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CkIsce(y She TWP.Nmv-arvmir vt?at NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JUNE 21, 1910. NO 48. a. njailAi JL.UtULUf 411 HI 108 CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS. All the lots which have prices marked thereon upon the map below, are for sale at said prices; all other lots have been sold. The Trustee it his own expense has provided sewer, cement sidewalks and city water for each lot. Besides all other conveniences that exist in North Platte are to "be had in these Additions. This in cludes free delivery of mail, telephone, electric lights and city water. No taxes to be paid for sewer. This is the only part of town where deep basements may be had without fear from surface 'water. Many new and beautiful residences are now being built and others will be built soon in these Additions. FRONT ST. 5 I SI 1 1 ; H h 6 3 9 J 2 tjCL 7 3 O to tt t2 o o o o o s? I V I V I n I Hw h' to o o t2 1 Ml to o n !L. 2 6 TH ST. -G- Ld 6 S H J 2 t 7 a 9 to tt tz Ld 5 Fl 1 51 o 8 2 2 " H'' t, v 6 3 V J 2 I I 5 5 1 I 1? y 7 8 9 to tt t2 r . . '.' LU 32 7 I 2 o .JSL. LI s JL A2 5 TH -J tIr J$TE 'S A2 D fl) I T I 6 ST. rTv to 0 2 ERDAU o A r- i IT(0 s .21 4 TH. ST. o 01 Ld CD -J (?) to tt tz Z Ul rr-y 1 6 S V J 2 t u- O II Ml 7 8 s to tt t2 r 1 N 111 3 RD. ST. 1 TTl I i si si I si s s" O ? Jr v r" 7 8 $ IO tt t2 7 S to tt tZ ' ' 0 ft o I V i 1 k'k kls"! sw NORTH PLATTE CITY PARK. cc 00 2 ND ST. f h 77373 T T7V 1 : TV? V 77 j 75 v 75 v r 0. 8hA .73I : .ra A lit i s -W y pi L- R I "1 iMj A five per cent discount from the prices upon the lots will be allowed for cosh. Lots may also be pur chased upon the installment plan of one-tenth of the purchase price down and one-tenth every three months. LOTS FOR SAIiE BY T 1 i"' t- fir )nr"4rr TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS 8 Dave Day went to Denver Sundny to attend the funeral of his uncle. Sidney Dillon enmo down from the ranch Saturday and visited his parents over Sunday. Mrs. Thos. J Yonda left Soturdoy for n visit with friends at Omaha and Plattsmouth. Claude Delaney, now stonninc nt Gothcnhurg, visited friends In town tho latter part of last week. Reports from Geo. T. Field, now at Excelsior Springs, are to tho effect that he is improving rapidly. The condition of Isaac Dillon is re ported to bo somewhat improved since his return from Omchu. Russell Bedell returned tho latter part of last week from Spaulding, where he is attending school. Mrs. W. II. McDonald and daughtor Janet are expected homo from Cal ifornia on Suturday of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Schvaigcr and children returned tho lattor part of last week from their visit at La Grande, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hayes left Satur day for Excelsior Springs, where Mrs. Hayes goes to build up her enervated condition. Louis Tobin and Harry Lamplugh were called to Denver Sunday by tho death of their uncle. Quimby Lam plugh. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Day are in Den ver where they wero called by the death of Quimby Lamplugh, whose wifo is a sister of Mr. Day. J. G. Beelcr returned Sunday from Omaha, where with J. J. Halligan, they argued the city's contentions in tho suit brought by tho waterworks company. Miss Genevieve Ottcnstcin graduated last week from tho Notre Damp uni vorBity, and is nt present visiting friends at Rock Island. She is expected home the middlo of next week. Engineer Wm. Whitlock left Sunday night on his annual liahing expedition to Cherokee Pork, Col., expecting to be absent about sixty days. Mrs. Whitlock will join him there later. The absccHS on Judge Eldor's hec became much worse Friday, since which time he has not been able to bo at his oiHce. It will probably bo several duys days beforo the Judge will be able to resume his oflico duties. Dr. N. McCabo hns returned from Indianapolis, where he placed one of his sons in a school of physical culturo and elocution. The boy has a Blight affection in his speech and for fear it might grow worse, and with tho hope that the trouble may be entirely re moved, he was placed in that school. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Covillo returned Saturday from n visit with their boh Dr. W. W. Coville, at Brownlco, Neb. Mr. Coville says he had fino ilshing in the lakea of Cherry county. In onu lake they caught 1G8 bass, in one day, and in another lake they hooked seventy good sized catfish in one day. Yo auto fiends of North Platte take off your hats to uncle Bill Dymond, our gonial road overseer, when next you travel tho roud north of Herahey. We. claim through his efforts to have the best road through tho worst placet in the Stntc. Now if you fellows will drag tho grade west of your town and make it as good, we will taki off our hats to you or yours as wo como from tho west into your lovely city. Hekshky Auto Fiunds. Third Annual Farmers' Picnic. Supt Snyder, of tho experimental sub-station, Informs us that Wednes day, July 13th, has boon selected as tho dato for holding tho third annual farmors' picnic at tho sub-station. Tho program nas not yet been arranged, but nn invitation will be extended to Governor Shallcnbcrger, Stato Senatbr Brown and other well known Ncbraskans to be present nnd deliver addresses. It is hoped that tho farmers of this and adjoining counties will display tho same Interest in tho coming picnic that they did in tho ono held last year and tho vcar before, and that thev will attend. It is not only nn occasion for an outing, but the experiments conducted ut tho stntion are of benefit to every farmer who interests himself in them. Start out on "Hike." Eight bovs in charco of Secretary McAbec. of tho Y. M. C. A., loft early yesterday morning on a cross-country walk to Hastings, which by tho most direct routo Is about 130 miles. Tho boys who started on this tramp wero biunoy McFnrland, Perry Cunningham, Harold Chamberlain. Carl McGrow. Louis Kelly. Roy Ames. Butler Milton- bergor and Tom McAbco. The young pedestrians wero accom panied with a wagon which carried a full camp cquippage and provisions, nnd the boys wero dressed In khaki uni forms. Thov cxnect to be absent two weeks. Mcll Karth Lives. Moll Karth. tho former North Platto man who attempted to kill his wifo and himself in Suit Lake City, will livo, notwithstanding at tho timo of tho act tho gashes on nis throat wore thought tobofatnl. Ho was transferred last ridnv from tho host) tat to iail. and will be tried on tho charge of attempted murdor. Mrs. Karth, who received three bullet wounds, is considered out dnnger. Small Grain Finest Ever. W. S. Ross, of Mvrtlo. who was In town Saturday, said ho has lived in Lincoln county for twontv-thrco vears. and never has he seen such fino pros pects for a bumper crop of smnll crain in tho north nart of this countv. Not only is tho condition of tho grain ex ceptionally good but tho acreage is larger than usual. Discontinue Bowling Alley. Lem Bailey has taken out tho bow ling alloy nt his Front street billiard hall and will ndd two more tables. Ho will also add card tables and ensy chairs, thus more conveniently nccom modating his patrons. The-room will' bo rcpapered and painted and tho (loor ro- Ministcr Goes to Banking. Rev. C. C. Wilson, n formor Metho dist minister of this city, but for sev eral years presiding elder with head quarters at Holdrego, has resigned, and win uiikuku ui uuiiKiiiK, uuving secured an interest in ono of tho Holdrego bunks. Two Balloon Ascensions. The Fourth of July committee has mado a contract with J. D. McCormick. of Osceola, for two balloon ascensions nnd parachute drops on July 4th. Mc Cormick is nn old balloonist, and prom ises to give the committee tho worth of their money. , North Platte Boy Wins Honors. William Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Robbins, at one time residents of North Platto (Mrs. Robbins being remembered ns Miss Clara Federhoof) graduated last week from the Lehigh university, nt Bethlehem, Pa., with very high honors. Though tho third youngest in a class of 135, he wan elected to the Phi Beta Kappa society, anu in auouion won tno nrst pijico ns me wuiiams rnze uraior" and re ceived a purse of five twenty dollar gold pieces. Tho oration delivered by this young man was so strong as to win tho hearty congratulations of tho uni " vcrsuy proiessors as wen as many prominent and influential men present at tho commencement. Former North Platte Man Dies. Word rocoived In town Saturday an nounced the donth at Denver of Quimby lamplugh, who thirty or more yean ugo was n resident of Nortli PIntto. II was a brother of Isaac Lamplugh, nn his wife Is a daughter of tho late Davi Duy. IT 1 If,. . t-C ' i i . .uiu;u ivnocK wvoraus lor Men nnd Boys." THE HU1) CLOTHING DEPT. LOCAL MENTION. Mrs. V. E. McCartv. of Oeden. visited friends in town Saturday. Mrs. John Horrod went to Denver Saturday night to attend the funeral of her uncle. Mrs. Guv Robinson enme unxtrom Lexington Saturday ovenimr and will spend this week with relntivcs and lricmls. Mayor Patterson returned Sundav from Omaha, where ho attended tho hearing of tho arguments In tho water company's suit against tho city. Paxton is to have an elevator, built nnd conductod by farmerii of that sec tion. J ho ucreaKO of small era n in that section has largely increased and an elevator has bocomo a necessity. A Lexington woman awoke one morn ing last week to find that durincr tho night ono hundred and fifty chickens almost largo enough lor frvs had d a- appeured. That's ample oxcuso for that woman becoming real mad. Tho Ilnrmonv hicli fivo club nnnnt n delightful evening Friday as the guests oi mr. nnu jvirs. win xurpie. Tho llrst Srizes wero won by Mrs. Bixlor and Ir. Muldoon and tho consolatory balm I -I 1 I 1 nt v uy mrs. dressier anu Mr. nzer. cus tomary reireshments were served. Tho Tribuno man was glad to meet Saturday a former North Platto man In tho person of Tom Shannon, who prior to 188C trotted with a bunch of twenty North Plntte young men, of whom Mc- wumara, JJnro and Mcuonald aro the only remaining ones. Mr. Shannon has been located in bait Lake City since leaving here, where ho is engaged in mercantile business. Ho spends part of the year on tho road for an eastern manufacturer. A Woman's Great Idea. is how to make her self attractive. But with out health, it is hard for her to bo lovely in face, formor temner. A wonW sickly woman will be nervous and irri ablo Constipntion and Kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin oruptions and a wretched complexion. But Elec tric iiiuors always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulato Stomach. Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyas, pure breath, 8mootn;volvoty skin lovely compact ion, good health. Try thorn. 50c. ut Stono Drug Company Co.