Newspaper Page Text
m r. wallace Silver plate that M H M that doe not give H I Tj satisfactory service H Clinton, Jeweler and Optician DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist. Ofllco ovor tho McDonald Stato Dank. Master Losllo Dare left last night for avislt with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Letts in Laramie. " Edgar Donehowcr, who had boon visiting his parents for a couple of weeks, loft today for Denver. Mrs. Annie Adams, of Missoula, Mont., formerly Annio Alstadt of this city, is expected horo shortly to visit friends. Monarch Mallcablo Ranges best on tho market at Horshey s. Tho Tribune force observed the nation's natal day and thorofore there is nnotlceablp paucity of local news in this issue. Miss Whittakor will continue tho sale of light colored ribbons at one-half price us advertised. 13. S. Dnvls returned this morning from York, where ho attended tho lay ing of tho corner stono of tho now Odd Follows homo. Mr and Mrs. J. D. Hayes returned Sunday from Hot Springs, Ark., whore th'oy had been for sovoral weeks for the benefit of Mrs. Hayes health, which is now much improved. Lost. Dluck cat with stran around neck. Suitnblo roward will bo paid for the return or. same to zzz w. otn &t. Majok A. White. Mrs, II. G. .angdon, of Omaha, for ' many years a' resident or North I'intto, has been critically ill for ten days, and tho attending physician gives little ' bono of recovory. Her troublo is some , ail'ection of tho heart. v For Salo Two horso power gasoline i engine, four revolving fans and belting iMnquiro at Enterprise Dakory. Amid the noiso and din of tho glorious ' ' Fourth and just when tho sun had reached its zenith, tho stork called at the resldonco of Mr. and Mrs. L. W Walker and deposited a bright girl baby. Tho interested parties are doing nicely. Congratulation are extended Several North Plntto people who at tended tho' celebration at Sutherland yesterday sny tho crowd in attendance was very large, tho amusement fcuturcs excellent nnd that everybody seemed to have an onjoyablo day. The exorcises nnd uports where held in grove juBt north of town. ,A watch that does not keop time is yforeo then no watch at all. If your .watch is not right, our workmen are thoroughly capable of putting It In first class order. Wo. gunrnnteo our re pairing. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Just before arising yesterday morn in'c Wilson Tout was surprised by bullet from a thirty-two revolver crashing through tho lowor window sash, und plowing along thp wa dronned to tho floor. As tho room at tho time was occupied by Mr. and Mrs Tout and tho children, tho feeling at the particular time was somewhat tin comfortable. Heal estato may become a drag on tho market and the bottom drop out of stocks and bonds, but diamonds never decroaBO in value. If you invest in diataonds you can always realizo on them at onco and diamonds aio in creasing in vaiuo every ,uay, ket us show you some of tho superb diamonds we now have on hand. a Dixok, Tho Jeweler. Vance Neat has been visiting friends in town for several days. Miss Madden, of Omaha, was the guest of friends in town yesterday. Mrs. M. H. Douglas returned last night from her trip to points in Colorao. For Sale HorBe, phaeton nnd har ness. Inquire of Mrs. J. C. Fedcrhoof. Master Chas. Rinckcr will return to day from a visit with friends in Denver. For Sale. Low price. Easy terms. 920 W. 9th St Modern. G rooms and bath. S. GoozEE. Dratt & Goodman have sold tho Lalng property west of tho Streitz residence for $2550.00. Clarence Harrington, of Denver, is spending a few days in town, having arrived yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Streeter are visit- ng friends in Lincoln, having loft for that city tho latter part of last week. Though tho saloons had a lively busi ness yesterday, not n single arrest was made. Evidently tho fellows who drank kept within tho limits of decency. Miss Whlttnker will continue the Bale of light colored ribbons at one-half price as advertised. Guy Congdon and mother left Satur day on an automobile trip to Hastings where thoy will visit friends for a fow ays. Wanted Girl to do general house work. Top wages. Call on Mrs. N. McCabe, 820 W. 5th street Miss Aibina Habler, accompanied by her friend Miss Tulp, of Omaha, left Saturday night for Sidney where they will visit friends for several days. Somo hay to put up on shares. John Dratt. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tollifson, who were recently married in this city, came down from Sutherland Sunday to pend the Fourth, returning home that night. A nico rain fell last night, not very heavy, but sufficient to keep corn grow ing nicely. Tho storm was evidently heavier west and south of town. Guy Gahagen of the local baggage and express office, has been given a position as express messenger between Omaha and Grand Island. Charley Preitauer, of Gothenburg, an old-time printer and ox-Lincoln county farmer, is in town today. County Supt. Ebright hns been con lined to the house lor a week by a threatened attack of appendicitis. He is considerably improved today but will probably not bo at his office this week. In a wreck on tho Dig Four road yes terday near Middletown, Ohio, thirty- one were killed nnd about eighty injured. Tho wreck was duo to a head-on col lision with n freight" train. Woather forecast. Generally fair to night and Wednesday. Cooler tonight Maximum temperature yesterday 91', ono year ago 95. Minimum tempera turo this morning 04; ono year ago 05. A report Was widely circulated last night that Jeffries had died and that Johnson had been shot and killed Through tho Postal Telegraph Co. it was learned this morning that both re porta wcro without foundation. Parties having idlo money and want it to earn good rate of interest in gilt-edge first mortgage loans should call on Dratt & Goodman. W. V. Hoagland was at Sutherland yesterday and delivered an address at tho celebration, Ho saya the atten dnnco wns wondefully largo almost Impossible to conceive whence so many pcoplo came, Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller, of tho United States supremo court, died yestorday morning of heart failure at his summer homo near Dar Harbor, Maine. Ho was in his seventy eighth year. If you want a GOOD CAR buy Mitchell or Rambler of LeMasters. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of First National Hank Fireman Snyder Killed. Fireman John D. Snyder was in stantly killed at Drule, ten miles west of Ognlulla, early yesterday morning by being struck by tho engine pulling passenger train No. 15. He was thrown fifty feet by the impact and his head crushed to a pulp. The exact condi tions under which Snyder met his death are not known. He was firinir for Engineer Huxoll and their train had orders to take tho passim: track at Drulo for No. 15. This they' did and Huxoll got off hfs side of the engine, leaving Snyder in tho cab. Tho next time Huxoll saw Snyder it wob to view his dead body. The supposition is that Snyder got off his engine just as No. 15 approached, and cither fell on the track or leaned over far enough to be struck. The remains were taken to Ogalalla where an inquest was held, and later were brought to this city and prepared for burial by Mr. Ginn. Last night the body was taken to Arapahoe for inter ment, accompanied by Firemen Moore, Norris nnd Dcrgstrom. The deceased enmo here eight months ago and ncccpted a position as fireman, and next Tuesday evening was to havo been initiated into the local lodge of tho firemen. Fivo rooms for rent furnished. 208 East Third St. Call at rear. Receive Preliminary Plaus. Tho preliminary plans of the North Platto fcdoral building were received by Postmaster Thomson yesterday These plans will be submitted to the local government officials and to Judge munger ot the lederai court tor sug gestions of changes in the arrangement of the building. Tho structure will be 05x95 feet, three stories. The ground iloor will bo occupied by the postoffice, the second floor as a federal court room and offices for the court officers, and the third floor by the land office nnd U. S. commissioner. For Sale--Darfrnins A nico modern 0 room houso (except furnace) next east of W. E. Shumnn's residence, only $2250.00. 4 room house and shed kitchen on S. Locust only $1050.00. This is a snap. 0 room house and two lots. A pretty place. Just what you want. Only $2225.00. Also other houses. Dratt & Goodman also offer for sale Bomochoico building lots bolow market value and on very easy terms. See them before you buy. Dtatt & Goodman, Rcal Estate, Loans and Insurance. ,Close in Property for Sale. Wo have listed forsnle an eight room Iioubp on W. 4th St., only three houses west of the court house. This property is in good repair, und one of the best lo cations in tho city. If interested, see ub quick. Templk Real Estatk & Ins. Agency, 1 & 2 McDonald Dlock I. R. Howard is suffering from badly inflammed right foot, due to blood poisoning resulting from a bruiso sus tained last Saturday. If needing money to help you buy, build or improve or to pay off your old loan, sea Dratt & Goodman. John Deere Implements nnd Weber & Stoughton wagons at Hershoy's. Fred Hanlon enmo up from Columbus Sunday and will visit his family this week. Ho has about recovered from tho injuries which ho received severnl months ago, and which confined him to tho hospital for fivo weeks, The crowd which assembled at tho court houRO park last evening to wit ness the fireworks was tho largest in several years. Not only wero tho town residents out in full force, but tho greater number of out-of-town visitors and farmers remained to seo tho dis play. Lightning last evening put all tho block systomB botwoen Ognlalln and Julcsburg out of service. Trains No .4 and No. 14 wero compelled to flag through those blocks, causing them to be Into in reaching this tormina). Mrs. Lorcn Sturges, now of Hastings, spent tho latter part of last week in town, coming hero to make a report; of the proceedings of tho state meeting of tho womnn's national league, to which alio was, a delegate from tho local league. Alex Huntington, fourteen year old son pf A. E. Huntington, wns rather badly burned on the right side of tho face early yestorday morning. Ho was firing a cannon and used a firu cracker to ignito tho fuse. Tho cracker did not burn rapidly and ho bent over to blow it when tho fuse ignited and tho flames feachuU his fatfd. No. SIM KKl'OUT Of THE CONDITION OK THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at North lMatt In tho Stnto of Nebraska, at tuo cIomj nt misiiMHs. .lunu :0. in it). UESOITIIOES: Loans and dlseouuts. $ Overdrafts, secured and unsecured su.hj U. H. Ixmds to ticcuri) circulation....,' U. 8' bonds to Hucuru U. H. di-iH)sllM ....v. . l.ttXMX) I'reniluiiison U.S. Iionds l.UOO.Oo liomis, securities, etc- wi.&ii.ui llsnltlnir house, (ami- turo nnd (l.xtunm '.'.ISO.Oti (Wilt roal estate owned l.N.iu.00 Dim Irani National banks (not lvsurvu agents! 2.MH.1 Duo from Htnto and prlvato banks mid hunk urt. trust cnmtiaiilus, ami savins hanks Duo from iitHimvrd ro- Korvu attunls Checks and other cash Hums Notes of otliur national banks 1)1,50:1.1 1.130.00 107.011 Si.MI.AS l.MHWO- 3I.J41.55 fractional pnivorciirrnn- cy. uickois nnd cents.. Lawful Money Iloservo In Bank, viz: Ppeclo i,eirai-iemior notes ltedemptlon fund with u. n. treasurer (a ner cent ot circulation). . . . 2, 600.00 Total $7!ll,801.7U I.IAIIII.,1 1 !.. Canlt al stock nald In . . . f 100.000.00 Hurpius IIUH1-..1 tfi.iw.w undivided proius. less exnenses and taxes paid S.aO.Bl National bank notes outstanding fiO.000.00 imotostato and private banks and bankers 10.718.61 individual aepoMts suit- jeet to chock irJ0.j3i.Ki Demand eertltleates of denoslt ltl.WU.7S Time cortll uates of (In- JM)U lUD.MU.Ul Onslder's elieeks out standing n.twi.oo United Btatosdepoblts... 1,000.00 Total ..S7II1.SOI.70 Htolo or Kubraskn. county or Lincoln, hsi 1, 1 L- Moouoy, Cashier ot tho aliovo named imnK, do solemnly swear that tlio aDovi statement Is true to the lxst of my knowl ougo aim ooiioi, t', l.. SIOONKY, UttSlllu MinseriiKMi and sworn to oororo mo tins dav of .lulv. 1010. WKsixYT., notary ruuuc. correct Attest) Annum Mow Ail aha I K. F. HKKiiKitoKit Directors JOHN J, iUI.MUAN T JrY THE M I nrnssarn CORSETS They lace in front as a result the abdomen is relieved of all pressure. Support is given to the organs and deep breathing is encouraged. They emphasize the long graccful'Iine of the back, which artists agree is the most beautiful line in art They gently but surely compel a correct standing position and a graceful carriage. We invite you to investigate these wonderful corsets. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. DR. F. W. MILLER, Dentist. Over Dixon's. Phone 358. A Growing Girl changes more rap idly in appearance than anybody else. One day she is a child, the next "quite a young lady." If there is a girl at your house keep a record of her development by a series of PHOTOGRAPHS. Bring her here to-day and so start tho series with photographs of the highest artistic merit. You'il bo glad you have them in years to come. She'll never bo ashamed to have you show them. E. 0. Halverstadt, 405 Dewey Street. A Pretty Center Table adds much to the appearance of your parlor. Some of the late styles are exceptionally good. Our tables will surely please you. Tables from Si. 25 to $10.00. Howe & Maloney. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF LACE CURTAINS FROM $1.25 to $10.00 a pair. See our window. Wilcox Department Store OHDRU OP nKAnt-NO ON PETITION FOIt 8UMMAKY ADMINISTRATION Htato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, us. In tlie county court. May Htli, l'JIU. In tho miitfr ot tho estato ot James Woolworth, deceased- On roadlntr anil tiling tlio petition ot Itarloy II. '.ockwood, tiraylnir that tho reirular ad ministration otsaid estate may Ixi dispensed with as urovliled by soettons fcWi-MM und SMI, Cobboy'sKtututQ IWU. Ordered, That .Inly 25th. 1010, at 9 o'clock a, m., Is awdmied for hearing said iwtUlon when all persons Interested In said matte? may appear at a county court to bo hold In anil for said county ana slioW cause why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted , This order to lio printed for tAx succbmiIto Issues In tho North Platto Tribune, a legal nowspapurpuhllshed In Lincoln County, prior to July Wth. nuo. W. C. Ki.dkii. County Judgo. lly Katiikhine L Clahk, Clerk of tho Cotm ty Court. J 5-0 Weidemann Bros. Big American Shows. Cosmopolitan Rough Riders and Indian Congress Introducing the Grand Sublime and Dramatic Spectacle "Custer's Last Charge." Will Exhibit at North Platte Thursday, July 7th RAIN OR SHINE SEE The Cowboyg, Wild West Girls, Vaqueros, Senoritas, Guards Rurales, Champions of Lariat, Rough Riders, Pony Express, Veterans, Bucking Bronchos, Cow Ponies, Pinto Ponies and Shetland's. A band bf Sioux Indians, fresh from the campfire and council, making their, first acquain tance with civilization, Dainty Aerialists, Daring Athletics, Funny Clowns, Thrilling Indian Fights, War Dances. Two Performances Daily. Afternoon at 2. Evening at 8 Doors open one hour earlier Come Sure. Don't miss the Grand, Glittering Street Parade at 1 p. m., and the Big Free Exhibition in front of tent immediately after. $25 WILL BE GIVEN ANYONE BRINGING AN UNBROKEN HORSE OR MULE OUR COWBOYS CANNOT RIDE. Wanted. Sober, reliable workingmen who wish to travel. Apply to Superinten dent of Canvass. Also want to buy three more bad bucking horses; spot cash. Bring to show grounds day of exhibition. Lake Ice. I am prepared to furnished pure Inke ice at 40 cents per hundred pounds. Orders may be left at Schillers' drug tore. Levi Ems. AHORSE THAT HAD A FIT in harness from our fine stock will bo comfortable and easy while lie wears it. A good fit is guaranteed, as wo carry all sizes of the best hand make oak leather harness in stock at all times for light and heavy use. We havo many now and handsome Btyles to show you just now. A. F FINK ECHELBERY'S NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. Phone 302 A full lino of furniture, all 'kinds of stoves and stove repairs, wagons, har ness, saddles, bicycles, guns and sport ing goods, clocks, watches, musical goods, sewing machines either cash or payments. Everything you uue bought and sold, here. Top pr ico fo iron metul and rubber, The above is the character quality wo maintain ut all times in the manu facture of our Bakery Goods. "Renl Flvrndlnnn,." lo .,.. .l l, using the finest ingredients and expert wiw. in mcuu UlUtUIJ. VYQ use bUCIl ingredients nnrl n tftai nf nm. will convince tho most skeptical of our superior Bkill in bread making. As evidence buy a loaf of our 10 CENT HOME MADE BREAD Tho flavor is different from what you have been using. DICKEY BROS. OUDEK or 1'ItODATE HEAIflNO ON nil' wir.T. Stato of Nobraaka, Ltncoln county, sa. In tho county court. Juno 23d. 1010. In tho of matter of tlie estato of Luthor o.h arrtneion, deceased. On readlne and Aline tho petition of Hattle ..,nn praying that tho Instrument tiled ?P of June. 11)10. and purporting to be thp last will and testament of tiio said deceased, may bo proyod. approved, probated allowed and recorded as tho last will and testament of the said Luther O. Farrlntrton. deceased, and that tho execution of said In strument may bo committed andtho.admln mVSi.1.0," of. Mal(1 ostto may bo granted to Hattlo I' arr pitton. as oxocutrl.x, Ordored. That July 16th, 11)10. at Oo'clock A. M., Is asslpied for uoartnir said petition when all porsous lntorosted (n said matter way appear at a county court, to bo held in and for said county and showcauso why tlio prayer of po ll? ."''pul'l ,'iot bo granted. This notice to bo published In tho North I'latto Tribune, a legal nowspapor published In said county 1U10 (mow"'slvo lMuo Prior to July Wth , W. a. y.uvKn. County Judgo. lly Kathorlnu V, Clark, Clerk County Court.