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s Ik TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, AUGUST 19, ' 1910. NO 60 Jwrflr TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS g a rrr "wWl.? I Licenso towed was issued yesterday to A. H. Sowlo and Ella Nelson, both of Denmark. Mrs. N. 0' Bricn, of Council Bluffs, will arrive Monday to attend tho wed ding of her niece, Miss Irene O'Brien. Miss Bella Craigic, who was taken to the P. &S. hospital suffering from ty phoid fever, is reported to be improving, Horton Munger returned Wednesday evening from his eastern vacation trip, which extended to Buffalo and St. Saint Marie. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Smith, of Gandy, were in town yesterday making nrrang ments to place their daughter in the high school. Miss Gladys Bilrton, who had been visiting relatives nt points in Iowa lor Boveral weeks, spent Wednesday at the LeDioythome enroute to Pnxton. Porter Russel has resigned his posi tion as machinist helper in tho shops and will leavo Sunday for Chicago where he expects to make his home. A new Linoleum on your kitchen would make your wife's work easier. Let us figure with you. Wilcox Department Store Wednesday one of the Greeks employed at the icehouse fell from tho upper plat form to the track below, his back striking a rail. He was stunned by by the fall, but other than bruises on the body and a sprained leg his injuries were not serious. Supt. Tout is trying to arrange sat isfactory boarding and rooming places for the teachers for thq coming year. Anyone having desirable rooms will lot him know by phone or letter. Steam heated rooms are most in demand. Two men and five ladies must be supplied. For Sale Piano, base burner and household goods of all kinds. Apply at 220 East Third street. Perry Carson, who is a critical but righteous judge of woman's appear ance, is anxiously awaiting the appear ance of some petit blondo on Dewey street gowned in a hobble skirt. This skirt puts another waist lino at the knees and makes the wearer look as though she wore corsets in two places. No person has yet pronounced the hobble skirt immodest, but when it appears in North Platte and it is found so, wo can place a hand over our eyes even if we do spread tho fingers. For Sale. Rooming house best location in city; thirteen rooms and eighteen beds. Ask to see the books as to its being amonoy maker. Price $1,200. For sale by D. E. Morrill. The Sweater is very essen tial for a vacation in the mountains or in the country, in fact, it is quite indispen able all the year around. Just now, when our stock is so complete, is an especially good time to buy them, as we are ready with a splendid line of the new models which will be shown extensively for fall wear. We illustrate one number in a co-ed style made from very fine worsted yarns in a fancy stitch, trimmed with contrasting- colors. A very stylish garment. Price Wilcox Department Store. I Mr. Pollock, who hod ben tho guest of his daughter Mrs. W. P. Snyder, at j tho experimental sub-station, left yes terday morning for his home ,at Now Brighton, Pa. Another soaking rain Tuesday night, thus giving vegetation a further icaso of life, but causing hay markers t6 wonder how long these almost daily rains will continue. Engineers Harry Murrin, Geo. Trcx ler, Geo. Brown and Ed Yates went to Denver yesterday morning to take in tho events of Railroad Men's Day which will occur in that city Saturday. Mrs. Earl Gillnrd roturned to her homo nt Oshkosh yesterday. Mrs. Gil lard brought her four weeks old son to this city a short time ago and tho little one underwent an operation at the P. & S. hospital from which it has fully recovered. Fall Suits aro selling fast. Our al teration room is getting crowded. Better get yours early. , Wilcox Department Store. W. V. Hoagland, who was a republi can candidate for state senator at tho Tuesday primary, has received suffi cient returns from the sixteen counties in the district to insure his nomination. So far as heard from he had a majority over Stewart in all the western coun ties. Piatt White and Joe Fillion leave Sunday morning on a two or three weeks nuto trip. They go from here to Denver, thence to Cheyenne to re main during Frontier days. They will then return to Denver and thence to Colorado. Springs, retuming home via Denver and Cheyenne. Harry Reese, who has been in the Grand Island hospital for the past two months, following an accident June 13th, in which he received serious in juries, was released from the hospital Wednesday and arrived home on No. 11. Mr. Reese's recovery has been very Blow and he is still badly crippled. Mrs. A. W. Arnett and daughter Mrs. Pearl Horner, of Norfolk, who have been spending the eummor with relatives in this vicinity, returned Wed nesday from Sterling where they had been visiting wiih their son and brother Ernest Arnett and family. Mrs. Horner and children expect to return to their homo Sunday. Tho Y. M. C. A hns purchased the furniture and taken tho lease of tho rooming apartment lately conducted by Frank Fulk across the hallway from the assocation rooms and in the future will conduct this lodging house as part of tho Y. M. C. A. rooms. This is in keeping with association work in many towns and cities the country over. Eye glasses and spectacles fitted to the eyes and guaranteed. Clinton, Jew eler and Optician. "Old" John Thompson will bo the vaudeville attraction at the Keith to night and tomorrow night. It has been thirty years since Mr. Thompson made his first visit to North Platte as an en tertainer, appearing before tho local public a number of times thereafter, and on each occasion proved a delight ful entertainer. Time has not dulled his ability in this direction, and patrons at the Keith tonight and tomorrow night will feel well repaid for attending. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown left Tuesday night for Green River, Wyo., where they will remain a year with their sons Charlie and Sam who are working in the American Express office at that place. This will be a well earned and much needed Vacation for Mr. Brown nnd it is hoped by his many friends that the change may prove ben eficial to his health which of late has not been Jtho best. During his absence Wm. Moloney will have charge of his dray line. Miss Irma Huffman entertained a dozen of her young friends in a very hospitable manner at her home Wed nesday evening. The evening was spent in can! games and other amusing fea tures and proved a very enjoyable one for her guests. At midnight seasonable refreshments were served. Tho affair was given complimentary to Porter Russel, who will soon leave for his new home in Chicago, and the guests de parted for their homes leaving with him their best wishes for his future success in that city. Hal McCray, formorly an engineer between this city and Grand Island, died at his home in Alliance Monday. Death was due to cancer of tho stomach from which ho had been suffering for Borne time. The remains wero taken to Kearney and funeral held nt that place Wednesday. Mr. McCray has many friends in thio city and news of his death is received with regret. For sev eral years he has been at Alliance where ho has been associated with J. Baskinsln tho laundry business. De ceased is survlvc'd by a wife. Misses Freda, Flora and Mario Olson, of Loup City, are tho guests of their nunt, Mrs. O. E. Weil, having nrrived Tuesday. They will remain about two weeks. N. E. Workman, who disposed of his business interests in this citv. went to , 1 1 1 I . . juiesuurg nnu purcnuseu a iiuruwure stock, has sold out and tpdayis moving to Hastings, whom he nnd family will make their future home. Is is probnblo that North Platte will have an additional grocery store short? ly after the first of the now year, or; perhaps sooner. A North Platte resi dent has been delegated to 'secure a. room for tho now firm. Albert LcDioyt, of Paxton, trans acted business nnd visited friends in town yestorday. Mr. LeDioyt's farm ing enterprise is not as successful as he had hoped for and he is making ar rangements to return to town. Having sold my restaurant at Hor shey to Jas. W. Abbott, who will take possession September 1st. All accounts due mo must be settled, on or before that date. L. P. Kuono. Tho improvements to tho first floor of tho Viennn Cafe havo nearly been completed, and North Platte can well, say that it has a restaurant in all ways commensurato with the needs of the town. With tho new steel celling, new paper on tho walls and the wood work repainted the lunch room and tho din ing room certainly present an attrac tive appearance. The second and third floors of tho bu'lding will be completed in a couple of weeks. Councilman Yost Resigns. Will Yost, councilman from the Third ward, tendered his resignation Tuesday evening. This nction on tho part of Mr. YostwnB not voluntary. Recently North Platte became a city of the second class with a population of 5,000 or over. Under the law governing cities of that class a city official cannot hold a county office. Mr. Yost is deputy county clerk, hence his resignation wns made necessary. Mr. Yost has been a member of tho council for five years and ha3 proved n mighty good man in tho position , Regret Is general that ho was compelled to hand in his resignation. Attracts Big Crowds. The Reiss carnival company is attrac ting big crowds each evening, in fact each su;cecding evening shows an in crease in the numbor attending. With its myriad of electric lights, the dozen or more tents containing tho at tractions, and the booths occupied by the vendors of different wares, together with the big crowd attending, give the grounds an attractive as well as a live ly appearance. The attractions aro being very well patronized, nre pro nounced fully up to the average of en tertainments presented by carnival companies, nnd are varied enough to suit the tastes and fancies of all. In Tuesday's issue it was stated that the Reiss and the National Amusement Co. had combined shows for this en gagement. Mr. Reiss, however, tells us that this was erroneous. All the attractions are under the personal supervision of the Reiss Carnival Com pany. Strayed or Stolen From the Frunk Facko farm southeast of town about tho middle of May, one white faced cow with calf, and one two year old red steer branded with fish on left side. Anyone know ing of their whereabouts please notify the above. Groceries. Your boy or girl buys at our grocery department with every assurance that they will receive the same fair and cour teous attention that would be accorded yourself. No expert knowledge is required when dealing with us. Our prices are always fair. Quality gov erns the price and the price quality. The dime or dollars of a child will go as far and bring you as much value as the same amount in the hands of the wisest food expert. This absolute certainty of get ting what you pay for is one of the foundation stones on which we have reared a most popular grocery business. Wilcox Department Store. PURELY PERSONAL. Arthur McNamnra roturned Tuesday from his trip to Oakley, Kan., and Omahn. Miss Ethel McCance, of Cozad, is visiting nt tho homo of her Bister Mrs. Walto)' Ross. Joe Baskins, of Allianco, passed through Wednesday, accompanying the remains of Hal McCray. jj Mrs. W. T. Bcory roturned Wednes day morning from a visit with friends 'in Cheyenne nnd Denver. " Seth Sherwood has been spending several days in town. Ho is now trav eling for n nursery company. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baskins went to Kearney Wednerdny to attend tho fun eral of tho late Hal McCray. ! Ed Sorcnson camo up from Omaha Wednesday evening for a brief visit with relatives nnd friends in town. Jake Richards, of Cheyenno, was in town Wednesday enroute homo from Omahn where he attended tho funeral of his brother. Misses Nellio nnd Penrl Workman and brother Paul camo down from Julesburg Wednesday for a visit with friends in town. Miss Mario VonGoetz roturned Wed nesday from South Dakota, whero sho had been sponding tho past thrco or four weeks. Mrs. Clarence Redmond and son, of Los Angeles, arrived Wednesday morn ing for a visit at tho F. T. Redmond home in this city. Max Pizer, brother of Julius Pizer, who owns a store at Sargent, Neb., nr rived Wednesday for a brief visit with his brother. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Payne nnd Miss Grnco Payno will leavo Sunday for Den ver and Cheyenne where they will take in Frontier Days nt tho latter place. Miss Ailccn Gantt, of Lincoln, is ex pected to arrive in town Sunday and wUJ visit friends until she assumes her position as teacher in tho High School. Mr. Hart and Bister, of Webstor Grove, Mo., who have been guests of their sister Mrs. E. A. Cary for the past two weeks, returned homo yester day. Fred Frye will leave tonight for Den ver nnd other Colorado points. He will return homo via Kansas City and Oma ha, expecting to bo absent several weeks. Miss, Mary Guilliaumo will return to morrow from St. Louis whero she hns been spending the past six weeks aB the guest of Misses Jennie nnd Blancho Scannell. Miss Dunn, a sister of Mrs. Jns. Hart, accompanied by hor niece Miss Alice Odcnbridc, of Chicago, will arrive Monday to attend tho wedding of Miss Irene O'Brien. Mrs. Wm. Tanner came up from Lexington Wednesday for a visit with her parents Mr. nnd Mrs. F. T. Red mond. Sho expects to remain in town several weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugeno Picard, who wero married in Denver several weeks ago and havo since been spending their honeymoon nt points in Colorado, ro turned homo Wednesday night. Miss Maymo Mullen, of Omnha, who hnd been spending a week with Mrs. Fred Elliott, left Mondny for Harris burg, Neb. Enroute homo Miss Mullen will spend a few days in town. Benjamin George, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, arrived Wednesday for a month's visitwith Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott. The two families wero neighbors at Cedar Rapids over thirty yearc ago and the visit will undoubtedly prove a pleas ant one. Mrs. W. L. McGee, of Omaha, was tho guest of Judge and Mrs Grimes tho early part of tho week, returning to hor homo Wednesday. Tho McGee family were former residents of North Platte, leavitfg here twelve or fifteen years ago. J. C. Hart and sister Miss Mary Hart who had been visiting at tho homo of their sister Mrs. E. A. Cary, whllo en route home from a trip to Denver and other Colorado points, loft yesterday morning for Webstor Groves, Mo. Mrs. O. B. Whipple, formerly of this city, visited friends in town yestorday whilo enrouto to Kearney whero sho will visit friends for a week, returning to tliis city to attend tho Hawloy O'Brien wedding. Mrs ..Whipple is now living at Sacramento, Cal. Mayor Patterson and family roturned at noon Tuesday from their nuto trip' to Omaha, which proved a plonsant nnd enjoyable ono. In tho round trip of more than 600 miles they found tho roads in good condition except nbout sixty miles around Columbus, which recent ralna made heavy. CHOICE FALL SHOES IE VLF 1 . Our shoe prices read and sound about the same as as the shoe prices that confront you everywhere, but it is OUR SHOES that will impress you.. Come and see the handsome new Fall Models well worth coming to see. WE SPECIALIZE ON $4.00 GRADES. Yellow Front Shoe Store, DIENER & CANNING TIME. YOU'LL soon be at the canning and pickling with all its hard work. It would bo a pity to havo tho fruits of your efforts spoil, during tho winter. See that lars and bottles aro well scaled. PURIFIED PARAFIN is the best thing to seal them with. Can bo used ovor nnd over and is tasteless and harm less. Pure High Grade Spices, Jar Rubbers, Sealing Wax, Etc . SCHILLER & CO., Family Druggists. Dr. McKirahan Married. Dr. J. Ralph McKirahan, of the Physicinns & Surgeons Hospital, and Miss Mabel Forman, of Grand Island, wero married at that place Monday nt tho residence of Rev. Graham and nf rived in this city Tuesday morning. They nre now at homo at 716 East Sixth street. During his residence Dr. McKirahan has won many friends who are willing to forgive him for having stolen a march upon them and hasten to extend hearty congratulations to him nnd his bride, who is a young lady of charming personality. Surprise Their Friends. John Weinberger and Miss Mabel Day, two well known young pcoplo of tho city, surprised their friends Mon day evening by becoming man and wife, Rev. S. F. Carroll performing tho ceremony. The marriage was kept a secret until the following day, when tho announcement was'made just prior to their leaving. for Denver nnd other western points on a wedding trip, in timate friends of tho couple know the wedding was Boon to occur, but they wero kept in tho dark as to tho exact day. They will bo forgiven for the stealthy manner in which they became "ono," and their friends will unite with Tho Tribune in wishing them only the plcasureablo things of life. Improved Train Service to Chicago. Six trains daily in each direction be tween North Platte, Lexington and Chicago, via tho Chicago, Union Pa cific and Northwestern lino including superbly electric lighted Denver Spec ial wldch leaves North Platto at 6:35 every evening, reaching Chicago at 1:30 p. m. the next day. A solid through train with conven ient schedules nnd all travel conven iences. Full information on application to the Ticket Agent Union Pacific R, R. UR FALL SHOES are in and ready for your inspection. in ever beiorc has so large nor for that matter in all FLEISHMAN. Different From Other Shows. There aro many ways in which tho Gollmar Brothers Shbws differ from other circuuea nnd a visit to this mona ster tented enterprise when it comes to North Platte Saturday. August 27th. will cause people who havo been com plaining that all shows wero alike as to quality, to deny this statement, by adding "excepting tho Gollmar Brothers Circus." Gollmar Brothers Show resemble other tented enterprises inasmuch as tho performance is given under a tent. When it comes to the circus acts thorn. solves it differs widely from other In. stitution which aro heralded as "great" shows. Tho menagerie is more than twice as largo as that carried by other cir cuses. Tho Biggest Hipp in captivity is in this department. Tho only hybrid lion-tiger, with tho lion's strines on tho tiger's Bkin, is nnother rnro feature A grand street parade is given in every city viBitcd . And tho turn-out is tho biggest free fenturo offered with any circus of tho present day. For Sale. Two 3 yoar-old Short Horn Bulls and somo Heifers. Inquire of A, S. Bollow, Cody's ranch, A. F,Bceler, .of Hershey, transacted business in town Wednesday. Birt Smith, of Wallace, transacted business in town Wednesday. T. F. Sulllvun and Frank Woods, of Wallace, woro" visitors in town Wed nesday. Wanted Young woman between tho ago of 10 and 25 for nurse's training school. Address Superintendent Train ing School, Physicnns &' Surgeons uo8pitaj,iNortn 1'iatto, Moor. A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. K j? Doctors Ames & Ames, : Physicians and Surgeons, 5 "I U Office over Stone Drug Co. it 8 Phonea ) Office 278 g Clones Roaidchce 278 6 h H M mm m m mJ HUMPHREYS' Bnocifics euro by acting directly on th; sick parts without disturbing tho rest ol uio system. No. 1 for Fovors. No. 2 ' Worms. No, 3 " Toothing. No. i Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No, 0 " Headaoaes. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Suppressed Period. No. 12 Whites. No. 13 Croup. No. 14 " Tho Bkin. No, 1G " Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria, No. 10 " Catarrh. No. 20 " Whooping Cough. No. 27 ThoKldnoyB. No. 30 " Tho Bladder. No. 77 " La Grippo. In smalt bottles' of pellets that fit tho vest pocket. At DruRtdstH or mailed, 2Go. each. aair Medical Uuldo mailed froo. yV Mod. Co.,Cor William ft Joan 8twti.