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Bhtk TUESDAY and FMDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 1, 1922. No. G8 mora SE 10 VOTE C HOUSE B OURT IN NOVEMBER County Commissioners Are Said To Be Considering Sub mitting A Proposition At The Time Of The General' Election. It was rumored yesterday thnt tho County Commissioners of Lincoln county arc preparing to .propose n bond lssuo for enough funds to complete tho now county court houso Nono of tho commissioners wore- found yester day but it is known that there is still qulto a balance on tho court house which has not been provided for by tho direct lovy. The amount Is not known. Architect Berllnghof, Contractor McMlchael and the full Board of Commissioners wcro in consultation Monday and it iB thought the mattnr "was discussed at that time. Tho min utes of tho meeting show that tho contractor was authorized to order tho load roofing for tho building, at tho samo tlmo Is was agreed to omit a largo number of Interior doors from tho contract as it stands now. This is in lino with tho ovldent plan of tho commissioners to put only the DECIDES 10 CONTINUE SALE OF, best of material into tho permanent BREMEN WILL POST PONE FULL FESTIVAL TICKETS TIIHEE WEEKS LONGER construction of tho building and loavo out tho decorations and exponslvo in-! torior finishes to bo provided lator. Tills policy has met with general 1 favor. However it is not certain that; On account of tho extreme hot tho people of Lincoln 'county will j weather and tho slow salo of tickots tako kindly to a bond issue at this I the Firemen decided vlaat night to tlmo. The voters will remember that postpone the Fall Festival from Sept. ' every bond issue proposed for Lin- 2 to Sep. 22. The latter date is STRIKERS ' 1 All Ready But The Horses LEGION TEAM OFF FOR DENVER j SOUTH PLATTE HOYS ENTER DEN. ! VEIL POST 11ASE BALL TOURNAMENT Tho North Platto Amorican Legion baso ball team left Wednesday for. Denver whoro It will compoto In Uio Amateur Tournament conducted by !tho Denver Post. Eight teams aro entered. This afternoon, tho toam will play tho, fast BHtchcs Garden team. It will continuo to play two , Barnes each day until It has lost two games when It will bo ollmlnatoa from tho tournament. Local fana i do not expect North Platto to looo 1 two gamc3 and thoreforo thoy aro looking forward to its winning tho tournament. Quito a number of j supporters wont with tho team to boo tho games. , :o: COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSO CIATION ELECTS NEW i OFFICERS coin county during a good many years ' during the County Fair and it was back, has been defeated. Lincoln coun- thought more interest could bo a-1 HOLD BIG EVENING MEETING AT COUltT HOUSE A big crowd attended tho out door meeting held on tho court houso lawn ty now has no bonded Indebtedness j wakened In the Firemen's doings at and tho people will bo slow to voto that timo than just now. Tho boys hnnila If flinrn ia nnv rvtlmr wnv in 1 none! fiinrin nnd need thorn badlv. got tho money. Tho amount of money! They aro putting on tho festival to last ov",n by ;tl10, atri"B Blio . , t . . , . .... , ! ... . , ... crafts. Ed Barrnclough, chairman of needed to complete tho building nndgct tho money with which to entetnlnj., , ... ., , . . furn'sh It Is not yet known. ! tho Btato convention hero la January. I , , . A, .o: i :o: UNION PACIFIC ANNOUNCES ITS ! ItOTAItlANS TISIT SCOUT CAMP NEW SHOP WAGE AGREEMENT AND TISIT WITH THE BOYS troduced Rov. B. J. Minort, tho speak- ' er of tho evening. Rev. Minort is j pastor of the First Baptist church of . , Alliance. IIo has turned his church j over to tho strikers for their head . quarters and is spending his tlmo SRORT STORIES OF PEOPLEJND THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT BB CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY Tho North Lincoln County Sunday , School Association which mot at j Brady last Sunday elected tho follow j lng officers for tho coming year: ! ltoy Itico. Muxwoll, prcaidont; C. E. ' McClulno, llorshoy, Vico-PrcBidont; lMra. R. L. North, North Plato, Soc- READ1NG ROOM OPEN ON SUNDAY j rotary-Treasurer; Suporlntondents: BUT NO BOOKS WILL BE , Mrs. II. E. Hobs, North Platto Child. LOANED , ron'a division; Mrs. C. E. Kinnon, t. r i r, , 7. .1 n i Maxwell,, Young Pooplo'a Division; Bogmnlng Sunday, 3optombor 3, tho , m . ., ... ,. . . 7 t.,,. Ti. m. , i Wilson Tout, North Platto, Adult North Platto Publla Library will boi , , . ' . , , , ., . . Division; Mrs. ErneBt Drlngman, open every Sunday from three to six ... . ,T . ... . .. ' ,, .Sutherland, Homo Department; Mrs. In tho afternoon. Tho reading room.' ' ,, , . ,r, it i i o t it i Floronco McConnoll, Suthorland, Vla lis usually closed on Sundays during , A , , ' , ' ,. ly and August on account of tho "?"on' ra' aU hm hot weather but with tho opening of la to Toh",al" nBJ, nev' V school, it is always used. Sunday ,,.. .... ' The next convention of tho Lin coin county Sunday school association will bo hold at Maxwoll in August 1923... . Tho following dispatch from Salt. A number of Rotarlans and fain Lake City appeared in tho Btato papers Hies went out to tho scout camp west j on tho platform, spoaking in their veslnrrlav. ' tst thn WWlniqdnv nvnnlnir and ! interests. He Is a ready and forco- Jtocotmttlon of Individual -rihlHtv.l snnnt several hfiiirs with tho'bova.-l Bpeaker and brought laughter and,' ( detailed segregation of work and a. There are about twenty-tlvo scouts , cheers from , his audience.. Tho bual-, Tho Premium lists for tho Lln sllding acalo of wages running in in- In tho camp and they are having tho.no3S men and other citizens assisted , coin county Pair aro out and can bo stances from 2 to 15 cents per hour' timo of their lives.. Tho men took out i U strikers in caring for tho cxpenao , cecured from tho secretary, S. M. higher than that recommended by! a wolcome Bupply of confections and oE tho spcakor., . Soudor. Tho dates aro Septembor :o: au, ai ana zz. tho ' railroad labor board together gave tho boys a treat. A big campfire ' (with provision for a progressive line with story telling furnished tho di of promotion aro embodied in an version. This included rousing camp agreement signed by representatives songs with It. D. Blrgo as leader. C. of tho Shop Employees association, 1 R. Morey took a radio outfit along I PATRIOTIC ORGANIZATION HOLDS PICNIC AT STATE FARM afternoons. No books will bo loaned but any books or magazines In the reading room aro for use then. Regu lar rules apply to loaning books and thof uao, of tho reading room nt other, tintea, peranco; Mra. N. P. PattorBon, North Platte, Misaionary; A. S. Allen, North Platto, School Administration. . :o: PtfThenaBt orthe2(f0 bodies Vhhih wore moved from tho old Sidney cemetery wovq burled yesterday at Fort McPhoraoh. Tho Fort McPhor- soii national comotery has been en- About 30 delegates of tho associa- expects to breiak camp today or to- day evening and hold a picnla on tho He was very much taken with tho In stltutlou nt Moosohoart and his des cription of tho buildings and work ; ,nrgod to (wlco lts formor 8lzo, aov. tiono uioro is niorosung. no auonuca ,opnnionl mon hftV0 bcon t work Application for divorce was mado.reo lenguo ball games in Chicago Bvnrill wnoiH ivinir out now yesterday by EmiUa Ohl who was during his visit there and saw somo ' lot) A now wall wlu bo bull married at Lexington on Nov. 4th.iTCal games. IIo was a dologato from Ml!n inninB.iro. Rovnmi Sioux Lookout Chapter D. A. R. with 192() to Waltcr 0hL sho accuaed North Platto Ix)dgo No. 1053. L. O !othor natlonai ccractories will, bo done away with and all tho bodies will bo taken to Fort McPhoraon. Union Pacific and tho managora of but tho static was too strong and It members of families ub guests, went him of drunkenness and cruelty and!0- M tho various lines therein Included didn't work. Scout Executive Stophena ' to tho Experimental substation Tues- asks comnloto dlvoroo and alimony, i tion representing tho shop employees , morrow. from Omaha to Los Angeles attend- :o: . ed tho meeting. Tho new rates and PLANS FOR GET-TOGETHER BAN rules are to become effective Sept- QUET ARE NOW ALL . ember 1. COMPLETE The agreement fixes wages of 7G, . ; station lawn. It was a beaqtiful oven- The demonstrating toam from the ' lng and Mr. and Mrs. Snyder and poultry club leaves Saturday for I Mr. and Mrs. Zook did all in their Lincoln whoro it will attond j power to malco things nice. Lunch waa toam consists of Violet Fletcher and l served cafeteria to about eighty Burnard Levitt iwtith R. R. Morris as i people. Tho menu consisted of fried leader. of salad, , baked beans, sandwiches, applo pic, Tho stock judging team left Thurs- 80, 85 and 9G cents an hour for thor- The North Platto Womans club chicken, different kinds ..... . ..... . ... ...lit . 1. ,11. I ougniy sicmeu mecnanics wnicn wero jiju mu uuu juar wna a uoi formerly paid dead level rates of 70 1 Together banquet at cents and hour with 5 and 10 cent church next Monday differentials in somo cases. that tlmo announcements Under tho now plan a progressivo coming year will bo made. Tho , visitors counted thomselvoa lucky to and 0sso 11083 of MaxwolL Mn ana lino of promotion is provided for with commltteo in charge of membershipa bo a member of a D. A. R. family. rates ranging from 54 cents per hour haa secured almost 150 paid mem- :o: for tho rough or slightly skilled work, bers and whllo this Is considered ! Twenty-six signers were Bocured to Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor VonGoetz ro contly returned from an auto trip For tho 8,x montM8 omUng toflay through parts of Minnesota, especially , UlQ Mutunl Bull(llnJ nnd Loan AbbocI that part lying around Minneapolis. ; at,on hftB dcclaroa aud pftld dlvldondB Mr. VonGoetz says that thoir system QUt of Ug not 0ttrnlng8 for thc slx of marking tho roads Is bettor than ; monUlfi afl follo). 0n Its paid-up ours. Wo uao colored banda about tho , Btock ?27,384.32; on Its inatallment poloa to show tho highways. Thoy uso I to k ?25 205i00 or a total of S5G2.589.3? nuixiuora. ror uibuuico no iou us , .i,.j.i.i mi, .iii,i.i I "V""", uu.-.w.o, Ulnuu piu, . f T (nxnln ttnlflnfr flio frln h , , (UVlUCnUS. 1 IIO (UVlUCnU On UIO the Methodist eake, ice tea, coffee and trimmings. ?JJmJZa or 1 Ul BU,d bk Bhmr rad N(-!paid-up stock is paid In cash and that evening. At Most of tho cars returned to tho J"n ' tho Installment Block Is credited ents for tho 'city shortly after It got dark nnd the ?f ' "Ltl 1"- Everywhere the road was ft cBh on th0 momllor.a Mrs. Geo. II. Kellogg wont by train meeting tho boya at Lincoln marked with tho figure 4 and that im8sbook. Bosses dcclnrin g and pay- ing these dividends during thia six was nil tho motorist neodod to follow. mi.. . r.n... ,i. . -.1 , .. 1 I, 1,.- x. , ... n nnWlAn.lnn,M,nn, T,i.; UUIUUUBUilUUB uuvunuiiiK u" ui in" l'uy iux mo uno mo usi is sim open anu win do i"--vi..o i' - -"1" -,.,.,,. i rt.,i. rin u.n cjnt ,...., .,-.x.. 1 ... .. . ... . r -htA !-,..' Cheerful Canning Club will leave Sat, iiiginy biuuiki uiuBHuicunoiiH. ine now open unin aiior mo uanquet Aionuay "" m .u mibuuun ni.nnMf n vnfn Atl nnnln nn ! f 1 t J l.' - f l . Tlllfl fR TT1 flTH flmn ivL'n tTllrila rtt Mm luiua .u i "i mi j UVUJHUB. 2Uy IftUy 1U VHO Cliy WHO; " " t1(J Sfo yar tCam UlO Only hour for helpers ns against tho form- If) interested In tho things for which PPO owners on that street. Louie onQ Qf klnd Jq L,ncoln county( Jt Branching roads 1oro marked with pionthB perlo,i( tho Asaoclation made other numbers which wcro shown on now ron, to loans to tho nmount tho sign boards and tho guldo books. J. tigs 400 00 for Lincoln whoro thoy will attend lt Bounds llko an Improyment over wur iiiuLium iuiu uu siiyu iu ib uunur. AUSH uiauya nansen comc3 lomor- or rate of 47 cents. tho club works, Is invited to tho L1PS"'tz. who circulated tho petition, Ovortimo will bo adjusted on a banquet and to become a member of th?lt rcop0 down there wore Eloa3l 0tt with Mrs A R Iovltt!COUrt hUB0 WaB rcachca Wodncs,lliy fluctuating scale. As to tho sonority t)0 club. rights, tho agreement provides that thoso who remained in or returned i John Southall returned yesterday most of them enthusiastic about pav ing. "Thoy roallzo", said Mr. Llpahitz, "that property values will bo greater a8 leader. M. J. Corcoran, an operator for tho to tho service on or before July 8,1 . , 4. 4Un . . ,Jn a paving district than whoro there TT,' Tf,i mna f,ntiv ,nmA days ini """""" '18 lu"a Wednesday at Chappoll when tho car 1922, and thoso who entered the Bervico beginning with and since I Europe. Ho spent a row Franco and one - " . 'XL, IT N "mo payment plan used by : SIZZ w , July 1, will rank first while those ' Ba,d thftt wag cnough Tho of tho dty. It Is not a groat burden on break,ng h,a ,0B and ccuahJnB h,8 wno uruur mo survice ttuubmiucut ui tho timo was spent In England. It was reported that ho was bringing homo a brldo but John says thcro Pavlne work atarted on wost Six- was nothing to it. It was also ro- Soptombor 1, 1022 will rank according to the date thoy aro employed. '.a ntivnnn " rni, nnltn ... m.i m. 0 :uT"' ru,uV" wu" skull. Ho waa brought to tho Platto O. B. Elder, city clork. I Wb1. . -:o: th street yesterday. Tlio first thing ported that ho was going to stay in first of tho week from their home la to tear out tho crosslnga and then ! England but ho eaya conditions aro stead In Wyoming. They will re- tho catorpillar tractor and rotary . much worao thoro than in thla turn In a few days, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Rnvnolrtn "W morning at o ciocic -ino uouy and daughter Margaret returned tho wU1 bo tffl3ton to Ionlc' Mlc,llBra for . row from Council Bluffa to spend tho Tho top of tho walla to tho now wcok ond ymh rclaUves, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Boguo return ed to thoir homo In Grand Island Wodncsday aftor visiting for a few weeks at tho Boguo and Barber homes. Mra. Louise Potereon and Frltzio Koalor loft Saturday for tho lattors homo in Kansas City after spondlng tho summer In tho city at tho Chas. Stamp homo. burial. and tho last pioco of masonry was put In place. Thcro Is a groat deal of work to bo dono on tho walls and In tho matter of pointing off tho torra cotta and brick work and, inlaying somo of tho torra cotta pieces which woro brokon or for other reasons had to bo replaced. Work on tho roof will bogln nt onco. Tho tllo for tho partitions is on tho grounda and Con tractor Howard McMichael saya ho ox poets to havo tho building incloaed long boforo snow fllos. Tho furnace :o:- NOTICE Olw(Ing to thoro being no Labor Day colobration in North Platto on Mon- Judgo Woodhurst roturnod roccntly is practically completed and tho in Margarot Will from a trln to Moonnlinart. 111. where torior Work will ho dono durlnir tho lnv. thn innrrlinnfn pnmmiitnn shovel loada tho Burfaco dirt into country, no especially montiona 'stay with rolatlvoa and go to school ho attended tho annual national con-, winter months so that tho building announced thnt tho stores win ho wagons and it la hauled away tho unemployment there. hero. vontlon of tho Loyal Order of Mooso. can bo completed by early Bummer. ; open all day ns usuaL YOU CAN A-FORD to Rent A-FORD CALL OTTEN STEIN GARAGE AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF PHONE 291