerce Court. In view of tho fact that Presldont Taft Is so firmly in favor of tho court, It is not thought Mr. Mann will mako any move for its elimination from the hill. The administration Is looking to tho senato to Bavo the principal fea tures of the original bill. Support ing tho president lit' this mntter nro Senators Hlklns, Ahliicn, ' Kcan, Crnnc, Collom nnd Nixon of tho com mltteo on Intcrstnto coinmcrco, as well as many other republican lead ers. Vigorous ussnults upon tho moas- uro havo boon mado by Senators Cummins nnd Clnpp, and It Is known thoy will have tho support of many other Insurgent republicans, as well as n largo number of tho democratic senators. That tho coalition of Insurgent ro publicans and democrats Is formld ablo Is admitted by friends ot tho bill, and they are now giving tholr atten tion to tho formulation of amend ments which thoy hope will harmo nize some of tho differences. Mr, Wlckorsham has mot with tho friends of tho bill oh sovcral occasions and has given them his assistance In framing amendments. Personal! Strlko troubles iu Philadelphia ap pear far -from settlement. President Taft declared ho would tako no hand In tho -houso fight, Ex-Presldont Roosovclt will not got homo until somo tlmo In Juno. Spoakor Cannon Is quoted ns saying ho profors defeat to any compromlso with tho Insurgents. In an address at Rochester Presl dont Taft said ho had hopo that con gress will yot do somotlilng. Tho construction placed on Con gressman Hitchcock's Btatomont Is that Bryan Is Co never again soek ofllco. Krank B. Kellogg arraigned tho Standard Dll company beforo tho su premo court Savings Bank BUI Coming. Tho postal savings bank bill Is ex pectcd from the house within a fow weeks. Thoro Is considerable favor of amending It, so ns to Insuro tho keeping of hinds In bnnks In tho vi clnlty whero collected. This subject created a great deal of dissension In tho senate, whero It wnB nrgued that a rigid rqulromcnt that tho monoy collected by postofllco bunks should bo kept iu local banks would mako the bill unconstitutional. EASTER SERVICES AT CAIRO. Colonel Roosevelt and Family Attend Worship at English Church. Cairo. Colonel Theodore RooSovolt nnd his family Sunday attended tho morning Easter services nt tho Eng lish church, which wns crowded with worshipers. Later they gavo a small prlvato luncheon In Shcphord's res taurant nnd afterward Colonel Roose volt received Informally n deputation ot Copts and Mohnmmednns and lend ing Egyptian Journalists. Colonol Roosovclt discussed religion nnd non political subjects with IiIh guests. Railroad by Americans In Turkey Constantinople, Amorlcan enter prise Is endeavoring to securo from tho now regime In Turkey u conccs slon for tho construction of railway linos moro than 12,000 miles In length. Although sovornl of the rati rond projects submitted to tho Turk ish govornmont since tho constitution havo como to grlof "through want of financial support or from other sources, thoso which continue to on gago tho attention of tho ministry of public works still ropresont a formld able total of mileage, Weoton Ahead of Time, Lnplatn, Mo. At a farm houso two miles oust ot this place, Edward Pay- son Weston, the aged walkor, spent Eaator. Atlantic Fleet to Cruise. Washington Europe is to boo again many ot tho ships that mado up tho grcut Amorlcan fleet that encircled tho globo. Secretary Moyer stated that It was his present intontlon to order tho Atlantic ilcot to tho Modi torranenn some tlmo in Novombor next. MAYOR OF PHILADELPHIA Thoy havo been having some iiret,ty hot tlnios over In Philadelphia Btroot-cnr itrlkeflalwayu; aro marked by violence nnd pls'tdls, stoneapo- llcotnen's clubs and, not Infrequently,' a stick of? dynamlto or two, piny an lmpottnnt' part in a1 day's happenings. - Philadelphia hns hnd all ot thoso, Just as dldj St. Louis nnd Chicago whon tho car men went out in thoso cities. But to got down to the subject. It Is of Mayor. John Edgar Reyburn, fotifter school teacher, law- " LLfwfv. 1)0,1 01 COMB'088 wo lntond to wrlto. ' wBtCk When tho strlko started politicians wont to' HKa k jWMv 11,0 mnyor nnd to,1 nl,u M0 stand he had tnken, Wrmfk that of supporting tho transit company and siding- against tho employes, meant political auiciue, out the mayor wouldn't down. It Is not our placo to say whothor the mayor, was right or wrong iu tho ntand ho took, but It is cortaln that fow men would bavo tho courngo to faco public opinion as did Mr, Reyburn. Tho mayor sold ho did not conuldor tho demands ot the car men fair and' ho refused to concur In tho gcnornl opinion prevailing in Philadelphia, that tho differences ought to bo arbitrated. Then onmo tho riots. Cnrs woro wrecked and Innocent ucrsons killed J Still tho mayor stood to hU guns nnd lent hts lnfluonco to tho sldo ot capital.!' Stnto Sonntor John P. Nlchol joined tho other leaders In nn effort to lnflu onco Mayor Reyburn to chnngo his attitude, but without avail. ' 1 Mnyor Reyburn put his own opinion nbovo tho lntorosts of tho Ropublw .' can party, which has elected him to various posts of honor. A atrcot-car( strlko is annoying to tho people, to say tho least. It Is not pleasant to havo, to walk to work and then walk homo again at night Fow cnrB can bo run; whon mobB threaten. Business Is affected nnd tho wholo city tools tho effect of such a labor demonstration. Consequently It took nervo on tho pnrt of John Edgar Roybum to adopt tho position he took. Fow men bavo dono It Tho outcomo is awaltod. with interest, but It 1b n snfo prediction that Mr. Reyburn will not bo ti can- ' dldnto for ofllco again. Tho party bosses will see that ho doesn't got on'nny- ticket In Philadelphia. NEW SENATOR CALLED "DOC" William E. Purcoll, Democrat,. Is now tho Ju nior sonntor from tho Stnto ot North Dakota. Tho govornor of Senator Purcell's stato Is a Demo crat, and, ponding tho convening ot the legisla ture It fell to his lot to name, a senator. Ha gavo his prcforouco to Fountain L. Thompson ot Can-, do, a man ot Illinois birth and education, who went to tho Dnkotas n good many years ngo. Senator Thompson had been iu Wellington only n short tlmo whon his health failed to such' an extent that ho was compelled to resign his senatorial ofllco and then Gov. Burke named MrJ Purcoll. . Tho now North Dakota senator was born and' Scared in tho east country. When ho wont west ho wna very much of n tenderfoot. Ho landed lit Dakota as a full-fledged lawyer, but It took the residents of tho llttlo town In which ho alighted 48 hours to learn tho fncti For two full days thoy had held to the belief that tho nowcomor wns a doctor ot medlclno, nnd although thoy wero undeceived tho title ot doctor hns .clung to him from that day to this. It has been nbbrovlatcd to plnln "Doc," how-1 over. Whllo Mr. Purccll was on hit way to his Dakota home a passenger on tho train became seriously ill and an attempt was mado to llnd n physician. When1 tho man who is now sonntor found that thoro wns no doctor on tho train ho turned to do what ho could for tho patient nnd in order that tho sick man, might not loso his nervo through lack of confidence Mr. Purcoll did not dlsJ close tho fact that ho was not a physician. Ho used soino practical moans to innko the patient comfortnblo and did' ovorythlng in true hospital stylo. Tho man was taken off tho train nt tho' town in which Mr. Purcoll had olected to live. From tho tlmo that ho oftorod his services to tho suffering man ho has been called "Doc." Tho Democratic senator from North Dakota comes from tho town of Wall peton, in which llvon his Republican colleaguo, Senator McCumbor. Tho two men havo been polltlcnl rlvulB for years, but also thoy havo beon firm per sonal frlonds, and tholr friendship Is marked to-day when both aro mombora ot tho United Stntcs Bcnato. SALARY FOR BEING HUSBAND How would you llko to bo n hunband nt ?CO,000 a year? . If reports aro true, that Is tho part th Viscount Maldutono Is going to piny. Nor Is ho to get tho full amount tho first year. Somotlmo In Juno tho vlseoynt Is coming ovor. to this country to wod Mlsa Mnrgaretta Arm strong Drcxol of Philadelphia. 'Ho 1b going to bo placed on his good behavior hy his papa-ln-law,1 who read tho newspapers and knows something1 ot what happened to Anna Gojld when sho bo enmo tho Countess Castollano and to Allco Thaw, when sho, beennm tho Countess of Yarmouth. So Papa Droxol has decided that It Is well to bo wary, Ho has dovlsed an inponlous marrlngo sottlcment by which ho will nliow tho viscount $10,000 tho drat year and will intrenso tho amount J5.000 nnnunlly unUl It renches ?50,000 all conditional on tho bridegroom's conduct. Tho viscount Ik 25 years old, a leuou sportsman, ono ot thu most popular mou In English soulety and tho oldost sou of tho carl ot Wlnchclsoa. Ho has a fow thousand pounds sterling himself nnd can nffod to accept Papa Droxcl's proposal, so 'tis said. English genealogists nro now saying that If tho Anglo-American alliances keep up nt the presont paco future studonts ot genoalogUal trees will havo to trace tho lines of tho British aristocracy back Into tho antiquity of tho United Stntcs. Isn't that too bad? COULDN'T BLUFF U. S. ENVOY Tho United States has n minister in Colombia who is aqual to an emergency. His nama is Elliott Northcott. Mr. Northcott halls from tho stato of West Virginia and Is a friend of Stopheu B. Elklna. Down in Bogotn, tho of Colombia, tha street railway system 1b operated by nn Amorl enn company, Tho cltlzon at tho United Statos who manages tho affairs of tho stroot-car com pany got iuto nn nltorcatlon with a policeman, just llko a cltlzon might do In this country. This altercation led to n riot Tho Colombians nro n hot-headed people and aftor thoy had wrecked a fow street cars and Btopped tho trafllo thoy thought it would bo tho proper thing to slono tho United Statos legation. Thoy surrounded tho plnco nnd throw tholr stones. Mr. Northcott wnsn't tho kind of man to Btnnd nnythlng of that sort Ho promptly told tho loaders of the mob and tho authorities of Bogota that ho would havo part ot Undo Sam's army down in that part ot tho country In a Jiffy if thoy tried anything moro of that kind. Colombians havo had occasion to look upon Undo Sam's soldiers nnd thoy didn't relish tho Idea; Thoy decided to lot tho American legation nlono. Tho city wns qulot for sovcral days and then tho feeling against tho Btrcet-cur compnny boiled oyer again. But thoro wnB no attack on tho Ameri can legation, Tho warning In good WeoJ. Virginia English had had Its effect