Newspaper Page Text
Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. BDIIHORIPTION HATKbi One Year, cash to advance ...Il.i Monthw. ciHh In advance el- Rntetnd at North Platte. Nebraska. Postofflr as second ctasa matter. FRIDAY JUNE 3, 1910. North Platte will Celebrate. The cnglo will scream at North Flattu on July 4th. This was decided at a re cent meeting of business men, and the committee appointed to solicit the nec essary funds proceeded to got busy Wednesday and in a few hours secured a sum that insured a lively celebration Further subscriptions woro received yesterday, and still more will come in bo there will be sufficient to get up a fine program of sports and have a pyrotectr 1c display in the evening that will out shine anything attempted in that lino in recent years. The program will bo completed in a few days and published in the papers. In tho meantimo the people of Lincoln County should make arrangements to come to North Platto to celebrate tho Fourth. During tho last eighteen months Stato Veterinarian JuckTncs has killed 1,400 head of cattle in an effort to stamp out tuberculosis. This work will bo continued so long as tho monoy ap propriated rhatucoholds out. They aro poking considerable fun at tho city of Lincoln because of its goody-goody proclivities, which of course Tb wrong. If tho people of that vvucKiunn 1.UUIIWJT IUVVII DCU III. 1.1 abolish the "hudtre" shons. that's .their business. 1 Champ Clark, the democratic leader in congress, announces that ho will keep out of tho Missouri senatorial fight be cause ho wants to stay in tho houso and become speaker. Evidently ho figures that tho next congress will bo democratic, which is hardly a pos sibility. The nows that comes from Lincoln and Omaha docs not indlcato that tho dovo of peaco is yot ready to sottlo in tho democratic camp; in fact harmony socms to bo gotting farther away than evor. Colonel Bryan insists that Governor Shallonbergor come out flat footed for county Option in tho demo cratic platform and do bo without de lay. To this tho Governor seems to object. Last Wednesday 120 Koarney boosters loft that city in forty auto mobiles on a trip which will take them over 200 Bquare milca of central Ne braska territory. This is tho start of a campaign for tho removal of tho stato capital to a more central location, and also advertises that Kearney is in list of towns that aro considered eligiblo for tho location. Tho people of central and western Nebraska aro in dead earnest in .this advocacy of tho removal of tho capital to a mora central point. Hero's hoping success for tho Kearney boostors. North Platto has needed a bettor hotel for years, and oirorta woro made to Induce some ono to como hero and put up such a building. Several came and looked ovor tho grounds, and oithor psked for a bonus or that citizens subscrlbo liberally for tho erection of the building It remained for A. E. Tlmmerman to undertake the erection of this much needed enterprise and he has carried it to a successful comnle tion. Next weok this hotel will bo opened with u banquet at which Is is hoped at least ono hundred of tho rouru- uentativo men of tho city and their ladles will bo present. This banquet will bo a fitting opening for tho enter prise: an excellent advertisement of tho fact that North Platto has modern up-to-dato hotel. Exports of farm products from tho United States havo increased from an average of $160,000,000 a year in the fivo year period from 1851 to 1855 to more than $1,000,000,000 In 1908. accord ing to tho department of agriculturo. Tho increaso in exports has boen greater than tho increaso in population in ioui to iooo mo average vaiuo per capita of agricultural exports was $5.85: in 1901-05 it was $10.85. Exports of packing houso products havo Increased from $10,000,000 in the 1851-55 noriod to $100,000,000 In 1908, tho principal items in this group being pork, beof arid oleo oil. Since 1905 there has been a docline in tho exports of beef, but the balance of tho trade favors foreign countries by nearly $200,000,000 in the year ending Juno 30; 1909, according to tho advance sheet of tho roport of tho Now York chamber of commerce. The report will show that imports into the United States increased $1,085,245 over 1908, whilo exports for 1909 fell off $175,358,320. Greater sympathy und bettor support of tho president by men who havo been elected to tho senate and houso of representatives as republicans would have enabled him by this timo to show real accomplishment in the matter of administration reform measures, for which tho president and tho party would be receiving full credit. Tho few, how over, who havo hindered and hampered, who havo caviled and criticized, have dono irreparable injury to tho interests of tho country, which mav bo likened to a sick man who stands no chanco for recovery whilo tho doctors aro doping, tho surgeons cutting and scraping, and his relatives quarreling in his presence about his mortality porcentagos. A little tonic, considerable rest, and op portunity for physlclal recuperation. aro sometimes necessary. Hut tho "rippers" down at Washington und in other parts of tho country, aro nnnar. ently not able to tako the hint and never will know what is tho matter with tho patient until they aro wearing crape on tneir nais. ivearnev HUD. i May Weather. Data Issued bv tho local weather bureau show tho month of May to have been four degrees colder than the avorago, the warmest day registering elehtv-soven and tho coldest twentv. yght. The precipitation for tho mouth was 2.59 inches, which is one-half inch jew than the average for tho month. Since January 1st there, has been a de iieiency oi incnes or raintau as comjr?u with tlie ybariy uVetatyj, Stands Like a Stone Wall Tans Gallic, Hirm, Nigi-ls Piattlially Mistnitlbli Tfll I I I I I I I I I I I TTTf T lb.. mm, . i . i i H i - i i i i i I I i I i I I .,.-, . . . i m ll ! im iwbp . H - i .- l - t- .'-. - Ull II I I I 111 ! I " ' I" i L - w . . t A i..i ilwi J .--i aMM. - - n - P AMERICAN FENCE Buy your new fence for years to come. Get the b!g, heavy wires, the hinge joint, the good galvanizing, the exactly proportioned quality of steel that ii not too hard nor too solt. Wc can show you this fence in our stockand explain its merits and supcr iority.notonlyinthcrollbutln the field. Come ana sec us and get our prices. FOR SALE BY GINN, WHITE & SCIIATZ. THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES Capital and Surplus $135,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA, President, E. F. SEEDERGfR, Vice-President, M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vicc-Prcsiuenf, F. L. MOONEY, Cashier. LOCAL MENTION. O. E. Eldor Is having his residence on Bouth Dewey atrcot repainted. Nina and Ruth Eldor went to Cozad yesterday to visit friends for a fow days. Dr. -Twinem has sold to M. V. Mit chell lot 2, block 105, for a considera tion oi $i,buu. United Wireless: I will soli any part 35 shares preferred transferable stock $28.50 por sharo. A. O. Anderson, Peterson, Iowa. Co. Sunt. Ebricht became a errand- father tho carlv Dart of tho week, a daughter having been born to Mr. and Mrs. it. a. Christiansen, who live Bouthwost of town. In makintr a note of tho memorial day exorcises Tho Tribune omitted to include Lorctta Murphy in tho program. This young lady well rendered a solo appropriate to the uay. This has been a crood week for tho fishermen, quite a numbor of good catches being made. Among these was a string of thirty pike caught by tho Voseipka boyB Wednesday. Geo. Schatz aiso caugnt cigntccn or twenty tne same day. Tho regular monthly meeting of tho Amorican Woman's League will be held at tho home of Mrs. Stebbins Saturday. Juno 4th, at 3 o'clock. Como and hear what this groat league is doing in many other cities nnd help do the Bamo in North Platte. Emll R. Brostrom and Miss Myrtle Davis, both of Oshkosh, were married by Rov. G. B. Harmon at tho Lutheran parsonage Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Brostrom is a contractor at Oshkosh and, Mrs. Brostrom camo from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a fow months ago. Tho new couple expect to -make thero homo at Oshkosh for a time at least. License to wed was granted to P. R. Park and Miss Paulino Hood Wednes day and they were married by .Tustico of Peace Sullivan. Tho brido is tho daughter of Mr. nnd and Mrs. Frank Hood, living north of tho river, and tho groom has made his homo in this section for some time past. Peculiar accidents happen, and one occurred a fow days ago. Norman Loudon had a game rooster which at tacked a man roominrr at tho Loudon homo. Tho rooster flow at him and to protect his face he threw up his arm. Tho spur caught tho man's forearm anu cut a gash from which blood poison ing resulted, and it Is a question whothor it will not bo necessary to am putate tho arm. Mrs. W. P. Campbell, of Garfield precinct, mother of Miss Susie Camp bell who taught in tho city schools during tho past year, died at the homo of her daughter Mrs. Lucas at Shelton Saturday night Tho remains were taken to Garfield and tho funeral held Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Campbell had lived in Garfield for twenty-six years and was u most estimable woman. She is survived by a husband and soveral grown children. Tho new edition of "The Alaskan" will bo the strong attraction at tho Keith next Tuesday evenlne. The com- Snny comes direct from Chicago, where io now "Alaskan" had a most phe nominal five months' engagement, and was proclaimed by the entire Chicago press in us new revised snapo. to be among tho best things in tho musical comedy line seen there In years. Man ager William f. uuilcn, who now controls "Tho Alaskan" has been ox ceptlonally liberal in giving thopresons production a sumptons mounting and tho costuming is very oleborato. It is expected that tho novel "snowballing" fcaturo will prove as big a sensation here as it has elsewhere. Tho famous train of Esqulmo (togto is gain b proci invnt fatWr, DEPOSITARY. Lutheran Church Work for Past Year. Tho Lutheran annual congregational meeting was held Wednesday evening, Juno 1st. at the parish house at which reports woro heard from tho different organizations and officers elected to the church council. Tho reports of the treasurer showed that for tho current expenses of tho church and Sunday school during the year $2245.34 havo been paid out. besides $324.40 bv tho church and $35.80 by tho missionary so ciety for benevolence, making a total of money paid out by the members and friends of tho church $2605.64. Every report showed an excess over previous years. Tho ladies aid society havo raised during the year $521.87, which with tho balanco on hand is included in tho above total for current expenses. During tho year twenty-eight 'persons? fivo adults and twenty-three children. received the rito of baptism and thirty two adult members have been added to the church. Tho pastors has officiated at twelve weddings ana eight funerals. Tho Luther Lcacruo has done com- mcndiblo work. Tho missionary society organized a mission band with 18 members. Tho Sunday school has organized a homo department with GO members and a cradle roll with 30 All of these new organizations havo been but the harvesting of the ripened seed sowed in former years and tho increaso in finances but the natural evidence of permanent growth. The now pastor haB taken un tho vork with a co-operating people wliero tho old one let tolt and to the joy ot both pastors the worK is going iorvvard satis factorliy tofall concerned. Tha following mombers woro elected to tho church council for the ensuing threo yearn: Chas Dill elder and Messrs Harry Samelson and Oscar Sandall deaconB. Obituary bimon Franklin whistler, who was killed by lightning, was born in Lancas tor Co.. Pa.. Sent. 10. 1879. and de parted from this fife at the home of his unclo, Jacob M, Whistler, near North Platte, Nebr., May 20 1910. aged 30 years, 8 months and 10 days. Tha do ceased leaves a father, mother, four sisters and four brothers and host of friends to mourn his doparture. The deceased came to North Platte in 190G had made his homo hero Binco The funeral was held tho Methodist church Saturday, May 28th, and there mams were lata to rest in the wort cemetery. . XXX Card of Thanks. Wo wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the noiuhbors and frionds for their Kindness ana assistanco during the urath or our beloved son. Mr. ana Mrs. Simon M. Whistler nnd relatives, BEHIND A FINE PAIR OF HORSES should bo hitched a stylish looking carriage, At this repository you can seo a varioty of vehicles whoso stylo is undeniable. They rango from tho nlme ton to tho family coach and aro tho equal of any in appearance and build They aro less than equal in price to most carriages of their character. A v iVfo Lack. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS HOSPITAL A$Modern Institution for the treatment of Medical and Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in attendance day or night Special accommodations for confinement cases. 721-23 North Locuiir t. Telephone No. 642. A. J. AMES. MAniE AMES. Doclors Ames & Ames, Physicians and Surgeons, Office over Stone Drug Co. Phones f t I 1 AkUOlUUIIU GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, OfTico over McDonnld Bank. Phonoa I Office 130 ihoncB Rc8idence 115 Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OP lour, feed, Grain or Hay Having recently purchased tho B. A. WilBon feed store at tho corner of Sixth and Locust Sts. I respectfully invite a Bhare of the patronage of tho public. Prompt delivery. J. R. RITNER. Go to SORENSON'S FOR Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 Eaat Fifth. NOTIGR FOR PUnLIOATION. Serial No. 02274. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Olllco at North I'latto, Nob. May 0. 1910. Notice Is hereby clven that Marv A Hawkins, formerly Mnry A. .Timiw of .Maxwell, Nou., who. on Nov, U. 1WI, mado homestead entry No. 0021, serial No, U2-.T4 for nwii section 0. townxhlD U. N. ranffo28. Wof tho 8th Principal Meridian, has llled notice of Intention to inako Ilnnl Ave year proor. to establish claim to tho land abovo described. Iwforo tho licctstor and Ko- celvor at North I'latto. Nebraska, on tho 22d uay or July, iviu. uiaimant names as witnesses: John O, Nrstrom, .Mary IS. Hukraw. of Maxwoll. Nob. Henry K. Itldlniror. John Martin or North i'latto, mci. nv-u j, e. evans. Uctrlstor. NOTIOE TO OltKDITOIlS. Tho Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss In tho County Court. In tho matter ot tho estato of Jacob Klchl eer. Deceased. To the creditors or saidcstatoi You aro lierobr notified that T will set at tho county court room in North I'latto In said county, on Monday. Juno 0th. 1U10, and on Tuesday. December )tli. 11)10. at II o'clock a. m. ot each day to receive and examine all claims aeulnst said estato. with a view to their adjustment and allowance. Tho tlmo limited for tho nresentatlon of claims acralnst said estato Is t) months from tho third day of .May A. I). 1V1U. ana Uio tlmo limited for niv ment of debts Is ono year from said 3d dar or ay, iviu. Tins notico to do pumisncu eiant success lvo Issues In tho North i'latto Tribune, i legal nowspapor publlshod in said county. prior to Juno ."utn, iuiu. Witness my hand, and tho seal of Bald county court. tiiis'Jist uay of May, iuiu. w. u. ki.dkh. cauntv .Indiro 11 y Kathorlno I". Clark, Cleric County Court. OltDKIt OK IIEAUINO ON PROBATE Ol I'OICEluN WILL. Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, sa In tho county court. May 21st. 1010. In tho of matter of tho estato of II. Louis Handier, doceased. On readlnir and llllnir the notltlon of Ida S Hauichbr. praylnir that tho Instrument lllcd on tho 20th day ot May, 1010. and imrportlmr to be an authenticated cony of tne last win anu resimont or tne said decoased. as proved, probated, and allowed In tho probato court ot Adams "ounty, Pennsyl vania, may do proveu, approvca, prouatod allowed and recorded as tho last will and Testament of tho said II. Louis It&tieliur. deceased. In this court as proved by sections o-vi ana aaa, uouooy s statute, iwv. uruoruu, Tnat.iuno lain, uuu. at u o'clock A, M., Is assigned for hoarlntr said petition when all persons interested In said matter may appear at a county court, to bo held In and for said county, and show cause why tho nravor of nut- tloner should not bo irranted. This order tn 1)0 printed for six successive Issues In the North Platto Soml-Weokly Trlbuno prior to junoiom. iuiu- W. O. Kl.rimi. Cnunlv .Iiiricn. Uy Kathorlno F. Clark. Clerk County Court NOTICE. Carrie Ilrlttlnsham dofendant. will take notico that on the 13th day ot May, 1UI0, tho MiKarlan Carr'aa-o Company, plaintiff horo In. llled Its notltlon In tho Dliitrlct Court nf Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said Carrlo llrlttlncham and Charles Itrlttlnirliom. tho object and prayer of which are. to collect from said defendants the sum of3S0.6'4 and Interest thereon at elcht per cent from May is, 1010, upon a certain promissory noto for wiis.w oxecutua seineintHir i. uw, ny said defendants to tho plaintiff. Tho amount due upon said noto at this tlmo is S3S0.&S. You aro further notllled that an order of attachment nail Issued in tho suit ot the plaintiff In Bald action, and said order of attachment was on May It). 1010, levied upon certain real ostato or tne aoxenaant, carrlo Hrlttlneham. to-wlti An undivided one-third Interest In and to tho northwest Quarter ot section 4, ana tne northeast quartor of section o, .iui an or section v. in township v, raniro 27, and tho oast half of tho northwest nu&rtnr. and the oast halt of section 33, In township 10. raniro 'Jfl. In Lincoln countv. Nelirinlra. in. plaintiff prays that paid property bo sold to saiisiy amount uuo on saiu noto. you aro required to answer said petition on or oororo tnu inn aay or July, ivio. Nowhere in North Platto will vou find better and more satisfactory fivo and ten cent cigars than here. We make our cigars and know tho quality of tobacco that goes In them, and knowing this we can recommend them to all smokers. Rive our cigars a trial. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. NOTICE OFBETTt.HMKNT. Tim Stato of Nebraska. Lincoln County, s.s. in ino uouniy uouri. In thn m&ttnr nf Mm nittln nf Teuton II 11 nil. deceased. To tnnrrpdltnrH. tinlrn Ipoitfnna iml uftinra interested In tho estato of Louisa Hund. raup notice tliat Fred Hund has filed in tho countr cnurt a renort ot. Ills doings as administrator of xald estate and It Is ordered that the same- stand for hearing tho 31st day of May, a. 11. luiu, do r ore. mo court at tho hour of 2 o'clock, p.m.. at which tlmo any person interested may appear ana except w.uuwuiui. bun nauiu. nuu iiuutuui turn procccdlnir Is ordered eiven In tho North I'latto Scml-Wcokly Trlbuno, for six succes sive Issues prior to May 31st, 1010. Witness my hand and tho soal of tho coun ty court at North I'latto this Dth day of may a. u, iuiu. mio-o w o. elder, county Judro. Notice for Publication. Serial No. 02537. Department of tho Interior. U. B. Land Olllco at North Platte. Neb. May. 5th, 1910. Notico Is hereby clven that Robert It. And' orson, or Homersot, Nob., who on June Uth. lw. mado Homestead Entry No. 21224. serial no. wmj, tor tho south hair and north cast Quarter ot section 4, township 10, north. ranee si. west ot the uth principal meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final ll vo year proor. to establish claim to the land abovo described, beforo tho rcelstor ana receiver at aorth riatte, neDrasica. on tho istn aay ot July, ivio. Claimant names as witnesses: Ja: Lawyer, Perry O Mulllkln. Geonro W. Clarl anaueorge u, inner, an or somerset, mod. BllU-n J. K. KVANA. IWBlStOr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. U2059. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land OQlco at North Platto. Nob. May. fth. 1010 Notico Is herobv irlven that Porrv O. Mulll LIm ... l.. ..... .. . kr.u Mt.n T..Hn n.t. iwh. mauo Homestead Kntrv ino. sum. serial No. O-JOW. for northwest uuarter toctlon 14. northeast quartet section IK, and southeast quarter section to. township lu, north. ranire m, west or tho sixth principal menaian, uas niou notico or intention to mako final five yoar proof, to establish claim to tuo lann anove aesennca. Dororo tne Rculster and Receiver at North Platte. Ne braska, on tho 13th day of July, iviu. vJiaiuimii. uumus u vribuusaco uu A.anar. Robert R, Anderson, Georiro W. niarlc, and ueoriro ii. Miller, allot somerset, hod. miu-o j, k. kvans. Knaistnr Sorial No. 01912-02151. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DKPAllTMENT OF THE . lNTRItlOR. United States Land Office. At North Platto. Nebraska. Ma? 5. 1910. Notico Is hereby trlvon that Geonro u. ricnairer, or Myrtle, MenrasKd, who. on hov. ara, iwj, made nomesteaa entry no. ivnv, serial wo. uiuiz, ror tno soutnuastquar tor. and on July 10th. 1901. made II. E. No. 201)78, Sorial No. 0U1S1, for tho southwest quar ter, section o. Township io. n Kanee zu w.. ot tho fith Prlnclual Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Anal live year proof, to establish claim to the land above ucscriDea, oeroro tho register ana receiver at North Platto. Nebraska, nn tho 12th dav of July 1910. , Claimant names as witnesses: William Wahl. William J. Illcklev and Kuceno Artlorv of Myrtle. Nob. and James J. Lockhart, ot uanay, incu. miu-u j. e. kvans, lteeister, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 01880-02111. Department of tho Interior. U. 8. Land Olllce at North Platto. Nob. Mav ftth. 1910. Notico Is hereby irlvon that Washington Kdmlsten of Horshuv Nebraska, who. on Juno Htl.. Vm, mado homestead entry No. 19U68. Serial No. Oim, for east half southwest quar ter anu lots ii ana 4, ana on .luiy otu, made homes ead entry No. 20301, Sorial No. U21U. for south east nuartor oast hair north west quarter, ana lots l ana z, section su, township 13, north. Banco 31. west of tho sixth Principal Meridian has Died notico ot Intention to mako final (lvo year proof to establish claim to the lanu abovo described, boforo tho Rcelstor and Receiver at North I'latto. Mob., on tho Hth uay of July, iflio, Claimant namos as witnesses! Andrew II aim. and Herman Wendoborn of Ilershov, Nob., and Albert E Donaldson and Gilbert t. Knotts, oi north riatte. hud, ml0-e J, K. EVANS. Register. Serial No. 04228 Notico for Publication-Isolated Tract. Public Land Sale. Denartmentof tho Interior. U. S. Land Office at North Platte. Neb May a, luio. Notico Is hereby (riven that, as directed by tno Commissioner of tho General Land Olllce under tho provisions of tho acts of concress annroverf Juno 27th. 1V00 Ml Stats.. 617). and March 1907 (34 Htats.. Vil), wo will offer at public sale to tho highest bidder at ten o'clock a. m on tnezu aay or .luiy, iuiu, next, at this oiuco. tno louowinir tract orianai soutiieast quarter or section 22, In township 10, north, ranco 31 west ot tho Oth P. M. Any porsons claiming adversoly thn abovo described lands aro advised to II Io their claims or objections on or boforo tho time designated ror iaio. J. E. kvans, . Reclstor. Notice. Frank B. Gard will tako notico that on the 30th dav of Anril. 1910. P. H. Sy lvian, a justice ot the peace in and for .Lincoln uounty, NebrasKa. issued an order of attachment for the sum of $0.25 in an action pending before him, wherein Richard V. Cox is plaintiff and Frank B. Gard defendant, that property consisting of money in the hands of the T TniAri corporation, has boen attached under salu order. Said cause was continued to the 21st dav of June. 1910. at 2 o'clock. P. M Dated North Platte, Nebr. May 10th Klcliard V. (Jox i'lantiri. Road No. 335. To all whom it mav concern: The special commissioner appointed for the purpose of locating a public road as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of tha northeast quarter of section 31, township 9. range 27, and running thence east on half section line to head of pocket; thence Southeastward to sec tion lino between sections 31 and 32, township 9, range 27, and running thence south, anu connecting witn road No. 230: road to be GO feot wide; has reported in favor of tho location of said road with tho .following change: Said road to bo CO feet wide in the place of GO feet wide as petitioned, and all objections thereto or claims for damage must bo filed in tho ofllco of the conntv clerk on or before noon on tho 17th day ot Juiy, iuiu, or sucn road win do es tablished without reference thereto. Dated North Platte, Neb., May 13th 1U1V. r . K. pLI.lOTT, CcuW Crerk. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF NE BRASKA, NORTH PLATTE DIVISION. Amorican Water Works & Ouarantco Com pany, a Corporation, complainant, vs. North I'latto Water Works Company, a corporation. Respondent. UllLlttlC. It Is ordered that all rmrsoiii holdlmr claims or demands of any kind against tho North Platto Waterworks Company, except holders ot bonds and Interest coupons, secured by a deed of trust upon tho property. II lo a verl- uea siaiomentor tneir Claim witn tho cierK of thn Circuit Court ot tho United States, at nortn 1'iaiin, McnrasKa, on or beroro tne llth day of June, 1910. All uch claims will bo audited for all wanr.o or rplnntlon hv tho court, on tho 13th day of Juno, 1010, at tho hourof ten o'clock In tho forenoon, In tho courtroom In thn city of North I'latto, No- nrasKa, or at sucn later uato as tho cour'. may at that tlmo appoint. All claims not filed as herein ordered, and audited and allowed by thecourtashereln provided, shall bo barred from participating In tho proceeds of tho receivership, and from any and all claim airalnst thu assotH in tha hands nf thn re ceiver. It Is further ordored that a copy of this order bo published In the North Platto Trl- migO every issuo during the month of May, . Dated, at Chambers. In Omaha, Nebraska, April 80th. 1910. n, W, II. Munqeu. Judgo. LEGAL NOTIOE. Sylvester M. Qlllesnln will take tintleo that. upon i tho 29th day of January, 1910. Hatttu v uuicspio. as piaintirr, niea her suit In tho District Court of Lincoln Cniintv. Nntirlti against said Sylvester M. Glllcsplo. as do- lenaani. tno onjoct ana prayer ot plaintiff's petition belnjr to securo a alvorco from tho ban, .s of matrimony from tho defendant for tho masons that thn dnfnnilont. he I no- nt sufficient ability to provide suitable maintenance for the plaintiff, grossly and WOntonly neglected to dn tn nnrt thnt. tlm said dofendant was physically lncompotent at tho tlmo ot said marriage and that tho said marrlago was nover consumated and that the plaintiff und tho defendant never co-habltcd together and that tho dofendant was a marncu man, having a wiro living from whom ho had nover been divorced, at tho tlmo tha said defendant mnirlod tlm plaintiff. Tho said doroant, Sylvester M. Qlllcsplo U required to answer this petition on or be fore tho 13th day of June, 1910. UATOE A. GILLESPIE. Plaintiff. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Tho Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tbo County Court, In tho matter of thn estato nf flr1i R. Slack, deceased. To tho creditors, legatees and others Interested In tho estato of Sarah E. Slack. Tako notico. That William W. Blrco has died In tbo county court a repo. t of his doings as executor of said estato and .it Is or ered that tho samo stand for hnarlnir Mm 7th ilav of Juno A. D.. 1910, boforo tho court at tbo nour oiuo ciock a. m at which tlmo any porson Interested may appear and except to and contest tbo same. And notico ot this proceeding is ordored given In tho North I'latto Trlbuno. a soml-wookly newspaper, fornix SUCreAslvn lRRtie nHnr tk .Tnnn 7th. 1910. Witness my hand and thn seal nf thnr-nnn- ty court at North Platto this loth day of May A. D. 1910. m 17-fl W. C. Eldek. County Judge. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 02487. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Olllco at North I'latto, Neb. May 13th. IVIO. Notico Is herobr clven that Arthur Toden- boft. of North Platto. Nob., who. on March 9th. 1003. made H. E. No. 21004. Serial No. 02467. for all of section 4. Township 10 N.. uangosu west or tnoutu 1'rincipai Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to mako llnal fivo year proof to establish claim to tha land abovo described, boforo tbo Register and Re ceiver at North Platte, Nob., on tho 16th day of July. 1910. Claimant names as wltnossos: Harry Gal londer. D. N. Callander and Henry Rlckler. of Tryon, Nob., and E. Mayfiold. of Nesblt. hod. J. U, Kvans. Heglstor. ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR HUMHAUAKV ADMINISTRATION. Stato ot Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho county court. In the matter ot tho estato of NIcklos Huxoll, deceased On readlnir &nd flllnif thn netlt.lnn nf Carolina E. Tolltz. praying that tho regular administration or aaia estate on wniveu as nrovlded bv snctlnns fi202. fC03. and 5204, Cobbey's annotated Statuto for tho year iw. Ordered. That Juno 7th. A. D. 1910. at 3 o'clock p. tn., is assigned tor hearing said petition, when all porsons interested in said matter may appoar at a county court to bo ueiu in anu ior saia county, anu snow causo why tho prayer ot tho petitioner should not bo granted: and that notico of tho nondoncv of said petition and tho bearing thereof bo given to all persons Interested In said mat ter oypuousuing a copy or this ortier in tno North Platto Tribune, a fieml Weekly news-' papor printed In said county, for six succes sive issues prior to said day ot hearing, uaseu May ioui, ivio. ml7-3 W. C. Eldkh. County Judge. NOTIOE OF SETTLEMENT. Tho Stato of Nebraska, I,. Lincoln County. fBS In tho County Court. In tho mattor'of tho estato ot Ernest Tolltz, deceased. To tho creditors, legatees and others Interested In tho estato of Ernest Tclltz. Take notico, that Carollno Eralll Tolltz has died In tho county court a report of her doings as Executrix ot said estato and It Is ordered that tho samo stand for hearing tho 7th day of Jun, A. D. 1010, bo foro tho court at tho hour ot 3 o'clock p, m., at which tlmo any porson Interested may ap pear and except to and contest tho samo. And notico of this proceeding Is ordored given In tho North Platto semi-weekly Trlbuno for six successive lssuos prior to Juno 7th 1910. Witness m.v hand and thoscal of tho county court at North Platto this lth day of May, A. D. 1910. ml7-8 W O. Elder:. County Judge. Road No 338 To all whom it may concern:. The special commissioner appointed for the purpnse of locating a public road commencing: About 25 rods east of the N. W, corner of S. 1 S. E. i of Sec. 19, town 9, range 29, and following road as now traveled N. W. throiigh the Charles Sanders farm to where it strikes tho quarter lino between the north and south half of tho north half of Sec. 24, thence following this lino as near as practical west to a junction with tho county road No 144, has reported in favor of said road and all objections thereto or claim for damage must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon on the 22nd dav of July, 1910. or such road will bo estab- iisnea witnout reference thereto. Dated North Platte, Nebr., May 17, 1910. R. F. Elliott, County Clerk Estimate of Expenses. I, Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk, here by certify that tho following estimate of expenses was made by the Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platte, Nebraska, the 18th day of May, 1910. J Salaries for City Officials $3100.00 Expense for Fire Dep't inc service of Chief 1800.00 Streets, Culverts, etc , 4500.00 Sidewalks, Crossings and Approaches 1500.00 General & Incidental Expenses.. . 4000.00 Fire Protection 3500.00 Street Lighting 2800.00 Sower Tax for Interest and Bonds 1200.00 Sewer Maintenance Tax 1500.00 Wator Bond Interest 5000.00 Free Library Fund 1200.00 Park Fund 1200.00 City Hall Site 2000. 00 $33,300.00 The entire revenue for tho past fiscal C. Fi TfcWUV CitV CRk.