Newspaper Page Text
ortottttc f TUESDAY and JUtLDAV THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 15, 1922. ,No. 72 7 Y v " J-1 i - 1 n "V F00I BALI TEAM GETTING . short stories of ornv hid in pamc ccachm PEOPLE Hi THINGS rn.HU i run iu-uhhil ulhuuii CONCERT PROGRAM The North Platte Ladies FINE MEETING HELD Band BY BUSINESS MEN AN COURT HOUSE PARK, Coach Neville And His Assistants Are Training A Squad: Which Is Showing Up Well-Sale j Of Season Tickers Starts Tho North Platto High School, winners of tho 1021 lilgh school football championship of Nebraska, is again at work making preparations for tho coming season. Coach Novlllo has been giving Ms attention to tho dotails of getting ready for several months. The grounds have been tiled and surfaced .... r?'J 77 C s 7CiJ. O V77 TEJIS OF INTEREST ABOUT RE- x rlULLj iliV(2ll-Utg9 OUJJIVIHUVI J.OUl Ul U J Uttoi' i CK.NT happening ix THIS EARL S'fAMP, Director. j COMMUNITY March "Tonth Rogimout" -r-R. B. Hall.; I Overture " American Federation" . 1.-.- Skaggs, Duet "Romanco" -- Losoy, Sarah Stoffrcgan hud Esther Sohwaigor. JJUXV POLICIES DISCUSSED AND DECISIONS REACHED BY DINERS , Lincoln county center ball team j Cornet defeated Blrdwood, Sunday by a coro of 1G to 2. Next Sunday the Center j,Mnrcu. tnntn ntf11 nlnu On 1 ahIh m .1 A lm ,-.. , uu.wauu uu vocal Solos by Mr. Frauk Turple. homo grounds. i (a) "Smllln' Through" - Ponn. "AXogother Roys". .Wnggbner, Tho car in which a party of young'( (b) "Vhou Shall We Meet Again" .Whiting. bo they will be dry in case of bad weathor. Tho equipment hns been gono 1 1)00pi0 woro out riding last evening", Soronado "Twilight's Witching Hour"-, ..Myers. ivni nml tihiMi nnw mnforfnl nrlnrrwl. - " I Moro than fifty boys answered tho' COUNTY FAIR OFFICIALS first call for practice and tho number still continues largo. In a statement issued this week Mr. Novlllo. says: "The foot ball -practlco has -now entered its second week and Judging from tho available material, North Pilatto will havo a team this fall which will measure up favorably with tho teams of recent years. It will averagp jn speed and weight above most of tho toams that havo represented North FOR DIGGER POULTRY EXHIBIT Special attention is being given tho practical side of poultry-raising by officials in chargo of tho poultry show at tho Lincoln County Fair, North Platto, Soptombor 19th to 22nd in an effort to encourage moro small breeders in exhibiting at tho fair. "It is not a difficult thing to get jran into a ditch and several of tho March "Mystic Potentate" - t Myers, PLAN i mombors wore hurt. Miss Tyrone! Rniortlnn "nrvlmtnfito" 1 ATvnra Waltz"Sveot Dream" Kiofer. March "Eagles Homo" - - ta F. A. Myers. Frazler reclovod a sovcro cut on tho faco and It Is not known how badly1 tho others twro injured. Tho North Platto Chamber of Com mcrco held a banquet at tho Epis copal church last ovoning with about ono hundred tickets, sold. Tho dinnor was sorved by tho ladies ot tho church and was highly compli mented by tho men. Frank? L. Moonoy presided and tho principal topic for discussion was trado exten sion. This included such measures as good roads, special sales, holiday closing, otc. It was docided not to closo tho storos during tho County Fair because tho people outsldo of North Platto often wish to combine Music at tho fair Is not to be nog. lected this year fbr preparations have , been made for three. bands. Wod-' nesday tho Hershey band wlil bo there and furnish music all day. ' Thursday tho Sutherland band Is on-, gaged for the day and Friday the Platte in recent years. Tho average a chicken rqady for tho coming ( North Platto band will do its best to ago will bo consl'derably loss which! show", says Superintendent M. C. 'entertain tho fair visitors. may effect tho chances of North Platto Rogers, in chargo ot tho poultry to repeat last season's performance. 1 department. "If birds are given Tho number of candidates working lots of ground to keep them in fine for places on tho team this year Has ! physical shape, free from lice and boen limited by tho amount of avail-. disease, tho battlo has been almost able equipment. Among tho most! won. Only a little extra care is placo at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon i tho v,aIt to tho fa,r wltJl Borao sbP at tho Church of Our Savior when inS- Jt was also decided not to Miss Dulclo Fratcr daughter of Mr. closo tho rottUl storca any moro 011 ,nnd Mrs. Geo. Frator bocamo tho account of baso ball, foot ball or bride of Frederic W. Ross, of San oihor Blmilar attractions. Tho free Picnic for tho Teachers Francisco. Calif., Mrs. Earl Stamp camP 8round whlcn has had, 450u Tho teachers who taught in the was at 1110 orSn and as an opening ami raoro automobiles parked there ULr llSiZ Mrs. M. H. Gllfoyl sang "At night during the Prct sum- 1 . , , niwiP Mra Rimn fi,nn mer nt an average cost to tho Cham- Mr. and Mrs. w7v.s Hoagland loft o canyons near tho State Farm.. Lohengrin Wedding March. LIttio ; ; of (1C"ntf .07 "i worthy . TMiitHa snihv lori im liri.ioi nnir a Goou mvestmcnt ana won wormy Tuesuay for Detnot wliero ho will r(Mvcr.-Uack ; " " of continued support. atienu tne sessions or tno soveritm . . uu i.vU Dunu miaa uoitis ojrower ana uranu j,oago or Noorasica again as Mack both of North p,aUe he has done for several years. Ho' married Tuesday In Ogallala. Mrs i pillow. Tho attendants of tho brldo WOrO I wnrA XT Ida rrimlmn fnfnH mnl1 r honor, Mrs. Howard Yost,, matron of Tho question 'of god roads Into North Platto was taken up and tho work of tho road commlttco dlacusscd and approved. promising are Rector and McWilllams necessary the last fow days to put is a member of the Judiciary com-.Alnck waa formerly employed at the! ' ,1, , 7, , , a " 01 1 After three hours of spccchTmaklng. for tho end positions. Palmer, Pease them in show shape. If breeders mlttoo and will attend sessions oC;Ha,,lgani Beatty & HalUgan law onp an J tUo brI a d 8 wo Mpb. 1 and dl80U8Blon tho mooting adjourned and Weber for -tackles, Wilson and .only know how easy it was to got that body in advance of tho opening J oftlceSi Mr M fc , employed ' ?',? Mnnkato, KansttB ft sentlmont that lt wna Wingot for guards, Pitman, Tout and birds ready for exhibition we would-1 of tho Grand lodge. They will bo nlght foremim at tho P P E Atlor and Mlsa Wabl Schlafko of Jowolono of tho b(JBt hem roccntly Bodker for center, Shanor ana Wilson not do aoio to nouso tno onirics." (gono ten days. a suort trlp to Denver the yountr filuuul YUU B"'uu u for quarterback, Stroup for left half. Visitors to the show will ilnd all c lo roturncd to thIs clty 'vhor Claudo GroBS of Sidney and tho and Dent. Yearsley. Yates. Hubbard, the loading breeds of poultry on Tho sewing club of North Platto I uahers woro Guy Clark, and Dr. ttistinm and Snvder for the other 1 dlsnlav. The vountr birds, marked ' Sirls, which is under tho leadership ! . i"fcUlu or Mrs. Edmistcn, met at tno Kimer I 4. A. - . .11.. James home -yestt-.-nay ani the iirtsf"8,4" ayvilK ,U8L WU0K ,n luo cuy Will . ' U-laHlnn- floo Hr.wln1lnn TllbanaJn. i rer. Miss Thelma Ambruster of Lax. uackflolu positions." by their angular, awKwara appear Tho schedule of games played here nnce, and "short, scant dress, nt North Platto is as follfrt: outnumber tha old hlrda hv f nr. i Were surprised w! on not rJ h 'served them a line lunch. Thon.Mn McCook . Oct. 13th. .henJarger and more flnishod in look, ' Edmlsten was surprised when thow,,,,, Central City Oct. 20th. will poke a friendly head thru the,.'8 prenunieu wxm u ul- The foUowlng ltem waB cllppen Jn placo by a wreath ot 0rango Gothenburg Nov. 3d. bars to attract tho attention otliurao ln apjvociation of hor AYorklfrom tlie Lexington Clipper. Mrs. blossoms. Sho carried a shower iFremont Nov. 17ith. passersby. The usual number of with them ihis y,ear. The, club won Kutz waa ompioyed licr0 jorxa flJl0rt boquot of whUo roB0Q and mUca 0, Omaha South High Nov. 30th. ducks, geese, and turkeys will give ' several prizes at the state fair and Is Umo at u McVlckor Milllnory. ' the valley Tho maid of honor woro . mi.- -v.- ..n-i. 41. n tt-i tt,, . , . .. ..... nlnnnlnf nn innlrlnir nn fixhlhlt at . ...... . . .. ' me uuiii: tut Tom ut wio m iim'a novel tonoto tne exnioit. ' --o - - wora was rocoivea uero last inurs- a pini5 puBsy willow taffota names win do vdc wiui a ?i.uu cnargo Poultry exhibitors are planning onu,u I;uu'u' 1U" "OAt foT the Thanksgiving game. Season putting on an educational campaign Tho blue card system of solicita tion wns approved und tho censor Howard Yost of North Platto and J. committee showed whoro it had sav E. DoLong of Mankato, Kansas. od tn0 business men thousands or Vho brldo wore a beautiful gown, dollars by refusing permits.. Other of white satin trimmed with laco methods of assltlng in ontortalnlng with a long court train. Tho yoII i conventions woro dlacussod and. ap was of lace and tullo and was hold (proved ln preference to advertising. i F. L. Modney was a dignified and alert chairman and did Mb. best to koep tho Bpeakers within time limits. a nlnk nussv willow talTota nnn oomu uu iiuoub v.; day of tho marriage of Mr. Fred ; georgotto dress and tho matron or, Give in (hroo mlnutos and others Kill nt tlilo nlfv in Mlon Tlnoa TTllna ' . . . ....... . I tnnlr Innrrnr hv rnmllllnnr Off tho HUb- tickets to all ax games will bo three at the falr to stimulate more inter- AWl AJ ...ip B' of Wellington, Missouri. Tho bride bridesmaids drosses woro of white' Joot. Mr. Moonoy was patient. with jand groom aro well known in Lox- and whlto georgotto over orchlu a11 and kont thjng8 going to,.' ms (ington and vicinity, tho groom hav-'8aMn Ail wora tullo hats to match general satisfaction of tho men, The cast for tne womans' ciuuiug grown to mannoou in mo com- n( OIirPnti honimtn of nlnk clartlolnH. aonars. Tneso are tne regular prices est jn e breeding of pure-bred bemg cnargeu uy tne larger places in , poultry. It will bo their contention ' ED FOR PRESENTATION AT KEITH the state for foot ball games. Awayl tnat a nuro-bred flock, if well-cared from homo North Platte will play for.f wlu provo many tlmeg proflt Cozad, Bayard, Columbus and Sidney. nhlfl -s - RfirllK one. A nuro-bred Season tickets are being sold this hen, trf a good laying .breed, win ,w,eek and can bo purchased from any produco nearly twice as many oggs ot tho team or other high school student. Persons from out ot town who wish to purchase Beason tickets j ne ajr should write or phone to w. u. Roettger, faculty manager of athlet ics. :o: Mrs. Cora Jacobson Is spending an an inferior hen, and at no greater cost. This will bo demonstrated at b fair. At least 500 entries are expectod. Premiums amounting to ?350 are be ing offered. :o: . Ray Langford Bpent yesterday In Paxton transacting business. For a novel gift why not a piece of the boautlful Oranglno glass dls- day that the city library has the 1922 i Played in Dixon's, game laws. These include a sum- J Earl Foster returned this morning mary of the provisions of tho Fodor-1 from Goldonv Colo, to spend a fow al, state and provincial statutes, days hero visiting at his homo. He Anyone interested In this, matter is attending the School of Minos at should see her at the city library. 'Golden. After tho impressive doublo ring ceremony, Mrs. Gllfoyl sang "Oh, Radiant Hour" and tho Mendelssohn munlty and the brldo made Lexing ton her homo for a couplo of years. ' while employed ln tho McVlckor Milliner. After tho ceromony wa8iATnrM, wnH ninv,, na rn-nn!ni performed tho happy couplo left on' Tho cnurcn waa beautifully decor, a short trip to tho cast. They aro !,-,, wm, fnrno nnf, nilf ftWrn Tho reception which waB attended by ovor ono hundred guests wns held t, 1.1. . -n-- i t. -iT--i r- . (Jiiffev-llovlo lreddlne lul luu AIUlur "UU1U ou VVUBL uu vention or womans ciuds wmcu vu. ' ' ,tv ws,-Hln tnnb ninrn street. Mrs. Howard Yost had be held hero next month. play "All Aboard" which is to bo given on Sept. 28 and 29 hns been selected. Tho director, Miss Dixie Doyle arrived tho first of tho week and practices started at once. Tho cast will bo announced soon and sale of tfekets will begin. , Tho proceeau expected to arrive hero the latter of tho play will bo used to help do- part of this week. fray tho expenses of tho state con- two weeks hero vlBltlng hor sister, Mrs. Albert McConnoll. Her homo is in Choyenno. Mrs. Brownfleld sent word yostor -:o: FURNITURE 3IAN DECIDES MOVE HIS STORE TO A LIVE TOWN TO THE BETTER DRESSER WEARS A MALLORY HAT I Very Snappy and Smart Are Our New Fall THESE ARE REMARKABLE VALUES FOR THESE PRICES AND OUR NEW NEW FALL LINE IS COMPLETE. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY North Platte's Foremost Clothiers For Men and Young Men I. Davis of Choyenno has leased tho store room formerly occupied by tho Equity store and about October I will movo his furnlturo store from Cheyenne to this city. Ho decided to leave Choyenno becauso of busi ness conditions and after Investiga tes other localities settled upon North Platte. Ho is reported to havo told local business men that hot wanted to como to a Hvo town. Mr. Davis has boen in tho furnlturo "business in Cheyenne for seven years. Tuesday at the nomo of Mrs. James charge of tho guest book. Guffoy at Sutherland, Nebr., when i ' Tho bride is tho oldest daughter hor daughter Miss Esther Guffoy bo- J ot Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Frator. Al came tho brldo of James S. Boyle of no boglnning of tho war sho enlisted this- cltv. Tho coremonv was a Rod Cr0B3 nurso and was sen formed by Father Gassner of tho j to Fort Shoridan where sho was Sutherland Catholic church, ln tho lator transferred to a hospital m nresence of a few intimate friends. California. Mrs. Robb has been aur- Secretary Baro did a good, thing when ho kept track of tho discuss ions and at tho closo of tho mooting stated tho impressions ho had receiv ed and asked of thoy were right. A chorus of "ayes" from tho men showed ho had gono to tho center of each proposjtlon and sensed the opinion of tho mooting. -:o: SHOP CRAFTS TO PUT ON FOR BENEFIT OF STBIKERS BALL Posters are out announcing a bene fit ball to bo given by tho striking shop crafts at tho Lloyd opera house on Wednesday, Soptomber 20. Ino American Legion Orchestra has been engaged and a good timo is assured Dancing begins at nlno with tlckcta at ono dollar each, Tho bride woro a dark bluo sufi with hat to match and carried a shower boquet of roses. Sho was i attended by Miss Boulah McGraw who also woro a dark bluo suit. Ed Boyle, brother of tho groom acted as best man. Tho houso was taste fully decorated with forna and pm plo and whlto astors. After tho ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the Guffoy home. The brldo Is a graduato of tho Sutherland high school and was re cently ompioyed hero. Tho groom is a local young man and is employed on tho Union Pacific railroad as an onglneor. Mr. and Mrs. Boylo left tho samo day for points in Califor nia whoro thoy will Bpond sovoral weeks. gical nurso at tho Sonoma Stato homo in California. Both tho brides maids woro army nurses with Mrs. Ross. '. Tho groom has boon in the em ploy of a publishing house In San. Francisco. Mr. and Mre. Ross clt tho samo ovoning for a trip thru tho east after which thoy will make their homo in SanFranclsco. With this young couplo go tho hearty congrat ulations of all their friends. . Frator.Ross Nuptials A vory charming wedding took Say Folks, It's Free We welcome you tomorrow evening to attend our opening. Come and meet us in our new business home at at 510 Locust Street, between the hours of 7:30 and 10:30 P. M. THE H. & S. AGENCY Flowers for the Ladies. Cigars for the Men AT THE SUN v Sunday, Monday, Tuesday WILLIAM FARMUM The Celebrated Star in A STAGE ROMANCE A 1922 Dramatic Masterpiece, Directed by Herbert Brenon. Based on Famous Play by Alexandre Dumas.