Newspaper Page Text
msfac,-.-1. . i 4 5'i 4. J "3 THE SEMI-WEEKLY TR1BUKE IRA U DARE,ruW;.W TERMS, SU5 IN AUVANCH , NORTH PLATTE NEDRA8KA STREET NAMES A3 MEMORIALS. In Parishoro ono may visit thn Street of tho Fourth of September, ltj will bo posBtblo presently to traversal also tho Stroot of Edward VII. Djr designation In tho latter Instanco Franco will honor a Into groat " and good English frlond; In tho other caao tho beginning after Sedan Is com memoratcd of tho present ropubllc. Considering tho array of Now York streots and avenues running ta nrlthi motlcnl terms, wo nro reminded how far vto havo ncgloctod memorial op portunities In tho naming of our thorougfaron. Certainly wo havo hon ored Washington In Now York bov oral times, Indeed, In tho several boroughs, nays tho Now York World. We havo Lnfayotto In street and avo nue, and did havo him in boulevard till niversldo drlvo was extended. A fow other names wo have remembered of mon great In state or nation. Thoro nro perpetuations, too, of tho namca of old local families. Dut whoro Is our Avenuo of tho Declaration of In dependence? Whoro our Boulovnrd of tho Fourth of July? Whoro our Street of tho Surrondor 'of Yorktown and our Placo of tho Emancipation Proclama tion. In tho nbRonco of such historic designations for Important thorough faros Is n real metropolitan doflcloncy, Newer Now York offers abundant chance to remove tho fault But in stead of suggestions to this end wo have a chango of namo for flno old Long Aero nquaro, and a proposal Is Actually modo to wipe out tho famous old Bowery? We aro not a sentl toontal noople. WUftlltig formerly was oxtenslvely carrhd on and was a perilous occupa tion. Tho business Is not yet freo from danger, notwithstanding "mod era Improvements." In tho earlier days tho chlof risk was to tho crows of the wbalo boats which put out to harpoon and follow tho big cetaceans. Then it was a caso of hunting tho iVhalo, with tho lattor frequently turn ing on tho boats and smashing thorn, the men thus being menaced with drowning. Now tho tables seem to bo turned to a certain extent, and tho Whale hunt the ships. At all evonts news comes from Alaska that a whaler was wrecked In Alaskan wa ters by a whale which had been har pooned and which gave the vessel sach a crushing blow with Its power ful tall that the ship sank In four mln ute. the .crew having barely time to take to the boats, In which they reached tho shore. A customs official in New York ad vocates prison sentences for wealthy smugglers, as bo declares fines havo no deterrent effect This applies to all rich violators of tho law. Fines may not plcaso them, but they can ifford a money penalty, wlion lntorost or pleasure tempts thorn to tho break ing of the law, as a flno ulmply buys them Immunity from tho dlsgraco of Sail and xlio lnconvenlenco of losing their personal liberty. A few jail sen tences In such cases would have an almost Immediate reformatory effect A Chicago physician declares that the armor-plate mince 'pie dlot of the average American la causing a de terioration of the American raco. Evi dently he never knew anything about the kind of mince pie mother used to make The United States produced corn this year at the 'rate of $14,000,000 a day a dreadnaught a day, it any for elgn country caroa to figure It that way. 'And there were a few other crops. A woman in Chicago wants a di vorce, charging that her husband tries too hard to make himself beautiful. In this respect she declares ho has not behaved handsomely. Now that the scientists havo found the exact weight of mother oarth the old lady will probably be so embar rassed that sho'll havo to remain at borne for all tltno. European travol, wo aro informed, Is bad for tho tompor. For onco no men tlon Is mado of tho vory necessary pocKotbooK. A Now Jersey Bnvant says mos qultoos would rather cat plants. It so, tho ones wo nave aro blamed solf sacrificing. A Boston milliner's buop has been raided aB a policy Joint. As If a mil liner's shop didn't get a man's money fast enough as It is, Cleveland has gone ahead of Haiti more In population, which may be taken as proof that tbey did not count (a, the oysters In the latter olty. Vacations may not be mandatory as that New York Justice rules, but no ae'wlll deny, that they are enjoyable COUNTRY AWAKE TO DANGER Increase of Sanatoria and Hospitals for Consumptives Is Most Gratifying. Tho growth of tho crusado against tuberculosis In tho United States Is shown to good ndvnntago in tho two directories that havo been Issued by tho National Association for tho Study nnd Prevention pf Tuberculosis and tho ono in preparation. Tho first tu berculosis directory published In 1004, by tho tuberculosis commlttco of the NoW'York Charity Organization Socie ty and tho National Association listed 133 sanatoria and hospitals for con sumptives In tho United States, for sorao of which preliminary provision only has been niado. Tho combined capacity of thoso institutions was only 8,000 beds. Thirty-two hpeclnl dis pensaries nnd thirty-nine nntl-tubcrcu-IobIs organizations summed up prac tically all of tho fighting forco enu merated in tho first directory. Tho second directory wns proparcd by tho National Association for tho study and Prevention of Tuberculosis nnd pub lished under tho auspicos of tho Itus sell Sago Foundation In August, 1903. This directory listed 240 sanatoria and hospitals, an Increaso of 107 from tho former directory; 158 dispensaries, an increaso of 128; and 105 associations, an Increaso of 1B0. Tho number of hospital beds listed In 1D03 was 14,014. Tho now directory that will bo Is sued Boon, will list over 400 sanatoria and hospitals with n bed capacity ol nearly 25,000; raoro than 300 special tuberculosis dispensaries; and fully 4C0 anti-tuberculosis associations nnd committees. Sinco tho first directory was issued In 1004, tho Increaso in tho number of ngoncies fighting con sumption aggregates nearly COO per cent. Tho National Association for the Study and Prevent ton of Tuborculosls would Uko to get in touch with all agencies ongnged In tho fight against tuberculosis, in order that they may be listed In thn now dlroctory. EVER SINCE. Virginia I suppose you nnd Harry havo been thrown together a good deal latoly? Grace Yes; over sinco ho got "nla now automobile. SICK, SOUR, UPSET STOMACH Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn or Dys pepsia Relieved Five Minutes After Taking a Little Dlapepuln. Iloro Is a harmless preparation which suroly will dlgost anything you ont nnd ovorcom? a sour, gassy or out- of-ordor stomach within flvo minutes. If your moals don't fit comfortably. or what you eat llos Uko a lump of lead In your stomach, or if you havo heart burn, that is a sign of Indigestion. Got from your Pharmnclst a C0-cont cobo of Pnno's Dlnponsln and tnko a doso JuBt aB soon ns you can. Thoro will bo no sour risings, no bolchlng of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling lu tho stomach, Nausea, Debllltntlng Ilcadnchos, DIzzIuobs or Intostlnnl griping. This will all go, and, bentdos, thoro will bo no sour food loft over In tho stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pnpo'B Dlapopsln is n certain euro for out-of-order stomachs, bocauso it takes hold of your food and dlgosts It Just tho snmo as if your Btomach wasn't thoro. llollof In flvo minutes from nil stom ach mlsory Is waiting for you at any drug storo horo in town. Thcso largo 50-cont cases of Papo's DlapcpBln contain moro than sutllclent to thoroughly euro almost any caso of uyspopBin, jnuigoBtion, Gastritis or any other stomach disorder. A Complaint. "Wo'ro for womon first. laBt and all tho tlmo. Wo liko hor beautiful or plain, cldvor or Juut ordinary; witty or not; shapely or pudgy, but con found It, wo do wish thnt each and ov ory ono of thorn would got over tho notion thnt n man has no right to turn tho pages of n nowspapor Just bocauso ho's wedged against hor In a street car. Wo'yo boon frozen by a look, stabbod by a sneer nnd wounded to tho quick by n sigh Just because wo'vo trlod to read tho story contin ued on page coven, column five, and tho thing that hurts tho most Is that wo still think that wo had a perfect right to do so, Detroit Free Press. The Regular Fare. "What makes you think that youny man will bo a success In snclotyT" "Tho fact that ho has such an ex traordinary appetite for tea and sal ads." All men aro equal before tho law, but sotnq nro moro than equal to the task of getting around it. Lota of women dress aa If they were hard of hearing. PRESIDENT TAFT'S INSPECTION OF NEW YOItlC Tho government officials at Ellis Island aro much pleased with tho recent visit paid by Prctfc dent Tnft to that placo where all would-bo citizens from foreign lands nro landed nnd examined. The pres dent was grontly interested in tho Immigrants, looked carefully Into conditions on tho island and mado a num ber of suggestions for tho benefit of tho foreigners cooped up there. In several cnaes ho recommended creator lntltudo In tho interpretation of tho regulations governing tho admission of Immigrants. CRIME IS A DISEASE Habitual Criminal Is Like Con firmed Invalid. Should Bo Treated Same as Epilepsy, Neurasthenia or Any Other Illness, and Doctor Points Out His Theories. Chnrlestown, Mass. Contending that thousands of tho acts for which men are sentenced to prison aro not crimes, and protesting that crlmo is always a deed commlttecd by an indi vidual when in a diseased stato, Dr. Joseph I. McLaughlin, physician to tho state prison at Charlcstown, who has had ns much oxperlenco with criminals aa any physician lu Boston, declares that tho dlsoaso called crlmo la destined to bo trcnted Uko epi lepsy or nournsthenln, or any other dlsonBo, and tho doctor gooa on to bear out his theories by referenco to a surprising catalogue of ensca with which ho has como In contnet This record includes not only crimes wjilch sent men to tho chnlr or to pro tracted Imprisonmbnt In tho crsto pris on, but also thoso which havo boon committed within tho prison walls, ml8deods which would seem Impos sible could tako placo under tho very eyos of watchful wardens. Crimes railKlnc from thn rlnrknnt felony to tho most untoward dopravlty nro cited In his list. Dr. McLaughlin presents for ono oxnmnln thn nrnrinn. tlon of countorfelt monoy by convicts wno uso tho Jail as their workshops, and who utlllzo tho equipment of tho Prison for thn cnrrvlnc nn nf liolt- - o wm w w handiwork. Ho says: "llOtll Of thosn net a mnv hn nlnaanrt as crimes, excont thnt in thn instnnce of counterfeiting tho mis creant was somowhat unbalanced, and on this account could not bo blamed, PUT LAYING DATES ON EGGS Washington Poultrymon Decido to Al low Only Freah and Normal Sized Product to Bo Sold. Walla Walla. Wniih. Thn mmitn. tlon of tho hens of Walla Walla val ley Is to bo savod. If a consumer buys a Walla Walla egg hereafter ho Is requested to look for tho dato. Ho will find It ctnmped on tho outnldo in neat romau letters in rod Ink, and If tho dato Is old and tho ctrtr In nnt frosh It Is tho buyer's fault ThO dated OKK Is tho rosnlr nf thn deliberations of tho Walla Walla Poultry association. Thov havo doclrlml tn nllnw rm itn. dor-Bized eggs to bo placod on salo, and thoy will dato ovory caso of eggs and each individual egg. ThO lion OWIlCr Will iinronfrnr irn gathoring eggs with a rubbor stamp in ono nana anu an ogg basket in tho other. Having ascended to thn hn Will Dick Un ail Oirir thnt linn hnatila tho china decoy and quickly stamp mo aaio meroon. ir tho hen places another ckk thoro on thn dato will bo changed. FREAKISH HATS ARE PASSING Gotham Expert Returns Frbm Europe ana Dooms r-oousn Headgear and Hobble Sklrtt. New York. Mrs. Josso Toboy. hoad of tho milllnory department of tho household arts division of Columbia university, has Just returned from a Bummer spent in studying prospectlvo styles abroad. "Tho American women In Paris aro moro attrnctlvo and artistic In their nature thnn tho French womon," sho says. "Woman Is soon to woar tho hnt which most bocomos her without regard to tho foolish and unbecoming nrtlclos which stylo dictates. "Tho hobble skirt will havo to ko: It Is dangerois to tho llfo of tho wear er. Tho freak hat also la about to pass Into oblivion." World's Biggest Fron Dead. St IjuIs. "Jennlo," said to bo tho largest frog over caught, is dead In Orceno county, Missouri, where sho had beon exhibited. Sho measured 22 inches in length and weighed more than 2T ounces. for tho deed oven In nccarilanna with tho nccoptcd treatment of criminals. Ho had sinco been sent back to tho in sane, asylum, from which ho camo. "But it is unfair to genorallzo about tho misdeeds which tnko plnco In tho stato prison, and to call them nil crimes. Tho individual's point of view must bo considered. "In tho nccoptcd sonso a crime, nfr. or all, Is nothing but that which the mw nnppcns to call wrong. But in n largo number Of cases thn rrlmlnnl does not know, or does not rcnllzo. uini no is a criminal. It Is. therefore, qulto to bo expected thnt n man who has spent his wholo Hfo lu ono occu pation, which Is known as criminal to tho world at largo, such as counter feiting or buntlarv. should turn ally to that occupation when ho has Deen in jail. "It Is not fair to Bay that a man Is a 'hnrdoncd criminal' becauso ho does tho thingn in prison which ho wns nc customod to do whon ho wns freo. It Is natural for him to turn to his occu pation whon ho has lost his freedom. Tho present system of occupying tho attention of tho prisoners with somo elevating pursuit of study or recrea tion has done much to Improve this condition, and many men havo bo gun doing untold good by serving a term In prison. "It Is no longer radical to hold that crime Is a disease. It has been es tablished that drunkonness Is a dls easo. ThlB was until a short tlmo ngo accounted a crlmo. I see no rennon why tho misdeeds of a mnn who Is a victim of nlcohol should bo :alllatod any moro than thoso of a man who has done somo net under tho stress of an analogous disorder. "As for tho treatment of crlmo ns a dlsoaso, bo much depends upon tho porsonal equation of tho individual In question that It Is hard to gonornllzo about it In treating a enso of crlmo. IDLE WIFE POUTS TV- Beginning of Domestic Woe, Says Woman Editor. Women Whoie Husbands Earn $2,500 Yearly Have No Business to Keep 8ervant, 8ays Mrs. McQlone In Lecture. Chicago. Womon whoBO husbands enrn $2,500 a year havo no business to keep a servant, according to Mrs. Idah McQlono Gibson, editor of tho Womnn Beautiful. Sho addressed the momc-ors of tho homo and education dopartniont at tho Chicago South Sldo club on "Marrlago aa a Business." "Tho nvorago earnings of tho sal aried man of the United States is from $600 to $2,000 a year, and his wlfo has no moro business to shirk hor part of tho marrlago contract' by keeping a maid than her husband would havo to keep an nutomobllo," said Mrs. Gibson. "Wo hoar about tho lax marrlago ideas of modern Franco, but tho United States records show ono dl- vorco In ovory twolvo marriages. Thoro 1b a reason, and that Ib tho wo mon of Amortca marry men and thon look out for a good time, shirking tho responsibility of tho busluoss of mar ried llfo. Thoy Bit around tho houso during tho day, and whon their bus bands como homo at night, tired out with tho hard day's work, thoy want to go out to spend tho evening. "This often causes dlssonslon. Tho husband Is too tlrod nnd tolls his wlfo so. Thon sho pouts. It sho had been attondtng to hor business all day, as sho should havo beon, sho would havo beon Just as tired as ho and aB ready to stay at homo. Thoy should bo partnors In tho business of homo ma king." At this point Mrs. Ira A. Nowman Bald: "It Is a wife's duty to keep rested during tho day that sho may greet hor hUBband cheerfully whon ho re turns from his hnrd day's work." "Yes," returnod Mrs. Gibson, "but housekeeping should be tho first thought of tho married woman. Sho has beon busy finding out tho prlco of butter and eggs, teaching her children ELLIS ISLAND It Is essential to tako into consider ation tho stress tinder which tho per son committed tho act for which ho la bolng Judged, and tho conditions of Hfo which ho has been living under and tho motives which prompted him. Many other factors will also enter tho diagnosis, If wo may call It thnt, vary ing with every caso. Tho olomont of homo training Is ono of tho most im portant" Dr. McLaughlin says It Is n curious fact that among tho prisoners at tho. stato prison ho has found n very small percentage of cases of Illness, con victs being, as a rulo, a remarkably healthy set of men. WIND SCATTERS MUCH MONEY Playful Breeze Strews Roll of Bank Dills Over Public 8qu'are Finally Restored. Portsmouth, N. II. Tho long cher ished dream of tho hobo, a rain of monoy, was actually realized In Lin coln square In a oovero storm of ex traordinary variations arid peculiar phases. Weary WlUlo wob not on hand to graBp tho opportunity, and had ho been it is doubtful, unless ho had been exceedingly nctlvo, If ho would havo been any tho richer, for. Miss Mary Pago laid claim to tho greenbacks that fell upon tho square and were being blown about Uko chaff boforo tho wind. Miss Page, with a companion, had Just stopped out of tho bank with $800 in bills in her hand, whon a gust ol wind took tho roll and Bent tho bills all over tho street Uko so many scraps of wasto paper. Thoro was no bill In tho lot of loss valuo than $50, and It Is needless to say that $50 and $100 bills floating about In tho wind cre ated a sensation in tho neighborhood, Tho young women naturally ware dis turbed, but many cltlzons undor the supervision of n policeman camo ta tho rcscuo and succeeded in restoring all tho money to tho owner. to do things for themselves, If sho is tho right kind of mother, and super intending tho managing of hor homo, so sho may bo ablo to greet hor hus band cheerfully and yot bo as tired as ho, and not desire to leavo her own fireside after tho evening menl. "Tho good homemaker should know what she is paying for butter. Bho should know whether eggs nro 25 or 3G cents a dozon, and sho should also know what is being used for tho tnblo in hor house. If sho Is tho proper kind of wlfo and mother and makes marrlago a business sho will train hor dnughtor how to buy and will rear hor to bo an exemplary housowlfo. Work never hurt any ono, nnd yot wo as a nation aro training nnd educating our daughters in everything under tho sun but tho ono great, essential thing marrlago. "Homomaklng Is tho principal fac tor of a woman's llfo and should bo taught tho young girls of today rathor than higher mnthomatlcs or fancy work. "If your girls go to college see that they make their collcgo wardrobo. Lot them feel and know tho valuo of a I dollar bill. The old biblical idea that work is a curso visited upon tho do Bcondnnts of tho lnmatos of tho Gar- don of Eden is wrong. "Woman is tho grontcst retail buyor In tho world. Fashion Is purely a commercial thing and tho manufac turers ticklo the fancy of tho womnn by exhibiting now nnd pretty things, which Bho, having no Idea of tho valuo of monoy, readily buys. "Tho woman who 1b her husband's comrado nnd who makes n business of housekeeping and homemaking is not tempted boyond hor moans. Sho con siders It hor duty as hor husband's partner to Bavo. Tho womon of tho great mlddlo class of Franco are tho bono nnd sinew of tho country nnd aro responsible for that small country's wealth and prosperity." Volcano Ruins Farms. Victoria, B. O. The volcanic erup tion of Mount Savall on Upolu, Samoa, continues with unabated Intonslty, ac cording to advices received by tho steamship Makura. Largo streams of lava from tho crater havo swept down on the farm lands. Many estates havo been destroyed. GOLDS BREED CATARRH Ker Terrible Experience Shows How Piruna SttoMld Be in Every Home to Prevent, Golds. Mrs. C. S. Saco rscr, 1311 Wood land Ave., K a n a aa City, Mo., writes: "I fool It a duty to you and to others that may bo af flicted lllto mi-self,' to speak' Cor Peruna.. "My trou blo fl r b t como after la gr ippo e 1 g h t or nine years ago, a gath ering In my head and neuralgia. I su ff o r o d most all tho time. My nose, cars and o y o s were badly Mrs. C. 8. Sagerser. affected for tho last two ycara. I thlnlc from your description of internal catarrh that I must havo had that also. I Buffered very oeverely. "Nothing ever relieved mo llko Pa rana. It liecps mo from taking cold. "With tho exception of Bomo deaf ness I nm feeling perfectly cured. I un forty-six ycara old. "1 feel that words nro inadequate to ixpress my pralso for Peruna." Catarrh In Dad Form. Mrs. Jcnnto Darling, TL F. TJ. 1, Smyrna Mills,' Maine, writes: "I wno unable to do my work for four years, as I had catarrh In a bad form. I couched incessantly, and cot ao weak and was confided to my bed. "Peruna camo to my relief and by faithfully using it I am ablo to do my work. Peruna is tho best medicine that I over took." Constipation Vanishes Forever , Prompt ReliefPermanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS ne fail. Purely veget ableact turely but penUy on ids iirer. Stop after dinner diilreH cuie indl- getoon usptoTt the complexion bnghtea the eye. Saall PUL Small Date, Saall ricj Genuine meabm Signature M IE?m jffflu BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS sr BIB NH1B vf, nt ta. (Cities and other polntH of Intereiit. Bend coin or stamps. Clajton.Hattlo& McNalr.loc.32l Broadway, NewYork Nebraska Directory Marseilles Corn Shelters axe the best lor you to buy. Mado In alt sizes. Ask your local Dealer ur 10HN DEERE PLOW CO., Omaha, Neb. FISTULA, Pay xrben Cured. All IlcctalDlseaseacured with out a Htirclcal oneratlon and guaranteed to last a lifetime. No chloroform or general antestlietlcnuseU. Examination free. DR. E. R. TARRY, 223 Dee Building, Omaha, Nab. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS ,cl IR 7 nnmrlno CJ flUAUA UPR wii yuutjiuu wiif unintinf iilui Reliable Dontbtryat Modorato Prices. Oysters, Celery, Poultry, Cream Wanted. DAVID COLE COMPANY. Omaha. Nab. RUBBER GOODS by mall at cut prices. Becd for free catalogue MYERS-DILLON DRUQ CO., Omaha, Neb. Nino complete counes. Experienced faculty of tnelro Instructors, i'snonal Interest taken In all students. Write (or freo catalog, Uuslnoss Agricul ture UuokleVor apoctmens of beautiful penmanship. 11. A. Zartman, Pres., lSth & Karnam Bts.,0inatia,Neh. THE MOSHER-LAMPMAH SB la tho school that gets results. Send for Catalogue, which contains full Information about tho college, and somo of tho most beautiful penmanjhip ever published. It is tree. Address Moshsr & Lnmpman.Omnhn, Nob. AGENTS A VACUUM CLEANER iieiaiiG tor $10.00 Built by a machine. Works better thnn the C5 machines. Bella on sl(fht. S2.M profit ou each machine. Men and women sell 5 machines in u. any. People want them, why not alva all n, part pf your time. It's a money maker. ? ta Tf,rr,,17 wlu be ,nUcn Quickly Write Ask MlVtrilllllKUa AGMT, 1011 l.n. Mrt.t, O.tkt, i.W. POSITIVELY OURE8 ALG0H0L3G INEBRIETY QP2UM MORPHINE - BLBBBBR9VBSnVnBSSBBSBBBl kSiiiiiVp :'' SwRSBSsiiiiiii WwittlT College ANT OTHER DRUQ ADDICTIONS. THIRTY YEARS pf contlnnotm success. Printed matter aent w 'ilaln envelope upon renuest. All cor ospoudenco strictly confidential. THE KgELEY HSTBTUTE 3r. Tweut j-ruth and Cass SL, OMA1IA, NKB. A r .. .VI' si?-- 4 i