OCR Interpretation

The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 16, 1912, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010270504/1912-07-16/ed-1/seq-7/

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'1 '
Generous Act of Street Waif That
Gained Him a Friend in Great
Charles Dickens, tho creator of
many delightful child characters,
earned a million dollars during his
lifetime with his pen, but often walk
ed tho fctreets of London In search of
material for his books without a pen
ny in his pocket.
Ono evening while doing this ho
was accosted by a small boy whq
asked him for n penny. Dickens
searched his pockets, but they wcro
empty, and so ho told tho boy, who
was shivering In (ho cold.
"Poor man!", exclaimed tho llttlo
fellow, "wo'll go hunka together 1"
Dickens stood back In tho shadow
of the street to sco what tho outcomo
would bo. Tho lad continued to beg,
and finally gained two pennies. Ho
came dancing to Dickens with a Jolly
ring In his voice.
"Now," ho Eaid, "we'll have two hot
buns apiece!"
Such a generous spirit under such
trying circumstances struck Dickens
so forcibly that ho took tho lad homo
with him, and thero he was fed and
clothed, and started on tho road to a
better life.
Kingsley, Mich. "Last May my
thlrteen-months-old baby had a soro
como on her cheek. It started in four
or five small pimples and in. two or
three hours' timo spread to tho slzo of
a silver dollar. It spread to her eyo.
Then water would run from tho pim
ples and wherever that touched It caus
ed more sores until nearly all one
cheek and up her nostrils were one
solid sore. Sho was very fretful. She
certainly was a terrible looking child,
and nothing seemed to be of any use.
"Then I got some Cutlcura Soap and
Guticura Ointment. Sho tried to rub
off everything wo put on bo that we
would sit and hold her hands for two
flours at a timo, trying to give tho
medicine a chance to help her, but
after I washed It with Cutlcura Soap
and then put on tho Cutlcura Olnt'
ment they seemed to soothe her and
she did not try to rub them off. It
was only n few days before her face
was all healed up, and there has been
no return of tho trouble since. Wo
thought that baby's faco would surely
be scarred, but it is not." (Signed)
Mrs. W. J. Cleland, Jan. 5, 1912.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept, L, Boston."
Her Special Advantages.
James Fullerton Mulrhead In his
book, "The Land of Contrasts," tells
of an .American girl who was patroniz
ingly praised by an. Englishman for
the purity of her English and who re
plied: "Well, I had special advan
tages, inasmuch as an English mis
tionary was stationed near our tribe.'
Fair Young Thing What is that
man who is running doing? ,
Fan He is going homo to mother.
It is only the very young man who
wants to paint tho town. An old man
Is satisfied if he can fresco the cor
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Chlldrei
teething, softens the Rums, reduces lnilntnmo
tlon. allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle.
The way some women talk li
enough1 to make a bachelor feel bald
Why be constipated when you can get Gar
field Tea at any drug store? It will quickly ro
llovo and its btmellts will be realized.
The manufacturer of artificial feet
Is responsible for many a false step.
.Would you say money paid for sheet
music is invested in rolling stock.
Your Health Is
Just What Your
Stomach Makes it
Host et ter's
I Stomach
Promotes a speedy heal
ing of all stomach ills.
It soothes the nerves, aids
digestion, builds up
wasted tissues, nourishes
and strengthens, restores
normal health, insuring
profound sleep.
Use it morning, noon, night
Nebraska Directory
Attention All supplies for the Amateur strict!
fresh. Bend for catalogue and finishing prices
1813 Farnam Stroot. Omaha. Nobr.
Ir4 Uur hU BlMk
Bat rwMd Dentil Office to Omh. RuoaUpticc4
tpecuj rntfMtrt to il people bring oubide Omaha
i mm i v i
TfB&Z&g&tTZZ. -' gg- jg$gggsi222a
On their recent visit to Washington, nine pretty Oregon girls called at the White House and had their
pictures taken with President Taft. To the left of tho executive are Senator Chamberlain of Oregon and Philip
S. Bates of Portland. The girls told the president that no slnglo woman In the cast would have trouble finding
a husband with a good big farm and an automobile In their state.
Correspondent Says End of Trou
ble in Europe Is Far Away.
Declares It Is Impossible for Anyone
to Predict That 1912 Will End In
Peaces Russia Attempted to
End Present Conflict.
Berlin, Germany. That Europe has
passed through the two first months
of spring without a catastrophe of any
kind In tho diplomatic field must not
bo takon to mean that tho sky Is now
cloudless and tho horizon clear. On
tho contrary,' ominous rumblings are
heard everywhere, and no ono dares
prophesy that 1912 will end in peaco.
During the last two weeks a corre
spondent of a Washington puper
writes, events have happened which
havo puzzled the diplomats of all tho
great countries events which seem
to predict the imminency of material
changes in tho delicato balnnco of old
Europe. Our poor old world, in spito
of all ita enlightenment, still possesses
Its political sphinx, situated within tho
confines of Russia.
What Russia's plans really aro no
ono over knows, least of all, probably,
tho gentle and peace-loving czar him
self. Russia gavo tho first lmpulso to
tho new grouping of tho powers when,
under Alexander III., a strong and
virilo ruler of extraordinary gifts as
a statesman, she' concluded the alli
ance with FTance, which became tho
unshaken corner stone of the Euro
pean position. Now, at least, It seems
as If this corner stone is less firm than
boforo. Franco and Russia are no
longer In perfect harmony, and Russia
blamed tho French ambassador to St.
Petersburg for the Jarring noto of the
discord which was dimly heard by
those whoso ears aro always pressed
against tho ground.
Russia wanted to put an end to the
war between Italy and Turkey, but sho
wanted something herself from tho
government In Constantinople in ex
change for her friendly services, and
she hoped, naturally, to bo backed up
by Franco. In this hope she was dis
appointed, and tho closing of the Dar
danelles, which followed, caused the
greatest lrrltntion in St. Petersburg,
becauso it brought homo very forcibly
"Tenderfoot" Pastor Shows Nerve
While Preaching at
Greeley, Colo.
Greeley, Colo. Rev. John Dentley,
an invalid "tenderfoot," graduate of an
eastern theological college, may have
a congregation any time his health
permits him to preach here because of
his nerve. Addressing a handful of
people in tho little adobe schoolhouse,
ten miles from here, ho paused sud
denly at sight of a rattlesnake that
had Joined his congregation and
nestled at his feet. Ho stooped quick
ly, grabbed tho reptile back of the
neck, carried it out of tho schoolhouse
and stumped it to death. Returning, he
dropped tho subject of his sermon
and, symbolizing tho snake as sin,
held his congregation for an hour. The
next night the congregation was too
largo for tho schoolhouse.
Man Imagined His Wife Wanted to
"Boss" Him and Remained
at Office.
Oakland, Cal. Georgetta Burnhnm
and Allen P. Burnlmm wero married
at San Rafael in September of last
year, but lio becamo churlish In a few
hours after their marriage, according
to her complaint for divorce filed.
Mrs. Durnham said that he was mum
for several evenings and ignored her.
Durnham is an engraver and embosser.
His wlfo said that he staid at his office
at night, and when she begged him to
como home ho told her be would allow
no woman to "boss" him. Afterward,
she said, ho deserted her.
to tho Russian statesmen the Immense
disadvantage and danger of their cm
piro not controlling tho outlets from
tho Mack sea. Now, of course, tho
Dardanelles nre once more open, but
many a statesman's head will He un
easily until tho Russian sphinx has
spoken and made known Its plans defi
nitely. Meanwhile It Is ndmlttod that
tho continuance of tho Itnlo-Turkish
war is not free from danger.
Italy cannot think of an advance in
Tripoli until the autumn, and mny not
bo able to do so oven then. Nor can
Italy withdraw with honor. There Is
an Impasse which European diplomacy
will havo to remove. Hut no states
man has yet found a way, and nil that
M. Sazanoff's attempts have so far
achieved is tho diplomatic sensation in
Rex Was a Bulldog and a Hero of the
Department Is Burled With
Now York. Rex, fireman, life saver
and as faithful to duty as any member
of the department, was crushed to
death recently while nnswerlng an
alarm from tho quarters of engino
company No. 17.
Rex was only a dog and he was no
pretty dog, either. "- was a bull, with
heavy Jowls and legs which spoke
strength and not beauty, but for four
years ho had guarded the flrehouse
night and day when ho was not on
duty at some blaze or sniffing about
in search of fire.
Thero is a new horse on duty in No.
17 house. He Is a big ronn, fractious
and difficult to handle. Tho alarm
Bounded. Tho roan took his place by
his mato and dashed out of tho house
Tho 'driver managed him with diffi
culty, but Rex ran along beside him,
barking when time came to turn cor
ners and endeavoring to show tho new
horse tho way to answer an alarm.
Suddenly thero came a corner to
turn. Tho roan was slow in answer
ing to tho reins. Thn he hurled hlB
body to one side, dragging the engine
after him, and tn wheels of tho
heavy vehicle passed over tho body of
the faithful dog.
Tho firemen buried Rex with all the
honors duo a hero.
j - .
Capture Giant Sea-Cow
Monster Taken by Fishermen Weighs
3,000 Pounds and Is Twelve
Feet Long.
Point Isabel, Tex. Mexican fisher
men had un exciting encounter with a
manatee, a giant sea-cow, in the shal
low water of the Laguna Madro near
here recently. It was captured only
after one of tho men, Ramon Rodri
guez, had been seriously hurt by one
of Its flippers.
The creature was 12 feet long and
weighed more than 3,000 pounds. It Is
being kept alive and promises to sur
vive for some time.
Tho Eea-cow 1b supposed to havo
come up from the more southern wa
ters of the gulf. It entered the Lagu
na Madre at the pass which separates
the Island from the mainland and was
seen by the fishermen struggling In a
shallow part of the strip of water.
A boat with three men went out to
capture it. W they got close to it
Rodriguez climbed out of tho boat nnd
attempted to put a ropo around the
manatee's fins nnd was knocked un
conscious by a blow from one of ItR
flippers. He would have drowned had
ho not been dragged into tho boat by
his companions The rope was finally
fastened and the manatee was towed
ashore. It Is tho second of its kind
captured in tho Laguna Madre in t?ie
laat few weeks.
These animals nro quite numerous
along tho coast 150 to 200 miles south
of here. They aro adapted to both salt
and fresh water. A strange feature of
their appearance in the waters along
the coast is that they are usually ac
companied by a school of sea devils,
Woman, Rather Than Pay Sister's
Funeral Bill, Watches Body
Seven Weeks.
Paris. A queer story of an old
womnn's avarice comoB from Laval,
near Rcnnes. In tho Rue Basso des
Bouchers resided two sisters, Clem
entine and Fanny Manguy, aged sev-onty-two
and seventy-four yeors. Tho
old women held nloft from their neigh
bors. They rarely left their rooms
and their only visitor was a nun.
Tho sister had not been seen for
seven weeks. Tho neighbors becamo
anxious and wondered what had oc
curred. Tho police wero Informed.
The other morning a policeman was
annoyed by n disagreeable odor. Ho
ascended tho stairs and knocked at
tho door of the sisters' room. Tho door
was not opened, ,but an angry voice
within bade him go about his business.
The policeman procured a laddor,
and affected an entrance Into tho
rooms by opening a window. A ter
rible spectacle met his view. On a
mattress lay ono of tho Bisters. Sho
was 111. Asked where her sister was
she replied that bIio was lying dead
at tho foot of the bed. Tho oldeBt sis
ter had, In fact, been dead for seven
weeks, and the other had remained by
tho body, which was now In n state
of putrefaction.
When asked why she had not noti
fied of her sister's death, sho declared
that she could not pay for the funeral
expenses. On the room being searched
$500 In hank notes and . gold was
found. Tho old woman preferred to
remain by the body rather than pay
for tho burial. Tho Bister was re
moved to a hospital, nnd tho dead
body was taken to tho morgue.
Doctor 8ay3 Freshmen's Practice In
jures the Eyes Are Unpro
tected From Sun.
Ithacn. N. Y. Dr. Melvrn Drossbnch
of Cornell hns compiled figures by.
which ho shows that 1 per cent, of
tho men at Cornell wear glasses. lie
labels tho habit of making tho fresh
men year llttlo caps without any
visors as n vicious habit nnd declares
It should bo abandoned ns tho enps
furnish no protection to the eyes from
the sun.
great seo monsters frequently weigh
ing as much as 4,500 pounds each. Ono
of them when harpooned has been
known to drag 20 boats, hitched tan
dem, each carrying two men.
Such an experience came two or
throe years ago at AransaB Pass to a
party of fishermen, among whom wero
John W. Robhls, then state treasurer;
W. O. Sterrott, present state game,
fish and oyster commissioner, and J.
W. Maxwell of Austin, a noted big
game hunter nnd fisherman. They
wero fishing Just oft the llttlo town of
Tarpon when a sea devil pf extraordi
nary size cnrao to tho surfaco near
one of tho boats. A boatman sank a
harpooh deep Into Its body, Jio har
poon being secured to tho boat by a
line. The sea devil made off at light
ning speed. As tho boat to which It
was attached passed tho boats each
threw a line, and 20 other boats, carry
ing 40 men, wore to cd by the giant
animal. They had stuck to It for six
hours, when It headed out toward tho
ocean. Then tho men raised the Big
jial of distress and a life-saving crow
on Hnrbor Island rowed out and shot
the monster.
Relatives Meet After Many Yearo.
New York. Mrs. Ethol Plonskey,
aged ono hundred and eight, was rec
ognized by her nephew, Moses Lazar
owitz, aged eighty, though they had
separated In Poland forty years ago.
Tho meeting took place In a Jewish
synagogue, where Moses spied in front
of him an old woman who looked fa
miliar. Ho learned her name and rec
ognition followed.
After thoy ronch tho ago of 40 wom
en laugh only when they fcol llko it
Important It Is that the blood bo kept pure,
GartleM Tea is big: enough for tho job.
Love may find tho way, but It Isn't
always nblo to pay tho freight.
lied Cro Ball Uluc, all blue, best bluing
value In tho whole world, makes tho laun
dress smile.
And would yo pnrtnko of harvest's
Joys, tho corn must bo sown in spring.
Mnny lmvo smoked LT.WIS' Slnjflo Binder
cigar for tho tmst tlxtccn years. Always
found It reliable nunllty.
Stern Call of Duty.
Reform Is not Joyous, but grlov
oub; no single man can reform him
self without stern Buffering and stern
working; how much less can a nation
of lucnl Carlyle.
Lottlo How daro you ask Mrs. Bul
lion to a one-course luncheon?
Hattlc Sho won't know It. Sho's a
Flctcherito, and by tho timo sho has
finished she'll havo to move on to
come five o'clock tea. Harper's Bazar.
Strictly Up to Date.
Alice How oddly some men pro
pose Kate I oould say so. A gentle
man asked mo last week It I felt fa
vorably disposed to a unification of in
terests. Important to Mothors
Examlno cnrefully ovcry bottlo of
CASTORIA, a Bafo and suro remedy for
infants nnd children, and sco that It
Ttnnrn Min
Signature of GlL&FJ
In Uao For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria
Put It Up to the Cook Book.
"My dear Dolly," said a young hus
band, "honestly I cannot congratulate
you on your success with this pudding.
It is simply rank."
"Charley!" exclaimed tho little
wife, "how absurd! It is all imagina
tion! Tho cook book says it tastes
llko ambrosia."
Blessed Sympathy.
Sympathy with animals blcsBea and
humanizes meu and womcu. To get
into real relations with an animal is a
liberal education. It is something to
bo really interested oven in n plant
and to observe tho working of llfo to
any sphoro not our own. How much
mora when that llfo is directing a
personality which consciously looks
up to ub nnd will love ub if wo will
let it! Christian Reglstor.
Same Purpose Accomplished.
"Oh, Gcorglo!" exclaimed a fond
mothor, when sho saw her small boy
considerably battered up and dirty,
"you havo been fighting again? How
often havo I told you that you
shouldn't flght7"
"Well," Bald ho, "what aro you go
ing to do when a fellow hits you?"
"Why, keep out of his way," Bald
tho mother.
"I bet," said tho youngster, "he'll
keep out of mine after this."
Singing and the Lungs.
It la well known thnt singing, llko
whistling, 1b a flno cxerclso for tho
lungs, and como doctors advise thoBe
who fear consumption to go in for
singing for this reason.
At tho 'same time thoy, of course,
do not advance tho claim that singing
alouo will save anyone from, or cure
consumption. Acqulro the habit of
taking tho big deep breath, which Is a
primary rcqulBlto of ony kind of sing
ing, bad or good, nnd tho physical
Joy derived from it will never allow
you to relapse into lazy breathing.
And So True, Too.
Father was walking to Sunday
school with llttlo Johnny, and endeav
oring to lmprovo tho time by teaching
Johnny hlB Golden Text, tho words of
which wero: "Whatsoever a man sow
oth, that shall be also reap." Johnny
repeated It after bis father several
times, and seemed to have mastered
the correct wording.
As they drew near tho Sunday
school tho father gavo Johnny his
last rehearsal, "Now, son," ho said,
"let's have tho Qolden Text onco
moro without nny help from mo:
ThiB 1b what ho got from Johnny:
"Whatsoever a man bows always rips."
Harper's Bazar.
Springs In Their Brains.
Two Frenchmen, In visiting nn art
gallery, stopped to admire a painting
by an American. Tho artist happened
to bo in the gallery and In broken
English ono of tho Frenchmen asked:
"How did monsieur ever catch such a
wonderful picturo?"
"O," replied tho artist, with a far
away look, "that painting was an off
spring of my brain."
The other Frenchman was greatly
Interested and asked his friend what
that American hnd said.
"I can hnrdly explain," whispered
tho first Frenchman excitedly; "ho
said zo picturo was ono spring oft of
his brain. Ees eet any wonder zat zo
Americans act queorly when thoy
havo springs on their brains."
If there ever it a time when you are justified in cussing,
It is when the summer weather teU your appetite to fussing;
But there isn't any need to risk your soul and shock the neighbors
Tempt your appetite with Toastics and go singing to your labors.
One of the fO JlnKlea for which tlm
Battle Creek, MIcli., paid (tOUOIX) lu
3 tastier than
Potted Ham
It's exceptional in flavor
and doesn't cost a bit more
than ordinary kinds.
Am iff. - ,-aj'''J'
Libby, McNeill
& Libby
Ask for
beer is well at
It Ionic nroner.
ties that make It
o great a favorite.
Oat picki tnilm I iJIon. it
jonr jroctr lin't iippUtd.w will
miU you a paektc rxalpt (
SSe. 71tM itv hli nira.
H'n'f for ormiuni dummI.
253 N. BroodS.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Youno Bride Got Early Proof of tha
Way Men Wilt Stick by One
Tho bridegroom of throo months:
bado his wlfo adlou ono morning and,
started on a business trip to a town
25 miles distant, Tho Journey was to
bo mado by automobllo and ho prom
iBod to return in timo for Boven
o'clock dinner as usual.
Dut no husband appeared when dln
nor was served and tho anxious wlfo
watched tho hands of the clock aa
they Journeyed on and announced
that tho hour was midnight, nnd still
tho husband failed to appear. Tho
frantic wlfo Bent telegrams to six
friends of tho groom living In tho
town whoro ho might havo gone, ask
ing If ho was spending tho night with
them. As dawn appeared a farm
wagon drovo up containing a former
and tho missing huBband nnd furnish
ing motor power for a broken down
automobllo that trailed behind. Al
most simultaneously camo a messen
ger boy with an answer to ono of the
folegrams, followed at Intervals by
five others and all of the telegrams
"Yes, John is spending tho night
with mo."
In loyalty what surpasses man?
Her Unfortunate Error.
A literary lady at a society dinner
was given a seat next to a noted
Bclontlst whoso vIowb wero very ma
terialistic, and at somo remark ha
mado on tho origin of mankind, the
lady found her temper tried beyond
all bearing, so that sho retorted: "I
really don't caro what you say. I bo
llovo in tho Dlblo, and thero we are
told that Adam was tho fathor of oil
"I really think you aro mistaken,"
ho said with a smile, and so tho sub
ject dropped.
A few days lator tho lady, writing
to a bosom friend, told her of tho oc
currence nnd added: "I am too morti
fied, for I havo looked tho matter up
nnd it only Bays that Eve was the
mother of all living, nnd so I don't
know whether to writo to tho profes
sor or not"
Where He Drew tho Line.
An English carl, lately docoaaod,
who had no family, was notorious for
his hatred of children, and on one
occasion ho engaged as lodgo keeper
an army pensioner named McMlcken.
Somo few months later McMlcken'i
wlfo presented him with a son and
heir. On learning of tho occurrenca
his lordship rode down to tho lodge Id
a terrible rage.
"I hear," said ho to Mr. MoMickep
"that your wlfo has a son."
"Yes, my lord," Bald tho man proud
"Well, now, look hero, MoMlcken;
when I put you here, it was to open
and shut a gate, but by tho Lord Har
ry, not to propagate."
Yes, Cordelia, a romantic man may
bo all to tho good ns a lovemaker, but
ho isn't In It with tho matter-of-fact
man as a family supporter.
Tho germ of suspicion 1b often fatal
to the microbo of love.
The dctectivo says his aftor thoughts
aro tho best.
Written by W. J. MUEGROVK,
Teinpe, Arix.
I'oatum Co.,

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