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lorth C2 TUESDAY and FIUDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 17, 1922. No. 90 Che P ) SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE 10 THINGS TODAY'S UA.VKS IS ONK WOltTlIY OF THE ATTENTION OF . ALL FAN'S i ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT HE CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY North Platte gave Howell 882 votes. Hitchcock G82yotcs and Beebe 493 votes for United States Senator. This was a total of 1957 vofes cast 1n the city for the head of the ticket.. Mrs. Mary Axtell carried. North Pattc for the office of Commissioner of Public Land .and Buildings. The vote was Swanson C91, Warrington 413, Axtell 761. Lincoln county gave Howell 685 votes more than the combined voto for Hitchcock and Beebe. The result was Howell 3144, Hitchcock 1512. Beiebe 947. One of the fustoat and best games of the season will bo played hero this afternoon when the locttl. grldsters moot tho faBt Fremont team. Fre mont has suffered but ono defeat this season and that by Lincoln Fromont has ono of tho fastest teams of the state. North Platte has never played football with Fremont and is confident of tho long end of the score i ;q I cm lihuarian' hklikvks in liHADIXG AS A WINTEIt KKCKHATIOX iflrv Football Today. TO HOLD PURE BRED HEREFQRDSflLE HERE iK.U'ltKAl Ir DISCl'SSKS PUItli MltHI) OA'ITIjH KAIKI.NU and ITS ITTUUH LINCOLN COUNTY (51 YEN QUOTA FOU UNlVEltSITY STADIUM . . dkivi: Miss Wheeler, city librarian yes- Tho Lincoln county Hereford Breeders' Association hold a mooting 1 in tho Platte Valley bank recently! and decided to hold a salo hero In 1 North Platte during tho early spring. I Tho details of tho salo havo not been t tcrday issued the following, state- j I'KJUHES ON COUNTY OFFICIALS' decided upon but the officers arc at FKOM FINAL COUNT BY PHECINCTS Bob Simmons carried North Platte by 57 votes but lost Lincoln county I by 24 votes. Smith on a platform of light wines and beer got 70 votes in North Platte and 200 more in tho I county outside of the county seat. ment of Interest to library patrons: When wlntcr-tlnio approaches to cut short the out-door pleasures or summer, reading presents Itself as an enjoyable recreation. Thomas , Hardy's "Under the Greenwood Trco" Following Is tho official canvass of will recall for you tho mild spring- election returns for Superintendent of time, just as his "Return of tho j Public Instruction of Lincoln County. Native" shows a winter in England. This is a non-political offico and was But If you prefor scenes nearer home, , voted upon a separate ballot, there is Wills Cathor's "O Pioneers" ' a thrilling story woon about Nebras ka farm life. Then again you may be tired of our prairies; tho sailors of Joseph Conrad's sea Btories will First Wank. 319 Second Ward- Third Ward. Wells C. Jones carried Lincoln county for tho office of county at torney by a majority of almost 4,000 votes. The official count gave him 11,909. He had no opposition. The funeral of tho late Otis Fowl er who died Monday from effects of pneumonia was held yesterday at 2 o'clock from the Baptist "church Rev. Shenk officiating. Burial was made In the local cemetery. voyage with you to far countries, or the beauties of Italy will be unfolded before you in McCracken's "Italian Fourth Win d Lakes". Whenever you long for a I.Mali Voto more leisurely ago than tho present one Well's "History" discloses a panorama, of countless generations. Whatever your tastes of inclinations the world of books awaits to glvo you pleasure and service. :o: B.iRket ball practice will begin in About two weeks. There aro pros pects of a better team than has over gone from tho high school. Thoro are about forty boys who will get out for practice. Mr. Roettgor will coach the team this year. ONK OF NORTH PLATTE'S YOUNG MEN TO OPEN DOWN TOWN FLORAL SHOP Cox Springdalc 300 34 S 201 27 East Hlnman 6G Antelope 47 Table 5 North Rosedalo, ,. S Bird wood . 18 ' Box Elder 18 Brady 114 Buchanan , 22 Cottonwood C 55 17 12 30 --rr-r Mrs. North carried 35 precincts and Mr. Ebright 11 while Falrvlcw.i Garfield and Willow showed impar tiality by giving each tho same num-. Ikst of votes. The smallest number of votes cast in any precinct for county superintendent was in Hooker where only thirteen people voted. Mrs. . North's majority was 1,262. ' Floyd C. Daniels, ono of the city's Dooi.; most prominent young men will open ii clcon 61 a floral shop at 508 Locust, in the pnrvPW .... i . ... , .i i... ii. r nuuuing lormeriy ocuuiieu uy me. pox oL.ek; Waldorf Plumbing Shop. The building will bo shared with tho Brown studio. Mr. Daniels will ship his flowers' from eastern markets. He has been em ployed for tho past eight years by the Pass Floral Co., so ho thoroughly un derstands how to handle flowers.. The new shop will be opened Saturday November 25. :o: 32 55 22 43 35 18 16 9 17 13 IS The Yeomen Home committee left last evening for Des Moines. Thero woro twelve members representing North Platte, they aro: James Keofe, 0?H. Thoolcke, Ira Bare, Dr. Claudo Selby, W. R. Maloney, L. B. Dick, Dr. T. J. Kerr, R. L. Cochran, F. C. Piel sticker, T. O. Swcnson, W. II. Mc Donald and R. C. Langford. Clintons for spectacles. fraternity, Sigma Tau at the Univer sity of Nebraska. This fraternity was organized at tho University nine teen years ago and is one of sixteen chapters now organized in tho United States. The new class consisted of eighteen members and all were se lected students who in standings were In the upper one-third of tho class. Jn tho fourth ward two men tied for Justice of the Peace and it will be necessary lor them both to report to tho County clerk and In some way decide which will take tho oath of office before either can qualify. The two successful candidates are Chester Mocomber and Charles Llerk- Each got one vote. Tho current Union Pacific magazlno carries a picture of Win. S. Dolson of this city with tho following note: Win. S. Djolson, pensioned engineer was born at Lansing, Iowa on October 3, 185S. He entered tho omploy of the. Union Pacific railroad in May 1S77 at Sidney, Nebr. Ho later wont to North Platte and was placed as an engineer In May 1884 continuing in this capacl- Garflold Gaslin Hall ... Harrison I Human Hooker . Kom Uosedale Lemon Maxwell i. 108 Medicine 103 Miller 14 Sutherland 238 Myrtle 15 Ilorshoy 114 No well .. 19 Payna 62 Osgood ,. 53 Pockman 79 Plant 32 Jeffrey 22 Sollors Somerset . Sunshine Vromun Walkor :. Wallaco 136 Well . .'. 34 Whittier 1.. 27 Willow " 15 25 28 45 29 26 S 1G9 144 178 1G7 14. 51 19 "17 43 26 10 54: 37J r26 ,f13 ?26 -Hd, 32 . .37 , i22 Ha' '" 18 3 40 4, 8 19 8 66 44 33 ,83 29 " 99 17 2S 26 13 26 12 37 .29 31 25 41 50 50 13 15 work on tho plans now and they will be announced later. Secretary A. Gaudorault gave out tho following statement at tho close of tho meet ing: "The pure bred Industry has been hard hit and it will tako a lot of good co-operation to bring It back to normalcy. Tho cattlo men at tho meotjng were optimistic that things will right themselves and that busi ness will soon bo on a solid founda tion again. Never In tho history of Lincoln bounty was thoro stcli xi shortage of breeding cattle. It takes a pretty good dairy cow to make $30 worth of butter fat in a year while a great many beof calves havo brught that much at weaning timo. A $30 calf will pay 10 on a $300 cow for one year but If tho cow is worth only $100 It will pay 30 on tho Investment. With tho shortage of tho grain crop farmers are turning back to tho old cow as tho means of earning a llviihood. And tho best investment Is a puro bred cow. If a farmer invests $100 to $150 for a young registered cow and can cash In her calf for $100, what bank stock or oil stock or mining stock can assure you of greater dividends? One section of sand hill pasture llko we havo has been carrying llfty cows and calves all summer and thoy camo off in October, nice, sleefc and fat. Thero aro a thousand sections In Lincoln county which arc now ldlo and which could easily carry fifty cows and calves during tho grazing season. Think what an enormous loss to tho people of thlH county when theso sections aro not used. It becomes the .ranchmen of Lincoln county to slick to tho comely old cow and stock up those vast fertile ranches to thoir capacity. That will bring prosperity to tho whole county." "Never before has thoro been a better opportunity to buy good breed ing cattlo cheap, than thero is today vith breeding cows so cheap and a range between grass cattlo and fat cattlo of only ?4. per hundred. In driving through this county a man Is impressed with the scarcity of flno cattle. It is estimated thero is less than 2 of tho cattlo In Lincoln county which are pure bred and loss than 10 which aro bred up so they would bo called good cattlo. And , yet Lincoln county has as many Mr. and Mrs. Asa Cross of Lex- great Hereford sires as any county H. L. Cochran has boon appointed o'-.nlrmun of the Lincoln county com mittee to rase $240,000 to build nn athletic stadium at tho University of N'obrnskn. He is appointing his com tnlttoo and the work of raising $15,000 .'hlch Ih Lli' oln county's quota, will 'login the coming week. Tho noeds of the University aro so many and ex tensive that Ib has not seemed possible to gut an appropriation largo enough to build an athletic field big enough to answor the purpose. It was finally decided not to ask tho tnxpayor for any money for this purposo but to rnt8o tho amount among tho friends of the University. Tho students were tackled first and exceeded their quota by 23 per cent. Tho faculty exceeded Its quota by almost as much. Now tho alumni and former students aro to bo given a clianca to exceed their quota which is assigned by counties. SHIP DRIVE TO BEGIN LINCOLN COUNTY CHAPTER TO ASIC CITIZENS TO IHiCOME MEMIilMtS Mr. and Mrs. Claudo Wolngand of Los Angeles, Calif, aro visiting In the- city with relatives. Thoy woro formor residents horo. MrB. Davo Templo returned to hor home In Goring Wednesday aftor visiting In tho city with friends for a f(v days. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Strahorn loft Wednesday for California whoro thoy will spend tho winter. They will stop at Las Vagas, Nevada whoro thoy 'vlll visit tho Geo. Zontmyor family for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jotor returned tho firBt of tho wook from -Los An goles, Calif, whora thoy woro called soveral weeks ago by tho lllneBS of thoir daughter Byrl. Sho accompanied her parents homo and will spend sev eral weeks horo. Tho annual lloll Call of tho Am erican Red Cross oxtondB from Arra lstlco Day to Thanksgiving. During this timo the Chapter officials over tho whole United States nro securing memberships for tho coming year. Tho cost of a membership Is ono dollar. A receipt and a button aro givon at tho timo tho membership is taken. Tho members aro entitled to tako an active part in tho organ ization of tho Chapter and through tho dollar fco they aro Instrumental in helping with the various activities ot tho association. Miss Anna C. Kramph is chairman of tho Llncoll county chapter and A. W. Shilling is secrotary. Thoro aro flvo branch or ganfzations In tho county with two or three doing active work. Com mittees will bo appointed to solicit memberships but in tho meantime either Miss Kramph or Mr. Shitting will ho glad to enroll anyono Inter ested enough to look them up. Tho work of tho past yoar was largely confined to support of health nurso and looking aftor various depart ments connected with returned sol diers. Lincoln county's quota la 1500 members. ' -:o: PARKNT-TEACHERS OF THE LIN COLN SCHOOL HOLD ROUND TABLE wltji only nbout 300 puro bred Hereford cows In the county wo won't make much of an Impression on supplying tho requlrod puro bred bulls. Thoroforo It is tho thing to get .hold Of .puro bred .cows now .and tho ranchman who Wishes tho vory best blood docs not havo to leave home but can get a fine start right hero in Lincoln county." Tho Parent-Teacher association of tho Lincoln school mot Wednes day afternoon In tho school houso with sovcnty-llvo parents present, A splendid program was rendered at which time 'vocal boIob were rondorod by S. Graham Frasor. Short Ptnlkn woro given by Rev. N. P. Patterson and Rev. H. E. Hees which woro fol lowed by topics for round table discussion. DeFOREST CASH GROCERY Word was recelvod this week of the election of Donald Nowton, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Newton ot this city to tho honorary engineering I service a in 1.1,. un st t 1 Tnnnniv ly mini ma iciucmu..fc ,.i . 4,... TTi.., olo Tn roalnnlrlnp. 1922, duo' to becoming incapacitated. 'Klon l uy ' u'"-u . . TZi He was granted a pension. September formers brother H. Cross for a fowl tho ranchmen will invariably want 0, 1922, after 44 years and 9 months' whllo enrouto to Los Angoles to uso nothing but pure-bred bulls nnu llioau mutiny iiuiuiui v.". PHONE 212 NORTH SIDE PHONE 212 Free Delivery to any Part of the City EMOmW daily SPECIALS UWIMMYM Saturday and Monday IS CROWDED WITFI THE RAREST SORT OF BARGAINS TOMATOES Large size, solid pack Per Con 12c to spend tho winter. DRUG SPECIALS Saturday Only. 4, 35c Pond's Vanishing Cream 50c Hind's Hojiy and Almond Cream 50c Palm Olive Shampoo 75c Day Dream Face Powder 50c Limestone Phosphate 60c Doan's Kidney Pills j -. ,- -60c Chamberlain's Cough Remedy- -$1.00 Ze Pyrol Lux . - - Palm Olive Soap - Camel Cigarettes, per Cartoon All Ivory Toilet Articles One-Third Off. 27c . 37c 37c 57c - 27c 49c 44c 73c 10c 7c $1.15 North Side Drug Store, am Heating Stoves and Ranges Must Go. On account of wasting time in moving from Cheyenne to North Platte, we were a little late for the Heating Stove season, therefore we are offeJing Heaitng Stoves and Ranges at a small margin above cost. We handle the best quality of stoves of differ ent kinds, that the market affords. Call and see us at the NEW FURNITURE STORE and save money. Davis Furniture Company 207-9 East Sixth St. PHONE 196 Just around the corner from tho First National Bank. II GREEN OR WAX 1 I BEANS I 1 No. 2 size, fine quality I I Per Can 14c I f w fES5?AlT '" 1 FAIRY SOAP i 1 SKINNED HAMS Q 1 I Half or whole I g KeSular 10c seller I I Per lb. 27c I I 4 Bars lor 25c 1 R. B. C. COFFEE per lb. . . . . 40c Ivory sonp flakes 3 pkgs. for .25 Puro Jam 2 oz. jar 2 Windmill Maine corn por can .18 Itico fancy porlo.. . .09 Eaglo brand milk .22 Lonum nnd Vanlla extract douhlo strength, 2 oz. Dried llecf, mod, jar Spaghetti, duality No. 2 .11 ;i2 on SUGAR, GRANULATED, IO LBS. FOR 85c OUR QUALITY BRAND COFFEE, per lb. . 35c 3 lbs. for $1.00. Fully Guaranteed. Van Camp Tomato catsup largo bottlo i Van Camp Tomato Soup... .10 Fancy Bccdloss raisins, lb.. .21 Four pleklcB per doz-. . 0 Swcot Cider por qt .CO Sweot potatooB por lb. .08 Gallon Poaches ,CS Maplo syrup 2 lb can ,C0 Mixed cooklos por lb. .10 WE ALL WANT TO SAVE THEN WHY NOT BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE. Phono C54 Wo Dollvor