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llorth 0, TUESDAY and FRIDAY thirty-eigBth year NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 14, 1922. No. 89 J lattc f eini-Wechlu mmmt H STORE OPENED ON THE NORTH SIDE v MI51SCANT1LK KSTAIUilSHMNNT , f umiCTS building- and BUYS STOCK ' H. G. Lamb has competed Ii Is now i building pn North Lpcliat stroot and will open for businesslna fow days. The now building Is a jaho-story flro-1 proof structure on the west side of tbo streot just north of the North ( Tlatto Mercantile Co. building. The j building 1ms a fine shw front and Jb well furnished nnd appointed with in. Mr. Lamb Is stocking up with dry goods, shoes, clothing, notions, toy, groceries and produce. His goods are arriving every day and be fore long his lines will bo complete and up-to-date. Mr. Lamb Is a son of H. Nt Lamb well-lcnown as a mer chant hero for a number of years. He has been in business In Stapleton for about ten years but sold out there two years ago. In a conver sation yesterday Mr. Lamb said, "I ttiink North Platte has a big future. Ol course there are qulto a number of competing business houses but then there, are a lot of people hero and more are coming all the time. North Platte looks good to me." The enterprise of such men aB Harry Lamb is just right. With the same qualities that won him success In his iormer location and tho liberal use of advertising Mr. "Lamb Is sure to make, a success of his business here. The store Is now open for business iuul selling from tho stock oq hand is going on all the time. Laura Beel has taken a position ttith tho O'Connor story.' A daughter was boryn, to Mr. and Mrs. Fcliberto Gomez on Friday. Carl Hollman and Max VonGoeU )ieaSaturjda4(elma tbejvspent several days hunting. Miss Lucille Dikman spent the week end in Sutherland visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. B. A. Diknan. Misses Graco Illrsch and Helen Getty spent tlieuveOk end in Greeley visiting Miss1 Avalon .Hockenberger. lUvAr blades sltarncned, ono cent each. 1'ilce is snmo for single or double Trige. All work guaranteed Stones Ding Store. The Manualo Tho Player-Piano that is almost human. Sister Sinco aspires to be a skilled pianist, let her play tho masterpieces of tho great composers in her own way. Tho Manualo is tho ono Instrument upon which this can be done a vital aid to herliana playing. ' Coma in -play It juraolf Piano Case Refmlahlng Ho! ley Music House Our i , , 1 t , , - . . -.. ATTENDING COLLEGES STUDENTS IN OTItElt SCIldOLS THAN THE UNIVEIIS1TV OF NEBRASKA A wfe'eiragd tlio'TrlBuue" printed a lis't of the North Platto boys and i being given, the- outside door was j fhis is good book week at tho Li glrls who aro attending the Unlvor-opened and two men were seen tojbrary nna an parents Interested In sity or Nebraska. We asked for enter the room. When they left they t buying good children books can soo corrections and additions. Nono slammed the door. This started an the now ones purchased recently by have been received. Herewith wo , investigation which showed Jthat a tho library. Thero aro also sevoral are presenting a list of North Platto boys and girls who are attending other institutions of higher cduca - tion. We again ask for corrections and additions. Tho list contains twenty-seven names which is oxactly Miii tinmlmti In Mi ri TTntvnpotfv n C Mn. bllU 11 U 1 It U 1 U UUIT1..M.VJ V L braska list. It Is a list to bo' proud of and one which tho Tribune la ' proud t(f publish. Here is tho list: ! University of Oklahoma Archie Hood Midland College Chas. Yost Everett Adams Harvard University Leslie Bare Columbia University ; Esther Schwalger f Cotner College William Mecombor r ft Everett Bradley Wesloyan University Freeman Hansen University of Chicago Paul Simon Chester Cummlngs . Mrs. Chester Cummlngs Colorado School of Mines Earl Foster University of Wisconsin Hafry Waltomath Kearney Teachers' Collogc Claudo Smith Notro Dame Unlvorelty Gerald McGInloy Austin Bedell Nicholas McOabe Konnoth Wholan Urban Simons Hastings College , . Francos Edwards Luolla Adamson Florine Stobblns Loland Stanford University Russell Langford Loator Langford University of California Margaret Frodrlckaon. Waahburn Collogo Albert Shenk Carthage College Helen Bird -:o:- CUntona for eye gl&saea. Annual Paul Revere ItOBBEKY AT CHURCH WHIM MOKMNG SERVICE IS IN ' PROGRESS The anteroom occupied by the choir 1 of tlife Methodist church was entertd 1 during tho morning sorylco yesterday i by two men and an overcoat and purse ' were taken. Last Friday night while ' tho members of tho choir were prac ticlug nmoono entered tho choir , room and took a pockctbootc belong- I ing to Mrs. Chas. MuNamnra. On ; t Sunday mornlng Avfiilo the sormonvas ', , nurse belonging to Miss Itoxle Erb and j a now overcoat worn for the first lmo by AV. C. OUphant were missing, .officers were notified nt once and l,lnns made to koeP tl10 outside door locked. I O i OMAHA IUtEACIIEn ENTERTAINS ' AND TIHULLS LOCAL CLUB .ArEMBEKS ' Dr. Frank Smith, pastor of the Congregational church of Omaha was tho guesl of honor and spoko to tho j members and friends at a joint moot ing of the Rotary and Kiwanls clubs last . evening at the Presbyterian j church. The dinner was served by the ladles of tho church and was warmly commended for the order liness and easo with which the two j hundred or moro were served. S. J Graham Frasor le;ad in the singing I and tho Kiwanls orchestra gavo a selection. Rev. Patterson Introduc-, cd Dr. Smith who spoko on the new ( nivilW.Rtlon and what it means. His was a plea for a larger measure ol spirituality and morality and less of tho commonplaco in ourTldeals and practices. Ho introduced his subject with a number of Btori'es each seem ing to bo moro humorous than tho last until his audloncowas almost beyond control with merriment. Then In his dramatic way ho turned tho idea into serious channels and as easily brought tears as ho had laughter. Following his address, ho was requested to lead the clubs in Blnglng "Sweet Adolino" and this ho did with unusual success. :o: i Edward Hanson of Council Bluffs is I spending a fow days in tho city visit ing with rolatlvos. ThoB. Adams and daughter Audra attended the Crolghton Midland foot hall game at Omaha Saturday. Mlaa ISather Poaaum ot Paxton vilted with friendB in the city last week. Miss M. Latham of Curtis vlsttod with friends in the city for a few lay8 last week. SHOOT STORIES OF PEOPLEiD THINGS ite3is of interest about he cent hal'penings in this Community ...... . - -v.; A-y I We Like to Meet i THAOUmt ASSOCIATION' JIISUT WICON'MSDAY KVHKINft Tho Paront-Toachora Association of the- Washington school will moot Wednesday evening,. Ndv. IB at 8 p. in nu imtTOBiinr program uaa been prepared and the following will take part; j. o. Hollman will prealde at the meet'ng, and community alng ng win be lead by W. II. Mungorl Talka will be glvon by Chas. Town wnU. J. B. ttlwarda. M. B. Scott and fSupL ftrahnnt and a aolo by Royer I'AIIHNT WILL tiaatmga. Fathers are Mpeoially Kme tho long ond of (lib acoro go , Invited;. Itorreshmenta will honor- It's to Columbus. Tho locals played vod. a slow game tn the start but got in . .,on tho second half and showed tho , llata on theae hooka and other good,' old time pop. Columbus has a maturo j books of intoreat to evoryone. yoll-trained loam which has not It. L. Cochranrtod tho laying ! 80 f" his season. In of tho corner -tone nf tim vw . in.ct .U ,s ono f 41,0 "reo teams ..... . I capitol at Liicoln on Armistice day. . Ho was a representative of tho local j post of tho American Legion. Each I post of tho American Legion as far as j possible sent one or moro roprcsenta tlvs to Lincoln for tho occasion. Itaymond Newman, who will be re membered as a Btudont In tho North Platte high school about twelvo years ago and who was one of tho football follows who mndo North Platte fam ous in those days, was elected Sher iff of McPherson county at tho clec- itlon last Tuesday. Good luck. Ray! Two more contracts for paving were recently lot by tho city council. Thoy aro for tho district comprising second street and tho west end or sixth street. Thero aro rivo more block on west sixth street to bo cov ored with nBphalt and tho paving work undertaken this yoar will be completed, The concrete baso Jot these five blocks has boon laid ana is protected by a thick layer of Btraw whllo it Is setting. Tho asphalt can bo put on tho surface during cold ; weathor so It 1b probablo that tho stroot will bo finished and opened as soon as tho baso Is bard enough. r ThenQw steam plant for tho new court house Is completed and in run ning order. II hns been connected with the old court house nnd with tho jail building. Tho hard coal stoves which havo been In uso there Who Are "Merely Looking WE appreciate the courtesy of your call whether you are in the market for a now car, or are merely interested in cars and have no imm ediate intention of investing. It's our business, as we look at it, to .know all about automobiles and to impart that knowledge to whomsover seek to learn. Consider this as the local automobile headquarters and come in at any time for a friendly chat. You won;t be annoyed by solicitations to purchase. You can add to you're store of information by such a call. We are amply recompensed if we can add to our circle of acquaintance. DoBBB Brothers MOTOR, VEHICLES ( J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. - 4h A Loam. Distributor far Havolino Oil ' PlMim You nuu$ tee the New Buihtn Covvo utui Sedan iicdeU, all flee Hnttlet, with permanent hakvd enamel jiuirh and Much wonderful piem. Mom value for leu money and guaranteed nit itf action hi By Vodge Modt'l. , "mm. oope o?j LOCAL SITUATION MUM SCHOOL HOIS TO MV.V.V SOJIB nm TKA3IS llliPOlth SHASOX IS HN'OKI) The high acliool team went to Col muus Friday nnd played rt 25 to 0 iwiuch are contenders for tho otnf championship. Kearney and Omaha Central aro tho two others. Eacbr of tho major teams will play throo nioro games this season so thoro Is a chanco of any of tho throo bolnn dofcatod. In case two or thorn ond tho senson with a clean slato, a post season gamo la talked of. Noxt Fri day the Fremont bunch will bo horo and whllo both teams hnvo been beaten during- tho season, both aro strong teams and a good gamo Is oxpoeted. Indoor practice watt hjoid last night with all members of tho team on hand. If tho weather per mits, regular field practtco will bo resumed today and the rest of the week. -:o: Mr. nnd Mrs. C. 0. Smith of Curtis spout Sunday In the city visiting at tho A. B. Smith home. for so many years havo been taken out and tho steam radiators substl tlitedj Tho whole Bystem In tho old building is a part of tho equipment for tho new court houso and in tho spring will bo taken down and put In the new structure. Tho saving In coal during the present winter will much mqro than pay for io work ot putting' the; steam in and4hard coal was impossible to got. Steam heat will also be used In tho now. building during the progress ot work this winter as booh as tho windows and. doors aro In place. Those Mcdonald orchestra OF OMAHA. 'MONDAYS' & SATURDAYS'.