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The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 19, 1922, Image 1

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No. 73
Hard Work By The Officers And Committees is Shown
In The Many And Varied Products
Bein& Exhibited.
The 1922 .Lincoln County Progressive Fair Is open. The gates were closed
to free entry this morning nnd'only those who havo tickets will be admitted
until the fair Is over. This Is the rulo with tho exception that tomorrow
all school children are admitted free. Tomorrow night Is tho big flroworks
display. It is said to bo better than tho big display last year. Every afternoon
tho entertainment program begins. Secretary Souder said ho did not know
just when tho grand stand entertainment would begin In tho afternoon
because ho was afraid that they could
not finish in timo for supper anyway.'
Trotting races, auto races, wild west
siunis, sauuie horse races, pony i
races, vaudeville acts, three bands !
that is a part of tho program ottered 1 Tlle now quarters of tho H. & S.
for tho amusement and entertainment I Agency at 510 Locust Strost was the
of tho fair. I scono of a brilliant social gathering
Tho livestock exhibit is expected to I when more than eighteen hundred
exooll all previous years. Fino.'PePl0 attended the recoptlon given
horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and poul-by tho management. The new rooms
try will be seen in largo numbers. ' navo ueon tastefully decorated and
The precinct exhibits are being pre-! furnished and wore made especially
pared and new precincts are entering i attractlvo by quantities of beautiful
which did not make a showing ia8t!flowors which were presented by
year. Tho exhibit which took 172 ! loca firms and companies from over
prizes at this year's Nebraska Stato j tho state. A receiving lino headed
Fair will bo on display in Agricultur-1 y Mr- and Mrs. Carl Hollman and
al hall. The work of the boys and , Mr. Mrs- James E. Sebastian met
girls clubs is to bo shown in compar-, the visitors and received their greet
ison with what the grown people are Ins- Visitors from out of the city,
Bhowing. The admission ,has been I wero guests of the firm were T.
reduced to 50c for adults and 25c for j A- Phillips, vico-prosident of the Minn
children. This admits to tho, exhib-1. osta Mutual. Insurance Co., Mlnneap
itfon and the amusement departments ( Us; R. D. Muxlow and R. A. Gray,
two big shows for the ono admission , Kansas managers of tho same comp
charge. Tho fair will close Friday, any: B- Davis of tho Rochester
night. Fire Insurance Co., of New York; J.
:o: Burk Taylor of the Norwich Union
J. V. Romlgh reports the sale of
Dodge Brothers touring cars to "W. H.
Hunt of Somerset, Roy Rykor of Well
fleet and Albert Wilson of Gothen
burg and a Dodge Business Coupe to
R. A. Greensllt.
The Volstead law supporting the
eighteenth constitutional amendment
has stood every possible teat of tho
higher court of the . nation brought
on by the liquor, element of the
country In their efrofts to nullify 4t.
Failirig'in this, their attention and ef
ort to gain their goll has now turned
to electing a congress that will, mod
ify tho law and thus dDreat tho intent
of the eighteenth amendment by allow
ing the manufacture and sale of light
wines and beer. This condition .would
soon open the way, for the return of
the old timo saloon.
; -
Lincoln County
"We favor the rigid enforcement of the) liquor laws of the State' -and
Nation. j
"Wo do not favor changing the Volsteaju act to legalize the sale of light
wines and beers." '
(If you favor tho above please clip
Gregg, chairman, North Platte, Nebr.
Clinton's for Spectacles.
A. E. Hawley of Horahey was a
business visitor In tho city'Saturday.
L. W. Roth o Dickens was a busi
ness visitor in tho city Saturday.
Miss Volma Kouso of Cozad was a
business visitor in tho city yestorday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
William Huxoll Sunday
Miss Pearl Hunter returned Sun
day from Hastings after visiting rela
tives for a fow days.
E. M. Hatch of MuUon, Nebraka,
waB a business visitor in tho city
J. J. Doctor an employe for tho
P, F. E. suffered a badly brulsea
back Saturday when ho foil from a
Earl Kemper, a machlnost suffcrea
a badly bruised foot Saturday .while
working on an engine. A piece or
iron fell striking his foot.
Mrs. Geo. Gibbs, Mrs. Carl Bod
bock and Miss Hazel Simpson j left
yostcrday for York to attend tho (con
vention for tho Auxiliary to tho
American Loglon. ;
Fire Co, of New York; Ira E. "Walt
I and M. J. Robinson of tho Union Fire
Insurance pc. sPloaslnj? gifts wore
made toj tho ladles' . and gentlemen
who attended and balloons enlivened
the scone.
To meet this proposition, tho pro
hibitlonlsts of the nation ard called
upon everywhere to oxert ovefy effort
to see that this condition be not
brought about. :
In accordance with tho above "the
dry forces of Lincoln county are
called, on to organize to meet this un
patriotic movement in the fall cam
paign. The following organization coin
.posotl of legal voters, both men and
women, has been formed headed by
tho most staunch prohibitionists of
tho i county.
tls form, sign and mall to A.
Do It now.)
A. C. Tllley loft yesterday for
York where ho is a delegato to tho
American Legion convention Is being
held in that city.
Joe Nolan and H. R. Bradley
motored to York Sunday whero they
will attend tho American Legion
'Mrs. It. O. Johnson and children
retimed Friday from Lincoln and
pornts in Iowa whore they spent
several weeks visiting relativea.
J51mer Hastings and Gerald Decker
wpro arraigned in police court yes.
tprday and fined $14.80 for speeding
qn West 4 th street.
Alvin and Claudo Wolngand lort
Sunday ovonlng for Boulder, Colo.,
ivhoro thoy will attend school this
f Word was received In tho city by
relatives telling of tho birth of a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bar
ber of Fort Worth, Texas.
Tho funeral of tho lato John C.
Todd was hold yestorday at 3 o'clock,
from tho Malonoy chapol with Rov.
Patterson of tho Presbyterian church
officiating. Tho B. of R. T. wero in
chargo, burial was mado In tho load
! cemetery.
h 1 s- I N MMmMgm? y'
lU AlOPEJiDI d V M Wkyou WK - lyj
n ) put'er. UP ) "SS 8 (fail unncp ) FP ttI
Sunday noon, Sheriff Salisbury
raided a house In the 2300 block'.
between west third and fourth stsJ
and found about 500 gallons of masn
probably two gallons of boozo anai
two stills on the stove and ready ror'5
business but not working at the
time he got Miore. Chan. Shaffer j
was In charge with the key to tho
uouse in ins pockoi. mo nouse is - - . y. v w
nhv Un WiL hntJ.nN'Mra, Hugh Holllugsworth who
other parties. Shatter Is In jalf tna
will be given his hearing toW This
Id the Bathe house that was raided
some wbeksago 'when nothing was
Tho committee of Yeoman appoint-
ed to select a slto for the Yeoman
homo will arrive In North Platte this
afternoon on a special car attached
to the fast mall train Arho comm.!"" fref to tho irrigation ditch
Ittee will bo mot by tho local com- SR" "o last of tho week. Tho trader
mlttee composed of vepresentallves and tllrt loader aro at. work and mat-j
of tho civic and commercial bodies. er,nl ,a bcIn assembled on the ground
It will bo tho guests of tho Rotary for tno concrete base and curbing,
club at dinner this ovonlng. To- Tho contractor oxpocts to comploto
morrow It will Bpend in looking over nav,n6 tho districts now started, bo-
sites for the" location of tho home. foro wlntor seta In.
At nnnn it will lift tlio m.oafa nf Mm
KlwanlB club and In tho
dinnor will bo glvon at.
racinc dining rbon, at which the
nnflro tnrnl nnrt vlnltlnn- rnmmlf too
will bo present and tho formal invi-
tatlon on behalf of tho city will bo
Members of the committee of tho lnB wlth L01011 Doring who was out
Woman's Club which is in chargo of i on Darl- Lorjng was sont up from
tho production of "All Aboard" have 1 Hnl1 county for grand larceny but was
Bolcctcd tho principal characters ini'larolod to M father. Ho has boon
tho cast but still have somo places
In tho choruses to fill. Tho play was
written by tho late Jamo McCroo. Tho
star part "Billy" was ono that help-
ed-to mako tho lato John Drew fam-
ous. John Ritnor is playing the part
of Billy In tho present production
while Donald Russell plays Johnny
Grady. Marguerite Campbell Is tak-
lcg I L Patrice Sloan and room waa formoriy tau ht b MIa3
Mrs. W. J. TIloy acts tho part of Mrs. aoorglna McKay MIss McKa
Sloan. Mary Ellsworth Is Dorothy, a tako ch of a dlvj8,on of thQ flrflt
t ZJL in"", 7 , T grad3 thus rollov,nS to overflow In
Is Captain Kldd. Alexander Phono IsMr8 Drakoa r00m whQ h fl
carried by Ralph Bbmo while Harry l rollmont Q '
commcdlannes. "All Aboard" Is to bo
glvon at tho Keith on Soptombor 28
and 2D and tickets aro now selling at
tho Rexall drug storo. Any member
ot tho club will bo glad to help In tho
(purchaso of tlckots.
Tho marrlago of Burton M. Fisher
ot Moorofleld and Miss Leafy E.
Clark also of Moorofleld took placo
Saturday, Judgo Woodhurst officiat
';OM -f rlemlsRTO glad" togret lg"v.
aro PPondln a few days hero on a
, Vl8lt" They now live in California. Mr,
Holllngswqrth came hero latf In 1894
a8 Bocrotor of tho Nort nail-,
A moxican by tho name of Garcia
was arrested some timo ago wlillq
taking a shirt from tio St'ar ''clol?mg
-Co. and Thursday he,' .was fined,, $50
anu cost in the, county court. Not,
"having that amount' ho is laying out'
tho fine in tho county Jail
Work on tho pavement of South Loc-
ests of tho Application for divorce was llled I " ",u D' r l ulu
ovening a yesterday with George Weasel cleric' written "J,0"" haS ,to (1 ;vlt!1
tho Union of the District court of LIncotwo young collo boys who ar lioth
Annll,Mnn At
' C0Unty, by Mrs. Fern Whiting asking
' . . ? . ' !
iur aujmrmion irom ner nusDanu
Richard Whiting on tho grounds or
crUolty and desertion. Tho caso
wlu come 00foro jU(g0 Tewel at the
'fall torm of tho district court.
Walter Rador, connected with tho
board of pardons and paroles was In
the city yestorday and loft this morn-
arounu North Platto for several
months and recently was convicted ot
stealing clothes belonging to Nick
Francis. His parolo was cancelled.
Miss Alice M. Andrew of Chovenno
( Wyoming, came yestorday to toko
, charge of ono of thn ronmn in ,
Llncoln school having a division ot
tho fourth and fifth grades. This
North Platto pcoplo should not
forgot tho Flromon's Carnival which
Is .to bo hold Friday ovonlng at tho
Lloyd. Thoro will bo a good atten
dance but tho proccods will not bo
largo unless others buy tickets than
thoso who attend In tho ovonlng.
Tho objoct of tho carnival Is to
ralso money to' entertain tho stato
convention of tho Volunteer flromen
In January and tho boys should bo
Tho North Platte Ladles' Band
gave a froo concert In tho court houso
square Friday night to ono of tho
largest crowdu gathered there this
Bummer. Tho ladies wero In attrac
tlve uniforms and made a ploasing
appearance. Earl Stamp la tho dir.
, ector and wai at his best. Tho
j music ,was a surprise to those, who
had? novhearrtthcband .for some
, , ... ....
"me and especially enjoyable was
the cornet duot by Mrs. Stoffrcgon
j and Miss Schwa ger Other num.
bora wore enthusiastically applauded,
Frank Turplo ane 'Smllin' Through-
innd pleased all who woro fortunate
' enough to bo near enough to hear.
!,Thp band. Is to bo congratulated on
Ho progress and tho flnb work It Is
j doing. . i
Tho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.,
Stuart Andorson died yestorday. Tho
ftinornl will hn hold thla nftnrnnn
from tho Malonoy Chapol at 2:30
be-'nov stovonB of Ul0 chrlstlan church
j 0fTicinting.
, It 'might be IntoroHtlng to some to
( know that tho-action of tho musical
j comody "All Aboard" which tho North
Platto Woman's club is sponsoring
for production horo, takes place on
IJOttrU IIIO H. O. f lOHUa and 1110 ClOVOr-
f!? 1o? w"h tllBa r 0n of
tllOm lias the misfortune to lOSO four
of his tooth In a football gamo and
tho lost teeth hnvo a great deal to do
with the comody situations ot which
thoro nro a plenty.
Miss Margarot A. McConnoll Is
principal ot the Lincoln grado school
In tho fourth ward. Sho camo horo
just as school was started and tho
announcomont of her selection was
overlooked. Her homo Is In Homlng
ford. Sho has served ono torm ns
county superintendent pt Hamilton
county, with tho county neat at Aur
ora. Last yoar sho spent part of the
year In tho Chadron stato normal and
part doing supply work In tho Al
liance city schools. Sho is well qual
ified for hor work and comes highly
Rocently E. H. Moroy, chief ot tho
bureau ot roads and bridges of tho
stato of Nebraska causod a count of
tho number of vohlcles of different
kinds which passod certain points on
tho highways of tho stato. Tho count
"waB mado at olghtoon placos. Sun
day was found to bo tho big day ot tho
weok for nuto travol and from 5 to 8
o'clock In tho ovonlng Is tho timo when
tho travol Is dono. Nino-tenths of tho
vehicles woro pleasuro cars and moro
than half bolonged In the county In
which thoy woro counted. During tho
wook tho count was mado Just wost of
North Platto on tho Lincoln Highway.
Tho roport says tho total numbor of
vohlcles counted nt that point during
tho wook was 4,900. It was supposed
to havo been an avoTago wook of tho
! At a special meeting of tho board of
i Education, hold last Thursday after-
noon, Superintendent Brabam ro.
ported tho total onrollmont of the
city schools to date to bo 150 mora
than at this timo last year, according
to tho records In his office Ono
room roportod closo to eighty pupils
and others wero overcrowded. After
I considering tho condition from all
standpoints, it was decided to open
up ono of tho basement rooms and
put ono grado thoro. This Is only
a temporary arrangomont and plan
nod to onablo all tho pupils to bo In
school regularly. Tho Junior High
school Is over-crowded so that classes
aro hamporcd and pupils do not
havo tho opportunities of study ana
recitation which thoy should havo.
Various classes of tho sonlor high
school nra Crowded boyond tho
Btandard of other schools, tho main
assembly holding about 160 scats
with about 280 pupils to bo Boutea
thoro. Tho Washington school la
well filled ns Is tho Baker school
whoro It Is roportod that 36 pupils
aro attondlng. North Platto is a
growing city. Now houses aro bolng
constantly comploted and occupied.
Desirable housos do not stay vacant,
whon afqred for ront. Thoro aro
moro pcoplo In North Platte now
than ovor havo lived horo beforo ana
moro aro coming. The school plant
must bo enlarged. N.ow buildings
must bo built in suitable locations.
Tho grounds and building committee
ot tho board of education, is doing Us
best to meet tho situation but it
looks liopoless" to try 'ah'd contlnuo to
glvo sorvlco without additional school
facilities. Tho mattor has not been
taken up officially by tho board bf
education but It is said by those
who ar,o well Informed that a build,
ing program must bo started beforo
long If tho condition aro to bo met.
When .the larmers of tho DIgneU,
community got up last Friday morn,.
Ing thoro was room for them to,be'
downcost over tho weather pros
pects. But Weatherman Shilling had
predicted fair weather and fair It,
was although partly cloudy. Thb,,
program Is reported to gone off a .
advertised. Quito a crowd from
North Platte, Maxwell and the rural
communities outside BIgnoll attendejj
tho afternoon exorcises and some
thirty or moro North Platto pcoplo
wero counted In tho evening crowd.
The exhibits woro said to havo been
hotter than last yoar. Tho main
speaker of tho ovcnlng could not be
present and local speakers wero call
ed upon. Tho visitors wero strong
In oxpresslng their appreciation of
tho community spirit of tho Bignell
pcoplo and what It Is accomplishing
for tho good of that section of tho
county. .
Saturday was tho first day ot tho
open soason on ducks and there were
many hunting parties out of North
Platto. Somo went tho night before
and woro ready for tho ' sunrlso
lllght. Varied roports havo como In
as to tho luck of tho huntors. Ono
party ot two from the court house
got about 100 ducks In tho two days
they woro out. Another party o
four got three ducks the first day.
Tho roports agrco that thoro aro
many ducks In tho country but somo
Bay thoy are wild and eomo own up
to not bolng ablo to get near them.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Plummer loft
Wednesday for a fow months visit
with relatives near BradBhaw, Nebr.
Mr. Plummor vnceded a rest and a
chango and It was thought -that a
fow months on Mrs. Plummer's
brothor's farm in York county would
put him In good shape again.
Miss Esthor Schwalgor will leavo
this ovonlng for Now York City whore
sho will attond Columbia University
this wlntor. Enrouto sho will Join
hor sister, Mrs. Earl Nichols who will
also attend Columbia. Thoy will both
visit In Washington, D. C. beforo go
ing to Now York.

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