Newspaper Page Text
COUNTY TREASURER'S STATEMENT Of Collections, Disbursements and Balances from January 1st, 1910, to July 1st, 1910. a w a a c OR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Z m Graduate Dcnlisf. S DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, Ofllco over the McDonald J Stato Dank. SovcrnI housea nro being planned for Tnylor'a Addition. W. T. Wilcox la in Lincoln todr.y nttonding tho republican Btntc con vention. Levi Duko is transacting business m Omaha and Lincoln, having loft for tl o formor city Saturday. Miss Glcnna Shoup, of Sutherland, is spending this week in town as tho guest of Miss Mabel Duke. Miss Mabel Wessburg left lust night for Portland, Ore., where she will visit friends for three months. A. C. Taylor who platted Taylor's Addition twenty-three years ago gives a warranty deed to purchasers of lotn. If you want a GOOD CAR buy a Mitchell or Rambler of LcMasters. Frank Woingand returned this morning from a briof visit in Omoha. Ho reports a very heavy rain in that city last night. Fine improved ranch to trade for mdso. Close in. D. E. Momma,. Rev. S. F. Carrol, Misa Mary Carrol and Mrs. Joseph Murphy went to Lex ington this morning to spend the day with friends. J. It. White, of Hershcy, spent yes terday In town and left last evening for Grand Island where ho will attend tho democratic convention. If your money is not earning a good rato of interest in first-class safu mortgage loans, oeo Brntt & Goodman. Dr. and Mrs. 0. II. Crc3sler bavo re turned from Denver, where the Doctor attended as a delegate tho national dental association. Tho republicans of Morrill County in convention assembled honrtily endorsed tho candidacy of W. V. Hoagland of this city for state senator. Miss Ida Glovor, of New York City, a cousin of J. II. Day, arrived Sunday and will romain in town for somo timo as a guest at tho Day rosldenco. John Michaels nnd Robert Michaels, father and brother of Mra. Hunter came up from Schuyler Sunday to at tend tho funeral of tho lato Wlllard Hunter.' Special Oxford Sale. Small, The Big Shoe Man. Tom Healy, Dr. McCabe, Koith Ne ville and several othor local demo crats went to Grand Island this morn ing to attend the democratic stato con vention. Farms loans a specialty. Bratt & Goodman. Grading of tho streets in Addition is nearly finished, much to tho attractiveness fir A, nt i XTnWlitvaamrn TTnfvnrfllttr 4 Ofllco over McDonald State Bank h WWW W WW ww wr Taylor't It adds of that materially section of tho city and enhances tho value of lots. Miss Esther Mnlmstcin, of Gothen burg, who has been the guest of Miss Helen Minshall for the past ten days, returned to her homo in Gothenburg this morning. Born this month? If you wore, the ruby is your birthstone, Como in nnd take a look at the big lino we aro show ing. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Cyrus Fox was down from Garfield yestorday. Ho said corn in that sec tion was in fine condition, but it could not survivo many such days as yestor day without rain. L. W. Walker returned yeBterday from Omaha whoro ho nttonded tho "aviation meet Saturday and Sunday. He suys Curtis' manipulation of his aorlnl craft was somothing wonderful. Going on a vacation? Well you should have a good fountain pen. They aro very convenient for writing homo from all sorts of places, and nt all times. See them in our show window. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. G. T. Whelan was Buddonly attacked with rheumatism in ono of his limbs Sunday, and was ordored homo by tho consulted physician nnd told to keopolT his feot. Like an obedient fellow ho is complying with tho physician's instructions. Wo hnvq tho now attachments for the Edison talking machines. Play two and four minuto records. Ten four ! 8e" Judge Grimes has adjourned district court until August 8th. Ben Elliott will leave Friday for Mil waukee, where he has accepted a posi tion. Miss Grace Moonoy, of Lexington, is visiting her brother F. L. Mooncy in this city. John Deero Implements nnd Weber & Stoughton wngons at Herehoy's. W. V. Hongland went to Lincoln last night to attend tho republican stale convention. Civil Engineer Cading went to Omaha last night whero ho will transnct busi ness for a day or two. The Prcsbytorian ladfes aid society will meet Thursday uftcnoon with Mrs. Snyder nt the stato experimental farm. Attention Ladles All wash suits and street dresses nt one-third less than regular price. Tho Hub Clothing Dept. E. S. Davis, L. E. Roach and 0. E. Elder loft Sunday night for Lincoln to attend tho republican stato convention which meets in that city today. C. Michaels, of Iowa, brother of Mrs. Wlllard Hunter Is In town having been cnlled here by the death of his brother-in-law. Tomorrow and Thursdny teachers' examinations wjll bo held at tho junior normal. All teachers, whether normal students or not, will bo per mitted to tnko these examinations. If needing money to build, buy, im- provo or pay oil your old loan, Bee Bratt & Goodman. Only an expert should bo allowed to work on tho delicate mechanism of a watch. That's why wo employ only tho most proficient men at our benches. Dixon, Tho Jeweler, Union Pacific Watch Inspector. For the next ten days we will sell n few choice hammocks wo have in stock at a discount of ten por.cont. Rinckek's Book Store. R. N. Lamb is contemplating a ten room addition to his building on the north sido occupied by tho P. & S. hqspital. This addition has become a necessity owning to the great success of this institution and will probably be mado in tho near future. Wo havo a few light weight ladies' woolen suits to close out at just one half regular price. Thoy aro a snap. Act quick before they are picked over. Hun Clothing Dept. A third boy made his appearance in tho C. 0. Weingand family yestorday morning, nnd tho son and mother, who nro nt the P. and S. Hospital aro gottlng along nicely. Clnudo had hoped for a girl, but thinks throe of a kind makes a strong hand. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jcffers and family loft for the east yesterday morning. Mrs. Jeffers nnd children will visit relatives at Kearney, whllo Mr. Jeffers attends tho stato firemen'H convention which is being held nt York this week. Special Oxford Sale. Small, The Big Shoe Man. Leo Stebbins, of Wichita, Ks ac companied by his son Paul, is spending this week with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cyrus Stebbins. He is employed in a wholesale grocery house in Wichita. Corn in that section of Kansas Is suffering from dry weather. Dr. and Mra. Geo. B. Dent enter tained nt a four course dinner Sunday evening in favor of Miss Joy Belle Church. Covers were laid for seven, the guosta Including only tho bridal party, and tho table was attractively decorated in pink and white sweet peas and tho place cards were in bridal de signs. Have your diamond ring exnmined at least once ovory six months. A lndy in North Platte lost a valuable stono from n worn mounting. Wo will gladly Inform you If there is danger of your innmonu loosening, wo uo our diamond mounting in our own shop. Dixon, The Jeweler In writing to The Tribune from Ft. Shaw, Mont,, II. J. Kinley, formerly of this county, eays: "I havo quit the Indian service and my two girls and havo each taken a homestead in nut. No. ! Dint. No. 2... Mist. tio.X PTATF.-Ocncral Mliool " Unlvorxlty " Kcdctnptlon " Interest on Collodlona. " Fcliool I. and Principal... " School Land Intercut.... " Hclinol Lund Itenlal COUNTV-Opnoral uoau uommiHsionor Koiwl Commissioner KoimI Cominlsslonor ilrldirn Court IIouso llomt ,InlI Ilnnd , South l'lntto llrldiro Horn! I'undlnir llond , North l'latto llrldiro Ilond North l'latto llrldiro Interest fiddlers Itollnf OulHtandlnir Indebtedness District ltoad 1'und Advertising OKnllorm llrldiro HlnUlnc 01'allonn llrldiro Interest Ilrady llrldiro Mnklntf Ilradr llrldiro Interest 11 1 rd wood llrldiro BInldmr 11 rd wood llrldiro Interest Nichols llrldiro Hlnldnir Mrdinno noad Pinkitnr Medicine Hoad Interest .... Kurn lift llrldirn Hlnklnir Surhurhan Irrigation General Siirlmrhan Irrigation llonds South Nldo Irrigation Hlnklnir Houth Hide Irrigation Interest norsney nriairo lionds Kulth and Lincoln County Irrigation General . , Keith and Lincoln County Irrigation In to rest Hlrdwood Irrigation General ninnvoou irrigation interest , Ilostwlck Ilrldce llonds District Hchool Fund District Hcliool llond Illch School Fund North l'latto General . North l'latto Klectrlc Light North l'latto AVator North l'latto Water Hneclal North l'latto Special North l'latto Water llond Interest North l'latto Howor Maintenance North l'latto Hewer llond Interest North l'latto Howor Laterals North l'latto Judgment water uonu interest City l'ark Vlllniru of Wallace Village of Kittlmrland Vltllago of ilrady Vlllagoot Herslmy VUlaco of Maxwell. Condemnation Fund Kstray bund Miscellaneous i ces Inesand Licenses Hpeclal County ltoad , Special llrldiro Tax Kales and Redemptions '. Deposit Interest.. ... Hpeclal HldoTvalk ... . m invito records free us uoommg country, we are now Rinckek's Book Stoiie. ' fourteen miles from tho railroad, but n Fred Payne, living on tho road lead-! ro"d '? bc,nB bu,,u "ow UTult,wlu bo Ing to the south bridge reports having a cow so badly injured by an auto mobile Sunday evening that ho was forced to kill hor. Tho boy driving tho jt;pw Raya tho car did not havo a "number, and tho driver did not stop to ece how badly the animal had been injured. A Big Snap. There has been listed with us for quick sale a nice home in 2nd ward within two blocks of court house at $2100.00, worth $2500.00. Buchanan & Patterson. Less Overdrafts Foes earned by County Treasurer for past six months.. Halanco Jan'y 1st. 1V1U 014 W 14V) 51 249 91 1151 2(1 IKU M) 4 111 10 22 1 Z2 ' 5ZI3 40 UKM 47 12 A5 318 74 92 12331 1 5 !W3 78 7111 42 2.12 4 70 211 4.11 311 ir47 R4 239 03 1 80 420 6U ir.i 02 872S 75 ret so 17U1 Ml IKS 08 1(1 10 41)30 21 1413 04 018 55 00 70 010 Ul 1075 117 48246 03 sum 45 3304 82 1237 -I 1177 15 570 31 21 83 1 82 5 42 70 00 1100 Oft 124 71 0 42 2033 41 282 SO 208 04 2U2 48 355 31 280 85 350 111 123 HI 14 38 180(1 71 18 01 11 72 51 GO 701 08 5298 71 89 6.1 $ 1213R3 40 240 91 i 121133 63 Collection for Six Mos. 825.1 5 1832 8 74 1320 4330 2450 1477fi 033 m OKI 3817 r (i o 21 ros 187 12 1 17 7077 60 2106 07 $ 125143 02 125143 02 Disburse monts Six Mos. 40W 00 1000 00 3500 00 1500 00 8011 81 225 20 "oiTm 2213 70 11R2 80 W 00 '7056'5i 020 85 300 "0 Mil 00 1800 00 2071 OH 40.' 00 1U U0 1032 52 10 00 487 57 COO 00 1102 27 1000 00 2348 50 2700 00 827 81 600 00 051 09 804 00 140 17 240 00 45050 42 54711 74 2503 58 1670 01 1005 93 07 42 2840 92 3852 57 1012 62 1350 00 J71D 88 2050 00 21 83 1 82 5 42 173 69 200 00 1005 40 1603 84 100 55 121 70 f) l'tl ' 2121 49 2500 00 692 74 800 00 00 00 250 00 80 24 200 00 07 95 250 00 80 43 275 00 87 82 8.15 00 22106 !'.'.!'.".'.'.',!'. IS) OS 25 00 5 43 '.'.'.'.'.! 3657 10 8723 18 115563 37 $ 115503 37 Balance July 1st, 1910 4153 15 5 09 577 03 74 02 320 00 B.K) 20 950 76 7378 83 2158 W 083 70 1130 tU 313 70 0 91 10 00 3 no 5251 110 1518 91 12 55 155 80 2 09 12951 IV. 2ffl 73 710 42 232 34 70 29 431 80 1517 51 220 63 1 81 420 69 151 02 0013 90 804 02 3398 57 810 06 4817 78 1245 01 207 05 297 51 768 90 07U 14 S9101 31 4091 12 4273 3.1 231 60 60 77 200 09 41 05 801 100 56 1962 93 175 10 18 64 181 72 173 10 101 28 112 98 123 81 14 38 2087 71 120 00 II 721 50 03 608 00 7404 81 80 03 8 130713 23 i 180713 23 1, Ray C. Lnngford, Treasurer of Lincoln County, Nebraska, do swear that to tho best of my knowledge nnd belief the above is a truo statement of all the funds of the Treasurer's office of Lincoln County, Nebraska. RAY C. LANGFORD, County Treasurer, Stato of NobraBka, ) County of Lincoln, j Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of July, 1910. , F. R. ELLIOTT, County Clerk. By C. W. Yost, Deputy We do hereby certify that tho above statement of Ray C. Langford, County Treasurer of Lincoln county, Nebraska, is a complei o and accurate summary of all his collections and dis bursements bb county treasurer of said county from the first day of January, 1910, to tho firstj day of July, 1910. We further certify that each collection has been correctly entered and the vouchers were received by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, and tho footing were verified by us nnd found to bo correct. And the above statement of balances agree in every particular with said accounts in said county treasurer's general ledger. County Commissioners E. H. SPRINGER, C. H. WALTER. A. F. STREITZ, Lets Overdrafts. SCHOOL UISTItlOTS. Pchool District No. Halanco July 1st, I. .. ". . 3.'.. 4... 5... II. .. 7... 8... 0... 10... 11... 12 .. 13 .. 14... 15... 10 17. 18 19 20 21...'.... 3 J. 33 21 25 20 27 28 20 80.. 31 32 33 31 S3 SO 87 88 80 40 41 42 43 41 45 40....... 47 48 40 60 61 52 63 64 65 60 57 68 50 00 01 02 03 01 65 00 67 08 00 70 71 72 , 78 74 75 76 77 78 70 80 8t 82 83 81 85 86 87 88 80 00 01 03.... 94.... 05.... 90... 07.... 08,... 09.... 100.... 101.... 102.... 103.... 101.... 105.... 100.... 107.... 108.... 109.... 110.... 111.... 112..., 113,,., 114..., 115..., 110..., 117 .., 118..., 110..., 120..., 121..., 123..., 133..., 121..., SiDawson H2I)awson Halanco July 1st. 50 O d I 3 H u -p w H 0 0 CO $32f0 85' 87 SO! 487 92 46'.l 90 21.172 80 231 15 1872 71 118 71 49(1 71 810 40 412 82 147 42 105 60 397 90 62(1 81 8(0 88 176 10 170 III 278 87 117 23 191 07 299 28 100 34 286 90 481 03 402 17 218 31 40 51 128 91 221 41 207 90 210 85 248 4Hl 327 60 228 85 281 2 1233 3: 001 80 137 09 381 881 141 13 3 (X) 335 50 200 70 223 II 440 46 'J1 00 552 59 270 80 122 01 160 68 373 V. Kit 48 211 85 SOI 67 1211 81 427 08 613 41 87 23 42 76 207 00 752 31 95 62 149 41 110 40 157 98 401 39 288 49 282 36 200 BO 81 09 258 21 176 23 883 57 420 81 207 03 374 80 70 76 01 56 212 61 148 83 237 80 41 71 185 62 100 48 140 73 84 50 08 21 380 32 350 40 133 15 182 90 216 85 121 88 126 93 388 11 183 03 260 31 160 117 157 381 73 157 71 03 74 141 68 878 70 181 80 153 09 84 49 250 60 146 48 164 S9 401 41 161 II 121 01 359 40 151 70 68 14 01 43 13 62 51 28 0 46 150 74 42 21 02 55 4 70 00 J2821 60 81 14 288 23 18 00 Halanco July 1st. 122 09 'min 163 22 060 12 W 21 32ll "1 W 66 105 81 01 70 113 29 47 71 80 f.0 "win 31 Wl HOAD DI8THIOTS. Hoad District No. 281 37 76 60 ,27 83 261 16 128 61 112 12 77 75 010 27 : a- I I o o;::: o o : rn 61 58 30 12 CO' CD O. 9; c3" ('" O.. 0- 6' H 11 91 83 s: 183 01 88 70 $39191 31 $39191 31 20 18 18 41 $1714 II 2o 1 $1601 12 36 13 80 70 SO tW 31 86 60 17 89 77 50 52 33 06 3 51 70 84 N. V 1... I.... 5.... 7 ... 8.... 0.... 10.... It.... 12.... 14.... 15.... in.... 17.... 18 ... 20.... 21.... 22,... a.... 21.... 25.... 2(1 ... 27.... 28 ... 30..,. .11.... 82.... 33.... 31 ... 85,... HO.... 87.... iVS.... 30.... 40.... 41..., 42.... 43. .. 44.... 46.... 47..., 40.... 60..., 61.... 64.... 55.... 57..., 58.... Halanco July 1st. V) u C rt a PQ u 5 C3 O K 65 12 4l 31 318 05 811 63 630 70 827 45 170 25 127 (HI 10 27 316 12 811 01 286 05 146 63 480 29 293 72 188 18 413 20 140 96 239 65 16 5t 19-.I Oil 483 95 212 05 70 45 41 70 61(1 0)1 455 40 482 0(1 401 22 150 74 108 01 60 00 178 02 218 61 100 14 100 60 311 40 211 61 58 05 256 00 121 21 977 93 160 08 280 41 141 53 270 02 125 02 144 18 $12061 03 ' 33 40 Ot 20 no&i 68 13 20 95 17 46 57 51 6 18 40 01 ' 31 82 "iis'is 36 1 2 85 28 52 $1273 S3 $1273 33 4i ' J1 uiuy Bix nines, inermora i inmK wo hnvo a roou location: Wo aro twenty five miles from Great Falls, a prosperous Napoleon's Grit was of unconquerable, nover-aay-dio Kino, uiu Kinu mui you neca most wncn you havo a naa cold, cough or lung dis, onso. Suppose troches, cough Byrnes, cod liver oil or doctors have all failed. don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Satisfaction is guaranteed when used for throat or lung trouble It has saved thousands of BufTcrora. It masters stubborn colds, obstinato coughs, hemorrhages, lu grtppe. croup, asthma, hay fever, nnd whooping cough and is the most safe and certain romodv for all bronchial nirectiona. EOc. $1.(W. Trial Uottto fnto UtSUfou DrtifcCd. Jos. Wilson hna begun the erection of a $2500.00 house in Taylor's Addition. A boy with a horse and carriage can earn money during his vacation. See R. B. Reid. For Sale 7 room house with room for bath, 2 lots. Inquire at 1011 West 6th street. Mrs. Eves, of Hershcy, spent yester day with friends in town, returning home this morning. Mrs. Guy Woods will return to her homo in Salt Lake tonight after spend ing a week with friends in town. Butler Buchanan and E. W. Crane left at noon yesterday for Grand Island : to attend the democratic convention. Special Oxford Sale. i Small, The Big Shoe Man. Mrs. C. F. Tracy will go to Omaha mt... i . i r r --r 1 , and daughter who have been making an extended visit with relatives In Iowa. Miss Mildred Pizer and brother Joe who have been visiting at the Julius Pizer residence for some timo will re turn home tomorrow. Miss Mayme Pizer will nccompnny them to Hast ings nnd visit in that city for a couple of weeks. For Sale. Some of the best and cheapest houses and building lots in the city. Terms easy. Bhatt & Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. James Howe, of Wal lace, were visitors in town Saturday. Merle Arnold, of Maxwell, transacted business and visited friends in town yesterdny. List of Town Property for Sale. If you are' thinking about buying or building a home, don't fail to look this list over. Nice Ave room house on West 10th St. Practically new. $1,600.00. Four room house with pantry, closets nnd summer kitchen on a nice 66 foot lot with large trees, barn, chicken house and yard. This is a bargain at $1,500.00. Located on East, 9th St. Seven room houBe, Btrictly modern, that is with heat, lights, hot and cold water and bath equipped. This is No Rain in Sight Weather forecast: Generally fair tonight and tomorrow. Not much chango in temperature. Maximum yes terday 104 4-10 degrees, n year aero 80: I minimum this morning 60, a year ago 1 60. The temperature dropped about forty-nve degrees during the night, thus giving poor mortals an opportunity to sleop well. t For Rent Houses and stores. tfilATT & Goodman. new house built within years. Full 66 foot lot, a the last two with cement walks. Located on east 6th St. If purchased within thirty days, $3,000.00. All oi tne above can ue Dougnt ior a payment or one-third down ana ino balance in small monthly payments. Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency. C. F. Temple, Mgr. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between V. E. Hinman and Guy Boyer, under the firm name of Hinman & Boyer, has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent. All bills due the hrm are pay able to Guy Boyer, who will also pay all bills against tho lato nrm. V. E. Hinman. Guy Boyer. Dated July 11th, 1910. Notice for Side Walk Bids. The secretary of the Board of Education will receive sealed bids up to Auk. 1st, for 2000 ft more or less of !ernfent eldo walk in 2nd & ?rd. wardtf, A. F. SYreiW, &tWy A Pretty Center Table adds much to the appearance of your parlor. Some of the late styles are exceptionally good. Our tables will surely please you. Tables from $1.25 to $10.00. Howe & Maloney. ECHELBERY'S NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. PI10110 302 A full lino of furniture, nil IiIikIh of stoves and stovo renalm, wngoim, har ness, saddles, blcycloH, gunn nml miort Ing goods, clocks, watchim, miinlcul goods, sewing machines either ninli or payments. Everything you uuo Hot Weather Comfort Secured by the use of good Talcum Powder. It absorbs the perspiration and makes the skin smooth and cool. We have all the leading varieties, also a splendid line of chamois skins. SCHILLER & CO., Family Druggists, NOTIOK T.lwllk ftntttt A It 1 a ft known 1..Im ,of iiavld W l0fry, uncased, will tnko nuilcB that on tho 20tli day of July. U.V.".ry VMt.imatli.i.lalntllT liuroln. tlloll 1 W" 1 "'"tf.lct "ourt of Lincoln County, NuliranUn. nuatnst hhUI dofondants. t 00 ilwotand urayorofwlilch aro to unlet in'2 .i'TJ." ,.,,.u I'lMnt 'T In and to tlm follow ntf drrtjiilwl tract of land, iti-wlt: Iiccliiulnir V&tIlu.iHol,"."?',t, ct.)rnor of Lot I, lnlllock ,u'.iN,i,ibrl?h'0' runnlnar tuonco In a P,?,rlirJy'.llri!0ll0.n pn theuaHt lli.oof said liarallul vrllli tlio bouth lino of satd lot. sa , "r, 7 " ictnir lino runnine I'Sf'l."1 Jti. tlioiico BDiuliorly parallol Willi Hill uayl. linn of u.1,1 1... j.i . .. . ..1..... ... 1" !"""" iiiiu ot saui lot to mo l H m Vi',. 1 "i1","' VHl t0. cludo each and Hui.' 11 .w.y.', V",.lnnu.from "' Iwtorost. null., minor claim In and tonald nroiwrty SnJ .V.'i!0,i " " 1 lfc,'Jta from auortlnlr Ji.V i,!".1 '" i'nUI Vri,,,,lM,!t "ifaliist the , fh 'T1'! n,ul l.0'Ul' satd defendant!. tfii'rVif tf wltli nlalntllfs iwsscsslon W sxihsx & nxmimXM$gu t