Newspaper Page Text
Serai -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUHSCR1PTJON RATES. One Year by Mail in ndvanco... Ono Year by Carries in advance. ..$1.25 ..$1.00 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, l'ost olllco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY JULY 28, 1910. The county option plank adopted by the republican state convention reads as follows: For tho further regulation of the liquor traffic in Nebraskn, we are In favor of the passage of a county op tion luw by the next legislature, and pledge our canidate for governor if elected to approve such a law on that subject as the legislature may enact. Favors Re-Apportionment. One of the planks of tho republican state platform reads as follows: We favor the passage of a now apportion ment law at the next session of the legislature, redistricting this state into senatorial and representative diBtrrts, giving to each fair and equal repre sentation based on tho population as shown by the census of 1910, and If the legislature which is elected this fall, falls to perform this constitutional duty while in regular session, wo pledge the people of this state that the republican govornor, If elected, will convene the legislature in special session until this constitutional duty has been performed. Napoleon's Grit was of unconquerable, nover-say-dic kind, the kind that you need most when you have a bad cold, cough or lung dis ease. Sunnose troches, couch svruns, cod liver oil or doctors have all failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Satisfaction is guaranteed when used for throat or lung trouble. It has saved thousands of sufferers. It masters stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, la grippe, croup, asthma, hay fever, and whooping cough nnu is the most sate and certain remedy for all bronchial affections. COc. $1.00. Trial bottle free at Stone Drug Co. REWARD1 Strayed or Stolen. From imsturo near Albert Coolidge's place one red, horned bull branded 4S on left side. Send information to I John Bratt. North Platte, Neb. ata tt?a t a tnf Aura A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. odors Ames & Ames, Physicians and Surgeons, Never In tho history of Nebraska have so many voters been without a political home. They have grown dis satisfied with tho actions of both par tics, and feel inclined to cast partisan ship aside and vote for whom they con sider tho beat qualified for office re gardless of political complexion. Will they get into the "band wagon" as the fall campaign draws to a closo? With the republican party of the state advocating, county option and the democratic party opposing it; with certain republicans opposing the measure andcortaln democrats under tho leadership of Bryan favoring it, wha will tho harvest bo politically this , fall? Sure the condition is a mix-up, and it la a wise prophet who can at this time make a rcllablo forecast. Governor Shallenberger has chosen tho psychological moment to stir up tho liquor sellers of Omaha, by directing the attornoy genoral to proceed against Chief Donahue and other officers for failure to enforce tho liquor laws. Shal lenberger knows that the Omaha vote at the primaries Is for Dahlman any way bo that ho will not lose anything there, whllo ho has everything to gain by getting In lino with tho temperance sentiment in tho state. Tho move is clover and very much like our foxy Govornor Shullcnborger, Kearney Hub. Railroad gross earnings form a sure index, to actual conditions nnd this being true, wo must conclude that real business Is on tho upward grade, for railroad gross earnings arc inclined ; that way. Taking fifty-three of tho , leading railroads tho country over, tho - Financial Chronicle, a weekly publlca- ( tlon decidedly friendly to tho, railroads, shows titi Increase in uggregato gross (earnings. of $8,350,821, or 15.11 per cent for the month of Juno over tho corresponding month last year and these receipts exceed any for a June , since 1907, when every record was broken. But, wo find from still later " compilation, that this increase is still going on and for tho first two weeks In July thoro was a total railroad gross earning of $15,419,871, for all roads reporting, which represents a 9 per cent gainBee. Tho Union Pacific recently made fina' report of tho recent wreck at Brady be tween tho work train nnd pnssonger train No. 1G. Tho report in conclusion says: W. B, Smith, dispatcher, has been discharged for failure to exercise duo caution in moving No. 1(5 on oppo- site truck until he was posltlVo the track was cleur. II. B. Ford, oporator, hap been discharged for accepting n trnin ' order for work extra, not having ad vised tho dispatcher that tho work ex tra had arrived und departed before he had accepted tho order. T. C. Gorham, conductor, has been discharged for not giving his flagman specific instructions of tno rights of trains. If. B. Hnrt, agent at Brady Island has been sus pended fifteen days for giving dispat cher wrong Information in regard to tho work extra. R. D. Batie, engineer, has been suspended fifteen days foi failure to liavo understanding with the conductor in regard to instructions given tho flagman. Corn at a Critical Stage. Concerning tho condition of the corn crop, Tho Twentieth Century Farmer, tho leading farm magazine of the west, , has this to say: ; 1 "Tho present growing corn crop ie -, now at Its critical period. Largo hoc 1 Hons of tho big corn-producing country ;aro oxporlonclng dry weather, a con s dition vorglnc Into crop dumugo. In such districts reliof by rain must Come very soon or tho crop will be shortened, nnd tho extent of tils shortening will depend on how soonHfc gots tho needed moiaturo. Corn cannot bo produced without rain oi nrtlfical moisture At tho present period of corn crop growth a big, rain of two inches or more In sures the crop for ton days or two weeks, no longer, and this depends ontlrely upon tho kind of weather Intervening. Very hot, windy wenthor soon takes up the moisture, then more Is demanded to help mature tho crop. Eurl Williams, of Hershey, was a ' visitor in town Wednesday. MIbb May Munger, of Hershey, spent Wednesday with friends in town. Mrs. Leonard Cornet . returned Wed nesday from n brief Visit In Hershey. May Collect Penalties on Rentals. ' Tho Washington State Supreme Court has held that a telephone company hns the right to charge an extra fco for collecting rentals from subscribers, al though Its franchise fixes n maximum amount to bo charged for tho use of tel ephones. Tho ruling was mado in tho case of Thomos MacMahon, of Seattle, against the IndopendentTelcphono Com pany. 1 MacMahon had ordered his telephone removed, but tho company had refused to take it out until ho had paid CO c6nts a month for collecting tho back rentals. Tho Suporior Court had sustained Mnc Mnhon, but tho higher court sends tho case back with instructions to find for tho company. In n majority opinion Judges Morris, Rudkin, Chadwick and Goae held that tho collection charge is not in addition to maximum rate, but rather a charge for a default and delin quency. Judge Fullerton in a minor ity report says the franchise does not give tho company tho right to impose fined and penalties. Tho Telephone Weekly. J Watchman Makes Statement. North Platte, Nobr, July 27, 1910. Editor Tribune: In your nrticlo of July "20th dealing with tho accident which occured on the Locust Btreet crossing Saturday evening, your state ments are misleading to say the least. Being the person blamed, I wish to make a statement and expect as fair a treatment as tho other party, as I also am a citizen of North Platto of many years residence. Tho railroad crossing is a point of danger nnd should bo approached cniefully by n high speed machine. Contrary to your statement the whlstlo was blown nnd the bell rung, and I myself wns In the center of No 2 track trying to flag Mr. VanNattu. Now he was not traveling at six miles an hour but at the rate of twenty-fivo or thirty miles per hour. He wns not looking for a train, nor paying any attention to tho flagman. This statement is mado to do justice to both parties involved and also to call attention to the disregard of tho speed law by persons driving automobiles. With duo regards to Mr. VanNatta. I am respectfully The Flagman. ECHELBERY'S NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. Phone 302 A full lino of furniture, all kinds of stoves and stove repairs, wagons, har ness, saddles, bicycles, guns and sport ing goods, clocks, watches, musical goods, sewing mnchines cither cash or payments. Everything you use bought and sold here. Top pr Ice fo iron metal and rubber U Office over Stone Drug Co. Is m,nQ 1 Office 273 g Phones r; Residence 273 ' . ml - jrPra Go to SORENSON'S FOR Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. Wills J Rcdflcld. M I) .1 It McKlralian. M D Drs. Redfield & WcKirahan Phsicians and Surgeons. All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones 042-644 Office at P. and S. Hospital. il.'' GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, Office over McDonald Bank, ir !)),. ) Office 130 E I none8 Residence 115 John S. Twinem, M. D., THE SMOKE FROM OUR CIGARS will never offend tho lndyof the house. The fragrance is so agreeable that ynu can smoke in any room without rebuke. it even women liKo tno odor or our cigars so well how much more will you enjoy their fragrance and exquisite flavor. Try a few tonight. Both your wiio and yourself will agree that they are tho best cigars you ever smoked. J. F. SCHMALZRIED, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office: McDoriuld State Bank Building, Corner 6th & Dewey Sts. Phones: Office 183. Residence 283, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS HOSPITAL. A Modern Institution for the treatment of Medical and Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in attendance day or night Special accommodations for confinement cases. 721-23 North Locusf t. Telephone No. 642. Statement of the Condition or THE MUTUAL BUILDING S LOAN ASSOCIATION, of North Platte. .Nebraska, oh the 30th uay or June, miu. Certificate, ASSETS. First mortgage loans 1357 100 00 Stock loans 5 400 00 Cash 0 45fl &8 Delinquent interest, premiums ana nncs iui .hj Expenses and taxes paid 1 0.10 2(1 Taxes and Insurance Paid 00 15 Total t.')73 743 20 LIAIULIT1ES. Capital stock paid up $353 CtSI 45 itcscrvc i una n aw w Undivided profits 10 llfi Ki Other Liabilities 4 118 20 Total i.. ..$373 748 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR END1NU JUNE 30, 1010. ItECRlPTH Ilalancc on hand July 1. 1010 U OOrt 23 Dues 114 214 oo Interest, premiums, and lines 2H odl TO i,oans rcnaiu in toum Miscellaneous Foes 303 75 Taxes and Insurance V 35 10 Total : tlM CM VI E.ri'KNUlTUIlF.S. Loans 9112 (00 00 Expenses 1 M3 83 Stock redeemed Ci fll.l Oil Cash on hand 0 INI fis Taxes and Insurance. .,... 05 25 Total t'm 020 State of Nebraska. Lincoln count v. ss. I. Samuel (ioozec. secretary or tno aiwvo named Association, do solemnly swear mat tho foregoing statement of tho condition of said Association Is truo and correct to tlio best or my knowlodgo and tioiicr. hAMiTRr. MfiozKK. neeromrv Subscrllicd and sworn to before mo this Htli day of July, 1010. huti.ku iiuciiANAN, notary ruune, VlOTOlt VONdOETZ, 1 Lkstkh Walkkr, 5-Dlrcctors. IllA L. IlAHK. ) Serial No. 01023-02162 NOTICE FOR I'UHLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Ofllco at North Platte. Neb , June 0th. 1010. Notlco Is beroby glveu that Joscnh H Shaw. of North 1'lattn, Nebraska, who on March 1, 10U4, mado U. K. No. im, Serial No. oi2S, for east half southwest nuarter. northwest quarter southeast quarter and lots, and on .iuiy iwt, mode u. k. wo. zosw, Honai No. U2K12, for south half southeast quarter, north oast quarter southeast quarter and lot 4, all in section is. townsuln J. N.. ranco 30. West of tho 0th Principal Morldlan. has filed notlco of Intention to mako final II vo year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before tho itcglsterand Re ceiver, at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho 27th day July. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses! Jacob L. Harden, George 11. Blnglo. William W. Hunter. Arthur Connors, allot North Platto. Neb. 7-" j. k. kvanh Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 02274. Department of tho Interior, U. S- Land Oillco at North Platte. Nob. May ). 1010. Notlco Is hereby given that Mary Hawkins, formerly Mary A. jamis of Maxwoll, Nob., who, on Nov. 11. 1U0I, made homestead entry no. wmsi. serial No, for nir section 0. townshtn 14. N. rango 28. Wof tho 6th Principal Meridian, has 1 led notlco or intention to mauo linni live year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo tho Iteirlstor and Ice celver at North I'latto, Nebraska, on tho 22d iliiv nf . n r. 1U 0. Claimant names as witnesses: .loim u Nystrom, Mary N. Sukraw, of Maxwoll, Nob.. Henry E. Hldlngor, John Martin or North Platto. Neb. mzi-o J. k. H.VAN8. uetrisier. Sorlal No. 0443. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior V. S. Land Oillco at North I'latto, Nob. .lunoBth. 1010. Notlco Is hereby clvun that Daniel It. Mc- Neel, or North i'latto, Nebraska, who on February za. lws. trado Homestead Entrr No. aoBOO. Serial No. OJI43, for west half, north half northoast quarter, south half southeast quarter of section 0, township 15 north, ranRo 81. west of tho Otli PrlnclDal Meridian, has Hied notice of Intention to make llnal live year proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described. Imforo tho Register and Receiver at North Platte. Nebraska, on the CTt i riav of .lull-, luin. Claimant, names as witnosses: navia v, MnnnmlKir. .lames Hechan. Jr.. Charles E. Evans. William Droves, all of North Platte, Nebraska. J70 J. E. EVANS, KORlStor, of in O'Fallon News. Mrs S. E Cox is onjoying a visit with relatives in Colorado. Harvesting is nearly completed this section. rno urownics wore ueienteu by n Ilerahoy pick up team last Saturday. Tho threshing machine can bo heard in and around this vicinity again. On August 9th tho Urownies will play the Kansas city Bloomers on the iieraney graunus. uvoryuouy como and boo a good game. Admission '25c. Quite u nnmber of this vicinity at tended the Chautauqua nt North 'Platte last week, Tho corn has commenced to dry up and if it does not rain or tho water como down the ditch in tho next week, there will bo no corn. The boys are practicing so as to mako those illoomurs cam all tlioy get on Aug, '.mi. Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OF Flour, feed, Grain or Hay Having recently purchased tho B. A. Wilson feed store at the corner of Sixth nnd Locust Sts. I respectfully invite a share of the patronage of the public. Prompt delivery. J. R. RITNER. BEHIND A FINE PAIR OF HORSES should be hitched a stylish looking carriage. At this repository you can spo n variety of vehicles whoso stylo is undeniable They range from the phae ton to the family coach and arc the equal of any in appearance nnd build. They are less than equal in price to most enrringes of their character. A. M. Lock. ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR PRORATE OF WILL. Statu of Nebraska. Lincoln County. To all persons Interested in tho estato of John Oulmct. deceased: Whereas. .losoohlnu Ilresuaham has filed In my olllcc. an Instrument punxirtlnir to bo tho last will and testament of John Oulmdt. late of said county, deceased, and said Joso phlno Hresnuhnu has (Hod her petition herein praying u nave tho samu admitted to iinv ha to and for tho issuance of letters testa mentary which will relates to both real and personal estate, I therefor appoint Tuesday, tho nth day of Auuust. 1010, at 0 o'clock In the forenoon, nt tho county court In said county, as th time and place for hearlnir said win, at which tlmo and place you and an concerned may appear and contest tho ai' lowlnirof the same. It Is further ordered that said petitioner L'lvu notice to all uersons interested in said estato of the licnilencv of this netltlon and tho tlmo and place set. for the hearing of the same by causlnir a copy of this order to be imbllslicd in the North I'latto .soml-Wook i Tribune, a newspaper printed nnd published in saia county, ror six successivo issues pre vious to set ror hearing. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and oillclal seal this 10th day of Announcement, 1 hereby annoonco mvsolf ns a candi date forre-eloction for representative of tho lltli district subject to the npprovnl of tho republicans at tho August 16th primaries. I have no oxtended plntform. but ngreo If elected to work for tho pass age of good progressive legislation and lor the best interests ol the district and state. , As this is census yenr the ncx'. sussion will bo tho propor tlmo to re- iiistnct tne Btato ana i consider it very important that this bo dono nnd thai. tho west gets propor representation. Respectfully submitted, B. K. Bushee A Man That Keeps Good Horses don't wan't to spoil their appearance or risk his own li fo by harnosslng them with nn inforior made or shabby har ness. It pays to buy a good harness whon you do buy, 'for it always looks well ns well- na wearing well. For stylo, durability linu mako can. on A. F FINKl NOTU'E York Foundry Sl Enulnu Works of York, Nohraska, Edward Iturku and (Joldlo Ilurko, and all other persons Interested, will tnko notice that upon tho 20th day of August, 1U10, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. in-, central standard time, at tho frelirht house or ware house of I'nlon PaiMllo Itatlrond r-omnan.v In the city of North I'latto. Nebraska, snld I'nlon I'aclllc. Railroad Company will otrer for sale one No 0 tiro proof safe, shipped 'iv said York Foundry ft EukIiio Works to Ed ward llurkb and (lohllu Ilurko, when dolm? b'idness under thqllrm name and stylo of Burke k Company: that said safo will bo sold to hatlsfv tho sum of i" Ml freight, duo thereon and .the sum of IT.tt0 as storage thereon from the dale of tho receipt of said safe on tho.'tltli day of February, 11HW, up to nnd Including the :th day of Juno. 1U10: that tho total amount of charges against said safe upon said duo amount to tho sum of 13.4)1 and that to said amount will he added stor age charges at tho rate of live cents per day for each day up to and Including tho 20th day of August, lOlo. excluding, however, from said time, all Sundays and holidays Said safe will he sold at the tlmo and nlnco aforesaid at public auction to the highest bidder for cash . Dated this 21st dav of July. 1010 UNION PAOiriO RAILROAD COMPANY. My A Mt'i.nooN. Its Attorney notTce Lizzie finntt. Cli&rhw A I'urrt- nml iim un known hlr of David W Perry, deceased. win tawo uoticu that on the 20th day of July. 1010, Henry Waltoinath. plolutllT heroin. Hied his petition In the District court of Lincoln i utility, Neiirasua, against said defendants, tho object and prayer of which aro to quiet un iiue, or tne piainiur in ami to tho rollow IngjteMrrUKMl tract of land, to-wit. Iloulnnlng on the southeast comer of Lot 1. In ltlock KB, of tUoftrlgliittl pint of the City of North I'latto. NAhrakka. riitinlnL. Hum... In n northerly direction on tho east lli.o of said lot, W feet and 1 inches, theucu westerly parallel with tho fcoutu line of said lot. M foot more or less to tlm center lino running north and south, thence southerly parallel wmi tne east line or said lot in foot and 4 In ches to the south lino of said lot, thence easterly on the south line of said lot to the piaco or beginning, and to exclude each and all or the said defendants from any Interest, right, title or claim In and tu said property mid to enjoin said defendants from asserting any claim 1u said premises as against the plalutliT herein and to enjoin said defendants from liiterforrlng with plalntlll's possession uioreui. YOU aro red u I red to answnr and! mil I Hon onorlwforothe&th day of September. 1010. lir.NUV WAr.TJIMATH Hy WuVOx & H.U.UU.w. HrsAttbrneys. .ultimo, W.O. ELDER. County .Tudgo. LEOAL NOTICE. Nora llalch, l'lalntlir. vs. Carrlo L. Michael and C I'. Michael, her husband. O- W Vor- ley and Addle Verley, his wlfo. Sherman O.. Wllhergerand Emma O. Wllborger his wlfo Henderson Uollliigsworth and - - llolllngsworth his wife, llrst name unknown. .i. r. i.ittioaud l.ivonia l,. i.ittlu his wife, J. w. aimer, liereiidaiits. Carrie L. Michael. C P. Mlchaol.J. F. Lit tle and Ltvoula L Little, non-resident de- fondants will take notice that on July 1st UUO the nlalntlir Nora llalch filed a petition In tho District C'our'. of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against tho abovo named defen dants, tho object and prayer of which was to foreclose a mortgage on the S, E quarter and the south halt of tho north halt of sec tion III, township U range ill In Lincoln Coun ty. Nehrihkn. given by Carrlo L. Michael and C. p. Michael her husband to defendant O, . Verley to secure tho payment of a note for nine hundred Mxtv dollars with Interest thereon, which note and mortgage was duly assigned to tno piainiur heroin ror a valu able consideration. Default having been mado In tho payment of said nolo and In teu'Stthereon, and no HCtton having been had for the recoverv thereof, the nlalntlff asks for judgment against said defendants and each or them ror the sum of one thousand one hundred thirty-eight and K-10O dollars and Interest from .Inly 1st 11)10 together with all costs and accruing cotts In this case, and for foreclosure of said moricagu and sale of said property for the payment of such claim ami costs. aoitA, riaininr, ny is ni, wjmiirui.ey, nor Attorney. Road No. 321 To all whom it may concern: Tho special commissioner appointed tor tho nurposu ol establishment of a public road commencing at northoast corner ot sect on i townsmn ia. ranee 31 and runninrr thenco east two miles between sections 3 ana 4 said township and range, thenco enst on north lino of Contlnn fl tiltrtnf 1 117 tltntna in nrsnnnnt with ronu No, 5-1; has reported in fuvor ot tno establishment ot said road, all objections thereto or claims for damage must Denied in the ollice of the county cierK on or uoioro noon on hip aaru day nf Qiti nmlinx 101H nt minli vitwl iirt 11 Vft UMVIllUi;il 41tV VS 1 PlIVM A tint bo established without reference there to. Dated North Platte, Neb., July 1C, luiu. i it. ELLIOTT, unmry JIK, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Sorlal No. 0211W. Denartment of tho Interior. U. 8. Land ODlco at North Platte. Neb, Juno 17th. ltuo Notlco is horeby given that Hugh Songor. ot North I'latto. Nob., who on July 11th, 1004. mado Homestead Entry No. xuji". Ser ai No. ikiho. ror lot 4. and southeast Quarter southwest nuarter. cctIon so. townshlti iz. N Ramru ai. W. of tho sixth nrlnclual meridian. has tiled notice of Intention to mako tlnal llvovoar proof, to establish claim tu Ilia land abovo described, boforo the Register and Receiver at North I'latto. Nebraska. on the luth dar or August, lviu. Claimant names as witnesses: Koport lvun- kol, Hert Donaldson, carl llroeder and wil- 1 am II. Turn o. all of North I'latto. Nob. NOTICE FOR I'UHLICATION. Serial No. 03037. Dopartmontof tho Interior. II. S. Land Oillco ut North Platte. Neb. July 8th. 1910. Notlco Is horobr given that Ell Ivunkel. of North Platto. Nebraska, who, on Juno Sflth, 1U0I, mado homestead ' entry No. 3)101, Serial No. 02037, for north half and southwest nuarter. sect on K townsh n 11. north, uaugo 31. west ut tho sixth Principal Meridian has filed notlco ot Intention to make final live year uroof to establish claim to tho laud abovo descrllicd, boforo the Register and Recolver at North P atto. Nob., on tho llth day of Sent. 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: wi nam Orllllths, of Dickens, Nob., P. II. llurwood. of Somerset, Neb . Carl llroeder. of North I'latto, Nob. and John I'ulso, of Somorsot. Neb. Jll-fl .1. E. KVAN9. Reglstor. Serial No. 01012-021M. NOTICE FOR PUI1L1CATION DEPAUTMENT OF TUB INTKllIOIl. United States Land Ofllco. At North Platte. Nebraska. July W. 1910. Notlco Is hereby given that George II. challcr, of Myrtle. Nebraska, who, on Nov. SMrd, 1WKI, mado homestead ontry No, 1U77H. serial No. UIUIB. ror the southeast Quar ter, and on .lulv Kith. 1WI. made II. E. No 201I7H, Sorlal No. tc'l.ll, for tho southwest nuar ter. Section o. Township in. N.. Range 29 w. of the 0th Principal Meridian, has Diet notlco of intention to make final live year nroof. to establish claim to tho land abovo descrllKHl. boforo tho reglstor and recolvor at North I'latto. Nobraska. on tho (lav ot Sent 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Eucono Ardery. of Myrtle. Neb., Emery Ixmdon and Jasper Slvlt. of North I'lafo. Neb., nnd Wll nam incuiey, or .Myrtle, nod. JIS-h .1. ; Evans, Register. PRORATE NOTICE. In tho County Court ot Lincoln county. Ne braska. July 16th. 1010. In tho mattei or the estato of Luther o l arrlngtou. deceased. Notice Is herobv given, that the credl tors of said deceased will meet the Executrix of said estate, Iwforo me County Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county court room In said county, on tho Uith day of August, 1010, and on thohithdayot February, mil. at v o'ciock a- m. each day, ror tno pur nose of presenting thelrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six mofiths aro allowed for creditors to present their claims and one year far the Executrix to settle said estate, from tho lOth day of July, 1910. This notice to be published eight successivo Issues In tho North l'lutto Tribune, a legal newspaper published In said county prior to tho 10th day ot August, J 19-8 W. O. ELDER. County Judge, ORDER OF HEARINO ON PRORATE OF 7 KOREION WILL. statu of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss, In tho county court. July llth. 1010. In tho matter of tho estato of Thomas J. Davles, deceased. On reading and tiling the petition of E. 11. Evans, praying that the Instrument iiieo on tlio inn nay or.iiiiy. luiu, und nur- porting to bo an authenticated copy of tho last will and testamentof tho said deceased, may bo proved, approved, probated, allowed and recorded in this court as tho last will and testament of tho said Thomas J, Davles, deceased, and that tho execution of said In strument may bo committed anil tho admin istration or tiatu estato may he granted to I,, navies, Elliott l Davles and W. 11 warner as i.xecuiors. Ordered. That August Oth. A. I). 1010. at o'clock p. m., Is. assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may oppoar at a county court to bo held In and for said countv. and show cause why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not bq granted. This notice to bo published for six successive issues in too North i'latto Tri bune, a legal newpapor published In said county prior to AJUgustyth, luio. J1B-U W U, EuiKit. County Judge NOTICE. Lizzie J. Richey and William Richev will take notice that on tho 17th day of November. VMJ. Laura a. Porter. plaintiff herein, filed her potition in the district codrt of Lincoln County, Ne braska, against said defendants im pleaded with Robert Wilson Jr., and Farmers Bank of Chester, Thayer coun tv. Nebraska, the object and nrnvor of which said petition are, for a decree adjudging that an affidavit for service by publication made uy James M. Hay, attorney for the plaintiff, on the 23rd day of Muy, 1809, in an action then pending in tne District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, to forecloso 'a mortgage on the west half of the south east quarter and the east half of the southwest nuarter ot section 0. town ship 10, range 32, in Lincoln County, Nebraska, wherein David Cunninghorrj, executor of the estato of James Porter, deceased, was plaintiff, and Lizzie J. Kichey nnu William uichey, et al, were defendants and filed in said court and sworn to on said dato by the said James M. liay, was duly and legally executed and sworn to. And for a decree that W. C. Elder. Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, bo required to affix his signature to said affidavit as of that date and to attest the same with the seal of his said office and for a further decree finding the amount now due on a certain mortgage heretofore placed in decree in said action aforesaid in the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, in the case of David Cunning ham, executor of tho estate of James porter, deceased, vs. Lizzie J. Kichey and others, on tho 7th day of December, 1899, and that the said defendants be required to redeem said land from said decree within a short day to be fixed by the court, and that in the event that no such redemption is made, that the title of the plaintiff in and to said land be forever quieted as against any right, title, lien or interest of said defen dants in and to said premises, and that said defendants be enjoined from claiming any right, title or in terest in said premises or interferring with plaintiffs possession of the same and that the sr-id defendants be wholly excluded from any interest in said land and for genoral equitable relief. You are required to answer said tition on or before the 15th day August, 1910. Dated this 1st day of July, 1910. Laura E. Porter. By Wilcox & Halligan, Attorneys for riuiniiu. Primary Election Notice 1910. I. F. R. Elliott. County Clerk of Lin coln County, Nebraska, do hereby di rect that a Primary Election oe held at the regular polling places in each pre cinct throughout the county, as by law provided, on the Third Tuesday in Au gust, A. D., 1910. At said primary election candidates for the following offices shall be nomi nated, to be voted on at tho regular November A. D., 1910 election. STATE OFFICERS. One Governor; One Lieutenant Governor; One Secretary of State; One Auditor of Public Accounts; One Treasurer; Ono Superintendent of Public Instruc tion; One Attorney General; One Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings; One Hallway Uommissioner; One Congressman Sixth Congres sional District; Une state senator lor tho Mm sena torial District; One member of the legislature tor tho 54th representative district; COUNTY OFFICERS. One County Attorney; One Commissioner, Second District; Precinct officers to fill vncancy; An expression of preference for Uni ted States Senator. Also for or against a proposed amend ment to section 1 of Article 7, of the constitution of the State of Nebraska, defining tho qualification of electors. Which election win do opened at is o'clock M. and remain open until 9 o'clock in tho evening. Dated North Platte, Neu., June run, A. D., 1910. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. Notice. Notice is hereby given that T. A. Roberts, David E. Martin and Wesley J. Shinkle have associated themselves together as a body corporate under the nnme and stylo of the "Rosedalo Tele phone Company." The principal place ot transacting tho business of Bald company shall he at Hershey, Lincoln county, Ncbrnska. iho general nature or the business to be transacted bv this corporation shall be the construction, erection, purchase, sale, operation, maintenance, control and lease of a telephone line or lines, and a telephone exchange or exchanges. i lie amount of capital stock au thorized is $5,000.00. divided into 500 Bhares of tho par value of $10.00 each, and shall bo fully paid up when issued unci snail no non-assessnuio. Tho hichest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation is at any timn to subject itselt shall not exceed twu-thirds of tho paid up capital stncK. Tho date of tho commencement of said corporation shall bo the first dav of July, 1910, and shnll continue for a period ot twenty-live years, unless sooner dissolved by law The affairs of said corporation aro to bo managed by a board of directors consisting of not less than three nor more than live, and a president and a secrotnry-treasurt'r. Signed June lGth, 1910. T. A. Rouerts, Davip E. Martin, Wesley J. Bhinklu,