8u(fl Hl6torloa!9oet She Wukk Wvibuw TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORZH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 27, ti9i. No. 69 M&Hh white Kinchbaum Qothes. CUJUUWtt.D ibaum C AttWIOt HANrtTAIIOnri. v.- Qldl J CcpyrigtJ, rj:t. S, 2 XZrat.bzum Co. IF THERE'S any one "article of clothing that makes a man look dis tinctive or sloppy it's an overcoat., That's why it is so im portant to have the over coat correct to the small est detail. The cut must just suit the figure. The fit must be perfect. And style must be authoritative. These Kirschbaum great coats $15 to $45 fit well- look well wear well. The KIRSCHBAUM SPECIALS AT 15, are the Greatest Values in America. They are stritcly hand tailored. No drag on the shoulders, no binding across the back or chest. $20 25 But and are roomy, full easv. The fabrics obsolutely dependable. "All -Wool. "every bit as proved by the acid7 boiling pot. Kirschbaum overcoats are for hard wear, as well as style distinct. They will keep their shape and look dressy tor many a Winter. Weingand, THE QUALITY PLACE. I n TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS jj R. D. Herzog, of the Davis gnrngc, left this morning for Omaha to spend a week on business. Apples, 50 and 76 cents per bushel at the N. B. Spurrier farm. Con Scharnnn came up from Omaha this morning to visit with his mother for a few days. , Mrs. Henry Mvlander. of Maxwell, returned homu Wednesday after visit ing with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Haner. Alonzo McMichel returned last night from Missoula, Mont, where he had been visiting friends for several weeks. Mrs. Fred Letts who had boon visit ing in town left for Sidney this morn ing to muke arrangements for moving to this city. Misses Stella and Dorothy Mills, of Albion, Neb., who spent the past month with their brother E. R. Mills, left for home this morning. Mrs. N. Mc Cabe, Mrs. C. O Wien gand and Mrs. John Murphy will enter tain at a Kensington on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons of next week at the McCabe residence. Weather Forecast Local showers to night and Saturday, with no change in temperature. Maximum temperature yesterday G2; a year ago 78. Minimum temperature last night 42; a year ago 50. Rainfall yesterday .05 of an inch. Chas. Reign Scoville, of Chicago, one of America's greatest evangelists with whom Mr. H. G. Knowles has been as sociated in evangelistic work, in speak intr of him savs:"He is an earnest, zeal ous young man." Able to do good work for our largest churches. Hear him at the Christian church next week. G9-2 While enrouto to Stapleton yesterday the enr driven by Lawrence Carpenter turned turtle and the occupants were thrown out but not seriously injured. The car was traveling about twelve miles on hour when the accident oc curred. The damage to the car was temporairly repaired and the trip to Stapleton continued. The engineers in charge of the terminal improvements in this city have opened an office on the third floor of the Waltemath building. The con tract for the erection of tho round house has been awarded, and work will begin as soon as the material arrives. A spur track to the round house site for handling the material will be laid in a (my or two. The initial session of the 500 club held Tuesday evening at the Halhgan home with Mrs. Halligan and Mrs. Osgood as hostesses, wae attended by nearly the full membership and a de lightfully pleasant evening at cards wasjpassed. The refreshments were elaborate and much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fikcs left for St. Louis Wednesday night after visit ing friends for three days. 'though tlieir visit was short, they met many of their old friends, and were honored guests at informal gatherings held at the Bonner home Tuesday evening and at the Douglas home Wednesday evening, forty or titty being present on eacn oc casion. Miaana Mnrv nnd Alien Cunnincrham were guests of honor at a farewell cn.mn n'Mnek fl!nnr nnd card nnrtv given last evening by Mr. and Mrs. Koy Uottrell. A ueugnuui evening was spent by all present. The guests included the employes of the Wilcox Department ocore unu a numuci ui nil.... -Tviar.lci twVin nrnsontml th vnilTH? ladies with beautiful gold locket and chain, me presentation was muue uy .t o Wilcnv Tn hf nrotrressive card games Miss Villa Whitaker and C. H. Spicer tieu tor tne nrst nonors, uie former winning in a cut. Tho consol tion emblem was given R.E. Dayis who tied with Arthur Boyd and cut for the prize. Mrs. Will Baldock will entertain tho Young Ladies' Kensington club this evening. Charles Vare, of Omaha, is spending a few days here on business for the Union Pacific. Tho Indian Card club will be ontor tertained by Miss' Nell Bratt Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. Roland Malmstein and baby left yesterday nfternoon for Grand Island to visit friends. C. A. Howe came down from Osh kosh last evening to look after hi3 in terests here for ten days. Mrs. R. V. Stuart will return this evening from Columbus, where she spent ten days with relatives. Mrs. Henry Gilfoil, mother and daughter will return tonight from Cal ifornia whore they spent the summer. Charles E. Hamilton nnd Miss Daisy Lindsoy, of Wellfleot, were married at the court house yesterday by Judge Grant. Misses Delia and Lillian Hnllowell, of Odessa who had been visiting their sister Mrs. J. Rosenblum, left this morning for Lodgepole. Tho board of directors of tho Chamber of Commerce and the board of directors of business men will hold a joint meet ing this evening to elect a secretary. Mrs. Engburg Okirscn died lasteven ing at the home of her danghtcr Mrs. H. P. Henckel on west Second street at the ago of sixty-five. The remains will be taken to Holdredgo tonight. Clark LeDoyt, who had been em ployed in Needles, Cal., for several months, has been reinstated in the ser vice of the' Union Pacific at this point nnd returned home this morning. For some time the residents of the southeast part of town havo been bpthered by a peeping Tom who has been seen staring into windows of sev eral houses in thatneighborhood. A fow nights ago one lady fired a couple of shots at the prowler who immediately fled and has not ns yet returned on his nightly rnmbles. In the exciting episodes of the day at Stapleton yesterday, North Platte citizens figured to a reasonable extent. An infuriated bull that was brought out to be ridden attempted to climb into Claude Weingand's car, and later knocked down and tramped Joe Mahafey, who was umpiring the ball game. The young people of the Baptist church will hold a newspaper social this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loudon, 214 So. Chestnut. Each guest is reguestcd to bring a five cent package of one article of lunch and a newspaper clipping Irom the funny column. All young people of the church and congregation, married or single, are invited. About 125 North Platte people includ ing the military band attended the celebration at Stapelton yesterday, the attendants mnking the trip in thirty automobiles. The Stapleton people fully appreciated this courtesy on the part of North Platte and are ready at any time to return the favor. Tho visitors express themselves as highly pleased with the treatment accorded them. In a letter to Tho Tribune C. F. Scharmann, of Omaha, says: Our son started going to the public schools for hoaring children in Omaha on the 9th Inst and we are glad to say his record shows that ho will make good. Wo are doing tl)is on the advice of a number of expert teachers in Philadelphia, New York and Boston, who saw our boy last spring. While in the east he attended school for several months in Boston. ill Jr rattzess torments .,h;' riAkHYZ ?? . ? -'jjgs Distinction in Dress. ? y I ---V jZ I I - Half tho satisfaction of owning a Print zess Coat, is knowing it is the best style. The Printzess garment is not necessarily costly, while youinayreai assured of style and workmanship. Yet, despite the high quality of mater ials, the care and fineness of finish, you ' inay obtain the Printzess garments at very moderate prices. For as little as or even less you can buy a Printzess Coatv that is equal to unknown garments at $25.00 and $30.00. It is tho efrlcie:icy o production which gives you the advfrntsgb when you buy a Printzess garment. Try on a Frmtsoas Coat. Lot the mir ror tell ita own slory of i)v you look in the new fall feshions. IVmv ri display. vw wm Jbfl j& 8 raiip & r& o DISTINCTION m dress Bargains. 9x15 Bale Ties, per bundle $ 1.15 Barb Wire per 100 pounds 2.80 Wide Tire Wagons 70.00 At Hershcy's corner Fifth and Locust streets. Phono 15. Mrs. Francis James, aged fifty-one, died at hor home eight miles northeast of Maxwell September 20th, leaving a husband seventy-seven years of ago to mourn tho passing away of a christian wife. land final law R. W. Allison was sent hero from Denver a few days ago to assist with the clerical work in tho U. S. office. The applications to make proof under the new threo year has flooded the ouice witn worK. Edward Clutter, general evangelist for the Christian church, says of Harry G. Knowles; ''He is a deep student of the word of God and a reliable preacher of the same. Ho Is a hard worker in and out of tho pulpit. 69-2 Ready to Wear Most women know, but every woman who will investigate, can satisfy herself that nowhere else the larger cities of the state not exceptcan ladies ready to wear appareL. be bought so advantag eously as here at this store. The assortment to be found in this department are as broad and sat isfying as the most exacting could demand; the styles shown are the most .ultra and exclusive; the workmanship shows the best skill of the tailor craft, the materials are the finest that can be put into gar ments of the price, because of these advantages, and because women find here always values better than other stores offer at equal prices, our garment business has grown to immense proportions. Wilcox Department Store O. W. Viset will leave tomorrow for Kansas city to spend two weeks. Mrs. Clyde Giddoon left yesterday morning to visit friends on the branch road. The Knights of Columbus will give a dance and card party .in tho Masonic hall on or about Oct. 9th, D. A. Lowler. living south of Pnxton. has seven hundred acres of corn which it is said will average thirty bushels to the acre. Clyde J. Wright, socialist candidate for governor, spoke at the Lloyd opera house last evening on "Tho Threats of Socialism" to a fair sized audience. The nine year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gorkin, of Wellfloet, fell from a noree Wednesday and sus tained a broken ankle. When one mile and a half from homo the horso was stricken with spinal meningitis and fell throwing tho cirl several feet. She wai obliged to crawl home on her hands and knees. Physicians from town were summoned who report tho young lady to be doing nicely. I GRANITE Harvester Oil Best for all heavy farm machinery. Clings to the bearings and greatly reduces friction. Heat or moisture do not affect it. Put up In barrels, half barrels, oncandfivc gallon litho graphed cans. Rod our " Euier Firmlof" booklet; free, prepaid. Call or write, of lcr. Standard Oil Company NEBRASKA Om.h. ED. J. VAN DERHOOF. The above photo Stands for quality, price and a square deal. This is tho storo and this is the man that gives you more for your money than any other store in western Nebraska. I! you don't want to pay a big be well price to dressed buy a suit or overcoat. o us and pay us $17 for it and look like a $50 dressed man. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE 1