OCR Interpretation

The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 29, 1922, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010270504/1922-09-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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No. 76
f emi-xiEcehln
Demand's Of Tax Payers Is Met By Substantial Lower
ing Of The Amount Levied - State
Increases Valuation.
Tho tax levy for Lincoln county was certified to Treasurer Souder
from tho county clerk's office yesterday. It shows that tho state levy has
been roduced from 3.3 mills to 2.3 mills; tho county levy remains at 5.7
mills which was the levy last ear; tho city levy was 15.7 and this year it
Is 12.0 The North Platte city scnools asked for 20.fi mills last year
and this year they got 21.5 mills. This makes a (otal reduction in the
tax levy of North Platte of 2.8 mills
with corresponding reductions In tho 01 If) FIT PTfinirO flT
other school districts of tho county ! hill III I ,1 K Kl r
accord s as they increase or lower UNU 1,1 UIUMIl-U Ul
tho school tax of their respectivo HCnm f A II 11 Tl 111100
districts. Tho school districts of iTHm T UN II H NIlS
Lincoln county reduced tholr taxes '"U ,,mauu
for school purposes $55,000 for noxtl
year. A comparison of tho county I ITEMS OF INTEItEST AHOUT HE-
1 I - - t . a i
XSStr A5A (jjif
The Following Announcement Of The Fourth District Of
, The State Teachers' Association Is
Made By Officers
levy is given below
1021 1922
General Fund 1.7 1,6
Road Fund .5 .
Bridge Fund 1.1 1.3
Agricultural Society ..1 .1
Mother's Pension Fund .1 .1
Past duo indebtedness 1.0 1.0
Emergency Bridge fund .2 .2
Totals . 4.7 4.7
I Marriago license wero issued this
iweok to Alfred T. Evans 21, and
Miss Phllomena Warden 18 both of
uanuy and Wm. R. O'Connor, 24
! vlllo.
The cry for lower taxes has been E L Barrac asalstant
ImLT V TT01111;!1 floluf)representaUvo of the U.
Officials was in renlv to this demnnd. n " ... . .
Coach Neville and his snuad ot ; Scout Exocutivo Stephens has an-
1 football players left this noon, for onced a six period school of 1n-
Cozad where tho team will meet tho structlon for scoutmastors and coni
Cozad boys today. Tho Hno-up as niHtPomon to be given on Octobor
announced last night Is: McWllllams, 23, 2G, 27, 30 and Novombor 2 nnd3.
right end; Palmer, right tackle; Th rat three periods will bo sjont
Wilson, right guard; Pitman, center; m eottlng tho big Idea of scouting
WIngett, left guard; Pease, left tack. 'nci oss and tho gcnoral mothods of
and Miss Enda Cameron, 24 Rock.ile; Rcctor loft end Yearsley, right Proccoauro while tho last throo per
vlllo. ' , half; Shaner, quarterback; Stroupi i loils will bo Intensive training on tho
ion nan; Yates, lull Hack; uorinan; lt;ais eacu one win navo to give, tho
Weber, Bedkor, Tout, Wilson and! hours will bo from 7:30 to 9
Announcements are being sent out this wook regarding tho State
Teachers' Association mooting which is to bo hold at North Platte, Octobor
' 13 t0 21- tiIb la oo ot the'Blx districts Into which tho stato has boon
j divided and this district comprises quite a number of countios In tho
finite vnuoy and adjoining. Following Is tho announcement of tho officers:
Have you mado your plans for a pllgrlmago to tho educational Mecca
I of District No. 4 for this yoar, North
Platto hns propared to glvo you a.
lino welcome Besldos giving tho
Association a great musical treat, tho
Chamber of Commorco Is providing
In overy way for accommodation of
tho various mootlngu and conven
iences of tho visitors. Lot us show
VARIOUS CIVIC AND BUSINESS 1 North Platto our full appreciation.
nnwi7AirnKa nu nrmv 'Bo tuoro on "Wednesday ovonlng to
ORGANIZATIONS OF CITY hoar Dr Eyondon Q QohmUa Unl.
TO UNITE ;vorsIty, tho first apoakor on tho pro-
' gram. This will bo your only chanco
j to hear him for ho goes to 'Norfolk' on
At a mooting of tho officers of tho Thursday and to Lincoln and Omaha
local flro dopartmont and tho flro j on Friday and Saturday to spoak to
prevention cominitteo of local insur. tho irathorln M In tlinnn iltntrtrtu Tin
anco board it was decided to obsorvo lEvondon is Professor ot Education
i- iro I'rovontion wook In North Platto , Administration and will discuss ad
thls year. This is a national move, ministration probloniB. Suporintcnd
mont and tho date's aro Octobor 2nd onts, principals, and supervisors, cs-
t i 10 3Ul All tho local civic organlza-1 peclally, should not miss UiIb address.
officials was In reply to this demand. I Si veterans Bureau will be In North ated tho Cozad team by a big score 1 i:AltLY SETTLER OF LINCOLN I Uona skod to help and glvo On Thursday, Miss Ella V. Dobbs
The state board of equalization in-iPlatto today- Ths , h been I last week and the locals aro hoping COUNTY PASSES AWAY, VVcr publicity to tho tvork. Over of Columbia, Mo., President of tho
creased the tax valuo of Lincoln added to hIg territory' and ho wm i to do as well or bettor. 1 THIS MORNING a billion dollars roprosonts tho flro National Primary Council, will bo
ounty real estate 19 percent above iakp frpmiPnt tvina w o ,. '1 - , . , :lo8S r this country last year after prosoul both forenoon nnd aftornoon
. ... maKe rre(luent trips here as assist- . . , Mrs. Issac DiUIon died at tho homo , ihn inllMt, , , ln tnura
the amount returned bv the Lincoln t tt, . next ten days by those Interested, t .
, . . i1"" LU v. iucvjonnon wno coverB ' or ner uaugnter, Mrs. L. W. Walkor,
- " i.v ,inis inrrirnrv.
Lincnln county assessors had mado
a substantial reduction in tho valuations.
, The funeral of the late W'llllam'
Depuy wnB held at 10 o'clock yoster-
this morning of an illness which has
looked sorious for soveral weoks past
She was attended during her last
A committeo ot the North Platte
Woman's Club,' with Mrs. Ralph Gar
man tis chairman, is sponsoring the
celebration of "Better Homes Week'
from October 9 to 14. The committee
is to have representatives of the dif
ferent civic organizations of the city
and' to meet next Monday, night for
ortranlznt'nn. fThn nolohpntlnti la 'nn
U " . w . U.V J
tional and is being promoted by civic ,as follows
and business orcanlzations over tho
country. A number ot the merchants
have been receiving literature from
wholesale houses and trade organl-
mttrt.. rni, I 1 1 i i .
kept for the suggestions it furnishes
It is planned to use tho former J. S
A. c. Townley, president of thoday from tho MothodlBt clmreh. wltu
nauonai on-PartIsan League was!Rov Hcss ofnc,atlnB. Tll0 Modcrn ' sickness by tho loving hands of her
S? ta.Pftt? Wn.anjrttojl. in a body . anWwo daughters, Mrs. Ljster .Walker
luesday evening. A fair Bizo crovd w; lrrr;,. ..,,., ,,...n ..;:.V.
' o .- ww. i v.j. .u.ut v. mi O.V vuituiu uuuuyviii, iviro.
gathered in tle court room ana
waited until nine o'clock but when
ho did not appear, they left. Somo
fnrihors who camo quite a distance
were much disappointed.
Prizes wero awarded at the county
fair to tho precinct collective exhibits
First, Payne, 650; sec
ond, Hershey, 585; third, HInman,
445; fourth, Sellers, 3C5; fifth, Max
well, 320; sixth, Cottonwood, 300;
seventh, Sutherland, 235; eighth,
Osgood, 165. Tho number following
each precinct named above represents
tho number of nointn nwarded tlmt
Hoagland homo on west fourth street j precinct by tho Judge.
ana to show In actual life how the
home and its furnishings can bo iru- i
i. vj.cm. mo iiiui uiiuuia uuu U1UU3 Oli , '
the city will co-operato in supplying ' tney th,nk l e,nS to b Prlty sood
tne rurnisnings.
The people of Somerset aro putting
on a Round-Up on October 1, which
u. ' ...
Mrs. Theodore Funld of Wn-llnnn i a cood sunnlv of atfiora niwl hronnlinB
1 - - - w.U. .UU J bllU UtUil(limiv"vJ J fi ... v.. i . a j - - -j
u uuBuiosB visiior in mo cuy yes-1 in mo aiiernoon inoy expecc to navo trails. It has mnnv rnfArnnoon In oouiDinent lias boon ordered and .ron. on iuesaay, uociouor 3 at z:3U t. :o:
torday a championship ball game between history and biography and lias its own resents tho last word in beauty and ni. A full attendanco of tho mom- Tho RIncker Drug Co. will begin
, Echo and Farnam. Thoso teams each ! number in somo library catalogues, convcnlonco. Exports In candy male- ' hers of this dopartmont is desired, i nifovlng Into tho room rocontly vacat
. Every Saturday Night
They have searched tho country for
the best riders and ponies and have
taken out and fifteen thousand lives ' Brntl work. Sho will bring an ox-
were lost by flro during tho samo ,1,0,t with her and roquosts a chanco
time. This should mako an appeal to moot tJl teachers. Sho will have
to everyone to Join In tho activities ! U' MIss Dobbs Is full of her subject
of flro provontlon wook. Tho, dotalls ftnd an aDl speaker.
of tho program, aro not complete but 1 On Friday, Dr, Wm, A. MeKocver fft,
'It Is announced that tho bova ami ot Kansas will bn
uuuu,j,, i,0. 1B miuuuucuu mai mo Doya ana 01 ivansas win do present for the
was made in the local cemetaryi Mr. 'DUllon camo, to North Platto in oarly girls In the schools will bo asked to (afternoon and evening meetings, ahd
Depuy died Wednesday noon at the days, about forty-flvo years ago and take an actlvo part In a survey of perhaps for the morning, too. Dr.
ago of G4 years Ho leaves tounouru ' has boon one of tho homo makers ih ,mio i i., tir,nn i 1 .
his death a wife and four children. I Wlm lllLVA lrinili fllln nllv inlmt It In
Ho was an employee .for, tho P. F. E. Tho old family homo was In what Is
up till tho "mo of his death. now knowir as' tho city park and the will ho announced lator.
n, . b'rovo then? is still called "Dllllon's'
i liu liuiuu Ul 11115 I1UW UOUl WlllCIl .. I l ' """
v.. ... .... . IGrove" by the older settlers. Hor NEW DEPARTMENT OK wmrAWH 1 armed with thn fncfa )n n,nn,ia
' - I ' w - i -w w-u V IIIUIV ll&O
prizes aro to bo awardod to tho best ' 'lont Vof rural education, and a -brll-return.
Details of tho nrizo offurB I Hnnt lecturer. On Fridnv ovenine
no wui give inis nuarossy on Moral
Training. No spoakor comes to' us
tne ivenrasKa Mill & Elevator Co. is ' "v i
i husband, died in 1910 and her son.
juinub um. fo 111X3 '
flrst brand was "Golden West' but is sldney V- Sho was a loyal work
was discovered that this name was er In tho Presbyterian church nnd liad
used .by another firm in tho eastern a wldo acquaintance among tho older
part of tho state and so a new name Peoplo of tho- community. No fun
was selected. eral arrangements had been mado as
"Sioux Lookout" Is tho most riromin- wo go to press.
cnt geographical landmark In Lincoln :oi
countv. Tho mnirnr nv Hmv infon.i ' Razes Bros., who conduct tho shoo
the Sioux Lookout flour to tower shining shop In tho Masonic bulld-j
pblnts as Dr. McKeovcr. Ho handles
tho movements that aro dwarfing
The programme first mooting iUr SOcInI ,,to; w,thoIJt B,,0,oa' 3
r, r . , i V .1, ?!Mono moasago Is worth the tr p' to
or tho Music department of tho North !North pintto ,t "
Platte Woman's clCb is as follows nnai.inD m.' ......-..
A study of tho history of Music with or8( thoro Is provldod n fa
MIsb Janet McDonald as leader; voc
al solos by Miss Esther Antonldea
and piano selections from Borao of
covering all phases of school work,
grauo anu nign scnool, city and rural.
Round-table discussions will follow
uiyjiiA. uuuwui, 1IUU1 uo lunur M . . i .....
above all o,thor brands and that Is j ing, have leased tho room now oc-j tUo earlier composers by Miss Flor- ovory gonoral sosslon. Somo otttHc
'fliA rniunn tlmv nnmn.i it nn. cunlod hv tho Tllnfi1rni Drue f!o. tind
enco McKay. Madollno BlickenBder- host talent of tho Rtnfo wilt lift TltA.
prominent headland. Sioux. Lookout i about November 1st thoy will open for wIU ronaor a group of vocal se-jont to load and take part in tho'dis-
in early days was known to all travel- a restaurant and candy-shop which IectIons' Th0 mooting will bo held icusslons. You will havo a chance', to
ers over tho Oregon and tho Overland they say will be first class. Tho j1" mo panor or tno Mothodist church j got just tho holp you need.
have good records and It Is expected ! But It probably was not Its early his- lng and catering havo been engaged
thoy will play an Interesting game. ! tory which influenced tho manage- and tho now establishment promises
... ; ., , jmont of tho mill to namo Its best to be a credit to tho city.
Box B of tho circulating Kenealog-(bnm(1 of fljmr aftcr SIouj
leal library bo onglng to tho state D.ut rather ltg comraandine posltlon A bcautiful Uuo of trImmcd hat8
A. R. arrived In North Platto yestor- i today
oay nna can do seen uy tnoso inter
ested at tho Y. A. HInman homo,
302 W. Third. Tho box contains
Just arrived. : Block's atoro.
od by' C. M. Nowton In tho near
. W - - T
Miss Floronco Stack and mother 1 future Contracts havo beon lot for
Mrs. W. F. Stack left yesterday f6r
Lexington to visit at tho Wilfred
Stuart homo for n few days
tho remodelling of tho front of tho
building so that it will havo upto
Gato show windows.
The Star Clothing House will
give away several pairs of ladies jtwonty volUmes of books on Maine,
and gentletnens silk hose. Now Hampshire Connecticut, Now
nAMnl?f A ... York, Rhodo Island and North Car-
AT DANCELAND. Jolina. It can bo seen during tho
Ashes or Neglect Which
Suppose it had been the old Lloyd Opera House
or the Besack Livery Barn Saturday! Where
would Dewey Street have been today, in spite
of our able, good and loyal fire department?
Ashes or INSURANCE? We have the remedy
and it is not ashes.
Let Your
Next Hat Be a
I? ' The World's Best Value lor
purchase pf a Mallory Hat.
IIT ITBIMII I Mill I mnnlir
Sole Agents for Mallory Hats in North Platte
Stock Up For Winter I
Good Ohio Table Potatoes, in quantities,
delivered, per bushel
Cabbage, per hundred, pounds
Onions, per bushel
Navy Beans, 3 pounds for
A 48 Pound Sack Guaranteed Flour
. .25c
822 No. Locust FREE DELIVERY Phone 203

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