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TUESDAY! and JbUtlDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMDER 10, 1922. No. 88 Matte mibmxt mm 10 HOLD FALL TERM OF DIgTRIGT COURl ANNUAL -'IllilUL OF THIS IMPORT-, AIS'TC COURT TO UK HELD ' THIS MONTH Tho fall term ot the district court for Lincoln cBunty will open Novem ber 20 arid- contlnuo Tor several weeks. Judge J. L. Towel 1 ot the thirteenth judicial district will pre side. Other officers are Geo. B. Pros ser, Clerk; A. .f. Salisbury, sheriff; Jas. T. Kccfo, county attorney and 1 Frank Smith, reporter. Tho docket contains 298 casesns printed and sov oral more havo been filed later mak ing over three hundred cases on fllo which is said to be tho largest docket ever printed. There are tho usual number of matters of estates and di vorces with more than tho usual num ber ot foreclosures of mortgages. Tho. list of Jurors is ns follows: ....... . .... Henry Cohn. Cottonwood, Fred Dick, iNurcn riaue so. a, ira uauey, nam orth Platte No. 3, Ira Dailey, Harri- son, Ed For. Garilold, Jease Fitch, son -Willow. Julius Hahler, North Platto:nnt ,n,i aNo. 1, M. C. Leth, Willow, J. B. Mur phy, Walker, Daniel McNeel, Roscdale, G. F. McCnll, Sunshine. Otto Mesmor, nemon. iveun eviiio, onn rrnuc, bo opeaed and counted Tho following, by Miss GibsoB. A special- effort No. 1, Joe Pielstlcker. Dickens, Fredla the unofflclal vote of Lincoln coun-Vas made to call all the patrons and Peckhamr Gaslln, G. A. Rahmeyer, Osgood, William Rose, Jorth Platte, No. 4, Carl Sonnerman, Sellers, Roy Spurrier, Hershey, Henry Sukrow, Cox. CharloB Soyferth. North Platto No. 1, John F. Snyder, Maxwell, Fred Tetro, Peckham, A. B. Yates, Suther Ijindund George Young, Medicine. :6: ANNUAL. LINCOLN COUNTY RED CROSS ROLL CAM, Tlip.'nnrlnfl ni tho nn tin ill Unci tlrnM j.v.. v... i..i,mio ...miouv,!, Day, Nov. 11th to Thanksgiving 1 Dav. Nov! 30th. Lincoln countv has a - been asked to obtain 1874 members sives. Tho canvassing board ap-1 ,UWUrt " ' . t 1 m (County Rwl Cross nurso and acting as Its- oubta.. .Last' year it was nl ;-ntcd by"tho. County Cierk.will hoslp !0USQ 13 always used .for lectlon. ,ft Umt capaoUy mado t,.0 oxamf,m. most impossible to get any one to tho official count of tho ballots today An' occassional pheasant may , bo t;0n8 of all tho school children in Lin tiollcit subscriptions. Thoso who and the official return will probably ,aeon and causes (Hiito a little wonder ; t.(iu county last year. Tho local board did volunteer were the ladies who , bo mado by tomorrow. It is not before- it is recognized. 0r education not employing a school had borno Ihe brunt of H10 work J thought there can bo any change In Mr. and Mrs. Aug 'Bragg returned I nurso regularly has requested Mrs on every Red Cross roll can. It Is i any result with the possible exception to their homo in Gothenburg on Tues- j Wieso to mako tho examinations. not fair to ask them to carry aR of the burden. This, year the officers have decided not to againImposethls . burden on them but to give any ono dlers in connection with hospitallza who will assume this task a chance ' tlon( vocational training and corn to volunteer for it. In the mean- p0nsation. There aro still somo cases time thoso who wish to Subscribe ,jmt mUBt bo cleaned up. It will may hand their subscriptions either take subscriptions to furnish tho to A. W. Shilling at the Weather Bureau or to Annie C. Kramph at 1 Ihe First National Bank. I During the past year this Chapter ( has handled over 200 cases of sol- Study these prices carefully, paying elsewhere. Give us a trial -goods do not mean high prices. delivery to your door. SPECIAL! Fancy Pink Salmon, Masterpiece Catsup, large size 18c Assorted Cookies, per lb. 15c Famous Windmill corn, can .15 Sweet early June peas .15 Yollow Jacket No. 2 sfzo, black cherries Royal Ann cherries and Barrtlott pears, regular 50c seller , .39 Yollow Jacket No. 2 slzo peaches, apricots, egg plums and muscat grapes regular 40c seller .32 Old Mill Standard pack peaches and apricots, No. 2 size .19 SPECIAL) 3 Bars Creme Oil Soap for 21c Star Naptha Washing Powder, large size 21c Free Deliverd Highest Markt Prices Paid for Butter and Eggs. Quantities Limited. None sold to Dealers. DeForest Cash Grocery, PHONE 212. - OFFICIAL GOUNI BALLOTS BEING MADE TODAY Many Surprises In The Results So For Announced- Endorsement Of Valuable Tho Tuesday election returns fori Lincoln county arc all-in but some havo not boon tabulated yet. Tho 1 " -"" ... .... ...w. JUJ. .... thoy wore returned but thoso for tho non-political ballot and tho roforcn- dum are only partially made tip. In Lincoln county the republicans won; tho U. S. senator, Lieutenant govern- or, attorney general, treasurer, land commissioner railway commissioner, congressman, state senator, register ot deeds, county treasurer, county at- torney, county commissioner and n,ag,strato Thtj democrats t0ak the governor, secretary of state, j L,1r,unP nnniv ,rt ,,,,- rr,, to win was Theo. Axtoll for the legls- lftture. Ho Is IE votes ahead at this I tlmo wUh ftbout forty ,nall ballots to Uy for county officers: Clerk, Allen tit u lAi we mo; itegisujr, xosi mm, , Hanson 1919; Trcasuror,. Souder 2765, Larlmoro 1393, Payne 1403; Shoi iff, Salisbury 2417, Bertho 3328. Figures on county commissioner were , mis-J piaceu untu too late tor printing but, Gordcn D. Eolls won by a considerable majority. The North Platto vote for county superintendent and that of i nIno"preclncts was missing last night but tho balance ot tho county gave ni. nn ..n. -r-nn mt. inongiu oy uhu iurs. iNorvn ioua. niUS cjiuracier 01 uio election seeiuo 10 uu the election of county officers which ,.... ..r IIHU UIO UL ll Ui W f of state representative where Axtell ' has only IS votos the lead ot Healey, , money to uo tins. tkj cnaptcr ia fortunate in havinu the services of ,, - ,. w. siiiiiinir who Is unusunllv com - ! " wj,0 nns been able to close all of them comparo them with what you arc order. You will And high quality Just phonei us your order. Free H large size per can 12 k Standard corn per can .10 Fresh eggs per doz. .39 Mixed candy por lb. .18 Applo butter, 1 lb. can .19 P & G Soap, io bars .17 25c can Dr. Prices Baking powder for .15 Famous Windmill poas .20 Applo Jolly, 3 glassos .25 Good Macaroni or spogotto pkg. 08 Roast beef, 2 lb. can JUS Olives, 20 oz. slzo .42 petenl ln handnff theB0 cases and;nltou of tho Isdom of tho farmei.a. OF ELECTION Progressives Was Asset. . SH.MOII HKMI PAIlENT-TtiiGIIl:K&'08tQrdny to the weal Flold-Blrgo ASSOCIATION HOLD fflumber yard whore a bin of coal was mv. im. nro was cnusca oy a . .. . . 1110 members ol the pnront-tcac-,iln ers association of the Senior high met Wednesday afternoon In th Senior high assembly hall. Aftct short business meeting a program Klvcn which consisted of . a roac 1 campaign against cancor. Dr. D. T. lug by Miss Gibson. This wnsQulgloy ot Omaha will glvo an ad - followed by topics for round table discussion, the first topic was "Did you know Senior High was In Star A Class" and was given by Miss John1 son; The topic "Cigarette Smoking , BM,rtt" WH wi h.wrf c.. i.n i. very Interesting talk on this subject. Tho topic What is your Idea of "Play L)fe , hIgh school wa8 discU8;od H n result there were fifty parents present. This was a very interesting mcetrhg, everyone present showing ,n decided interest in the topics discuss- ed. .. 'ul ..,.. ,Trta ,m.;v f WILD IIORSK VALL13Y On Thursday . Nov. Dth tho Ladles met with Mrs. Roy Oman to mnko more dress forms. , Th Rnnw nt j,a Hpnson felt lld v niornilllr and melted wltn inn oominir nr-imv. i i gratia schools. Mrs. Wloso was form The Sparmuth school enjoyed a .., ,., , 1, . . , i - .. , i , . Irlnv nn Mnv 7tli nH thn SPhonl day after a short visit at tho Carl1 Bergstrom homo. ! Tho much wished for rain camo on Saturday and Sunday s morning. Altogether it moasurod two ana ono half inches and soaked into the ground In fine shape. Not all tho prairio chickens aro kill ed yet in our nelchborhood. This ...., .1 .,t.i..,.i ...' i ciiuuiu iiui uu .uuaiuui i uo ii - .!.. - ti , V1LUL1U1L IU HUUIUIO. 1 L IB Ullll u Thllda Nelsbn left hero for Omaha ' Friday evening. Sho oxpectB to Btay there all winter. Sho was accom panied by Edith Forsberg, who will visit her brother Nat, who Is a bar. ber there. Seventy-two votes were cast 'in I Antelope predlnct. Tlireo men and two women served on tho board. (Bryan for Goyornr and Sprlngor for ' Commissioner received tho most votes. :o:- lr. and Mrs. Frank Adams ro- f turned to-day to their homo at Pas- ; adena, Calif, after spending several weeks at tho F. L. Tomplo homo.. ! I In a manner satisfactory to tho men. , A. C. Kramph, Chairman. , - ' Specials For Four Days 100 lbs Cabbage $1.25. Box Apples $1.15. ; Bushel Jonothan Apples 95c. All in Good Shape. T 7 McMichael Grocery, PHONE 441. ' I SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE AND THINGS ITEMS OF lTEUESTYVn0UT RE CENT HAPPENINGS IX THIS COMMUNITY Armlstlca day being a legal holiday, - tho pounty otfldoa will bo'bloiMl all r.dny Saturday. The flro dtniirLnt wna nnllrwl nut- SDontnncniis coinlniHtlnii s.........uv.i.a n.........u..n.. Vnf .....M. o wn8.dono ' ' ,v" There will bo a public meeting fttj,Hltnflnd,nff "1 Wlckwlro, troop I throe, received tho nersonnl hnnHh the I uvonlng in tho Interests of tho nation - ' dress on tho subject. Tho mooting; Is free and all nro Invited Mrs. Harrloito Ogdon Splckorman, , J"' . P u 0usbI Splokonnon of this city died mother ot Mrs. S. M. Soudor and Miss Wednesday evening -bt tho Sbudor T' 'Sr'!! y' eight months and 27'clays old.. Tho - body was taken to Marysvlllo, Miss-1 ' "iai wu, tina ZTTZ . .t. loyoa 80veruf j,ours yCstordarduo to I the big tiro at Kearney; Nbr. VHcn the 1 j. p. Gibbons olovator burned. Tho I hro was caused from spontaneous colnbust,ou whlch rcBUltwl ,n an ex. jploalon. Tho heat was so Intense ami tho flames warping tho trackB mado It imposslblo for trains to pass. Tho nt nf thn olivntrr u'n nat Imntml tm " '" bO ?70,000. ! Resinning Monday Mrs. II. D. Wiose win start an axamination of nil school 'children in tho citv who attend thn wi; miBB riuiuiitu vjuuillll, UIUUUIU ' A pay shelf has boon established at tho city library. The library funds aro so small that they do not cover tho actual needs for now tinnlrn n tlin linnnl In .inlnrr mnnl nf tho amount for the much-hdea roforenco works. . Tim vory latest fiction is purchnsd and; placed on tho shelf nnd a charge of ten conts a week lq mado until (he cost of the linnlr linn linnn mnf wlion it. will fin placed on tho free shelves. Patrons of th0 I,brary W,U g,adly mce thls emergency which will build up the library nnd make It hotter. :o: Mrs. Mary Grimes Jeft Wednesday for Boulder, Colo.,, wjiero Bho will spend two months visiting her sister. Sho will leavo tho flrBtof tho year for California where sho will spend tho romaindorr of tho winter. kr. and Mrs. Julius Hahler loft yesterday for" Omaha whoro thoy will visit for a fow dayB. 'Mr. and Mrs. Hahler are enroute to Rochester, Minn, Ocorgo Frodricks loft yesterday for Hastings to attend the Shrlnors convention. Carl Simons transacted business . in Ogallala yesterday. -- - M-TIlll .III. I KCOUTvCOUltT OF HONOR HOLDS 1NTHR10STINO OPENING SHOUTINft ' Tho Court ot Honor ot tho local' council, Boy Scouts of Amorlca met in ' ; tho court room, last Wednesday night j for its first KOBston. Tho court Is !ho awarding body for merit badges and first and second class pins. C. 1 . i Tomplo Is chairman of tho court, i K. 15. Carr. nrosldent of tho council. . nwardde tho second class pins. J. ) C Holmnn, scout commissioner, a - j '"lpd the second class pins. J. u. ftiopnpns, uio executive, awnrdod tho merit badges. George W0R0, or troop five, rccolved his first class ' badge, Beolor Scott, also or troop' ilvo, received four morlt badges, . ... . . carpentry, llfo saving, swlmlng, and safoty first Charles Tuckor. troop, live, received a morlt badgo for . ,,,, , . . 1 morlt badge. I Tho drum and buglo co'rps openod j mooting by playing tho assembly cull. It then played tho scouts call whllo Linn' Twlnom, Senior Patrol Leader for troop one, ushored tho candidates to' their seatni tho chairs UBod by tho Jurymen in rognlar court. Invocation was given after which tho ijcbutB pledgo to tho flag was ropeat ed. Tho Awards woro mado next after which tho meeting was closed wltfli the "scout oa,th and benediction. -:o:- OmCINAL IDEAS ADOUT AXITO MOllILES 1Y, NOTED FIIjM STARS Charles Jones, star In the "Fast Mall" production -which will bo shown at tho Kcltlf beginning -Saturday night, is thinking somo of be coming an Inventor. Ho haB a parti cular invention in mind and bellevos -. . .. that K ho had had tho dovlco on an Liilnmnlilla nuinnllu U ,nlt.t prevented somo nnifiyanco as well as some quick thinking on his part as to whether hq was going to bo nllvo a fow momonntH lator. Jones borrowed a frlond's car to take n spin ono Holloywood aftcr- noon In Juno, his own machine being In tho shop, and wondod his way out !Wurtclo nnd Mrs Mai.y stlinson. on ono of tho ribbon-like roads for' which some people claim Caliroriila WOMANS CLUB. Is famous. Tho 'gcnoral club will meet Tuesday Tho car Jones was using broko a aftornoon at 2:30 In the Methodist steorlng knucklo going down a hill, chut-ch parlors. A good attondonco and tho star saved hlmsolf by leaping j ' desired as roports will bo glvoni by from tho machine Just before It hit 1 tho convention committoos. Tho pro a stono nbutmont. Tho . car Is Bald Km for Bettor Book Week will ho to hnvo been worth at least a dollar aMv 8 nmT8h' " --. huiiiuduu.v uu;ni iu puriect uu appara tus that will stop a spoedlng motor car by tho drlvor Just hollering "Whoa." Jones thinks It would hi iu l),B "omand. Howovor, Reoves Eason, who dl rccted Jones In "Rough Shod," thinks tho Idea is all wrong. Eason thinks a bettor plan would bo to carry a load of sand on tho treat end of tho- car so a motorist will havo something soft to fall Into In case the mnchlno Is wrecked. -:o:- W. W. Sioler of Wallace was a busi ness visitor in tho city yesterday. Tho members of the W. W G. of the Baptist church gave a supper in tho basement of 'tho Baptist church last ovcnlng. DRUG SPECIALS Saturday Only. .25 Colgate Dental Croam 18 .2C Cashmoro Boquot Soap , .18 .25 DoWitt Toilet Cream . r. Tla .50 Jorgons Benzoin and Almond Lotion . , Ji$ .50 MulslHod Cocoanut Oil Shampoo. .38 .35 Gets It, for corns j; 1.10 Tanlac , j& 1.20 Nujol Oil . . .95 1.50 Woodward's Chtcolato Cherries 00 Woodward's Chocolate Cherries.! ACTIVITIES OF THE y i iVHAT is BEING BONK BY T1IK DIFFERENT LODGES AND SOCIETIES ' METHODIST ! 11:00 "A Triumphant C'liurch " 7:3a Union revival meetings 1,AI'TIST ll'00 "IIow Roadcst Thou?" 8,00 Unln services. jeffbrsoN Pn.m,.Tfflrl, 'xti, wUl ........ ,... i iiramauii vixty, XU il . O CIOCK L, tll0 Bci10ol building. LUTHERAN 11:00 "Tho Contribution oftho Luth eran church to Amorlcan Llfo.:' S:00 "Sitting Still." EPISCOPAL Guild will moot Thursday at tho homo of Mrs. S. Schwntgcr, 502 East 5th St. Everyone is invited to attend. LUTHERAN Tho young peoples missionary so cloty will moot Tuesday ovonlngwlth MIsa Ina DIonor, 517 South PlneW;. NIOAFIGEE rl Campflro will meet TuoBday, Nor. 14 fit tho home of Miss Bonnlo Mur doch. This will bo a coromonlal meeting. AMERICAN LEGION All American Legion men. and ox Brvlco mon aro Invited to attend tho dinner glvon by tho War Mothors at, tho Lutheran church parlors, Satur day, Nov. 11th. Everyone wolcome. AUXILIARY To tho American Legion will moot Friday ovcnlng. There will bo a busi ness and sbclal mooting at this time. Thoso on the entoTtnlnlng commlttoo nro Ella Thayer. Besslo Show. Mrs. j Manger, Mrs. Geo. .Vosolpka. Mrs. in chnrgo librarian. ot Miss Wheeler,- city -:o: LOCAL FOOTBALL TEAM COACHES LEAVE F.OH COLUMHUS AND Tho local football team and Itn coaches left yestorday for Columbus whoro thoy will moot tho fnst Colum bus toain this aftornoon. Columbus was defeated last year by North Pljvtfo by a lfi to 13 score. This gamtS pro mises to bo ono of the fastest gam on of the season for Columbus is ono ot tho four toams o tho stata which has not lost a game so far this season, nnd thoy nro out strong for the stato honom. Tho team will return soma-, tlmo tomorrow. George Raue ot Kearney came lao ovcnlng to visit with friends In tho city for a few days. ORGANIZATIONS North Side Drug Store, Phono C54 We Deliver