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Far Sight or Near It makes no difference to us. Wo can lit you easily, accurately and quickly because wo carry a largo variety of lenses in stock, suitable tor all Bights, and wo are experts at adjusting them. After examining your eyes wo will prescribe the right lenses and vou will find they help you to seo as naturally as over, whether you are near or far sighted. Dixon, The Jeweler, DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduale Denlisl. Office over the McDonald Stato Bank. Charged with Dipsomania. John Wntkins, of Brady, was.brought to town this week and lodged in jail pending a hearing under the dipsomania law. Watkins is addicted to strong drink in fact is a slavo to liquor and at times becomes mentally unbalanced. The intercession and pleadings of friends have been of no avail; ho does not apparently .possess the necessary will power to stop imbibing. Tho com plaint was filed by W. T. Elliott, of Brady. Plans for a rear addition to the rooms occupied by The Leader are being drawn. This' addition will be sixty feet deep. J. J. Halltgan returned yesterday from Oshkosh. where ho had been at tending the term of district court Tho term was completed Wednesday. Oxfords for the growing girl, women's size, but with a low heel at $2.60 $3.00 Small, Tho Big Shoeman. The precipitation this week extended practically all over Nebraska, and a3 it was badly needed to boost along small grain, it can truly be said that -It was a million dollar rain. Paul Stone, who has resigned as high school teacher, will go to Washington, D. C, and accept a position in the cir culation department of one of the big daily papers. Elsewhere bids are asked for the construction of the Elks' building, which will be GGxGG, three stories in heighlh The bids must be filed -on or before May 25th Relinquishment on 320 acre home stead twelve milea northeast of North Platte tj trade for town property. Inquire ofR.E.Louden,320 East Eleven th street. The material for the new front for the Vienna restaurant has been order ed, and it is probable work will begin next week. The pressed brick selected is light gray in color, making a natty looking front. Alfalfa, cane and millet, corn and all kinds of gaiden seeds at Hcrshey's. ' The Lincoln Development Co. will sow nine hundred acres to flax on the ranch southeast of town this spnng and this fall will, saw the tract to wheat. This is on ground that js being broken out. J . W. Payne, who is also having 200 acres broken, will sow the same grains. . The Methodist church, led by the ladies aid society, have adopted a unique plan for raising the debt on their property. They have divided the in debtedness in one hundred share?; each member is expected to take one or more shares or a portion of a share, as they are able. In this way all help lift the burden. Niagara Miid Silk Gloves for sale at Wilcox Department Store. The case of Nancy Johnson against Ginn, White & Schatz, which is an echo of the piano contest conducted by that firm, was heard in tho county court yesterday. The plaintiff claimed that she had written more sentences on a card than tho one to whom the award was made, and brought suit to recover the piano. The Judge has tho caso under advisement. Advo Jams and Jellies. Absolutely Pure. Try them. At Wilcox Depart ment Store. The game of ball between the U. P shop team and the high school team which had been called off for Tuesday was later played and resulted in a score of six to two in favor of the shop team The battery for the shop team was . Rwnnn and Eaton, and Jones and Done gan for the high school. Manager Eichler, of tho shop team, announces that he expectb to have a rattling g6od bunch of players after they work out. Halley's comet is now growing brighter and is easily seen in the early morning shortly before dawn. Tho tail can now be seen for a considerable dis tance from tho head. A week ago the tail was very faint and only appeared to bo about as long as half tho diameter of the moon. It can now bo traced for a distance of about five degrees or about ten times the diameter of the moon. In the present position tho tail of tho comet points upward and to the south, and is perfectly straight. The head has become brighter during the past weeK anu is now a nttio urigntcr than a second magnitude star. Tho position of tho comet is still about duo east, and It is best observed between 4 o'clock to&4:Woctdck Building Line to Julesburg. Tho North Platte Tolephono Co. is now stringing its lino of copper wire through to Julesburg, where the line will connect with the Colorado Tele phone Co. Between this place and Ogalalla tht present wire is being replaced with tho No, 9 copper, and tho construction gang has now reached Sutherland, Next Monday another gang will begin erecting poles between Ogalalla and Julesburg, and it is ex pected to have tho work completed through to Julesburg by June 1st. It will require twenty tons of wire be tween North Platte and Julesburg, and twelve carloads of material is now strung along between'those two points. DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, Graduate Northwestern Unirereity. Offlco over McDonald State Bank Sturges Sell Ranch. Loren Sturges this week sold his ranch of 640 acres northwest of town to a Hastings party for $16,000. He takes in trade fourteen acres adjoining tho city of Hastings which is improved with a large modern houso. This deal changes Mr. Sturges' plans. He had ntended locating in Oregon, but ho will now movo to Hastings'. GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgcsn, Offico over McDonald Bank. Phones lOfhco'130 l hones Resldcnco 115 Recovers Lost Ring. Mrs . Mark Atchison was considerably 'wrought, up" a few evenings ago, She had accompanied her husband on a trip to Oshkosh and returningin the even' ing entered the Pacific Hotel washroom to wash her hands preparatory to eating her supper. She handed her husband her diamond ring to keep until she finished and he laid it on the- window ledge. Tho ring wa3 forgotten until after they entered the dining room, and when Mr. Atchison went for it found it gone. Search wus immediate ly instituted by Mr. and Mrs. Atchi son, Mrs. Sitton, Vera and others, but tho ring could not bo found, Preparations had been made to have persons searched, when about ten o'clock Miss Sitton concluded to make final search, during which she found the ring on the top of the partition in the wash room, to reach which it was necessary for her to stand on a chair. The supposition is that some one picked tho rine from tho window and placing the ring on top of tho partition intended removing it when the pro posed search was concluded and interest in the matter had subsided. Takes Shot at Lowell. A midnight prowler took & shot at Chief of Police Lowell Wednesday night, but luckily a serious wound and perhaps his lifo was saved by a mem orandum book and a bunch of papors in the outsido pocket of his corduroy coat. Lowell had an intimation that a crap gamo was in progress In the west end of town and started out to investigate. Ho was not successful, and upon re turning homo ho noticed two men standing in the rear of the Ray Lang ford residence. He walked past and keeping an oyo on them saw ono walk around to tho wc3t sido o tho house while the other apparently stood guard. Lowell walked south to Fifth and thence west a block and eamo in on tho west side of the house, and turn ing a. corner confronted a man with a drawn revolver who fired almost in Lowell's face. The ball struck tho left sido penitrating the thick corduroy coat, a bunch of papers nnd a memorandum book and lodging in tho thick leather of a second book, theso papers and books being in the outsido coat pocket. After firing tho shot tho fellow dodged around the corner and reaching the alley made his escape, Lowell firing at him as ho run. When the fellow took to his heels, Lowell started in pursuit, but beoame entangled in a go-cart and lost enough time to let tho fellow get too long a lead on him. Ho later searched for him but could find no trace. In the rear of tho Langford house was found a long piece of thick steel which tho feilow no doubt intended to use as a pry to force open a door or window. During tho night tho police corralled a number of suspicious looking characters, but none proved to be the fellow wanted. i, Elks Building, North Platte Neb- Sealed proposals will be received for the erection of tho "Elk's Building" 66x66, 3 stories high, in the city of North Platte, Nebraska, according to plans and specifications thereof now on file in the office of C. E. Shaeffer, Architect, North Platte, Nebraska. Bids must be on file with M. Keith Ne ville, Sec'y. Building Committee, on or before 8 p. m. Wednesday, May 25th, 1910. A certified check of $500 must accom pany each bid. The Building Commit tee reserves tno right to reject any and all bids. M. Keith Neville. Sec'y. Bldg. Committe . E. F. Seeberger, Choirman. Do vou know that you can take ou Lifo Insurance today, but tomorrow may be too late, so let us write you policy today in the New York Life. Temple RealNEstate & Ins. Agency, 1 & 2 McDonald Block. Tested Seed Corn for Sale. I have a limited amount of calico and yellow dent seed corn for sale. $1.00 per bushel at my farm 21 miles south east of Bignell or $1.25 delivered at Bignell or Maxwell. Write or phomo O. D. Shaner, Maxwell, Neb. John Grant has concluded to erect, some time in tho future, a new bunga low the exterior of which will be care fully selected pine logs, with the same material for porch pillars. He noticed such a houso at Manitou Springs and was at once impressed with it. Too Soon For Her. Apropos of those who uevur enjoy tho luxury of a carriage save when tho denth of some one maUes for a. free ride lo the cemetery a clergyman told of ii little girl standing at Fifth ave nue and Thirtieth street, New York. She was a ragged little thing, nnd she was wntchlng the carriages rolling past with the most wistful bluo eyes. "Well. little one." he said, "would vou like to own one of those car riages?" The hlue eves turned up. and there were tears In their eorners. "1 never rode In n kerrldge," she said .softly. "Me little braider died aforo 1 was born." ACT QUICKLY. The Midnight Sun. The mldnluht sun Is not visible south of the polar circle. It Is above the horizon throughout tho tweuty four hours at Uodo from Juno 3 to July 7. at Tromso from tho 10th of May to the '-"Jd of July nnd at the N'orth ciine from the t'-'th of May to tho '20th of July. There are corre Mpondlng periods during December, January and November when tho sun Is not seen, but the diuUiress of tht winter Is by no means so great as might be Imagined. The whiteness of the snow and tho glimmer of the northern' lights mako a sort of per lietuiU twilight. Delay Has Been Dangerous in North Platte. Do the right thing at tho right time. Act quickly in times of danger. Backacho is kidney danger. Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly. Cure all distressing, dangerous kid ney ill. Plenty of evidence to prove this Mrs. J. T. Hollenbeck, Dewey St., North Platte, Nebr., says; "During tho past two or three years, I suffered from a dull, grinding nche through tho small of my back, directly over my kid neys, and I could hardly drag myself around. In the morning when I got up thero was an oxtrcmo soreness across my loins and it was hours before I could walk with any degree or freedom or stand erect. Tho kidney secretions were also annoying on nccount of their irregularity in passage. About a year ago when I was feeling miserable, a friend advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills and I procured a box atMcDonald & Graves'Drug Store. In a Bhort time after I commenced their use I improved and it was not long before Lwas com pletely cured, i novo since had no re turn of kidney trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States, Remember the name Doan'sand take no other. Tho Makings In Chursh. "1 uever know." said the man. "what an Inveterate smoker I am until recently In church, my first visit for n long while. I found myself mechanically rolling u cigarette. In fact. I had It rolled aud was reaching for a mutch when I suddenly camo to. Sunnoso 1 hadn't waked up? Rather ) awful wWt?v'--&W "J&rtfcJ?srs; For the Best Hail Insurance. Mr. Farmer, do you know that there has been A big reduction in the hail insurance rates for this year and that you cannot afford to let your crops go uninsured and when you write this in surance why not get the best? Write it in the "National," a company with Total Assets (Jan. 1, 1910) of 89. 328,707.25 and know that your loss nervous w;u be settled promptly and liberally TEMPLE REAL ESTATE & INS. AGENCY. C. F. Temple. Mgr.. 1 & 2 McDonald Block Just received a full lino of nictnrn , ana room mourunrp. bcraensui?, iut Jti, Our Spring Suits. Copyril.l 1910 Ih I louw n NupiKMituncr If clothes have any influ ence on the World's opinion of a Man and they certainly have- the Man we Suit this Spring will bask in the sun light of public esteem. Our Clothes are Fashioned for critical eyes, and thoy are Tailored for critical tastes by Master hands. The Season's choice and correct Models are ready for inspection or choosing. Suits $12.50, $15 and $20 along by easy steps to $25.00. Our $20, $22.50 and $25.00 Suits will prove a great sur prise to the Man who never bought his Clothes here. We touch your purse as light- ly as possible and our splendid values help you to oe nappy in your Clothes. J. B. McDonald, The Home of Good Clothes. THE First National Bank, 4 of North Platte, Nebraska. . UNITED STATES,. DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $130,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA, President. E. F. SEEBERGER, Vice-President, . . M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vicc-Presidcnf, f.llL. M00NEY, Cashier. Headquarters for AMERICAN FENCE 771 I I I I I I T V '( (' " T ' if!- -.j, : rV' T ' fr' 'fit" - ;r -1 z HEr: zz zz zz zz : zz zz zz zz zz zz zz : jjj : : t-Lklaij--" ' ii 5? rww .jwpi 1 , jin.ui f f,o.iiii mi .i.mii u- pi Mado of large, strong, high-grade stool wires, heavily galvanized. Amply provides for expansion and contraction. Is praotically everlasting. Novor goes wrong, no mattor how groat a strain is put on it. Doos not mutilate or injuro stock. Turns Cattle, Horses, Hogs and Pies EVERY ROD GUARANTEED by U3 and guaranteed by the manufacturers. Call and sec it. Wc can show you how It will save you money nnd fence your fields so they will stay fenced. FOR SALE BY GINN, WHITE St SGHKTZ, Do it Now-Tomorrow may be too late. It isn't safe to figure -that a hail stocm will not strike your crop this year,' Figure thatjt will and insure in thfsi time tried and reliable company, wherew every policy issued is guaranteed a paid in cash capital and surplus. Ask for prices and terms. NORTHWESTERN FIFLE & MARINE INSURANCE, CO. MINN E.APOLLS. MINN. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, Agents. OMlfTi NECKWEAR. Some exceptionally fine Neckwear ' has reached us ' lately. The colorings and patterns are beautiful, the quality of silk is extra high grade, and tics made from the latest designs. Wilcox Department Store : A One-Man Job can be made , of paiuting any ordinary sized house if you use Heath & Milligan BEST PREPARED PAINT. It flows so smoothly and easily under the hrush, because of the H. &. M. individual process of manufac ture, that in a given time a man can paint well, far more surface with it than with any other paint on the market. Also, because of the carefully se lected materials of which Best Pre pared Paint is made, you will need fewer gallons to do the work. Make a Double Saving not only In Inbor expense but In the money you spend for pnint by buying less gallons. Como in nnd talk over your requirements. , Schiller & Co., Family Druggists North Platte. Nebraska I HIGH AS THE SKIES In freshness nnd purity nre our bakery tjoons. xno manor wnac mq purcnaso may bo either Bread, rolls or .any thing in tho cake line, you nro cer tain of securing the quality of goods that cannot bo excelled for tho money. DICKEY BROTHERS, Confectionery, Pinnos Bakery, To Cigar Smokers who have not yet tried tho Forest King cigar wo believe they will prove a rev elation. In all our experience we never knew a better five cent cigar than the Forest King. It js Jtho llnost comblna tion of good tobacco nnd skilled cigar making wo have cvor seen. Try one anu you'll want more. J. F. SCHMALZRIED, All Ready For Summer Driving you will bo when your horse is togged mt with ono or our nwtneia, our nuia, rnnnv llnrlif nlntrln qtrtiti hnrncss. and fine round leather, open or blind bridles. Wo nave a line biock oi eumniur uuiou goods, lap robes, that wo are selling at reusonauio prices. A. F, FINK. JJ A. J, AMKS. MAHIK AMES. Q & Doclors Ames & Ames, a .' :? Physicians and Surgeons, Si J; U Office over Stono Drug Co, -,i tj Phonos I Office 273 g J I hones Residence 270 6