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Newspaper Page Text
... Li . r- l0. r ft TUESDAY nnd FltlllAX THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 5, 1922. No. G9 INTEREST IN IRRIGATION OF PLAIJi VALLEY GROWS i Government Engineers To Report On Lower Platte Val ley Irriati(n Project By October First- Idea Grows In Favor. Tho farmers of LIrcoln, Dawson and Buffalo counties who llvo in tho j valloy of tho Platto rlcr aro becoming moro intorested In tho irrigation ' project which was lauAiod last whiter, as tho time nears fori tho report of j tho engineers as to ost. Word comes from Denver that tho report (will 1 probably bo ready by, October first. Tho call for tho last installment of tho J oxpenses of tho survey camo last week and was answerea ty a rcmittanco of fifteen hundred dollars. This is tho last of tho eighteen thousand dollars which has been raised by tho people o tho threo counties for tho cxponso of tho preliminary sirvey. Of tho last installment, Lincoln county paid $375, Buffalo county f?75 and Dawson county $750. Tho; amount was pro rated according 6 estimated acreage to bo irrigated. Tho recent hot and dry weather has turned tho attention of many to tho merits of the project. Ono man down cast of horo is report ed to havo irrigated several acres of wheat last spring by a big pump. Ho got thlrty-fivo bushels per aero from tho several acres he irrigated and only seven from tho rest of the field. "West of hero aro fields of corn which are iMrs- O. It. Robinson, formerly Miss as green as they wero a month ago. Bessie Otton, died in Denver Sunday Tho report of the engineers is expect- 1("ifiht after an illness of about two ed to give tho routes of tho canals, 'hours. She and her husband in tho location of tho reservoirs and tho company with Mr. and Mrs. Vlckery ostimated cost of tho projott with went to Denver Saturday, leaving much other data bearing on the value 'hero in tho early afternoon. They and cost. The extremo western part expected to bo thero in time for tho of tho county is interested in what North Platte-Wheatland ball gamo Is known as the Tri-C'ounty Project on Sunday afternoon. During tho which is boing .worked out by Engin- , evening she became ill and death J. eer Burke of Denver. Mr. Burko has came suddenly. Tho message did said that he can locate a reservoir not carry any further particulars. It having a capacity of 55,000 aero feet Ms thought that heart failure must, at a cost of less than twenty-five ''have been tho causo of her death as SUDDEN DEATH IS SHOCK TO FRIENDS . 3S. 0. It ItOBINSON IS ST1UCKEN ' WHILE ON WESTKltN VACATION "He who would a court-in go" ! SUCKER STATE SONS ROLD ANNUAL PICNIC l'KOl'LE FItO.M ILLINOIS MEKT FOIt TIIKIK ANNUAL GOOD 'miv. SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE AND THINGS NINETEEN TWKKTIM'WO HAD THE HOTTEST AUGUST IN TUN YEARS CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY The weather summary for August 1 has just boon issued by Forecaster Shilling. It shows tho mean teinpor- ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT HE-1 at,u,r! 'or tho month to have been 77 i wmcn is nouer man any juiy since j 1013. Tho highest tcmperaturo was 102 on tho last day of tho month, i Four days previous to that, tho thor- jmometcr went dcw(n to within slx Tho total number of auto licenses teen degrees of tho freezing point. .issued to Soptombor 1 by County , v l0ls precipitation was in. 4113 This which was exceeded both last year Thero In an j . , - . i 1 1 i:tU J XX Mb J fcUU " HIVTT IJ izod a big corporation to nanciie a roached altitudes much higher than , ... ..... . .. ! beet sugar project and any other in- Denver so it was not considered tm- , tlon of over an Inch and a half Blnco stitution which may aeem desirable Bafo for her t0 go tnor0i Mrs. nob. Tho Norlu Platto Womans' club . tho flrst of ttf0 ycar Thoro woro 27 to iouow uio acceptance m ui ir- inBon waB a North platt0 girl hav- haa contracted with tho Rogers Pro- clcar day8. 4 'Dartiy cloudy and nlno Tho general character :o: dollars an aero. The&e figures aro Bhe had been subject to a weakened bolow his first estimate and he is 1 heart condition for Borne tlnio. Last cmTvmlfHnf fli nr-n 4n artAi-l.'lnl lata flnr i . ... . .1 . . i ..fntx t.. ! :r: Vr T7: 'T-BU w B" luauu . y l",1Dil Treasurer Soudor was weening, iuwbuu tou,.Ly na0 ui Kau-, mother In Idaho ana on tnat trip. . . . mttr . . aW,vland tlio vear before. ing received her scnooung nero anu aucmg uo. to put on "au ADoara- an cioudy. ! graduated from tho high school. Sho hero on Sopt. 28 and 29. John Herrod, Jr. has resumed his leaves hor husband, "Bob" Robinson nouncomcnts will bo made later, Thursday was Illinois day in Lin. Icoln county. Ono hundrod tori of hor formor citizens attended tho Illinois picnic at the City park and they camo from nil parts of tho county. Tho dinner was Borvod cafeteria stylo. Tho dinnor consist ed of fried Bprlng chicken with nil tho trimmings, lemon and applo pic, fresh strawberries with puro cream from tho country, angel food nnfl pound cako, watormollon, coffco, lom onado nnd ico tea and wlicn nil had boon . satisfied thoro was "onough loft ovor to sorvo a hundred moro" na ono diner expressed It. After tho dinner they enjoyed a numbor of good sports among which was a juven llo raco won by Vlllars Hayes with Louisa Flotchor second; a heavy manB raco won by Chas. Wyman ot this city, Poto Gorman of Ogallola second and Adam Scnsol of this city third. In tho loan mans' rnco Italpn Slmwgo camo In first and O. A. Car 'roli second. In tho fat lady's raco Lola Moroy won with Mrs. O. A Carroll second. Harry Stobbins won tho peanut rnco and Blufort Hayes took second. Tho prizes woro do nated by mombors of tho Klwanis club nnd consistod of silk hoso, gold watch, overalls, silk shirts, boxcB ot candy and other articles. Mr. Howard ot Bockford, 111. gavo a song ontltlod "Short Skirts" for which ho had won a vrlzo In sme contest In ono of tho Illinois univer sities. Mr. and Mrs. Andrcss each gavo a short talk. At tho businosa soBsion I. L. Stobblus was unanimous Noel Bullock, driving a car of 183 olectod president for Uio, hlra cubic lnchoB displacement out-distanc- year and Mrs. Anna L. Donogaif vUs cd all other drivers In tho fourth f elected S scratary-Trcasuror. annual Plko's Peak hill climb yoster- ( :o: : dny and wtJn tho PonroBO trophy cup ' Thero Is a very nlco custom spring- .. . t . 1 . ...t. l.U I.. as well ns tho prize monoy in ins ing up " over mo cuumry wmwi i class. His tlmo was 19:50:4. King appropriate nnd nppuals to all Rhiley driving a largo car was first 'Sunday evening in his class, his timo being 20:05. Mr, BULLOCK WINS THE PIKES PEAK RACE NORTH PLATTE HKIYEll FIRST IN NATIONAL LABOR DAY EVENT Tho boforo tho oponlng of school in tho fall is called school Full an-o th0 month may bo oxprosBed by Bullock is proprietor of tho Bullock rocognitfon nlghf. Tho churches lndi- tho words hotter and dryer than School of Flying and has shown him- vldually or collectively invito tho. of- Georgo Schrecongost, custodian of usual surpriso as his car waa ono of his duties at the Rexnll Drug storo after 0f ho S & R SerVlco Station, three two weeks vacation spent with his Small children, her mother and her sister Mrs. William Nelson at Al- brother and sisters to g'rlovo for hor. liance. wun hnftv war in arrive on tho morn- W. J. Hendy and family havo reach- Ing train from4 Denver. Tho f unoral creasIn& ed Yellowstone park and are enjoying : date has not been announced as wo mo scenery uiero una wtm m u. KO iu North Platto noonlo will remember letter Mr. Hendy says "From what :o: MrBi Tliur8t0n as Miss Josephine . Miss Mary Dyo of Sallnn, Kansas wo learn from tourists who havo pre- MIb8 Murl BrUnton of Lincoln ar- Labor day was celebrated in North Goodman( and a u0i03 0f tho late camo Saturday. Sho will teach Spnnish coeded us, tho Cody way is tho mos riye(1 ,n tho clty Sunday. Sho will , Platto by tho closing of tho banks, ot thls clty sho lfl a flIstor ot E n I Jh Ul0 inBii school this fall, beautiful and now wo believe it or teach ln the Jefferson school thl's postoffico, county offices and stopp- Goodman, and a nolec of tho lale ' Miss Oladys Hanson returned to 'her nothing has compared with the grand-. al,t i Ing of all work by union labor. Tho .oK w P ay. At Thormopolls, homo in Counc.Il -Bluffs yoatorday eur of Silver pass in which tho great) , o-rivn.i vAstnr. ! business houses and offices wore wVOmimr thov mot Richard Cox who, ,ila , u open as usual ana tnero was no has filed on a mud flat, tho contents wim. relatives the Free Auto camp says tho .Vnber ( hulldlngs aro over crowded or not. nP anfna nf lin pnmn Ih filnwlv iln. ii' n l.i 1 1 1 ,1 1 ii ,"T nnrl i n ti ti nt arttlMl alv Somo nights thoro aro not While in Cody, Wyoming last week " 7" fnlron infn mnnliiorntlnn liv HinnA wnn ovor iniruy luviu. uv iumi iui uu ...... ... ..,. .. ..v.u August was 1521 an average of about ' taincd by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thurston maK0 1,10 lorocnsu. fifty a day. solf to bo a daring auto driver and flclals of tho school rtiirt tho teachers. alrplano pilot. His victory enmo as a I to attend tho BorvEccs. Somo of thorn -:o:- aro urgod to tako part on tho pro 8rnm. Tho following program .was glvon at ono of tho Koarney churches InBt Sunday ovonlng Address, Siipt. Wlrslg; "If I woro In School Again" Goorgo Borgort; "Whoro our School Taxes Go", Mrs. L. W. Tolbort; "Edu cating both Heart nnd Brain", Dr. Kovo. :o:- tt t . t f 1 a4-a1 nnrl nrlinn BHUSUUUU "am 'a , ;r day from Iowa. Sho will havo charge onco ono has reached the summit the Household Arts department view of Yellowstone Lake and the Te- 4""s . v . tho . ton mountains can anything wo havo uu""b w seen." high school. as usual ana tnero was parado or other celebration of any 0f which aro kind. rheumatism. said to bo a euro for Oil Burners! We have secured the sole agency for Lincoln county of the Sewert Oil Burners. This Burner has a Reputation of twenty years successful operation and sold under a guarantee. Will he pleased at any time to give you a demonstration. Robert A. Philips, PLUMBING AND HEATING, 121 West 6th St. Telephone No. 419. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mlko McFnddon of Hastings returned homo Sunday after t li TTnnlffin nrwl Pn.tnrson C. H. Nicholas and family of Dou-1 ,lom08 point, Kansas motored to North i Tho United States civil Bervlco Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Striolz aro on-hUto last week and visited with tho ( Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Elliott returned commission announces an open com- Joying a two-woeka visit from tholr , family of their son, Harloy Nicholas Sunday from points ln Illinois whoro potitivo examination to bo held at daughter, Ruth who arrived from1IvlnS JUBt west of tho city, mo thoy visited tholi- son for sovoral North Platte, Sept. 23 for tho pur- Chicago Saturday. Miss Striotz has!oldor Mr. Nicholas is an undo of R. i weeks. poso of gottlng a messenger boy or boon taking work at tho University C- and J. W. Calhoun of this city, girl for tho local weather bureau. 0f Chicago and at tho closo of tho A. II. Blvans returned Frldny from Application blanks and all doslrcd Hummor term last week was granted a vacation trip to Holly, Colorado information can bo obtained at the u10 jj. A. degree. During tho com- whoro ho visited his sister, Mrs. no- post office. Ono of our roportors 'picked up an item on tho streot and It appeared l ilint T-vtii Onrlitt nf Wfl 1 IflP.n v. : t: " " , , ' University Bho will visit tho differ. was In North Platto and drove homo ' Ing year sho will bo a member of tho ronco Mackabco for ten days. Ho made faculty of tho Bureau of Educational j tho trip by auto and la enthusiastic Itesearch of tho University of Illin-' about that moans of trnvol. Ho will ols. In addition to hor work at tho , return to his work at tho poat offlco today. Miss Billy WilHumB has resumed hor duties nt tho Wilcox Department storo after a weeks vacation Bpcnt with relatives at St. Paul, Nobrnaska. Mrs. Vorhccs Lucas and sistor Miss Margaret Campbell returned yostcrdny from Toronto, Canada whoro thoy spent tho summor visiting rolatlveB. a now Dodgo car. Tho car was a Bulck wo wero told yesterday. It was not tho Intontlon of tho reporter to advortlso any car and yet having mado tho mistake wo aro anxious to correct It by this statement. W. II. Klmborly of Lincoln, secret ary of tho NoorasKa aiaio ouuuujr School Association was In tho city Friday on his way from ono country association to another Mr. Klmborly is a veteran in tho Sunday School work ln thlB stato and Is woll known for tho good work ho has dono. Ho says tho meetings ovor tno stato aro especially good this year and thoy aro being bettor attended than usual. ent school ByBtoms over the stato and whoro help Is noedod In classifying exceptional children Bho will assist. Tho Boy Scouts broko camp FrI. day and camo to tho city reporting a big timo and a f Ino camp. It was a businosa Hko affair from tho bogln-1 nine to tho ond. Between twenty and twonty-flvo boys wero thoro all tho timo. Thoy got up at Blx ln tho morning and woro put undor a cola shower after brisk sottlng-up cxer cIseB. This was tho beginning of a stronuous day which lasted until nlno o'clock in tho evening. Scout Ex ecutive Stephens was with thom all tho tlmo and ono or moro of tho other scout officials woro thoro to Tho city BchoolB opouod this morn- afli8t him. Regular scout activities ing. All tho tcachcra woro oxpectod wtu Blart noxt whon tho differ to bo on hand except Miss Alta Mun-cnt troups will moot as usual. singer, who is not yet returned from i ;o; hor European trip. Sho will bo horo i Miss Bossto Shoyw spout tho week ln a fow days. Enrollments in tno high school began: at nlno o'clock and will contlnuo until all pupils aro properly aBBlgnod. Thoro woro no figures to indlcato whether any ond ln Horshoy visiting hor paronts. Mrs. W. F. KIncald of Maxwell was brought to tho city Wednesday whoro uho entered tho Chiropractic hospital for treatment. $1020.00 will buy a new Dodge Bros. Touring Car. Where else canyon obtain such value? ( A minimum payment of $411.80 and monthly payments can be arranged. Ash us. J. V. ROMIGIL Dealer