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Newspaper Page Text
Utortk TUESDAY and FRIDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 7, 1922 NO. 87 rnxhmxt Another Year ALL ELECTION 15 BEING HELD TODAY MANY IMPORTANT OFFICES H13 1XU FILLHI) IX STAT AND COUNTY Today is Iho. rogitlar biennial elec tion when stnto and county olecfiyc ojccs nro fillpd. Every election I Place lu the cpiint'y is busy with the' casting of ballots, Tho women are voting In inoBt places, along with the men,. Fifty thousand ballots have been printed and sent out by' the county clerk. Each voter will receive four ballots. One is the gen-' f ral election ballot containing the names or all those who arocandi-i-dntes for regular offices, Another is Cjlie no.n-politicaKbailbt which con-' tajp tho names qft the candidates for t judicial and . soU'dbl offices. The' thjrd is a ballotfor the unexpired, term of Congressman Klnkatd and I the fourth Is the referendum on tho lour laws passed by the last legisla ture. Lincoln county has tw.o can- lidates on .the state ballot L. A. Larson is the progressive and pro hibition candidate for secretary or slate and Mrs. Mary Axtell is the' pro-, fc-reBslve candidate for commissioner of public lands and buildings. Of ' course all candidates for the county . ufices are from Lincoln county. One old time political leader said yester-; day that the cities would give a ' majority for, Hitchcock and Randall while the country would give a maj- 1 orlty vote Tor 'Bryan and Howell. He predicted the election of the latter, j Hob Simmons will be elected con- Kres-siuan by a big majority is the general prediction., S. M. Souder! for treasurer is expected to lead the county ticket with C H. Yost for register as a close second. No ono can say for sure whether Salisbury' Soturdaf th0 Ncbraska stafb Rall or Berthe wilMie-clected SherlfTuor--- consstonVendercd itTdwisIon does anyone know wbetl-er VonGoetz Qn Ul(J opplIcat,on oC tll0 Northwest Healy or Axtell will go to tho state orn BeU TeIephono Company for an legislature. It is generally predict-, lucrcaso of telephone rates in the mj that Theo. Lowe will beat Allen for clerk and that Jackson will wln;the HCC0Unta ln the state papers, tho In ra,n and. mud. Both teams were as commissioner. It Is said the en- decision h a verv strong one in favor venly matched and tho score Htood of all telephone subscribers outside 2 to 2 until tho last five minutes ot of tho city of Omaha. .the game when Chapel mado a t .x, t,. i , touchdown making tho final scoro 8 ill uiu city ui iMOXiii i-iunu inu usic- phono company demanded that tho rosldonco rates be increasd from .$2.20 for, tho one party lino to $2.50 and that tho business rates bo increased from $3.85 to $4.50 for one party line. Increases demanded upon two party lines wero in the Instead of the increase, tho Railway Commission, ordered a decrease in XU3II1KK OF UOllKOWJSllS AT CITY' 1 JiIIMlAIlY IS STILL GROWING Miss Whoolor roports sovonty now borrowers of books from tho city library during Octob'er. Tho total number of books loaned during tho , month was 2,7-10 which was a daily average or 105 books. Tho branch library ln Iho Lincoln school building has boon opon for throo weeks this fall and during that time 397 books havo boon olrotilatod. Tho librarian suggostfl that now is a good tlmo for North PlRttp pooplo to call at tho library and got acquainted with tho books and with tho librarian, especial ly sinco tho Teachors' association and 1 the state federation meetings nro over. ATTENDING THE UNI VERSITY OF NEBRASKA A IHItKCTOltY OF STUDENTS FROM NORTH PLATTE AT STATE SCHOOL :o: PROMINENT NORTH PLATTO CITIZEN PASSES AWAY TELEPHONE HATES !' TO BE NEW SCHOOL HOUSE IN CODY ADDITION' IS UNDER CON STRUCTIOV RAILWAY COMMISSION ORDERS LOWER RATES FOR MOST USERS Tho now school house in the Cody addition is now uer construction and splondld progress is bfling mhdo' toward Its completion. The water j main has been laid "up to the school building on fourth street. The Bowerf SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE AND THINGS will be freezes. Installed before tho ground' ITKJ1S OF INTEREST AllOUT RE (MINT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY :p:- .SCOUT TROOP Til RUE -LOOSES'La marriage Hconso was issued yes- IIAKI) FOUGHT GAME Uerday to Miriah P. 'AHon of this city j KAxuiumi ' and urnco or.Fort Morgan, uoio. Troop Three lost to Chuppell Satur- .... . .. ilnv nftor n linrl fnnirht ir:imi nlaved i state or wenrasKa' anu according to - " try of Springer into the race for com missioner has divided the republi6an vote and given the place to Jackson. The counting. boards will. begin work, this noon and shortly after the polls close this evening the results' will be announced. :o: The Locust street crossing is used more than most people think. Sat-' urday while the rain was beating down hard a freight train went east. Whllo it passed the Locust street crossing, was closed. While It was passing 2 4 autos and trucks and 3 horse vehicles stood there waiting In the rain to go one way or the other. Railroad business is running strong. On tho third district there aro 31 chain freight crows, local crows and 2 work train crews making a total of 41 oj'ewri. to 2. Chappell will- probably play The llro department responded to seven callB during tho past month. here at some future date. Tho trip (TJio total loss was estimated at about was made to Chappell in cars. $200 in addition to several stacks of :u. 1' hay which burned west of the city but Clinton Nelson returned to his home could not bo reached, in Gothenburg Sunday after visiting . p. ii,a f,nmn of his sister Mrs. A. T. ' win no a oox suppor anu pro- same proportion. In tjie doath of James Snyder tho community looses ono of its pioneer sottlors. Mr. Snyder camo to North Platte in 1872 whon tho city was just a station. As a contractor ho helped to build tho first scho'ol houso in our city and tho first ' Catholic church. In tho lato seventies ho be gan working for -the Union Pacific railroad company whore ho served faithfully until his retirement on his sevontioth birthday, serving tho com pany for thirty-four years, tho last years Borving as conducted. In this capacity ho has carried over his di vision many of tho nations celobrlties and oven ninny from foreign lands. In his younger days lio served Ills country during tho Civil war enlisting for the first time In Company C, 129 regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Mr. Snyder was a member or tho ' Modern Woodman and other organ izations. As an old 'Citizen, an hon est mnn, a good nolghbor, husband and father and a lover of hard work Mr. Snyder will long bo remembered. He leaves to mourn bis untimely de cease his wife and two sons, Ray and jAsa. both living here. Tho funoral was held yesterday morning rrom the hpmq nt, 10 o'clock, Rev. Hess of 'the Methodist, church officiating. Burial was made ln the local cemetery. :o: A party consisting of Mrs. 13. P. ; Maupln, Mrs. Chas, Mnuplii, Mrs. J Simpson, Mrs. McGrew and Janot Green loft Saturday, morning ftfri Julesburg whoro they will be' the , guests nt a week end "party at the H. W. Green home. constitute tho stuuent council which j has direct chargo of most of the high school activities. , Ths Trlbuno prosonts lta annual directory lint of young men md wo mon rrom this city who arc enrolled In tho different boIk-c-Ih nnd collegod or tho Unlvon-iiy or Nobrnskd". The list muy not bo complete but It Is as nonr correct as possiblo nt tills time. Wo would appreciate any corrections or additions as It Is tho. aim to mako nn absolutely correct list. . Follow ing aro those wo have listed: 1., Jollno Antouides 2. Mrs. Jollno Antouides 3. Charlos Hirsch 1. Donald Nowtou 6. Walter Roynolds it. Donald Roynolds 7. Roland Locko 8. Eva Hoagland 0. Cal Schulz 10. Tlfeodoro Pay no 11. ' Carrol Stevens 12. Harold Spencer 13. Holon Bonnor 15. John Burko 11. William Elder 1C. Ray Roberts 17. Wilbur Swanson 18 Will Ada'hiRon 19. Mary Temnlo 20. Leon Ston 21- Towilsend Dent 22. Raymond Tottenhoff 23. Rsede Reynolds 24. Joo Plzer 25. Murl Maupln 2(u Junior Illnman . 27. Loren Hastings - NORTH PLATTE LOSES TO GOTHENBURG G HIPSTERS GAME Johnson. A daughter was born' to Mr. Mrs. William Slebold Sunday. and gram nt tho South Bluff school houso Friday November 17, two and ono half rate so that beginning December 1, In this flgh, The Chamber o Con, - " I!. nno nnrtv lin rates will bo $2.00 niorco employed win. i. onumuii - - for residence phones and ?3.50 per, attorney to make this fight nnd rap month for business phones. Tho of-; resent the city.. Ho wont to Lincoln foot of this decrease is to take off tlo j and joined forces with tho other cities 10 per cont.incroaso which has been and towns or tno state, ah organic In force since December 1, 1920. North Platto took a prominent part Special Reduced Price on Heating Stoves. Davis Furniture Co. 207-9 EAST 6th. Rminil fH Carner East of First National Bank. PHONE 106. tlon of all tho cities and towns ef fected was mado and Mr. Shuman was chosen to represent all of tho territory of tho state outside of Oma ha. Quito a number of hearings wero hid, both at Omaha and Lincoln and tho case had lieon- pending nine (months altogether when tho decision I was" rendered. Tho decision is some , of i eighty pages long but Uiq general of7 , It i fect Is to remove tho 10 per cent sur or at this school. A faculty meeting of all tho grado teachers in tho cily was hold yestor- Tho day In the Washington, nchool, purposo of the meeting was to pro- Word was received here this week that the Fire department at Norfolk will send fifty delegates and mem bers and a full sized brass band' will accompany thorn! . They expect to comp in Pullman sleepers nnd use them while hero. Tho convention' will bo held January 1G-17-18. North. Platto lost tho gamo Friday to Gothenburg by u scoro of 7 to 0. At tho ond of tho first half tho scoro was 0 to 0, showing that tho, team's Woro ovenly matched, At tho end ot tho third nuartor Gothenburg mado a touchdown making tho gamo 7 to 0. Tho scoro remained tho snmo until tho end ot tho game. Tho gamo clear through was straight football nnd tho ono special feature in tho playing of tho aothonburg tqam was Ub inter ference. This is tho first time ln a number ot years ot lntorscholastlo footbaU that (Gothenburg lias won from North Platte. This gamo also looses tho chan co of North Platte for tho state championship of this year. Tho next gnmo on tho schodulo for North Platto willl bo nt Columbus uoxt Friday. :o:- Frank Chorponnljig transacted business in Cozad Wednesday motq moro thorough work In Arithi metlc and a more regular attendance of the ' students. County Agent Kellogg is in Lin coln this week, attending tho nnnual school of instruction and conference the county agents of this state, is a most valuable- meotlng and ono which all county agents aro re charge which was put In effect on . quired to attend. Ho will probably December 1, 1920. Tho tolepliono rates bo home by Saturday. wero lncreasejd qulto substantially, however, for private branch ex- An election Is talking place this changes, whore there nro mora than' welc in the Senior high school which wonfv nTinnn in one nlaco. such as . s of more than ordinary lntorcst. Electrify! m TT7 , ln hotels otc. This effects Omaha, mora largely than any other city. An Twenty-one members of tho student council are nominated and from theso V ree Hours in Evening 4 lncreaso has also been allowed ln tho seven are to bo elected. Thcso with long distance charges, for person to representatives of the various major to person talks. organizations of tho high school will SPECIAL FEATURES WRITTEN IN COMBINATION WITH STANDARD LIFE FOLICIES Non-Cancellablo Accident and Health Insurance. Double Indemnity Provisions. Specifio Dlomombermont Provisions. Disability Income ClauBe. Monthly Life Income Provisions. Pure and Installment Income Endowment Provisions. Premium Waiver Clause. Post Mortem Dividends. Full Participation ln all Surplus. Automatics Non-forfeiture. Clause. Insurance that Insures Protection that Protects Fidelity Reserve Company Home Office Fourth and Locust Streets, North Platto, Nob. si 1 Hour in AM. 4 Hours in EM. Why Your Electric Light Bill May Be Higher Now! Last summer you only-usod olcctrlc light on an avoraco of threo hours each evening, Dut this winter you'll use It for at least an hour around breakfast time, and probably four and a half hours daring tho ovenlng. Hut you can oconomizo on electric current Ono way Is to uao tho right sized lamp in ovory flxturo, and keep tho lamp . and shado clean. This will give you bettor lighting for tho samo amount ot money- Try It. North Platte Light & Power Co.