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Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Ono Year by Mail in advanco $1.25 Ono Year by Carries in advance $1.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY JUNE 17, 1910. One of the political quorica now be fore the people of Nebraska is whether or not W. J. Bryan will be a candidate for United States senator. It ia Bald that Mr. Bryan assured G. M. Hitch cock that ho would not be a candidate, and yot Bryan Beems to countenance the circulation of petitions placing him a nomination. Declaring that District Attorney Fickert of San Francisco had failed to take action, Governor J. N.Glllott Wed nesday ordered that tho Fourth of July fight between J. J. Jeffries and Jack Johnson bo stopped by Attorney Gen eral U. S. Webb. Tho order iB contain ed in a lengthy letter of instructions received by Webb and directs that he proceed without delay to take nec essary steps. Webb nnnounced that he will at once comply with the governor's instructions. The tyranny of a government that would make its departmental clerks work eight hours instead of seven hours a day is apparent at n glance. If Pres ident Taft enforces tho eight-hour dny in Washington tho oppressed clerkH will, of course know what to do. They should appeal to tho courts on tho constitution al ground that cruel and unusual pun ishments are not to bo tolerated in the United States. Eight hours a 'day I What are we coming to in this country! Denver papers stato that the several railroads which have been doing con struction work in Wyoming and Colo rado have ordered a cessation of work. "Unfriendly" national legislation ia given as tho cause for this action, which is u lamo excuse. None of the railroads will bo Seriously affected by the moaBuro now before congress, the object of tho law being to correct existing abuses and unfair methods em ployed by tho roads. It will not be surprising if tho railroads attempt to bring about a financial flurry which with tho aid of Wall streot thoy are able to do in hopes that it may divort attention from railroad legislation. The New York World calls attention to the fact that while tho railroads re cently undertook to raiso their rates all along tho line, and aro only waiting now for another opportunity to make tho attempt, other public servico cor porations nave not made such effort, but on tho other hand havo been increas ingtheirserviec,givlngmoro money and somo instances reducing rates to tho public. The samo conditions prevail with public service corporations gener tillv as with tho railroads. Thon whv tho attempted squeeze? Doubtless mere ly because tho railroads thougnt it could be done, and becauso they had not taken tho proper measure of the man In tho wnlto nouso. Kearney nub President Rinloy of the Santo Fo railroad published a letter which he snys was written to him by iirotnlnnnt liuslnnss rann." 'a very nrominent business man," that pre dicts a lomr-drawn nanlc as the ulti mate outcome and remedy of existing business and political conditions, Bays tho Omaha Bee. Tho letter is extremely pessimistic, comparing tho present with tho noriod immediately nreccdine the panto of tho early nineties, likening the ucmnnu (or corporation legislation and control to tho vagaries or populism. Brvanism and otherjsms of thoso days. Tho writer is so downcast that ho has withdrawn investments and fled to Europe, where he Bays, "I will seek tho enjoymento ot tno idle," ratnor man stny hero and hnzaru ills nnancini sol vency on tho threatening rocks. Tho Louisville Courior aptly and truly sayss "Tho farmer furnishes business for tho lawyer, ho cives em ployment to tho doctor, ho secures tho service of the teacher and the preacher. Ho furnishes most of tho revenuo to maintain our irovernmcnt. In fact, all things considered, agriculture is tho most important single occupation among men. Slnco the farm is so im portant, why Bhould not fnrmintr be ntmrecluted more? Why should not our best and most intelligent boys solqet farming as their lifo work? Many of them are. People are how realizing tho great opportunities that tho farm oiTcrs. Farmers aro thinkinir more. working more patiently und becoming , bettor runners. Tho farm ia coming up to Its own. Stay and build it up," Some Facts About Nebraska. A well known publicist has described u "bonanza" us being "a hole in tho ground for Bale by a liar." Tho defi nition is true only in part u "bo nunzu" is not always a hole in the ground. Peoplo who nro looking for "got-rlch-qulclc" schemes need not look to Nebraska. But people who are looking for homes in a land whero the Boil is fertile, whore the air is pure, whero educational facilities nro best, und whero the. toil of tho husbandman or the industry of tho manufacturer is reward ju bounteous measure -peoplo looking for honiuM that kind of a country should amm Nebraska. Here are u fuvrnTcUi about Nebraska that homeseckerfl t-hould tudy, ond which loyal Nebrnskans Bhould scatter to tho four corners of tho earth: Nebraska raises moro wheat, oats, barley, corn and alfalfa to tho ncro than uny othor stato, in the union. In 1909 the avorago yield of corn per aero in tho United States was 25.6 bushels; tho Ncbrasku average wna 2G.7. In 1009 tho uYerngo yield of buy per i1xo In tho United States was 112 IonB per acre; the Nebraska average. was Nebrasku soil is poculiarly adapted to tho growing of every cereal and fruit that may profitably be rained in tho temperate zone. It is "the buckle ,on tho corn belt of tho world." It is jtne'o mini largest corn urouueing Btate'ihUK'o union, with u smaller corn BRrRe than either of tho states that iire'atMisKi of it In total production, A decode ugo Nebrasku was not council among tho wheat producing sut'etf. Twisty It is thu fourth whuut producing stato in tho union, and raises moro wheat to tho acre than either of tho three states exceeding it in total production. The two states that excel Nebraska in corn production were old and well settled states before Nebraska wui ad mitted into the union. Of tho thrco states that excel Nebraska in the total of wheat produced, two wore old and well settled beforo Nebraska was ad mitted. If Nebraska can rank this high so early In her history, what will her position bo at the close of tho first quarter of the present century? Thero is a umcroncc between -cneap land" and "low priced" land. There is very little "cheap land" in Nebraska. liut mere is a treat deal or "low priced land" -that may be secured at a low prico on easy payments, and which will nroduco abundantly Millions of acres of raw land aro obtainable land that has novcr been touched by tho plow, and which is as fertile as any tho sun ever shone upon. With the advent of intensivo fnrmlna tho "biK farm" is disappearing, and its place is being ta ken by tho small farms. This means that tiierc are hundreds of thousands of acres of improved farm land upon the market, obtainable at a reasonable Krice and upon good tofms. Every year undreds of farmers aro retiring, nmply rewarded for their long years ot labor, and their land holdings aro for sale. The homo seeker need look no further than Nebraska. The far northwest Is famous for wheat, but Nebraska wheat lands aro just as productive and in ad dition Nebraska soil will grow corn, outs, rye, barley, airairn, potatoes, etc. just osprofuselyas Itgrows vhoat. mere aro approximately 4'J.OUO.ouo acres in Nebraska. Twenty-five mil lion acres are as yet untillcd. There is land in Nebraska, subject to homestead. Write to the United States land ofllco, North Platte, Nebras ka for information. For farm land, imnroved nnd unim proved, write to any reputable real estate dealer in Nebraska. Tho real estate dealers who advertiso in this newspaper are worthy of confidence. Nebraska offers homes to tho in dustrious. For Nebraska Flyers. , Tho Aero Club of Nebraska an nounces an amateur aviation contest in connection with tho Mid-West Avia tion meet to be held on a eicht near Omaha, July 9 to 14. Thero are a good many people in" Nebraska interested in aviation but it was not known anyone pretended to flv until tho Aern Club unnounced enough amateur avaitors had been found in Nebraska and Western Iowa to havo an nmetcur meet in connection with a big demonstration. Nine applications aro now in i or entries to contest. Professionals who will comneto in clude Glenn M. Curtiss, who recently mudo tho record breaking flight from Albany to New York city, Chns. K. Wliiaru and u. J. wars, both nroics- sionals in tho hcavior than air ma chines nro under contract to come. The Nebraska Aero Club has nut un $15,000 to secure these men and thoy win give a nvo day demonstration on some sito to bo selected by Mr, Mars within a fow days. Both Florence and Benson are bidders for tho meet and it will bo held some place near Omaha Clarke Powell is becrotary of tho Ne braska association. Paxton Farmer Bilked. Thursday's Omaha Bee had this item: Ono of tno oldest confidence games Known to tno ponce, round unothor vie Mm In John Monson, a farmer of Pax ton, Neb., when ho handed out $10 to a stramrer on a train at tho Union sta tion Wednesday morning. The stranger met Monson first Tuesday night, accost ing mm witn a nearty lianashaKo ana familiar greeting on tho street. He told tho farmer his name was bhorman, and upon learnlnc that Mr. Monson camo from Paxton, remarked ho also lived in that town. Before parting Shorman learned that MonBon intended departing for homo in the morninc. Sherman was on hand to meet Mon son, quite by accident ngain at tho Un ion Btatlon. ui explained ho was try inir to Bend out n bill of froicht to Pax ton, and had a check for $1,600 which he couldn't cash. If hu could only cash tho check, ho said, ho could pay tho freight charges, and nil would bo well. Monson rapidly advanced his now found friend a loan of 916 on tho check and noiu tno worthless security. Shorman departed to pay tho freight charges, but never returned. Tho farmer, there upon, after n fifteen-minute wait, re ported tno matter to tho police. The Only Double Track Uney Between North Improved Train Service to Chicago The electric -lighted Denver Special leaves every evening, arrives at Chicago next day at 1:30 p. m,; a solid through train with convenient! schedules and all travel conveniences. Direct connection at Chicago .with eighteen-hour trains to the east. CPU15 THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES Capital and. Surplus $135,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA, President, E. F. SEEBERGER, Vicc-Prcsideni, M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vicc-Prcsiucnl, F. L. M00NEY, Cashier. Commissioners' Proceedings. Juno 14th, 1910. Board met pursuant to adjournment, present Commissioners Strcltz and Walter and county clerk. Claim of U. C. Ducean. plowinc fire guards In towns 12 nnd 13, ranges 31 and 32. allowed on Commissioner Dis trict No. 3 for $1G.00. Upon petition signed by Chas. R. White and others requesting H. F. Coates to bo appointed justice of the peace for Sutherland precinct, tho samo is hereby granted. Claim of Jesse Long for road work to be dono in Road District 31 allowed for $205.00. Tho county clerk fa. hereby given au thority to employ the necessary help reqircd at tho expense of tho county to transcribe the city indexes outside of North Platto to separate books for that purpose. Tno board of county commissioners adjourn until Juno 27th. Tho board convenes as a board of equalization, present Commissioners Walter and Htreitz nnd county clerk. Walter S. Goldsberry now comes be fore tho board and complains that tho northeast quarter of section 8-12-29 Is assessed too high. Roy C. Longford: You nro hereby authorized to rofund to Walter S. Goldsberry $G. 00 on account of error in assessment. w Hereupon tno board ox eauanzat on takes n recess until Juno 27th 1910, at ono o'clock p. m. Hail Insurance. This month is tho month for hail. however, we will hope that wo miss It. but in order to be safe, insure your crops in tho central .National tiro in mirance company. Represented by Tom plo ileal restate 6i ins. Agency. Marvelous Discoveries ? mark wonderful progress of tho acre. Air flights on heavy machines, tele grams without wires, terrible war in ventions to kill men, and that wonder of wonders Dr. King's New Discovery - - - to" savo nio wnen threatened by coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis, hemorrhages, hay favor and whooping cough or lung trouble. For nil bronchlni affections it has no equal. It rcliovcs instantly. .Its the surest cure. Jamee M. Black of Asheville. N. C. R. R. No. 4, writes It cured him of an obstinate cough after all other remedies failed. COc. and $1.00. A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Stone Drug- Co. Notice of Birdwood Irrigation District. Notice is hereby given, that tho assessor in nnd for tho Birdwood Irri gation District, in tho County of Lin coln, State of Nebraska, has completed his. assessment book, and delivered tho samo to the Secrotary, nnd the Board of Directors of said district is hereby called to meet ut tho office of tho Secretary at tho home of W. B. McNeel on the Gth day of July, 1910, at2 o'clock p. in. on said day, to sit as a Board of Equalization, und will receive and hear objections to tho assessments, and will remain in session as long ns may bo necessary, not to exceed ten (10) days, during whicH timo all objections will be heard and determined. Dated this 15th day of Juno, 1910. W. B. McNeel, Secretary. Automatic Safety Signal Platte and Chicago. Seven trains daily between North Platte and Chicago. Be sure your tickets read via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North Wtsfirn Line Full information on application to Ticket Agent Union Pacific R. R. DEPOSITARY. Estrayed. On Juno 1st from pasture a dark bnv mare, four years old, scar on muscle of front leg; weight about 950. Send Information or return animal to C. S. Bethel, North Platte. J GEO. D. DENT, 1 Physician and Surgeon, Offico over McDonald Bank. Z Pi,a J Office 130 Phon08 Residence 115 HOSPITAL. A Modern Institution for the treatment of Medical and Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in Attendance day or night Special accommodations for confinement cases. 721-23 North Locust ct. Telephone No. 642. 4 A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. jfj Docfors Ames & Ames, "J ; Physicians and Surgeons, j l Office over Stone Drug Co. Phones 1 Offico 273 A i nones v Residenco 273 rJ Go to SORENSON'S FOR Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specially. Shop 107 East Fifth. THE SMOKE FROM OUR CIGARS will neveh offend thn lnrltf nf tlm 1, mien Tho fragrance is so agreoublo thnt you can emoKo in any room without rebuko. If even women liko tho odor of our cigars so well how much moro will you enjoy their fragrance and exquisite flavor. Try n few tonighc. Both your wife and yourself will agree that thoy are tho best cigars you over smoked. ' J. F. SCHNALZRIED. BEHIND A FINE PAIR OF HORSES should bo hitched a stylish looking carriage, ac mis repository you can seo u voriety of vohicles whoso style is undeniable, Thoy rango from tho Dhae ton to tho family coach and aro tho equal of any in appearanco and build. They aro less thwi equal in prico to most carrloije s of their character. A. M. Lrjclc. Wills J Rcdfleld. M D J It McKlrataan, M D Drs. Redfield & McKirahan Phsician3 and Surgeons. All Calls Promptly Answered. Phonos 642-G44 Office at P. and S. Hospital. John S. Twinem, M. D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special nttcntion to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office: McDonald Stato Bank Building, Corner Gth & Dewey Sta. Phones: Office 183. Residence 283. Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OP flour, feed, Grain or tidy Having recently purchased the B. A. Wilson feed store nt tho corner of Sixth and Locust Sts. I respectfully invito a share of the patronage of the public. Prompt delivery. J. R. RITNER. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that tho City Council will receive bids for the con struction of cement cross-walks nnd approaches and sidewalks to bo laid by tho city for tho fiscal year of 1910. Bids must bo based upon the speci fications of tho city engineer, which are on file in the office of the city clerk. All bids must bo in by 5:00 o'clock p. m., on the 21st day of June, 1910. Tho Council reserves the right to reject any or nil bids. Chas. P. Temple, City Clerk. Notice of Formation of Lateral Sewer District. To all persons interested :- Notice is hereby given mat on June 11th. i910. there was filed with tho city council of North Plutte, Nebraska, a petition praying that a lateral sower district be formed from tho following described blocks, to-wit: Blocks 1 and 2 of Bank's addition, and block 6 of South Park addition, both to tho city of North Platte, Lincoln County,Nebr. bam lateral sewer to bo constructed ot ten-inch sewer pipe with proper flush tanks, man-holes and appliances, com mencing at center lino of lots and 3 In block 1 of Bank's Addition to said city, intersecting with tho main Bewer that is to be constructed on West "A" street, extending thence southerner on the center lino of said lots and alley, through the above described property to the north lino of West "D'' street. That the council has set said matter for hearing on the 5th day of July, 1910, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. official time, atthe offico of tho mayor and city council, in the court house of said city. All narties interested are hereby notified to be present at tho above named time and place, and show cause if any, why said lateral district should not bo formed as prayed, and speciql assessments thereatter levied as pro vided by law, upon tho real estate con stituting said district, for the con struction uud maintenance of tho same. uatou June i3tn iuiu. Thos. C. Patterson. Mnyor. Attest: Chas. F. TEMrLE, City Clerk. Notice of Formation of Lateral Sewer District. To all persons interested: Notice is hereby given thnt on Juno 11th. 1910. there wnB filed with the city council of North Plutte, Nebraska, a petition praying that a lateral sewer district bo lormed from the following described blocks, towit: Blocks 1, 4 nnd 7 of South Pnrk Addition to the city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, baid lateral sower to be constructed of ten-inch sewer pipe with proper flush tanks, manholes and appli ances. Commencinir at the center lino of said block 1, intersecting with the main sewer that is to bo constructed on west "A" street, extending thence southernly on tho center line of said block and in the center lino ot the nllcvs in blocks 4 nnd 7 of said addition through tho ubove describod property to tho north lino of west "D" street. That the council lias set said matter for hearing 'on tho 5th day of July, 1910. ut 8:00 o'clock p. m.. official timo nt the office of tho mayor and city council, in the court house of said city. All parties interested nro hereby notified to be present nt the above named time and place, and show cause if any, why said lateral district Bhould not bo iormed ns prayed, and special assessments thero after levied as pro vided by law, upon tho real estate constituting snid district, lor tno con struction and maintenance of tho same. Dated Juno 13th, 1910. Thos. C Patterson, Mayor. Attest: Chas. P. Temple, City Clerk Notice of Formation of Lateral Sewer District. To all persons interested: Notice is hereby given that on May 2l8t. 1910. there was lilcd with tho city council of North Platto, Nebraska, n petitionpraying that u lateral sewer district be tormeu irom tno loiiowmg described b ocks. to-wit: mocks z. 7. 10-nndl5of Miller's Addition to tho city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, Said lateral sewor to bo constructed of ten-inch sewer niuo with proper flush tanks, man-holes and appliances, commencing at tho center line of said Block 2, intersecting with tho main sower that is constructed on West "A" streot, extending thenco Bouthernly on tho center line of said lots and alley, throuch the abovo de scribed property to tho north lino of West "D" street. That the council has sot said matter for hearing on tho 5th dav oi Ju v. 1910. nt 8 o'clock p. m official time, at the office of thn mayor nnd city council, in the court house ot said city. All narties Interested nro horoby not! fled to bo present nt tho abovo named timo and p ace. and show causo if any. why inid lateral district should not bo formed ns prayed, ond special assess ments thereafter levied as provided by law, upon tho real ostato constituting said district, for tho construction und maintenance of tho same. Dated Juno 13th, 1910. Thos. C. Patterson. Mayor. Attest: Chas, P, Temple, City Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. mm. Department of tho Interior. U. 8. Land onico at North I'latto. Nob. May 13th. 1010. Notice Ulinrnhv crtrnn tlmt Arthur Todun- lioft. of North Platte. Nob., who. on March 0th. MS. mado II. E. No. 21004, Serial No. 02107. for all ot section 4, Township 18 N., Hantro so west of thoOth Frlnc rial Meridian. has (lied notice of intention to make final five year proof to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo tho Register and Ko colver at North I'latto, Nob., on tho 10th day of July.lMO. Claimant names as witnesses: TTarry Gal lender, U.N. Callcndcr and Henry Itlckloy, of Tryon, Nob., and K. Mayflold. of Nesblt. imod. j, j;. i.vans. itccistor. NOTICE. Carrln Ilrlttlncham. dofendant. will lako notlco that on tho 13th day of May, HilO. tho McKarlan Cnrr'airo Company, lilalntlir horo In. filed Its Detlllon In tho District Court of Lincoln county, ncoraftKa, ouamstsaiu carrio Ilrltllnsham and Charles llrlttlmrham. tho object and prayor of which aro to collect rrom wain dcroii'i ante tun sum oiwni ana Interest thereon atolRht per cent from May 1H, 1P10, upon a certain promissory noto for 1330.00 executed Nnntnmhnr 1. 100U. lir until dofondants to tho plalntllf. The amount duo upon sam noto at this timo is t-iyj.w. you aro runner noti cu that an order or attachmpnt wai issued In tho suit of tho plaintiff In tiald action, and said order cf attachment was on May 18, 1010. lovlcd upon certain real cstato of tliodofondant, Carrio Ilrlttlncham, to-wit: An undivided ono-thlrd Interest In nnd to tho northweit Quarter of suction 4, and tho northeast (manor of section fi, and alt of unction V, In township v. rango 27, annum cast nair ot tno nonnwest Quarter, and the cast half of section 112, In township 10, ranKo vn. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, and blalntlff DraVH that said nronertr hn sold to .satisfy amount duo on Halu note. 1 on nro featured to answer said nntltlon nit or beforu tho 11th day of .luly, UUo. .MOFAHLAN UAUIUAOK COMPANY, Ity Hoaeland & Hoasland Its Attorneys. OHDEH Olf 1IEA UINQ ON PROIIATG OF FOKKIQN WILL. Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss. In tho county court. May 21st. WW. In tho of matter of tho estate of If.' Louis nautrher, deceased. un reading and tiling tho potltlon of Ida llauuhor. nrnvlnir that tlm Instnimnnt filed on tho 20th day of Mar. 1010. nnd purporting to be an authenticated copy of tho last Will and Testrncnt of tho said deceased, as proved, probated, and allowed In tho probate court of Adams bounty, Pennsyl vania, may bo proved, approved, probated allowed and recorded as tho last Will and Testament of tho said II. Louts Iiaughor, deceased. In this court ns nrnved tiv unrtlnna N02 and (1203. Cobboy'sStatuto, liKW. uracrcd, xiiat Juno liitn, nuu, at u o'clock A. M.. Is assltrncd for hoarlnir said twtltlnn when all persons interested In said matter may appear at a county court, to bo held In and for -said county, and show causo why tho prayer of Dot ttonor should not bo granted. This order to Imj printed for six successive Issues In tho North I'latto Boml-Weoklv Trlhnnn rtrlnr tn JunolUth. 11)10. w. o. EMiEn. County Judge, Hy Katherlno V, Clark. Clerk County Court. NOTICE TO OHED1TOHS. Tho Btato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho County Court. In tho matter of tho estate of Jacob Hlchl- ger, Decoascd. To tho creditors of saldcstate: You aro horobr notified that T will nt, nt tho county court room In North i'latto In said county, on Monday. June 20th, 1U10. and on Tuesday. December 20th, 1010, atOo'clock a. m. of each day to rccolvo and examine all claims against said cstato, with a view to tncir aajustmont anu allowance Tho timo limited for tho nresentatlon of claims nirnlnat. said estato Is 0 months from tho third day ot aiay a. u. luiu, ana tno timo limited ror pay ment of debts Is ono year from said 3d (lav of May. 1010. This notlco to bo published eight success ive Issues In tho North I'latto Tribune, a legal nowspapor published In said county, prior to Juno tt)th. 1010. Witness my hand and tho soal of said county court, this 21st day of May, 1010. w. u. ULDKn, county Judgo. Hy Kathorlno l Clark, Clork County Court. NOTICE I'Ott PUBLICATION. Serial No. 02271. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Olllco at North I'latto, Nob. May 20, 1010. Notlco Is horoby given that Mary A, Hawkins, formerly Mary A. James ot Maxwell. Nob., who, on Nov, It. 1001, mado homostoad entry No. 20021. serial No. 02271 for nww section 20. township 11, N. rango as, v or tno otn principal nioriumn, has filed notlco of intention to make Until five year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, beforo tho Register and Re ceiver at North Platto. Nebraska, on tho 22d day ot July, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: John O, Nystrom. Mary N. Sukraw, of Maxwell, Nob., Henry K. ltldlnger. John Martin ot North Platte, Nob. m2l-0 J. E. Evans. Registor. OltDEIt OK HEARING ON PETITION FOR SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION State of Nobraska. Lincoln County, s. In tho county court. May Qth, 1010. In tho mattr of tho estato of Mary Anna Ilrooks, decoascd. On reading and tiling tho petition ot Henry O. Ilrooks, praying that tho regular adminis tration of said estato may lo dispensed with as provided by sections 5202-5203 and rail, Cobboy'sStatuto 1000. Ordered, That Juuo. 23th. 1010, at 2 o'clock p. in.. Is assigned for hearing said petition whon all persons Interested In said matter may appear at. a county court to bo hold In una for said county and show cause why thu prayorof potltlonor should not ho granted. This order to bo printed for six successive Issues In tho North I'latto Tribune, a legal nowspaper published In Lincoln County, prior to Juno 25th. 1010. W. O. Ei.dku. County Judgo. Ily Katiieuink V. (JLAitK, Clerk of tho Coun ty Court. J 7-0 SorlalNo 0413. NOTICE l'OR PIJIILIOATION, Department of tho Interior U. S. Lond Ofllco at North I'latto, Nob. Juno nth. UUO. Notlco Is horoby given that Daniel II. Mc Neel, ot North I'latto, Nebraska, who on February 23, 1C05. trade Homestead Entry No, 2009(1. Serial No. 02H3. for west half, north half northeast duarter. south half southeast duartorot bocllon (I, township O north, range 31, webt ot tho nth Principal Meridian, has llled notlco of intention to make final live year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo thu Registor and Receiver at North Platto, Nobraska, on tho 27th day of July. 1010- Claimant names as witnesses! David W. Macoinbor, James lloohan, Jr.. Charles E. HvaiiH. Wllllani Groves, all ot North Platte, Nebraska. J7jl J. E. Evans, Register. Serial No. 0102:1-02162 NOTICE FOR PUHLIOATION. Department (it the Interior. IJ. S. Land Ollfuo at North I'latto. Nob , Juno nth, 1010. Notice Is horeby given that Joseph S Shaw, of North Pintle, Nebraska, who on March I. 1WI, made II. E. No. 10423, Serial No 01023, for east half southwest Quarter, northwest quarter southeast nuarter and lot 3, and on July 10. mil, made II. E, No. 20306, Serial No. 02102, for south half southoast quarter, north east nuartor southoast uuartor and lot I, all In section is, township 12, N ranee SO, West of the Hth Principal Meridian, has Died notlco ot Intention to mako final llvo year proof, to establish claim to tho laud abovo described, before tho Register and Re ceiver, at North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 7th day July. 1010. Claimant names as witnessed: Jacob L. Harden, George 11. Single, William V. Hunter, Arthur Connors, all of North Platte, Neb. n- J. K. Evanh. liflfflutur ORDKROF HEARING ON PETITION FOR SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION. State ot Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho county court. In the matter of tho estate of Carrie L. Kearle, deceased. On reading and filing tho petition of Ellahutb 11 rut h praying that tho regular administration Ot said estate may 1m dis pensed with as provided by sections 5'J02, &203, 5201, 0205 and 3200. of Cnhhoy's annotated Statutes of tho Stato Of Nubraaka, for thu year UX. Ordered. That July Bth, A. D. 1010, at 10 o'clock a. ra Is assigned for hearing said potltlon, when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held In and for said county, and show causo why tho prayer of tin, petitioner should not bo granted! and that notlco of thu pendency of said potltlou and the hearing thereof be given to all persons Interested In said muf tor by publishing a copy of this order in tho Nortli Platte Tribune, a SomI-Weekly news paper printed In said county, for six succes sive Issues prior to said day of hearing, DateU Uulftl IUtb 1010. JU-3 Wi O. Eufrltt CbVnty JuUgo,