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ca THE SEMI-WEI KlY TRIBUNE IIU U BARB, Publisher. TBRM8, tun IX ADVANCE NdrTTM PLATTK NEBRASKA LUXURIES OF MODERN HOTELS Multl-Mllllonalre Can Live Better Now Than Kings of Old Ever Old. Modern New, York hotels hnvo reached tho acnio of luxury and aro adapted to tho long purses of tho rnuUI-mlllloiinlrc, who requires as a matter of course, luxuries which tho most powerful monarch In tho world might long for In vain. Ho can live In regal npartmcnta hung with price less Gobelin tapestries and spread with tho most costly rugs of tho Orient Ho can batho IiIh tired body In perfumed waters, and refresh tho Inner man with tho marvelous crea tions of a $20,000-n-year chef. Ho can Bleep In n bed of carved tulip wood en art treasure, an heirloom from an old French castle, hung with silk nfter the nnctent style, and worth a llttlo over $10,000; and last, but not least, he can bo attended by n rotlnuo of servants who will nnticlpato his overy 'wish. His bedroom tlmeplcco Is regulated for him by Washington observatory, and his business may bo carried on In tho seclusion of his own apartments over a private or long distance tele phone. At ono of tho now and boautl ful hotels which employs 1,032 peo ple for Its 74G rooms ho may oven skato ou real Ico In midsummer, for during, the hot weather tho grillroom Is turned Into a skating rink, a coat of ico being placed at groat oxponso ovor the tiled floor. It Is not to bo won dered at, therefore that scores of American millionaires, who could well afford palaces of their own, havo mado their homes permanently In these great and marvelous Aladdlns palaces. Many of them In fact havo desortod magnificent private resi dences and taken up their abode In a New York hotel lu order to oscapo tho servant problem. Literary Magazlno. The Dlble In Practical Lire. ' Ono of tho most practical features of the present uprising of students llos In the fact that tho Dlblo Is being trans ferred from tho region of dogmatic and theological conceptions to tho realm ot real life. Tho book Is botng rediscov ered not simply as n storehouso of mys terious and sacred Information, but na b means leading to successful and nor mal human life. Tho Dlblo la taking Its placo among tho servlcoablo books of tho world. It Is proving Itsolf to bo the first book for conduct, which Mat thew Arnold asserts composes threo fourths of human life; tho simplest thing to knoW and tho hardest thing as regards doing. A utUdont coming out of ono of theso Dlblo groups was re cently overheard to say to a friend: "I feci aB though I had much to do In tho world." Prom Clayton Sedgwick Coopor'o "CollOgo Mon and tho Dlblo," in century, Exercise for Double Chins. If you do not go In for rubber bands, steaming, trained masoago and various other devices for gottlng rid of a dou ble chin, at least, try this slraplo oxer dso. Put flngors of each hand on back ot neck near base ot brain, with thumbs under tho chin and palms up. Having rubbed greaso Into flesh to prevent friction massago heavily both front and back, This Is dono by moving thumbs wjth rotary movement ovor tho rolls of flesh from tip of chin down, nt samo tlmo working flngoro on muscles at book of neck and undor oars. Persovero In this cxerclso. varying It lrcquunuy wim inrowing Head as far m . ... . 4 . . . 7 1 back as it will go whilo working across tho rolls of tho chin, and Improvement should soon bo noticed. Rafting on tho Delaware. Two' rafts of hemlock logs, belong ing to "Deacon" MItcholl of Calllcoon. U. Y., wero started down tho Dela ware river from abovo Equlnunk ono recent Tuesday. Ono, a "throo hand ed raft," passed tho Lackawaxon dam tho following Wednesday about four p'clock; tho othor, a largor raft, carllor in the afternoon. There was, a fair freshet In tho Dola- waro, and tho timber reached Its des tination? Dolvldore, N. J on Friday. Sq tar as heard from, theso nro tho only two rafts' that descended tho Dolawaro tho present sprmg. This is a striking contrast comparod with tho number of rafts run on tho Dola waro 30 years ago, when during a icg ular freshet sovornl hundred would pass a given point dally for porhaps a Tweek. Philadelphia Record. Women Only Guess. A woman who says sho has inadb something of n study of tho subject, loc!ares that there is much foolishness about the Intuition of women, Shu says that they simply guess, Just as mou do, "but that when tho guosB comes right they praise themselves, whilo the many times In which tho guess falls (thoy forgot and maintain discroot b! Jcnco about It. Llfo Llko Mercury A Gorman physiologist has Bhown rcmarkablo amocba-llko movomonta In a drop of mercury. A blchromato of potash oystal and the drop of mercury aro laid n frac tion of an inch apart on tho lovol bot tom ot a glass dlBh containing dlluto nitric acid, and as tho yellow ring from the 'dissolving crystal rcachci tho mercury, tho latter jumps back, then moves to iho crystal and Bends forth 'and draws back long tentacles, with lively twltcblngs curiously like those of a living animal. Model Picture Hat WALL PAPER IS IMPORTANT Proper Selection Means Much In Ap- , pearance of Rooms Preserves the Color Scheme. In theso days of simplicity of furnl- turo, when tho painfully twisted shapes and dust-catching what-nots nro relegated to tho oblivion of tho attic, there is greater opportunity for tho decoration of tho walls ot a room. When It Is brought to mind how much of tho wall Rpaco ot a room Is ovldent, It Is necessary that duo con sideration bo given to tho selection of paper, Tho pattern should not be such that tho harmonious furnishings ot a room aro lost in tho dominating ot color or design of tho background. Plain pnpor of noutral toncB or In distinct striped paper Is tho most de sirable Nothing is moro execrable In than tho glaring hugo flowor forms that pain tho eyo and hang In questionable glory (that never seems to fado) on tho four walls ot n room. A plain lower portion of burlap or Japaneso gruss cloth, or oven linen, Is excellent as a rollot from tho pat terned papor above. Tho,, tapestry tonos giro wldo choice for tho lowor plain band, and aro procurable in real ly artistic combinations, Ono decorator suggests a study of n Persian rug for inspiration In. tho selection ot colors for wall decoration. Of course, tho wall must bo consid ered in connoctlon with tho general schoirio ot tho room. Novcr should it bo dissociated from tho other furnish ings, if tho most artistic results bo your aim. . , The Latest Belts, Delts this season aro soft In effpet. Tnov aro shown In soft silks, satins, . i l 1 j 1 1 1 r metal mesh and metallic-finished fab' rlcs, and they tightly glrdlo the flguro. Stlffer bolts aro also shown on Rus- slan-blouso suits and on scml-fltting prlncosso gowns, and aro held loosely into placo through applied straps. Many of tho bolts have buckles of tho samo matorlal with elthor a touch of hand ombroldory to mnko thorn moro nttractivo, or they aro braided. A bolt ot soft, dark bluo silk, for In stance, will have tho buckle covered with tho silk decorated with a design braided In narrow dark bluo soutacho and flno gold braid, From Woman's Homo Companion. Seamless Shoulders. Soamloss shoulders distinguish n great many of tho now negligees and at onco commend them to tho woman who makos bucIi robes for herself, as they do not require tho perfect sha ping of tho garment between tho throat and tho olbow. Somo of the most artistically draped negligees con sist of single or double widths of mato rlal crossing tho shoulders and jolnod from tho contor of tho book to tho front, tho V at tho napo of tho neck bolng tlllod In with a trlanglo of em- broldory or laco and tho sldos below tho arms supplemented with sharply pointed goreB running from tho horn to tho lnnor seam of tho cut-in-one bIoqvos. New Uses for Cretonno. Crotonno and chintz docarnte thn coat, hat and fruquontlyiK parasol. Crotonno bastalso bocn used by Frcnqh modistes for decorative pur- Sobos upon ovonlng gowns or, rnthor. undor ovenlng gowns, for tho floworod material la sot undor tho chiffon or othor turn lauric, wnicn veils it suf ficiently to glvo it tho most artistic offoct. To gjyo tho trimming of cretonno n look of Individuality, n woman handy with hor neodlo may "pick up" with ombroldory otlk certuln motifs In the leslgn, Tho earno work Is also dono with gold thread. EMBROIDERY ON THE BLOUSE Touch of Color Has Already Mado Its Way Thoroughly Into Pop ular Fayor. Tho new blouso that has a touch ot colored embroidery about It Is sure to bo in favor. Ono that Is stylish eith er for a plain colored linen dr pongeo frock, or for a soft, dark silk shirt waist suit is developed with a narrow "walls of Troy" effect that moro near ly resembles squnro tabs. Tho blouso Is mado with eighth of Inch tucks sot In groups ot three, and opons at ono sldo ovor a knlfo plait ing of tho mntorlal, or of a dlfferont color. Tho edge of tho opening is cut In tho squaro tabs, embroidered nil around to tho depth of n quarter of an Inch In colored embroidery silk or mercerized cotton. Tho frill Is ot chiffon or soft silk In samo color as tho handwork, or If tho material Is used, tho edgo Is scalloped to match tho embroidered blocks. In each of tho blocks Is a small satin stitch dot, whilo back ot the cut-In lino is a row of colored but tons. Tho sleovo is trimmed with samo effect, with embroidered tabs, dots and buttons running from shoulder to wrist, and n narrower frill to match that on wnlst IN WHITE SERGE. The skirt ot this cos'tumo has plain punal down center ot front, with tho edges of sides lntd ovor und ar ranged In a wrapped seam; tho coat has the Bides laid over tho fronts tho samo way. Dlack satin faces tho long collar, whilo buttons covered with tho same form fastening below. Hat of straw swathed with panno and trimmed with a bunch of mixed llowors each sldo. Materials required: B yards sorgo 48 Inches wide, 4 yard satin, 4 yards silk for lining coat, 2 buttons. "Pulling Threads" Mode Easy, The next tlmo you nro hemstitching, try rubbing dry soap on tho mato rial whero tho threads are to bo pulled. They will como out llko Dingle, This can bo used for tile fl nest or hoavlost matorlals without In jurlng them. From Woman's Home Companion. 4 INGffDK Cj talflM Boy In Knickers a ITASHINOTON. Grave, gray-beard-W ed members of tho United States sonate commltteo on commerce list ened roccntly with respectful atten tion to tho arguments of n 13-year-old boy In knickerbockers whoso .head barely topped tho tnblo which sepa rated him and his dignified auditors. Tho youthful orator was William B. D. Stokes, Jr., of Now York, and his theme wob wireless telegraphy and telephony. Ho Is president of tho Junior Wireless Club of America, Ltd., and ha Is opposed to certain features of tho Depew bill, which provides for government regulation of wireless tel egraphy. Master Stokes said tho members of his organization wero amateur wire less telegraphers, all of tender years. He told the commltteo that tho boys favored a nominal license feo for wireless operators, tho llccnso to bo rovocablo for "malpractice." Tho boy lobbyist's volco was youth ful, but his words wero thoso ot a grown man and a scientist and his hearers smiled broadly at hearing him roll fluently from his tongue the polysyllabic technical terms of his craft. However, they paid respectful attention to his arguments and an- Animals In Kitchen Peril to Health rur fix the: PEbKV Cr?J7Tffi 1-1, INSECTS play a large part as me chanical carriers of disease and nono Is worse than tho common houso fly, yet It Is allowed to Infest meat ex posed for sale, bread and sweetmeats, berries, U10 edgo of tho milk pall and tho food on tho kitchen table. Tho keynote of cleanliness Is espe cially sounded with respect to keeping pet nnlmalB in tho ktchcn. Tho fur of the cleanest of them must como In contact with many things which we would not care to havo touch our food. This Information Is imparted in a bulletin issued by tho department ot agriculture, prepared under the super vision of the office of experiment sta tions. It Is entitled, "Care of Food In the Home," and is for freo distribu tion. Its author, Mrs. Mary Hlnman Abel, has advanced many new ideas and called attention to many simple house methods that mako for cleanli ness and wholcsomcncs8 of foods In tho homo. Smoke as They Discuss Tobacco's Harm 5M0KIHC INJURES! A WITH smoke curling from their vnrl flavored cigars, heart specialists from throughout tho country who re cently attended the congress of Amer ican physicians and surgeons gath ered In Washington to discuss wheth er tho prolonged and excessive use of tobacco meant "sudden death." At the close of a lengthy debnto they woro far from reaching an agreement as to what was tho real effect of tho uso of tobacco on tho heart. Dr. H. L. Elsnor of Syracuse, N. Y., Introduced tho subject by discussing tho Influence ot tobacco on hyperten sion In tho circulatory system. Smo king in moderate amount by grown persons might not bo Injurious, ho said, but hq expressed n belief that smoking was Injurious to those who had hereditary heart afflictions. Dr. Judson Daland of Philadelphia Taft In Quandary; TO be tho White Houso cook and pro para the food for tho president, his tamlly nnd guests Is an honor, but to bo tho brldo of an Irish policeman de tailed for duty at tho executive man sion has proved moro attractive to Martha Peterson, who has resigned. Now when Mnrtha decided to bo come tho wife of Policeman Mulvoy sho thought of her cousin In Sweden, who sho says 1b a better cook than herself. So sho recommended her cousin to the president as tho chef. Tho president was considering tho ad visability of having Mrs. Mulvey's cousin to como over to Washington to io tho White House cooking when the question uroso; la Swedish cooking m American Industry to a great OSSIP Wireless Wonder pcared Impressed by what ho said. When ho had finished his argument against tho bill the boy turned prophet. Ho said that In ten years It would be possible for portions on land to communicate, with distant points by wlrelesB. "If a man has nn automobile break down 26 miles from homo, ten years from now," he said, "all ho will havo to do will bo to take out his wireless kit, call up his butler and tell him he will not come homo to dinner." Master Stokes also Informed tho members of the committee that for eign nations wero far ahoad of the United States In the development of wireless telegraphy and blamed tho era of wireless stock exploitation this country has experienced. Ho said there were between 25.000 and 40.000 boys In tho United States Interested In wireless telegraphy and expressed the belief that their expprlments would prove of great valuo to tho na tion In the future. Young Stokes la the son of the pro prietor of the Ansonla apartment ho tel In New York, and will bo remem bered as the first person to devise a receiving box for tho interception of wireless telephono and telegraph mes sages. This device was perfected in Sep tember, 1908, on tho roof of his fa ther's hotel. It was the result of long and secret experiments in which tho boy was unaided. When his Inven tion was examined by wireless ex perts they pronounced him an electri cal prodigy. Ono of tho most Important sugges tions is that In regard to ptomaine poisoning. Ou this subject the author any 8: "Food may become dangerous oven before it shows outwnrd signs of de composition and tho danger hardly bo recognized without laboratory ap paratus. It is no uncommon thing to hear that a largo number of per sons attending a banquet wero taken violently ill within a fow hours. These cases of wholesalo poisoning general ly occur in summer nftor a heated term. It is a safe rulo to eat spar ingly of foods liable to changes In hot wcathor and whero tho serving of a largo number at ono tlmo brings a strain on tho culinary forces, when material Is certain to be served which has been prepared a considerable time in advance." Mrs. Abel thinks ordinary kitchen mothods fall Bhort of todny's require ments, especially with respect to sanl tary science. Tho old fashioned ha tred for dirt is not enough. This ap plies especially with respect to the cleaning of kitchen utcifslls. For In stance, boiling has long been known to kill whatever was tho cause ot "spoiling" food. However, most house keepers did not "boll out" the milk cans, etc., but simply scalded them. told of a family of four whoso parents had died of causes other than angina pectoris. Threo of the brothers, cigar manufacturers, who wero compelled to smoke more than 20 cigars a day, developed angina pectoris, while a sister at the ago of 52 never had suf fered from tho disease. So far the anti-tobacco men had had the floor. Dr. R. G. Curtln of Phlla delphla roso to stem the tide. He told of CO cases of angina pectoris, In which seven of them were In femalo subjects. "Women commonly do not use to bacco," said he, "although I hear re cently they are taking it up." Ho pointed to Japan, "where boys begin to smoke at nine and girls at ten, and whero angina pectoris Is not common," to prove that tobacco did not causo tho disease. Ho said It might aggravate tho disease but not cause It. So might tho mind, for that matter, he said. Ho told of an Epls copal bishop who always had an at tack of anglnn pectoris when ho dravo up hill and of another patlont who was accustomed to havo an attack of this dlseaso when ho ran for a streot car. His Cook Has Quit enough extent to demand protection under the contract labor law 7 Foolish Question No. GG7.7CG! No not at nil, but tho chances aro It will bo a mighty serious question with the honorable the attorney general of the United States and tho honorable the solicitor general, ditto, ditto, to say nothing of tho president of tho same place, who needs tho cook. Just how serious aro tho Intentions of tho president toward his former cook's relative In Sweden tlmo alone will divulge, but labor union officials aro not so reserved, They, through Secretary Frank Morrison of tho American Federation of Labor, cannot understand how tho president cau even consider tho importation of cook from Sweden. Mr. Morrison said he could not go Into tho details of tho affair, because ho did not know them, but ho said the president ought to know all about tho law and ought not to think ot .doing bucIi u thing, Tho contract labor law Is plain nnd its provisions aro not to bo evaded. System Required. Clork May I have a day's lenvo to morrow, sir? it Is my mothor-ln-1aW funeral. Employer My dear Hubor, this' mustn't occur again. Last wook your wife died and now your mothor-ln-law's going to bo burled. You must arrango thing better In your family and soo that they happen In tho holi days. Lustlgo Dlatter. PEttltY DAVIS PAINKtrXRIt For a sudden chill orcolddnitradof whlikcv. bm fell medicine never falls. 26c, Ko and (to bottle. Onrn von start thinking about vour iclf and your complaints, your health begins to go. nr. rieree's Pellets, small, anrar-eonte. a-i tako n candy, rctftilnto and Invlvoralo ttuiwlj, Uver and bowels, lw nut gripe. Pnt up with sarcasm don't p.-atlst It. Lewi Single Hinder cigar. ttrisinal Tin Foil Smoker Pnckngc, 60 straight. Farmers and washladles get their living from thn soil, a kTHE KEYSTONEj TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'J STOMACH BITTERS The Bitters has clearly proven, during the past 56 years, that it is an ideal tonic and invitiorant for those-in a weak and debili tated condition. It aids di gestion and keeps the bowels open. Try It today. WESTERN CANADA What J.I. Hill, the Great ftallroad Magnate. Bays About Ha Wheat-Producing Power The jrroatMt need ot this country United BUtr) la another const- in or two win ie uio pro tiding ol home for lu pooplo and producing uioient ior m folent for tuem. The days of oar prominence u a whoat eiportlng country' aro none. Can. ada la to be tho great wheat country.' This great rail road mag. unto ie tnklng advantace ot tho situation tiy traalTO railway IhiIIiI lng o tho wlirnt t lolda ot Western Cuunclm Upwards of 125 Million Bushels of Wheat vntro hnrrcstnl In 1 000, Arenas ot tho threo provinces ot Alberta. Boakatehownn andBlanltoba will be upwardaot SiU tiuabcls per acre. Freo homes tiada of 1 OO nerr. and adjoining; preiinitlous ot lUOncmilnt (3 per aero), aro to bo had In tho choicest district. Schools convenient, cllmato exooUent. soil tho very best, railways closo at linnd, build lnT lumber cheap, furl easy to get and roasonablo In price, water easily procuredi mixed tannine a rmcccos. Write aa to boat place for settlement, settlors' low railway rates, descriptive Illus trated "Jjuit Host Weet'Msent fres on appllostlon). and other informa tion, to Bup'l ot Immigration, Ottawa, Can., or to the Osnadlsa Government Agent. W. V. BENNETT Hoem 4 In Hit. Oaiht, lib. (TJse address nearest you). (I) kTRAML? mm Rend a ! is. r vsi cent ilAtno (to cover malllnsl and cheI vner clnmler'a name for Rwanda Fir Oatctar. which keep will your home fly less. Tho PYRAMIDS FLY CATCHER I Is more sanitary than fly paper and works better and quicker, and laa-f longer. It has no objectionable odor and will not arip in me uoiten westner. it can be hung up out ot the war. The thlnlnu "uriacs auracia uie mes. coin V tOttUDJo,s0.. i3usEI.,H.Y. WntnonTi.ColfimnDi'Waxb. Ington.U.U. llookifrte. lllgta eat rtlercncca. Ueet result. Nebraska Directory John Deere Cultivators ARE THE BEST ASK VOUU DKAI.Klt Oil JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY, Omaha. W. G, Lincoln, Neb. Manufacturer of COPPER CABLED L I GHTNING RODS WELDING, parts of machinery mads good as new. Welds cost Iron, cast tteel, aluminum, copper, brass ol any other inotal. Kipert automobile repairing. BERT8CIIY MOTOR OO., Council Bluffav TYPEWRITERS IlkUlsud up. All ntandard Uskes, sold ur ninlMl. luot applied If you nurcuaaa. Ua-talnns shipped snywberl oaspprnvsl. no ntnosu requireu. "ni.i itrnoattrenulml. Writs for lanre Ittl L NCU LINCOLN TVPEWniTEII EXCHANGE , 122 Nono 1 1 til Btroot Lincoln, Neb, TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS ,r.l I hi 7 llniltrlas St.. (IMAHa. NFR. Reliable Dentistry t Mods-rat Priitta, RUBBER GOODS by mall at out prices. Bend tor free catalogue! MYERS-DILLON DRUQ CO., Omaha, Neb. cpuTbase ball? 1,000 UNIFORMS IN STOCK Bend stamp for catalojf and wholewtle prices ou Uhmi Hull, Tenuis, Golf and HporllUK Uood of all kinds, nnd our handsome bane ball button, male position you play, TOWNSEND GUN COMPANY ,014 Mrnam Street Otis tin. wssavrTsi'i LVsmTae f W.i-au ;